Royal AU (Part 1)
Jeremys PoV
In a few weeks I turn eighteen, then I will become king. Well I can only become king when I'm married and my father wants me to marry a princess, a princess I don't even know, cause the only friend I have is my maid Michael. So my father organized a ball and invited all princes and princesses they could think of.
The ball is today and I am nervous™.
What if I meet my soulmate or something like that. Or worse what if I don't meet someone I like? I still had to marry someone?
I look down at myself, my outfit looks elegant, but it doesn't look like me.
What if there is someone I like, but they only want my money and fame.
Suddenly my door opens and my father and Michael enter the room. Micha looks to the ground, to my father he is just a worthless maid, but he is so much more, he is kind and funny and always cheers me up. As soon as I am the king, the staff will be treated like the unique humans they are, especially Michael.
"The first people already arrived. Hurry up, if you aren't in the ballroom in five minutes, you are grounded! Maid, help him getting ready!"
Michael nods, "Yes, majesty!". Then my father finally leaves.
Michael breathes out loudly. "Thank god, he is gone!" Then he falls down on my bed. "Tired, huh?" I smile while walking towards him. When I sit down next to him, he looks up to me while smirking. "Yes, your majesty!" I smile back, gosh, did he always looked so cute? Wait, stop, he is your best friend. You are straight(?), is it okay to think that your best friend is cute? Yeah, it is probably normal, right?
"You look awesome today! Every princess would be lucky to be your choice!" He sounds really happy, but his eyes look kinda sad, that's odd.
"Thank you! I wish I could return that, but you still aren't dressed! Do you really want to go to the ball in these old clothes?" His face lits up right away, but then his smile falters a bit.
"Ha, really funny!"
"No, I mean it, Michael! You work twice as hard as everyone else! You deserve it! It is just one night, go out and have fun! Dance the whole night if you want, but save one dance for me!" I say for fun and wink him.
"But what if your father sees me? And I don't even have something to wear!" His breath hitches. I take his hand and squeeze it to calm him down.
"My father will be busy and you can take some clothes of mine. You can come whenever you want. I will be down there waiting, okay?" I stand up, looking down to him. He slowly nods. I smile from one ear to the other, before leaving, if I stayed any longer my father would freak out and I don't want to risk that!
The ballroom is already full of people, I take a deep breath and start greeting some familiar faces.
Time flies by, but nothing exciting happens, all of the princesses are flat and arrogant. I look around when my eyes stuck on a particular boy entering the ball room. Michael looks stunning. He wears an old ruby-colored robe of mine. It suits him, he looks stunning, like an god, just perfect!
No, no, no, Jeremiah! Stop that, this ball is just for finding a princess, your future wife! You will not fall for your maid! No, your best friend!
"Jer... Jer...? Is everything okay?" I shake my head, I zoned out. Now Michael stands in front of me in all his glory, looking concerned.
"Yeah, yes! Totally! Everything is... perfect, you look amazing!" Michael blushes, damn he is cute!
"Thanks for inviting me! And borrowing the clothes!"
"Yeah, no, you can keep them! They look better on you anyway!"
"No, that's too much!"
"I will take no no as answer!" I smile weakly at him. His eyes shine, if I look any longer I'll be taken in!
"I love this song!" He says almost noiseless. "Than let's dance!" Without hesitation I offer him my hand and he shyly takes it.
He is an amazing dancer, everything feels so easy and the rest of the world seems to disappear, every moment we get closer, till the song ends and we are standing there face to face.
My heart pounds way to fast! I immediately let go of him, this is wrong! There is no way I can like him more than a friend! I have to marry a princess, no matter what!
He looks kinda hurt, but understanding.
That's when we get interrupted by a small, but self-confident prince. He has ash blond hair, except a small wisp of hair that is brightly red. The way he looks at Michael makes my angry. Like a tiger observing his prey.
"I am sorry to interrupt, but I saw your beauty from across the room and I had to get to know you! My name is Prince Rich" He takes Michaels hand and kisses it. Who the fuck does he think he is?
"I-I'm Michael!" Is Michael nervous? Does he think that that showoff is attractive? I want to punch him, I mean Rich, not Michael!
But I can't show that! "Can I have the dance!" Rich looks directly in Michaels eyes and takes his hand. Michael just looks to me. Is he asking for permission?
I just wink at him. "Go! I have to look for a bride anyway! Have fun!"
Michaels smile is just a weak grin, then Rich jerks him into the crowd and I am alone.
"Hey, you look lonely! Do you need company?" I turn around to a blonde girl, she looks really friendly.
"Yeah, kinda." She smiles and shakes my hand. "My name is Brooke. I am a princess and my parents wanted me to go to that stupid ball to meet that stupid probably arrogant prince Jerry or whatever his name was! But I don't want to meet him, cause I don't want to marry anyone except my maid Chloe, she is the love of my life and I am sorry, I am telling you
My whole life story and you didn't even said your name yet! I know I am annoying, you don't have to talk to me!"
I laugh, she is cute, but like, in a friend way and she talks to much. "Why should I not talk to you? You seem nice! Oh and by the way, I am that stupid prince, my name is Jeremy!" I wink.
"Oh I am sorry, I didn't meant it! I was just pissed because of my parents!"
I just laugh and pat her shoulder!
"It is fine, I understand you! I think I like someone else as well, but my father would never allow me to marry him! And he probably doesn't even likes me! So you are lucky, at least Chloe loves you!"
She smiles, but groans. "Hmm.."
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