Sex Abuse
Branch: *is cleaning his dishes inside of his old farm house*
Knock knock!
Branch: *c is and answers it and meets with a guy named creek and is grabbed by the waist and his screams are muffled by his hand*
Creek: *steps in and closes and locks the door and throws the key somewhere into the unknown as branch desperately kicks and screams*
Creek: easy mate easy......*chains em to the bed*
Branch: 😨😨😨*heavily breathing* l let me go!!! *pulls and tugs on the chains. And sits up pulling as hard as he can with a grunt*!!!.
Creek: *strips himself and gets onto on em basically forcing em down* take it easy will ya....I won't hurt you....ay?
Branch: 😢😢stop.....i.......Why are you doing this to me man?
Creek: *gets into his face* cause I love you😈😈😈
Branch: *gulps fear down*
Creek: *kisses his lips and tongues his mouth lucky and kissing em*
Branch: *moves around feeling grossed and fear* mmmph!!! Mmph! Mmmhhh!!! Mmmmmm!!!
Creek: *smooths his hands all over em*
Branch: *sqirms*
Creek: yes...yes.....keep going
Branch: *screams* mmmm!!! Mmmmm!!! Mmmmmhmmmmm!!!!!!!
Creek: 😈😈😈
Branch: *bites and somehow rips the chains off the wall and beats em up*
Creek: *fights em*
Branch: I will end you!!!!!!
Creek: we'll see about that mate😈😈😈.*slams em into the wall choking em*
Branch: *struggles to breath* errrg!!! *is a raspy voice* let me go!....
Creek: *presses his lips together strengthening his grip*
Branch: *kicks em off of em and gets on top of em and strangled em and ties down every limb of his including his hair*
Creek: *struggles*
Branch: *doesn't give in*
Creek: *passes out*
Branch: *smirks finally getting ride of em*
Knock knock!
Branch: come in!!!
??: *comes in and gasps* branch....what happened?
Branch: *hears a familiar voice and picks head up and sees Floyd* f...floyd?
Floyd: hey branch. How you doing buddy?
Branch: *gets up and attacks em into a hug* oh I've missed you so much!!!!
Floyd: *laughs* aww!! Im happy! *looks at creek on the ground* and who's this troll? *referring to creek on the floor*
Branch: oh! Him? That creek. He was sexualy abusing me. So I had enough and put em out.
Floyd: *stands up* you want help?
Branch: yeah, that'll actually be helpful.
Floyd: *calls the cops*
Branch: *ties em up so if he wakes he won't be able to go anywhere*
The cops finally show up and knock at the door
Cop: *opens the door* where is he?!
Floyd: *points towards branch* there!
Cop: *runs over and grabs creek and puts em in cuffs* everything you say will be held against you in court. You have the right to remain silent. *they take em away*
Branch: *runs up to Floyd and leaps into a hug* thank you thank you thank you!!!
Floyd: *smiles and laughs hugging him as well* oh branch! I just came to see how you've grown and how you've developed in life without me🙂
Branch: *sniffles crying with the whole sentence he said about em* thank 🙂😥
Floyd: *smilss* you wanna snuggle for a ? 😊😊
Branch: heck yeah! Although it sounds a bit sus. Sure, why not. I missed yoh as a want that comfort back once more🙂.
Floyd: *grabs his hands and rushes em towards his bed and gets in first then waits for em to hop in next*
Branch: *jumps in after em*
Floyd: *grabs em into his arms and they snuggle*
It's an edit I made. Hop you like it.
That's all for this chapter. Adios
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