Creek: help Dar mate!
Me: *gasps and turns around*
Creek: you alright mate? You seam a bit.....frightened.☝
Me: oh! Just shocked to see a troll like you exists😐😐
Creek: i.....mmmm😑😑😑
Me: 😗💅why the hell are you here?
Creek: first of it! Second of all.... Cause I wanna chat...
Me: no!
Creek: *chokes a bit* eh..what?
Me: *snickers*
Creek: mate....what you laughing about?
Me: your face😏
Creek: ik! Ain't it gorgeous😚😚
Me: oh hell nah!!!!😮😮😮
Creek: what! You don't like my......face!!!??
Me: oh I uhh😅😅.....I'm more of a branch then a random troll. *flips hair*
Creek: ugh...bronch.....can be a bit much.
Me: can I say my statement without people gasping?!
Creek: *is a bit frightened by my outburst* okay but...
Me: first of all! Branch is hella hot. He's so much better, braver and smarter then you are! He doesn't sell other trolls out to save his own skin or betray others. He puts himself out in danger for others. This bitch got four older brothers...and you? *scoffs* guessing....0! So don't be going around telling people shit. Cause I re bend it back to you and shove up ya damn ass🖕.
Creek: *gasps being insulted* how dare you!!!
Me: had it coming😏
Creek: yeh know mate.....🙄i was wondering if you could do me a fave. 🙂🙂
Me: no....i I can't. I'm sorry.
Creek: there something wrong mate?
Me: *looks around for a get away*
Branch: *walks up in time and places a hand onto my shoulder* he bothering you?
Ignore the words
Me: uhhh. *looks at creek afraid to say a thing*
Creek: *narrows his eyes at me making me more afraid to say a TV by and looms away keeping to myself*
Branch: *looks at his watch* oo!! I forgotten! Me and Bella have a hang out time in a bit. Mind if I take her? Thanks. *grabs my hand and starts to walk away*
Me: *still doesn't say or do anything and lets it all happen*
Creek: *grabs my arm and stops both me and branch*
Branch: woe. what are you doing creek?
Creek: I know what your plan is pale. I see right through you😑😑😑
Me: *panics*
Creek: *smelling my fear he looks down at me* your in on this!!??
Me: no I I I
Branch: *gets in front of me* she's scared of you! Leave her alone! This isn't your place. Let her alone man! It's not worth it. She's a kid. Leave her alone!
Creek: *is pissed and grumbles and walks off angrily*
Branch: *turns to me* you okay?
Me: *looks down* I'm sorry.
Branch: for what?
Me: getting you in on it all.
Branch: what? No, I saw you needed some help, and you fought for you. 🙂🙂 he won't hurt you. He's mad at me now. He'll attack em. Your safe🙂🙂
Me: no branch!!! I don't wanna see you hurt cause of me!!! I'll be depressed😥😥
Branch: *puts a hand onto my shoulder* it's all good. And plus poppy is my girlfriend. And if he tries anything....poppy will most likely do something. I sure won't. If I see em, I'll be sure to keep it on came. Or any hints. I'll take some photos of proof. Your safe. *whinks and walks off*
Me: *smiles feeling a bit better but fears for his own well being and hops he doesn't get hurt cause of me*
An hour later
Me: *is in my own bunker*
Bam bam bam!!!
Me: *is confused on who it could be and checks my camera and sees creek and feels scared but reluctantly goes up*
Creek: *as if he knew I was there* come out young one.....I can smell your's okay....I won't hurt you.
Creek: *somehow breaks the door Matt open and jumps in* hello there.
Me: *hair drops down so as my ears and backs up* what do you want?!
Creek: *grabs me and pins me to a wall*
Creek: *covers my face with hand* don't draw any attention or they will get hurt👿👿👿
Me: *shakes and cries* mmmm!!! Mmmph!! Mmm!!! Mmmmmmhhhhh!!!!😫😫😫😰😰😰
Creek: I'll now answer your question...... Why did you let Branch take you away. Do you not have a heart?
Me: no i-
Creek: just answer this question. Why do you love bronch? *trickles his fingers up my waist a bit making me Squirm a little in discomfort and enjoys it*
Me: creek. what's wrong with you? We have a friend love type?
Creek: it's see how you look at em! Don't lie to me! *slaps me*
Me: *screams in pain*
Creek: *turns around and looks up with a gasp*
Me: *is shocked as well to find em up there but also really happy*
Creek: *covers my mouth with his hand* were just having a chat. Can you go please?😒
Branch: *jumps down* I saw you hit her. Why would you do that man? She did nothing to you!
Creek: it's none of your business blue boy!
Branch: *grabs em and pins em to the wall roughly* actually's my duty to protect her. I promised..... And I'm keeping that promise.
Creek: *struggles*
Branch: oh good luck trying to get out of this one cause *shows him a video of him slapping me that is sent to poppy and is read by her and smirks* really thought you were slick ay?
Creek: you'll pay for this!!!
Branch: will i?
Creek: *hair slaps em*
Branch: *within an instant he grabs his hair quickly and tightly with his and looks directly into his eyes* do that again and I'll slash hear me motherfucker?
Creek: *hair drops along with his ears* yes mate😨😨😨
Branch: *smirks* perfect!
Me: *takes a quick shot of this whole thing and snickers at it. Keeeper.
Branch: *leaves me to do my own thing and doesn't care on what I really did cause he's more focused on this bitch then me*
Phone dings
Branch: *somehow takes it out while holding creek still and reads her message* ooo!!...she says that she wants to speak to you. *puts phone away* she wants me to take you. Lets go pale. *grabs em and takes em and as he passes me* your safe now. *takes em away*
Me: *watches feeling happy and runs back into my bunker thinking about the whole thing and thinks* I need to get branch to upgrade my door Matt for me.
Anyways. That's all for now.
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