Jeremy's PoV
I am on my way to my best friends house, Michael acted strangely later and I plan to confront him about it.
He is really important to me, I mean he is my best friend, my favorite person, I care more about him than everyone else.
I knock at his door and wait, maybe something happened, maybe something is wrong, maybe I did something wrong! I have to find out!
His Mom opened the door looking surprised. "O hey, Jeremy! What are you doing here?" Probably Michael don't want to see me, probably he will be pissed. But it is too late to turn back.
"Hey, Mrs. Mell, I wanted to see Michael!" I smile as bright as possible, which is hard, I'd rather run away.
Luckily she smiles and lets me in.
"Michael went to 7/11 like a minute ago, but he should be back soon, maybe you can wait in his room."
She gestures upstairs.
I would prefer to wait in their basement, we usually don't spent time in his room. On the other side it might be odd to ask somebody if you can go in their basement, so I just nod and go upstairs.
On Michaels Door is a red sign: 'Stay Out'. For a second I hesitate, what if he gets mad cause I crossed a line.
I enter the room anyway.
The room is really large and even though he only has a bed and cupboard, it seems pretty full.
He has tons of posters on his wall, some from our favorite games and others from musicals. I don't know many of them, but a few I recognize.
I think I saw the three girls in traffic light colors before as well as the man standing on the star or the guy with the broken arm.
Michael don't talk about them that much, I think he doesn't want to be annoying, but there is no way he could he could scare me away.
Awkwardly I stand in the middle if the room. Should I sit down on his bed? Would that be weird? Who cares!?
I want to sit down on his bed, but jump up when I feel something unter the blanket. Maybe I shouldn't look what it is, it might be personal.
Unfortunately I am way to curious. I grab under the blanket and fetch a notebook. No, Jeremy! Don't look inside, Michael probably didn't want anyone to see! Stop!
To late! I already opened the book. I read the first sentence and suddenly realize that the book in my hand is Michaels diary. I should really put it back, but I can't.
Dear Diary,
Sounds like the beginning of one of that teenie movies from the eightys.
Say there's this person you pass in the hall everyday.
This gonna be interesting...
I should feel bad for enjoying reading that!
You've known them since ever.
You're used to thinking about them in a certain way.
Then something changes and they changes.
Does... Does Michael has a crush?
Why didn't he tell me?
Look into their eyes and the sky's the limit.
Wow he seems to really like them!
Who are them?
I got no use for moonlight,
Or sappy poetry, love at first sight for suckers!
But I never planned on someone like them.
WoW, the person have to be great when an angel line Michael likes them.
There's nothing like their smile,
Sort of subtle and perfect and real.
Just like Michaels! What!? No... I mean... no homo... right?
They never knew how wonderful that smile could make someone feel.
I should be the only one who makes him feel that way, I mean in friendly way, I mean... you know...
They dance like the rest of the world isn't there.
If I could tell them, tell them everything I see.
What the heck I gotta do to be with them?
Gosh, Michael, everyone would be lucky to be with you!
So could it be us?
Could it be us?
And only us?
But... I don't want them to be only them, what about me? Its always been Michael and me! It is our Two-Player Game!
Okay, Michael, Stop!
Don't dream too far!
Don't lose sight of who you are!
Of being Michael? The most amazing, funny and adorable person in this whole freaking world?
He could be that boy (for me)
So it is a guy? Michael is gay? Why did he never said anything? Would that fact change anything?
No, cause he likes that guy, he doesn't like you, dumbass.
I'm not that boy (for him)
Than he isn't worth you!
I'm just Michael who's a loner
So he must be a stoner
Rides a PT Cruiser
God he's such a loser!
No! No! Baby, no! Michael is perfect, he's not a loser! Why does he think so low of himself! Why can't he see how damn amazing he is.
Don't wish, don't start.
Wishing only wounds heart.
Sadly true!
I wasn't born for the rose and pearl.
