Requested by iminJIMINSmouth
It had been a few weeks since Jimin's dentist visit, the one he had gone to with Yoongi. He was happy to have the hole in his tooth fixed. Although everything had worked out well in the end, Jimin still kept claiming that 'Yoongi hyung had tortured me and forced me into the dentist chair.' Although Yoongi claimed his memory of the visit was a bit different than the story Jimin kept spewing out.
The members were proud of Jimin for facing his fear of the dentist and getting the hole fixed. They knew how hard it was for him. They knew his childhood trauma made him absolutely mortified of every dentist ever. As a reward the members had taken him out for ice cream, and he was quick to brush his teeth right after to prevent any more cavities. Jin had thanked Yoongi for 'taking one for the team' and going with Jimin. The members knew Yoongi was the only one who wouldn't have caved and told Jimin he didn't have to go after one of his screaming and crying fits.
Life was going normally for Jimin after that until he noticed some photos came out from a photoshoot they had just done and all he could focus on was his crooked front tooth. It had never bothered him before, he usually embraced it, but something about the recent photos that were posted made him hyper aware of it and it made him self conscious. He decided to look through comments to see if it was that noticable to others and to his dismay it was. He read comments about how his crooked tooth was cute, but many flooded in where people were making fun of him for it and calling him names. He had never noticed before how much hate he could get over something that didn't ever seem all that big of a deal, and over something that wasn't his fault.
He fell into a spiral of depression and found himself purposefully looking up hate comments to see what everyone was saying. He came down to the conclusion that he'd be more attractive if he had straight teeth, and that there were a lot of people claiming that they'd stan him a lot more and even like BTS better if he got his tooth fixed.
So he decided that's what he needed to do. Get his tooth fixed.
Except that means braces .
But I can do it!
But...the dentist..
But I just went to the dentist and was brave, I can do it again!!
Jimin convinced himself that he could do it. He was going to the dentist and getting braces. He walked out of his room and presented his idea to the rest of his members.
"Ahem.." Jimin cleared his throat and everyone looked at him, "Everyone... I have an announcement to make."
"Did you finally grow an inch?"Jungkook joked. The members laughed and Jimin shook his finger at his maknae.
"I want to get braces," Jimin announced. The immediate response of his members was dead silence, until one by one they all started laughing again.
"I'm being serious! I want them! I need to fix my front tooth!" Jimin pouted.
"You almost couldn't get a cavity filling and you're telling us you want to go back and get braces?!" Yoongi snarled.
"I got the filling didn't I? I was brave and did it! I can do it hyung!" Jimin shot back.
"Braces are a lot different than a filling, Jiminie," Taehyung told him, "Why would you want them anyway? I thought you liked your front teeth?"
"I changed my mind. I just want them straight for uh...medical purposes. You know I hit my tooth with my microphone a lot, I want to fix that."
"You haven't done that in like two months," Namjoon reminded him.
"Well..uh.." Jimin wasn't too sure where to go with this, he knew if he told his members why he actually wanted them fixed they'd just lecture him about how he shouldn't care what other people think, "It's my teeth and I want them fixed, that's all there is to it."
"Hyung.." Jungkook started, "How exactly do you plan to do that? You're terrified of the dentist incase you forgot."
Jimin looked to Yoongi, "Well...if hyung comes with me again..."
"What?! Why me?!" Yoongi screamed in protest.
"You're the best option, how many times do we have to establish this?" Hobi chuckled.
"Ahhh.." Yoongi threw his arms up in complaint, "Fine. When do you want to go?"
"Maybe Monday?" Jimin asked. He was feeling confident and excited about the end result of getting his teeth fixed. He wasn't even thinking about his fear of the dentist. Yoongi agreed to bring him Monday and the rest of the members gave Yoongi a pat on the back and a "Good luck," as they got up and scattered around the dorm.
As Monday slowly approached, Jimin's fear of the dentist was quickly creeping back up. He began waking up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night after having nightmares of the dentist killing him. Nightmares of the dentist ripping all his teeth out. Just like they had done to the patients in that movie he had accidentally seen his babysitter watching when he was little.
It was just a movie Jimin. I can do this. They won't hurt me. I'm going with Yoongi hyung again and he wouldn't let anyone ever hurt me. He'll be there just like last time.
Monday morning came more quickly than Jimin wanted it to. He was on edge all morning. Dance rehearsals were a disaster for him and the members knew he was distracted. Jin went over to him after seeing his dongsaeng looking extremely flustered for no apparent reason, "You're nervous now, aren't you?"
"Yeah," Jimin admitted.
Jin put his hand on his dongsaengs back, "Unlike with your cavity, hyung isn't going to force you to go. Considering this is your own decision, you're more than welcome to change it if you're too scared."
Jimin thanked Jin and his hyung walked away. He contemplated whether or not to change his mind. He took deep breaths and told himself that getting his teeth fixed is for the best and that if he simply went, Yoongi would make sure he stayed to get the job done. He tried to remind himself how much better everything would be if he went through with it.
That afternoon when it was finally time to go, Jimin was having not only second thoughts, but third and fourth and fifth thoughts. He told Yoongi he didn't want to go, and to his surprise Yoongi simply said "Okay." But then five minutes later he changed his mind and did want to go. Then he didn't. Then he did. This went on for a good half an hour before Namjoon stepped in and told him his next decision within the next 30 seconds was going to be the final decision.
"Okay okay okay! I'll go!" Jimin pouted. Yoongi dragged Jimin to the car, "No turning back, we're doing this."
Jimin started crying in the car on the way. His leg was bouncing so uncontrollably that Yoongi took his hand and held it down, it was distracting. "You'll be fine," were Yoongi's only words of comfort.
