Chapter One
"And that, class, is the story of how the Council of Representatives perished. They did it to protect everyone that lived here." The teacher, Professor Opal says.
A kid in the first row raises their hand, catching the teachers attention. She motions that the student can speak. "I heard that the demon Alastor, and the merman Dovien survived though."
The teacher smiles. "That is a very popular rumor. Alastor's body was never found amongst the bodies that have been recovered. The 3 remaining powerful witches couldn't find a trace of him ever being there though, so it is believed he is in hiding for now. As for Dovien- I've heard he's returned to the sea, that Lucifer's son didn't know how to actually kill him. So Dovien lived and is back home, but no one knows if he's still alive to this day."
"So- if they're alive- wouldn't they still have the artifacts needed to kill Lucifer's son?" A girl speaks out of turn.
Still the teacher answers. "That is a good question- but the raven didn't get to record what happened to those artifacts in their possession- but it is believed they gave them to Aine. Even Miranda- before she sadly perished."
Another student raises their hand, and when given permission they speak. "Wait- so why was there a human on the council? I thought the wards between the two realities were always closed off."
"The wards used to never exist. The human world that exists now was created to protect them as back then they didn't have the numbers to actually defend themselves if Lucifer's boy were to come back. It was a means to protect everyone." The teacher answers.
"Then why are they open now?" The girl from earlier asks.
"Because- Lucifer's son hasn't made an appearance since then. So the new council members thought it'd be wise to mix everyone again, but this is just a trial to see if we can all get along again- but haven't you learned this in open ceremony?" The teacher then questions.
Some students grumble out 'yes'. It was entirely understandable that they didn't want to hear about all of it again.
"I see. Well in other news, since we are in a trial era we are going to have 100 students stay in this realm to see whether or not we can be by each other. That will be 20 kids from each homeroom class." The teacher starts speaking again.
The kids sit in puzzlement as this hasn't been mentioned in the opening ceremony. In fact it was the first time they're hearing about it.
"The students will be decided by random." The teacher smiles then walks over to the wall. Once the teacher pulls on a lever, which is just a wall sconce holding a torch- which looks more for decoration. A large, crystal bowl sat atop a table slides out from behind the wall agonizingly slow, and surprisingly quiet since it seems there are no wheels underneath the stone table.
Once it slid out enough the water within began to shimmer, then the teacher started mumbling under her breath, holding her hands over the bowl. The students sit in puzzlement, they were sure their teacher is a fae- but how is she doing magic? Can fae have magical powers?
A kid whispers to the boy next to him. "I'm sure the water was enchanted by a magic user to be activated by a spell. It's a common spell where the chosen person can chant the spell, whether they hold magic or not."
Most of the class seemed to have heard that, so they sat in amazement as the water shimmered brighter as it's being activated to give out names. The teacher stops mumbling and peers into the bowl.
"I will now announce the names of the chosen students that will be staying on campus of the school. When you hear your name being called please proceed to the common area at the front of the school to receive further instructions." The teacher states.
One by one she calls the names of students lucky enough to stay in this realm of magic and mystery. The school looks magical enough, the beautiful gothic architecture is enough to make anyone stop and marvel at its beauty. It looks as if they tried to keep the school modern enough, but you can tell it's an old school by the vines that grow up the side of the walls- making the school look darker than it really is. Fog seems to always hang around the school making it difficult to see the rest of the campus from the windows- making everything around the school mysterious. Occasionally you'll be able to see twinkling lights peek through the fog and wink at you.
Once the last student was called from the class they all make their way to the front of the school to meet in the commons area, shortly after the room was filled with what seems to be 100 students.
An almost ageless man walks to the front of the crowd and steps onto a table to get everyone's attention. Not like he needed to do much as everyone was just looking around in anticipation- waiting to hear about what's going to happen and where they'll be staying if they're on campus.
The man that captured everyone's attention looked almost bright, like his skin was glowing. His eyes were white, no color in them whatsoever. There was no way he was human- but then that left the question of what he really is.
"Welcome students, I am Professor Cragore. I will be showing you to your respective housing areas, as well as inform you about anything that needs to be said and answer some of your questions." Cragore said rather unenthusiastically. He sounded quite bored.
"Now, if you all will follow me I shall lead you to the areas you will be staying in." With that the Professor turns, steps off the table and heads towards the front doors.
All the students follow behind, whispering to each other about what they think the housing situation would be like. Would it be a simple gothic building like this one? Or would it be suited to each individual's environment that they get at home?
