Branch: *is collecting sticks to smack creek later with them*
Creek: *pops up scaring the bagebers out of branch* ello mate!
Branch: aaahh!! *jumps and accidentally smacks Creek with his sticks*
Creek: oi!! *falls to the grass*
Branch: *collects his sticks back up again and feels two firm hands pin his hands down and looks up and comes face to face with creeks not so happy face and frowning he tries to break his hands away* arg!!! What are you doing?! Let go!!!
Creek: bronch.....I can't let you go cause I need you to look at me when I say this.......
Branch: *is grossed out and doesn't want to*
Creek: BRONCH! I got a surprise for you.
Branch: *flinches* oh n-
Creek: but! You must come with me..
Branch: *shakes his head* no *pulls the break himself free from his grasp* not happening!
Creek: *signs* guess we have to do it the hard way.......*whistles and one other troll comes by and grabs his legs and picks em up*
Branch: *Struggles* put me down!!!!
They get to a place that looks edgy.
Branch: *pulls and tugs* creek!! Let me go!!!!
Creek: *takes em in with his buddy and throws em onto the hard cold ground of the cave*
Branch: *falls and hits the ground hard* oof! *looks up and sees a rough troll walk up to em with a chain and backs up in terror* what are you doing!!???
??: oh you Sweet innocent minded troll. Did poppy rub some innocence into your brain....aww, poor baby. Let me explain.
Branch: *feels ticked off*
??: we kidnapped you so we can do something. Unfortunately I can't tell you that part of it.
Branch: why can't you tell?
??: because bitch I said so.....
Branch: ......👁👁....
??: *comes up with the chains looking devishly down at em* you scared pussy cat?
Branch: 😧😐😐😐no.....just admiring you.......OF COURSE I'M SCARED!!!
??: ......*isn't impressed* are you trying to piss me off?
Branch: if I was I would be going at it....
??: well, I don't take disrespect!
Branch: oohhh!😲😲 wow, neither do i😐😐😐.
??: your making it ten times worse for you son!
Branch: I never wanted to be here in the first place.......😒😒😒
??: are you going to be this way today?
Branch: I thought everyone knew me. Guess not. It's the way I am......wanna play with me now pale?
??: oh! *puts hands up and laughs* woe okay there. Take it easy. I knew you'd be rough...I mean a learned a thing or to about you.😈😈😈
??: lets say you got some nerve coming around the woods.....
Branch: oh...well, at least you weren't being sus about it.
??: *brings out some binoculars and smirks* hiding in the bushes as well.
Branch: okay yeah that's sus. 😳👉👉
??: eh, whatever.
Branch: so you do know me?
??: like I said, not much but yes. A little here and there. Know your trigger parts and what the most😈😈😈
Branch: woe woe woe!!! *stands up*
??: boys!
Creek and his friend come and hold em back from attacking*
??: woe woe woe!! Calm down pale. There's no need to get your hair all in tangles.
Branch: *groans* hmmm😐😐😐😐
??: *turns his back to em* I just wanted to have a chat with you...ay. *turns around with a sly smirk and a raised brow* so...wanna talk about why your here?
Branch:....i...I thought you said it was to talk?
??: mmm, yes. But that's a part of it. *gets emself settled at a meeting table and sits* why don't you sit young one.
Branch: *raises and eye brow* why are you referring me as young?
??: cause I'm around King peppys age.
Branch: *thinks* damn...he doesn't look bad at all!
??: *reaches over and grabs his hands*
Branch: *feel uncomfortable and a bit scared*
??: I can see your scared.....*smirks and yanks em basically putting em on the table almost but his legs are dangling off the side of the table*
Branch: *grunts* what are you doing? Let me go!!
??: *gets into his ears and whispers* don't even move buddy....
Branch: *is hella scared at this point and looks from side to side trying to figure it out and feels someone get on top of em from behind and his eyes widen and panics* woe woe woe!!! No no no!! stop!! What are you doing?!
??: oh shush you young thing. Were not going to hurt you....*lifts his head up with his hand and looks into his eye calmly* your fine.... It'll go smoothly just don't move.
Branch: *looks at em then feels this hard pitch in his side and from fear his eyes widen and fear wipes over em and screams trying to escape. And as he does he feels an arm come underneath to hold em steady*
??: woe woe woe, easy buddy easy. Sssshhh. It's all done it's finished. You okay. Your okay.
Branch: what are you doing?
??: *smirks evily*
Branch: *feels their hands tickle em and isn't able to resist the urge to move and Squrims * mmph! Rrrughh!! Mmm!! *grunts as he tries hard not to move but isn't able to and feels it getting quicker and now disobeying what the guy said he moves and screams* stopp!!! Let me go!! I don't like it!! Nooo!!!
??: *trips over something and let's em go*
The other two look up still holding branch but not as tightly as they shoulder and gets thrown off by branches elbowing them and they fall to the ground and branch gets up and runs*
??: after em!!!!
Creek and his buddy bolt after em
Creek: Get your ass back here bitch!!!
Branch: *runs into his hunker and hides*
They get to his hiding place.
Branch: *sees them and traps them in a cage*
Creek and his buddy in separate cages: damit!!!
??: *in another* shit! He's gotten us trapped.
Poppy: who's gotten you trapped?
??: omg!! Queen poppy!! It's branch!! He has trapped us so he can hurt us!!! *shows her some fake letters*
Poppy: *gasps* and goes up.
Branch: *knows poppy is there and heads up to tell her everything and when he jumps out he collides with her* oh thank god I found you poppy you won't believe what's happening! *looks and stops very confused as he meets her very angry pissed of face* what did I do?
Poppy: WHAT DID YOU DO TO THEM!!?? *refers to the bad ones in the czges*
Branch: *gasps seeing what they did* what d did they say to you?
Poppy: *shows him a letter that was fakly signed by him*
Branch: poppy! That's not my hand writing!
Poppy: it's not?
Branch: no. Even if I did write this, I wouldn't end it with XOXOXO. I'm not that type to do that😂😂😂
Poppy: right....then why are they in there?
Branch: well, that is one thing I did do...but I was scared.....
Poppy: scared?
Branch: they kidnapped and touched me in a way I didn't like. Creek and his buddy dragged me to this cave and I met this random dude. *points to the guy*
Poppy: oh...I see now. My mistake.... You two should be punished for these acts of yours. Off to the fugeon you go!!!.
She takes them to and locks them up.
Poppy: they shouldn't be a bother anymore🙂🙂
Branch: *thanks her and pulls her into a tight hug* I love you!
Poppy: *smiles returning the hug back* I love you to! *lacks his cheek*
Branch: *blushes*
Alright guys. Imma end this here. Adios!!!
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