Wrong, try again!
There's a girl I know...
He loves her so...
At least I keep his eyes in my life.
But I will never be satisfied!
Sincerely, me
I look up from the book. Who is that guy? Why didn't Michael told me anything? There are so many questions, but one won't leave my head:
Why do I hate this guy even though I don't know him?
Cause he makes Michael sad? Probably!
Cause Michael likes him?
No, right...?
Cause Michael likes him and not me?
Damn it! Am I jealous?
This is so confusing!
I can't stay here, I can't face Michael at the moment. I slide the book back under the blanket and stand up to leave. Suddenly the door opens and Michael comes in.
"Jer? What are you doing heere?"
I just roll my eyes: "Dude, it's a verbal conversation! I can't hear how you spell the words, put I know that this was a pun!"
He giggles, "You mean: You didn't heere it!" I have to smile as well. Why does he have to be so cute, damn it, Jer, get yourself together.
"Sorry, but serious man, why didn't you told me that you come over, I would have bought you a slushie too."
"Yeah, no, I don't know, it was a bad idea...
I should go!"
I turn away and want to leave when he grabs my arm.
"Is everything okay? You are acting weird!"
He looks really concerned and I feel twice as guilty as before.
"Everything is fine! See ya tomorrow!"
"No, it's clearly not! You can tell me everything! You can trust me!"
"Then why don't you trust me?" Fuck, I shouldn't have said that.
"Jer, what are you talking about?"
I take a deep breath, I just can't lie to him.
"Why didn't you told me that you are gay? Why didn't you tell me that you have a crush on somebody?"
His eyes are filled with panic!
The panic turned into anger. I feel line a wet poodle.
"M-Micha, I am so so sorry! I didn't meant to! I swear!"
"What to you mean: You didn't meant to? How could you read a diary accidentally?"
He let go of my arm, so he could turn away from me. Then I hear sobs. Is he crying? "Michael?" I slowly take his hand and pull him closer.
"Are you really feeling this way? Do you think that you are an loser? That is bullshit! You are the most kind, the funniest, the... i don't know... you are just perfect and your smile can light up the world! You are Michael -freaking- Mell!"
I put my arms around him, engulf him in a tight hug.
"And every stupid guy that doesn't like you, is a douchebag and does not deserve you! And if you tell me the name of the guy, I would kick his ass! For being dump enough to let my precious cute Micha go!"
He stopped sobbing and looked directly in my eyes. He almost smiles.
"Y-you think I am... cute?"
Shit, I got caught!
"Am... yeah... well... like... no homo, dude!"
I laugh nervously, I was never good at lying. Michael sadly nods and looks down to the floor.
"It would be probably hard for you to kick his ass..." He whispers.
"What why... Cause I swear, even if it's Rich or Jack, I wouldn't care! But it's not Rich or Jake... RIGHT?"
Do I sound desperate.
"No, it's not. Why do you care?"
"Cause they are totally gay for each other or bi or whatever..."
"O yeah right!"
"Michael, just tell me who it is! Believe me, I won't treat you any different!"
He takes a deep breath, closes his eyes and almost screams with a squeaky voice: "It's you!"
I forget how to breath.
So I just sit there and try to survive.
When my body decided to function normal again, Michael shifted away, facing me and looking like he has been hit. "Yeah, no, it's okay! I know that you don't feel the same... maybe you are even disgusted..."
I cut him off: "I am sorry, I know I promised, but there is no way, I could treat you the same as before!"
His breath hitches and big tears start rolling down his face. "I-it'ss o-ok-"
I cut him of by pressing my lips against his. It feels so good. Is there something he isn't perfect in?
When it is surely not kissing!
Sadly after some minutes my body needs air, so I pull away, but only a inch, looking in his dreamily brown eyes. "I love you, Mell"
"I love you, too!"
~~~~Authors note~~~~
Let's play a game! Who can name all references gets a new subscriber (?)
Good luck!
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