Once outside the doors the teacher stops at a couple of paths to the west of the school doors. "We apologize for the bit of walking you will have to do, but we wanted to make sure we created enough room for each individual that would be staying here. We'll start with human housings first. If you'd like to stay with the group to know more about the other housing units you are free to do so."
He takes the path more to the south of the west side and heads down a ways, but not long after the human housings came into view. These houses looked like middle class houses in the human world. Each is nice, but still a bit smaller, but still nice.
Six boys walk behind everyone in the back of the group. Each boy was careful not to trip in the potholes. "Dang, you'd think they'd spend some money to repair this pathway." One boy says.
"Yeah, it shouldn't cost much, it's just dirt. You'd also think it wouldn't be such a burden to do." A second says.
"That's true. Hey, I'm Jungkook! What's your name?" Jungkook asks.
"I'm Hoseok! It's nice to meet you!" Hoseok responds.
Once they made it to the human housing the Professor calls out the names of human students, including Hoseok's.
"So you're one of the human students?! That's crazy because not many parents let their kids come here, because they were too scared to let their kids around 'monsters'." Jungkook exclaimed none too quietly.
"Yeah, my parents are actually into folklore and fairytales, so they were eager to enroll me."
"Well that's really cool! What do they think about the fair folk?" One of the boys asks.
"My mother is really into them. She even makes houses for them and sets them up in her garden." Hoseok answers.
"That's very generous of her. It gets tiring flying around so having a little place to rest is much appreciated. I'm Jimin!"
"Y-you're a fairy?" Hoseok asks rather excitedly.
Jimin nods in response.
"Can I see your wings? My mother was always in awe with how beautiful they are." Hoseok then asks.
"Yeah sure!" Jimin smiles and turns around. As he does so he drops his jacket down his arms to release his wings hiding beneath it.
The wings themselves are iridescent in color, but you could see through them, making the world shift colors when looking through them. At the ends of his wings lights dance off of them making the wings look like they're glowing. They're truly beautiful wings befitting a handsome man.
"Woah! I didn't know fairies could have glowing wings that color!" Another boy exclaims.
"No other fairies do. Only royalty can." Jimin responds.
"Wait- so- you're in the royal family?"
"Yeah, I'm a prince to be exact." Jimin answers.
All five of the boys look at him in awe as this is a rare occasion that they get to meet a prince of the fairy race.
Before anything else could be said the Professor finished talking about the housing for the humans and moved on. As they continued through the tour the six boys learned what race each of them are, and their names more importantly. They now know that Jungkook is a shifter, a bunny to be exact which they said was fitting since he sorta looks similar to one. They know Jin is a wizard, Namjoon a merman, and Yoongi is an incubus.
"Well- I wanted to be a sleep paralysis demon but I wasn't scary enough.." He grumbled when the boys poked fun at him.
"It looks like we're missing a student." The professor said aloud as he talked about the demon housing.
"Well I'm sure they'll show up tomorrow. That is the end of the tour. So with that I'd like to say to respect the rules stated on the pamphlet that is with your orientation forms, and please be so dear and really listen to curfew hours. That is all." After that the professor walked away, having already looking done with talking more than he wanted to.
"Well hey, since we're already acquainted- we should all stick together. Since it is Hoseok's first time being around- us- what better way than to get used to the same faces everyday." Jin suggests.
"I would actually appreciate that- I hate going through meeting someone for the first time- I'd hate to do that more than necessary." Hoseok agrees.
"Awesome! We should all meet up by the water fountain at the front of the school in the mornings so we can make sure we sit by each other during morning lectures. I don't understand the agenda fully since most of this since we've never really needed school before.." Namjoon states.
"You guys didn't have to go to school!? I had school everyday!" Hoseok exclaims.
"Ew. That sounds awful." Yoongi finally voiced his opinion.
The rest of the day the boys talked about the differences between each reality they know. They talked until the sun went down and until curfew was called. Then they said their goodbyes and promised to meet tomorrow.
With that they boys had no idea what their future holds, the troubling times that will come with the opening of the school, and the fact that they ended up together again.
Message from the author!
Hello again everyone~
I'm your author iTaegii and thank you for reading chapter one of BME! I'm excited to officially embark on their journey with you! I'm sorry this is a slow start but please don't lose hope on me just yet! It's only the beginning!
Don't be afraid to ask questions you may have for anything that happens in the story! I'll answer them as long as it doesn't give away anything important that will be revealed later. I don't want to spoil anything for you.
I will update as much as I can! The chapters are a bit longer than I'm used to writing so it may take me a little bit to get the chapters sounding the way I want them.
Thank you again~
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