Bryan x Jakey (OoO)
(@ColorNotes23 requested this, so hope you enjoy! Also, this song is OoO Jakey's theme song. XD)
Jakey threw the Trident in the dirt. "This is hopeless! Why can't you just be a good Wyvern!" He shouted at Banjo.
The sea Wyvern hung his head and growled softly. It wasn't a menacing growl, just a sad one. Jakey had half a mind to hit him over the head for his disobedience. He didn't care if that made him even more disobedient, he just wanted to vent all his frustrations from failed training.
"I don't think that's going to do anything," a voice said from the nearby trees.
Jake grunted. "Why are you here? Just leave me alone."
Instead of doing what his crush said, Bryan walked closer. He put his hand on Banjo's saddle and patted him. He took Jake's hand and placed it in the same area.
"Wyverns are a lot like pegasi," he explained. "You need to be patient and gentle with them. Don't hit them, whip them, or even raise your voice at them. That can ruin a perfectly good steed. Instead, if you're frustrated, pour your frustrations into your trainings. Train them even harder. By the end of the day, you'll have a trained steed and a lot less pent up anger."
Jake looked at him surprised. "When did you learn so much about training steeds?"
He blushed. "I don't spend all my time on my wardrobe."
"No, just most of it."
Jake shrugged. "Just the truth. Thanks for the tips, though. I'll try them out."
Bryan blew an air-kiss at him before walking away. "See ya later, Jakey~Poo!"
Jakey sighed. He half-hoped that he and Bryan would make it through a full conversation without calling him that. It was such a degrading nickname, especially for a son of the sea god. Then again, it was coming from Bryan, so he was wiling to let it slide.
Jake slapped himself to shake those thoughts. He had to keep telling himself that he wasn't in love with Bryan. He was annoying, perverted, overly flirty, and arrogant! Even if he was very handsome and kind-hearted... and there were those thoughts again. He was a son of Poseidon, not some sort of lovesick schoolboy!
Jake shook his head and started training Banjo again. He had to get his mind off of his sorta, maybe, definitely crush.
After he was done and Banjo was far better trained, he went for a walk near the Oracle's house. The ocean glimmered and the sun beat down overhead. Without a second thought, he sprinted and dove into the water.
His head came up and he took a few breaths. The ocean was always something that he was happy to see. Just like Bryan, even if he denied it.
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