Unseen Sounds In The Bunker
Branch: *wakes up and hears walking in his room and instantly gets up and turns the lights on and turns on the light and looks around feeling confused cause he just heard someone walking but puts it to the side brushing it off by him just being tired and turns the lights back off and throws himself back into his bed and goes back to sleep*
The next morning
Branch: *gets up and heads to make something and just has he's finishing up he hears a door close in his bunker in one of his rooms. Confused he comes out of the kitchen and peeks around the corner and with a raised eye brow he asks* who's there!? *remembering back o last night he now sees he wasn't hearing things, he just woke up but he took a shower and is not as tired as he was a is now more awake now and sees that its not him but yet again brushes it off has his mind going due to his past and goes back to eating and all*
Just as hes cleaning his dishes he hears someone whisper his name with a small laughter*
Branch: *turns around and finds no one and feels a bit on edge* uhh....ooo...who there!?
No answer.
Branch: I'm armed!!!
No response
Branch: sus. *narrows his eyes but continues on as if nothing was happening but keep his ears on alert*
As he heads to his elevator to go and grab something and do some stuff outdoors he hears the same footsteps from his room and as he looks over to his room he then sees his door slam shut loudly causing him to jump with a gasp and eyes widen in fear and jittery grabs the lever and pulls it making him go up*
He reaches the door Matt
Branch: *hops out and his door slams shut almost bitting his foot and on his butt he backs away scared of everything that's happening and stares at it while breathing heavily from all the fear*
Poppy: branch?
Branch: *turns around jumping with a gasp as he stands up backing away from her* oh...It's you.
Poppy: is everything okay? You seam jumpy. Is everything okay in there. *refers to the bunker*
Branch: *is confused but then looks at his bunker and fakes a smile not wanting her to be worried about so and smiles with a laugh* oh!😂😂 yeah, everything is fine. Why do you ask?
Poppy: cause you seam a hit uptight about something.
Branch: what? Me? Branch? Uptight? What? Noo!! Me? Branch? Pff, noo.
Poppy: branch. Branch!...............BRANCH!
Branch: *jumps and signs* okay.... I woke up last night hearing footsteps in my room and I jumped to see what it was by turning on my lights and saw nothing. Thinking it was my tired head I turned off the lights and went to sleep. I then for the most part I have heard door slaming, doors shuting, voices, footsteps. And right before you came. My door Matt shut fast almost slicing my foot off. So no, I'm not okay.
Poppy: *grabs em into a hug* oh branch! Why didn't you tell me?
Branch: cause I was afraid you get so worried and won't focus on yourself.
Poppy: well, now that I know we need to make sure this doesn't ever happen. So, lets go and investigate! *grabs em and runs to his door matt*
Branch: *pulls his arm from her grasp* poppy wait! We don't know who it is! We can't go in without knowing it's intentions are. Were not prepared for it.
Poppy: uuhhh, yes we are! Who's Mr. Safety boy?! *opens the door Matt and pushes em in* lets go see what it is and what it wants! *hosp in and is about to pull the lever*
Branch: *grabs her arm stopping her from pulling the lever*
Poppy: wah, branch what are you doing?
Branch: I don't think this is safe. *fear fills his eyes*
Poppy: well, nothing will hurt you. I'm here. They won't hurt you. *smiles* I promise.
Branch: *smiles and signs* okay.... Fine.
Poppy: and, dont forget. Its your bunker. It's your safety place. There's no reason to be fearing anything.
Branch: you know what. Yeah! Your right. I shouldn't fear, it's my bunker.
They head down and they stand on the elevator examining their boundaries and their area.
Poppy: so what did you say you saw and heard?
As if it was summoned a ball comes rolling out from his bedroom
Branch: *gasps* it can't be *shakes his head*
Poppy: *goes and picks it up* what's going on?
Branch: I...don't.... Know....🤔🤔
Poppy: *looks around for some answers. As she walks towards his room to see if she could fine anything the door slams shut in her face causing her to jump* aaahh!!
Branch: *runs to poppy grabbing her and pulling her behind and grabs a stick and opens the door ready to strike at whoever is doing this to em and as he opens it and raises the stick to.strike but sees no one and looks behind the door and sees nothing and no one and is confused out of his mind* okay we can figure this out, All's we need to do is.......poppy.....
Branch: *looks and notices she's gone. Thinking she went to check some rooms he looks down the hall and sees her peeking out one of the doors and smiles thinking she's trying to play and heads towards her* Poppy.... We need to focus🙂🙂....come out. I know your there. *goes into the room and gets the door slammed in his face. Feeling something bad is wrong with her he knocks on the door and speaks to her* Poppy... Babe, you okay? Why did you slam the door on me? It's okay to be scared. I'm here, nothing will hurt you.....you said yourself it's my bunker, it's safe....come on...open the door. *just as he says that the door opens and what he thought was poppy he is met with this.not so friendly poppy*
Branch: *eyes widen as his blood runs cold and his heart drops* uhhh....poppy?
Poppy: *grabs em and pulls em in and slams the door*
Branch: *screams and tries to pry himself free but damn does she got some strength* Poppy! What are you doing? Let go!
Poppy: *in someone else's voice*
Branch: LEAVE!!!! LEAVE AT ONCE!!! *shoots out a cross.holding it in front of em yelling* IN THE NAME OF JESUS!! LEAVE THIS SOUL AT ONCE!!! I COMMAND YOU TO LEAVE AT ONCE!!! *throws holy water and watches his girlfriend on the ground screaming in agony and cries at the sight of that knowing this will never leave em for the rest of his life then all goes quiet* ...p...poppy.
Poppy: *wakes up and hears his voice and decides to play a harmless prank on em so she stays.as if she still returning*
Branch: *gets on his knees and fearing the worst he looks over to see if she's back*
Poppy: *throws her chance and throws em down and pins em onto the floor screaming*
(I feel bad...you all have every right to be mad with her)
Branch: *screams struggling underneath and cries in fear* nooo!!! I have a remote control son!!! Narrrr!!!!! *shakes and breathes heavily*
Poppy: got you!!!! *snaps in his face with her fingers*
Branch: w...hat? 😥😥😥
Poppy: thast was a prank!
Poppy: demonic talk?. Wind blowing? Branch I didn't do all that.
Branch: th...th...th....then what was it?
Poppy: well, All's I remember is standing at the door then I remember waking up hear and deciding to prank you.
Branch: oh.....so that wasn't you. *hugs his legs*
Poppy: well, it's all good now. *stands up and just as she's about to help em up she looms around* ....what happened?
Branch: *stands up brushing himself off* well, lets just say I felt like I was grabbed by a demon and brought into hell.
Poppy: eeh, what do you mean brought into hell?
Branch: uhhh hehe!! I'll tell you later. Its a long story.
Poppy: *smiles and reaches her hand out to em*
Branch: *smiles and takes her hand and they both walk out*
*further on he tells her everything and she's shocked at first but she then hugs em and tells him she's fine and it won't happen again and if it does we'll just throw the cross at it and he agrees and they move on after that. And The demon....is back where it came from.*
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