Soulmate AU
Trigger warning: character death, calling names
Jeremy PoV
Today is the day I am finally going to marry the love of my life.
I giggle softly, I couldn't be any happier.
It took a lot of tears, years and overcoming to get to this point, to this day.
The day I finally get to marry Christine Canigula!
I remember the day we met like it was just days ago. In reality it was in first grade and the moment I walked into the class room, suddenly I saw colors.
You need to know, the moment you meet your soulmate you see colors and when they die who will never see colors again.
Oh and then there is this one cruel rule the universe or god, damn, Who knows who, made up.
When you marry the wrong person, your real soulmate dies, because there is no use for them anymore.
But that won't be a problem!
I loved Christine and she loved me and we will live happily forever.
Michaels PoV
Today I am going to die!
No, I won't commit suicide, I won't die because of my selfish personality.
This time it is all about my Jeremy.
No, he isn't my Jeremy. He is Christines Jeremy. And he loves her more than anything.
And I love him more than anything, so I stay back. He will be happier with her anyway.
The problem is that she isn't his soulmate.
I remember that first day of school, I was already in the classroom when that cute boy walked in and suddenly everything changed. But Christine was next to me in that moment, how could he knew that she was not the reason, his world turned bright.
It was me.
Whenever he looks at her, his heart melts, I can see that, so I never said anything.
It will be okay!
Last night I called my parents, we talked the whole night and I told them, I loved them. They will miss me, but I can't change the situation.
Time Skip
I enter Jeremys dressing room.
He stands in the center of the room and looks at himself in the mirror.
I silently admire his beauty.
His nice blue eyes, his soft brown hair and that incredibly cute smile. I wish I could be the reason for it.
He notices me and turns around.
"How do I look?" He asked with a big happy grin. "Amazing!"
He turns away, facing the mirror again.
"Good! Everything has to be perfect for her!"
Yeah, of course...
"I mean..."
He sighs and sits down.
"...can you believe it!? I am going to marry my soulmate! Today! It is all I could wish for!"
My heart sinks and stumble: "Not exactly!", hoping he wouldn't hear. But of course he did!
"What was that?" He looks alarmed.
"What do you mean?" I play innocent.
"Michael Mell! I know when you are lying! What is wrong? Is something with Christine? Does she still wants to marry me? Does she even love me?"
Christine, Christine, Christine.
His whole fucking world turns around her.
"No! Everything is fine!" I try to sound confident, but I only sound angry.
"Michael you can't lie to me. Say it or I will scream!"
What are we? Six?
As if I would be so easy!
"Okay... If you don't want to tell...
"You can't be serious!"
"Hey you missed Seven!"
"Christine isn't your Soulmate!"
Shit! No! My stomach turns! I want to unsay it! This shouldn't have happened!
He is clearly shocked.
"That day, the first day of school...
Do you remember?
When you walked in, I saw colors!
You are my soulmate!
I was sitting next to Christine, so you thought it was her! But thats not the truth!"
His expression suddenly turns into disgust.
And I want to run away.
"Are you jealous?"
"Are you jealous because I am happy, because there is somebody who loves me and nobody loves you?"
I am feeling like a piece of shit.
Why would he say something like that?
"What!? No."
"Or do you have a pitiful crush on me?"
I want to run away and hide myself forever, but somehow I habe the courage to say:
"If it isn't true... Why would I see colors?"
On his face is now a little commiserating smile.
"Maybe you always saw colors.
I have heard about such people before!"
He takes a step towards me looking directly in my eyes:
"Losers that don't have soulmates!"
Then he leaves.
I start shaking than crying.
I am so dumb! I shouldn't have said anything! It would have been so much easier. Now I am just lying here, crying and waiting for my death. There is no need to stay alive, nobody need me, everyone is happier without me, especially he.
I remember every time we stayed up all night to play video games or got stoned in my basement or cuddled in the beanbags and I remember his dorky and such adorable smile! I will never see it again.
Suddenly I feel a sharping pain right from my heart,
"I love you, Jerbear!"
than everything turns black.
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