Boyf Riends - Mexican AU
Where they both go to mexico
"Michael have you seen my sunscreen?"
"Maybe it's already packed"
Michael and Jeremy were getting ready to go and visit Guadalajara. They were really excited to go and see all the late night parties, celebrations, mariachis and torros. "Found it!"Jeremy said as he shoved it into his suitcase. "Okay you all set?" Michael nodded and took the others hand as they locked their house and drove on over to the airport.
~Time Skip to the plane ride~
The two scrounged up enough money, with the help of their friends, to get first class tickets and a 5 day hotel stay at a 4 star hotel. They were really excited to see everything. "I've heard they have really good bread, and candy, and MUSIC!" Jeremy squealed with delight. Michael laughed at his boyfriend. "It's gonna be great baby, I'm excited for the tamales, posole, and tacos." As Michael reminisced about more mexican delights, Jeremy's stomach started to growl. They ordered some dinner and ate it in their bed. *i don't actually know how first class works so...*
When 9 o'clock rolled around Jeremy didn't feel as tired as he thought he would. "It's only 7 Jer-bear, remember Mexico is 2 hours ahead." Jeremy groaned and cuddled up against his boyfriend. "I'm gonna try to get some shut eye. Goodnight Mikey, I love you~" Michael smiled," Goodnight, I love you too." They drifted off to sleep as they flew over the clouds.
~Another Time Skip to the Airport~
They walked through the airport as a loud voice spoke,"Bienvenidos a la Ciudad de Mexico," {Welcome to the city of mexico}. They both smiled and hailed a taxi to take them to their hotel. "Bienvenidos, a donde los voy a llevar hoy!" Jeremy stared confused by the man while Michael spoke up. "Al hotel Cabarena porfavor," Jeremy stared now confused at his boyfriend. As the taxi drove Jeremy spoke, holding onto his seatbelt cause of the uneven road in Mexico. "I didn't know you spoke spanish?!"
"There are a lot of things you don't know about me." Michael laughed as Jeremy looked out the window. It was kinda like Vegas, without all the lights, but with more of the buildings and beauty. Jeremy stared out the window and Michael grabbed the cards they needed to enter the hotel.
"Ya llegamos, no necesitan pagar, ustedes son muy chulos juntos," Michael smiled and said a small 'gracias'. We grabbed our things, checked in and settled in. "You ready to fiesta Michael?" Jeremy said as he placed a red rose in his hair. " You know it."
~Time Skip brought to you by some bomb ass tacos~
Michael and Jeremy were having a blast dancing, eating foods like tacos, posoles, enchiladas, carnitas, champurado, and more. "Michael we should move to Mexico," Michael laughed, "Primero nos necesitamos casar y despues terminar la escuela."
"What does that mean?" Michael smiled and placed a kiss on Jeremy's nose."You'll find out soon enough." Michael responded with a devilish grin that made Jeremy turn red.
It was 2 in the morning when they left the celebrations. Exhausted they removed their clothes, leaving themselves only in boxers, and jumped into bed. " Good night Michael, te amo~" Michael blushed at these words, "Y yo mas te amo Jeremy." They fell asleep to the sounds of the love songs of the Mariachis.
'Olvidemos, el pasado
Y vivamos, el presente
Lo que importa es que me ames
Y te amo
Para siempre'
This one was pretty fun to write cause i am like full on Mexicana, btw the song is Para Siempre by Vincente Fernandez. I'm hungry now.
Word Count: 600
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