"I don't want to go anymore," Jimin cried.
"Well too late for that. We're already driving there. I'm not making this trip for nothing."
Jimin started protesting and crying more and Yoongi was having deja vu. This is exactly how their last trip to the dentist went. When they got there, Yoongi had to drag Jimin out of the car once again. Jimin ran to a chair in the corner and huddled his knees to his chin, burying his tear streaked face. Yoongi finished checking him in and walked over, taking a seat next to him. He felt terrible for his dongsaeng, but he didn't want to let his soft side show because he wanted to remain firm for Jimin. He rubbed his dongsaengs back, "You know, I'm proud of you."
Jimin was confused, "There's nothing to be proud of," he cried as he wiped his tears, "I'm nothing but a giant baby."
"I mean look how far you've made it, and on your own," Yoongi pointed out that this was all Jimins idea. Even with his fear, he's the only reason they were at the dentist right now. "At least you have the courage to try."
Jimins heart sank a bit. He still didn't think it was something worth being proud of. He could try all he wanted, but he still always freaked out and panicked in the end. He shrugged his shoulders. When the dentist came out to call him, he grabbed the handles of the chair and refused to get up. Yoongi unpried his fingers and grabbed his wrists, dragging him into the room. He could feel how badly Jimin was trembling in his grip and it made him feel even worse. He wished Jimin knew there was really nothing to be so afraid of.
He gently pushed Jimin back into the chair but just like last time, his dongsaeng refused to open his mouth. The dentist asked what was wrong and Yoongi informed him that the boy had an extreme fear of the dentist. The dentist tried to use tactics to get Jimin to open his mouth that he always used when his really young patients were scared, but nothing was working. Jimin was staring at Yoongi while continuing to cry. They stared at eachother for a long time until Yoongi actually had to look away, seeing Jimin so terrified was not easy for him even though he knew he wasn't in any trouble.
As history was continuing to repeat itself, suddenly Jimin shot up from the chair and ran out the door.
"Jimin stop!" Yoongi screamed after him. "Sorry about him, we will be right back," Yoongi frantically told the dentist as he turned to chase after the younger. He chased him all the way back to the car and his dongsaeng was pulling at the door handles, "I want to go! Open it! Please hyung! Please open the car! I want to leave!" Jimin screamed. He was a hyperventilating mess. His face was bright red and his eyes were bloodshot from all the crying. Yoongi grabbed him and wrapped him in a tight hug, "First things first, deep breaths. Deep breaths," Yoongi cooed as he rubbed Jimin's back. He took deep breaths and leaned his head into his hyungs chest, "Please. I want to go home," the younger sniffled.
"I don't get it," Yoongi started, "Why would you want the braces anyway if you knew you'd be this scared? Seriously your teeth have never bothered you before."
Jimin was too emotional to hide his true feelings at this point, "Because! I'm ugly! My stupid teeth make me ugly and everyone knows it and it would be better for this entire band if I got them fixed!"
Yoongi sighed in disbelief, "Who the hell ever told you that? Since when have you believed something like that?"
"Everyone knows it and everyone says it, hyung."
"Jimin-ah who has said that to you?"
"All of your fans."
Yoongi felt anger course through his chest. He knew anyone who talked that way about Jimin weren't their real fans, and now he also understood the real reason Jimin wanted the braces in the first place was because of hate comments he saw online.
"Haven't we all taught you by now to never listen to what the anti's have to say about you online?" Yoongi scoffed, "You really think their opinion matters? They're the ones sitting at home on a computer. Compare that to your own life, Jimin-ah. Why on earth would you care what they think?"
Yoongi's words resonated with Jimin for a moment and he realized he really didn't know why he let others opinions bother him so much. He figured he just wanted to be well liked in which Yoongi reminded him that millions of people loved him, "But you can't please everyone. Every single one of us has haters. It just comes with the job. I'll be honest I don't think this is a good reason for you to decide to get braces and I won't force you to go back in there. I'm still proud of you either way."
Jimin cried harder hearing Yoongi tell him he was proud of him for the second time that day despite the way he'd acted. He wanted to feel like there was an actual reason for his hyung to be proud so he told him that even for his own benefit he'd still like to try again. They made their way right back into the dentists chair.
"Now you remember what I told you last time?" Yoongi asked. Jimin shook his head no as he tried to take deep breaths while laying in the chair.
"That I'd never let anything bad happen to you so stop crying already before I get gray hairs!" Yoongi smiled. Jimin let out a chuckle and repeated it in his head. Yoongi hyung wouldn't let anything bad happen to me.
Yoongi sat next to Jimins head while the dentist did everything he needed to do. He held Jimins hand and whenever the younger felt his anxiety pick up he'd squeeze his hyungs hand and his hyung would squeeze back which was all the reassurance he needed. He was done within an hour. Two small, clear braces not on the front of his teeth, but on the back.
"Wow that didn't even hurt!" Jimin exclaimed excitedly.
"I told you I wouldn't let anyone hurt you, didn't I?" Yoongi smirked. They thanked the dentist and headed back home to which the members all ran to them asking to see. They were confused when they didn't actually see any braces on Jimin and assumed he had chickened out and Yoongi just brought him home. They were astonished when Jimin revealed the braces on the back of his teeth and he boasted and boasted about how he was brave enough to do it. While the members were obsessing over Jimins braces, Jin walked over to Yoongi, "Honestly, how do you do it?"
"I'm Min Yoongi," Yoongi replied while giving Jin a playful pat on his shoulder,
"And Min Yoongi needs a damn glass of Soju."
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