Jeremys PoV
I am really excited. Today me and my friends are visiting a concert. A band was performing we all kinda liked, some more and some less. Yeah, I have to admit it isn't my favorite band, but Michael likes them. That alone would be reason enough to go.
And however I never been to a concert before and I couldn't wait. Who cares about the music? It was an experience! This is going to be great!
On the ride Michael tells me everything about this band, I am only listening half hearted, I don't really care about their background story, but I couldn't tell Michael that.
"Oh and their leader is that cute guy..." Suddenly my attention returns back on Michael. "Y-you think he is cute?"
He just grins and nods. I laugh awkward. "What? Is he like your celebrity crush or something?"
Why do I care? Why do I want to know more about that guy?
Michael nods again, he had almost heart eyes. "Why?"
"He is tall and handsome and he has those big brown eyes you could get lost in! Oh and he is kind and funny and... so much more!"
I don't know why but I hated that guy, maybe cause he sounds so perfect, maybe because Michaels thinks he is perfect. Maybe cause Michael has a crush on this guy and I am not even a bit like him! It's like I don't know anything! So whatever!
My mood when I leave the car was bad, just a minute ago I was all excited and now I don't even want to go to that stupid concert and watch that stupid band and their stupid leader!
My thoughts get interrupted by Michael: "Hey, grumpy! We should enter the entry or the concert starts without us! The others are waiting for us inside!" He has a smile one his face from one ear to the other. My heart misses a beat. I just nod, but don't move.
Annoyed he groans and takes my hand leading me inside. This feels so good! I can't think straight while he holds me hand. Literally!
What is going on with me?
I push the thoughts away and follow him. Inside are a lot of people, he pulls me closer so I don't get lost. I would be lost with out! Jeremy! Stop those thoughts! This is not the time to get philosophic!
The crowd is big, but as soon Jake spotted us he waves like an Idiot. Michael sees him first and drags me along to the others.
When we arrive they give us this look. Jake grins like an Idiot, Rich winks at us and Christine squeals. What is wrong with them!?
Jenna takes a picture of me and Michael and screams: "#boyf riends exposed!" Then I realize that I am still holding Michaels hand, instantly I let go and take a step away from him.
The others groan and I think I saw sadness in Michaels eyes, but that was probably just my imagination!
I decide to not think about it and go to Christine. I greet her with a hug and we start to talk about random things.
This is what I love about her, that I am able to just talk with her, without thinking to much about what to say. She is the only I can talk to like this, except Michael of course!
I laugh way to loud when she tells me a story about her crying in elementary school. She played Julia in the school play and refused to kiss the guy playing Romeo, cause he smelled weird. Noticing everyone around me glared at me I stopped and just grinned. Michael looked annoyed as well, does he thinks I am annoying? I don't want him to think that! Am I annoying? Does he even want me to be here? Do I often annoy him?
Those thoughts come to an end when the crowd freaks out, cause the band enters the stage! I look at the leadsinger and I kinda see Michaels point, the guy looks hot! Someone like me could never keep up with someone like him!
I glance at Michael, who yells at the stage. He looks like he's in awe...
"I don't understand why everyone is freaking out, they are not even that good!", Christine said.
I smile: "Yeah, exactly!" She returns the smile.
"I never really liked them, but everyone else wanted tongo, so I went too, I am not a buzzkill!"
I chuckle, she always wants her friends to be happy, so she does what they want.
"I went cause of Michael. It's his favorite band and as long he is happy, I'm happy!" She gives me a warm smile. "He means a lot to you, does he?"
"Yeah! I mean, of course, we are best friends!" I return her smile.
"That's not what I meant! Jer, everyone can see that you like each other!" What? "No!"
Her smile intensifies. "You don't have to hid it, I won't tell!"
I don't answer, I just think about it, she is kinda right, Michael means a lot to me, but is there more?
I recall the events of the day so fall those thoughts and the thing with the band leader. Am I jealous? ...cause I like Michael...? Like "like like"...
When I turn around to the others Rich is suddenly on Michaels shoulders.
"What the hell are you two doing?"
I ask, a weird feeling growing in my stomach. I don't like them being this close. Is this jealousy?
The second time today?
"Rich couldn't see shit, because he is so small, so I offered him a ride." Michael answers. "I am small too!" I argue and almost add : 'and I want to be on your back.' "No, you are a tallass!" Rich says with a childish voice and sticks out his tongue. I pout for a second, but then an idea pops out in my mind. I know that Rich has a crush on Jake,it's pretty obvious, and judging Jake's expression it is mutual.
"Well, if Michael carries you, than Jake has to carry me." I give him an evil smile. But Michael just grunts.
"You hate it when people touch you, Jer. Especially people you aren't familiar with." He is right, but I would be worth it, Rich totally deserved this.
"What are you talking about? Jake and I are best buddies." With those words I jump on Jakes back. Luckily he lowered himself making it easier for me. On his back I instantly put my arms around him, hugging him as tight as possible. It actually feels nice, he is not as cosy as Michael, but he has nice broad shoulders.
I eventually zoomed out when I hear a loud thud followed by a shriek.
I look and see Rich laying on the ground, the people around us looking at him in shock. "What the heck, Michael!" When he hears his name Michael turns to Rich, looking really guilty. "I am so sorry, buddy- I don't know what-" But before he can finish his sentence Jenna interrupts him.
"You were staring at Jeremy!" What?
"N-no, I didn't... I mean... Why would I...? I just-" But Jenna doesn't think about letting him explain the whole thing. "I even have it on video! It is unbelievable funny! Look at it."
Jenna holds up her smartphone and the whole group forms up around it.
"There! Jeremy hugs Jake, Michaels eyes widen and he instantly lets go of Rich!" Everyone laughs, except for Michael and me. I am sorry for him, everyone makes fun of him.
"Now we know who Michael has a little crush on!" Chloe snickers. Michaels face has now the color of a tomato.
"Stop mocking him! He just was surprised, I normally don't do something like that!" I defend him. I don't like him feeling uncomfortable.
"C-could we just enjoy the music? And could you please get off of Jake?" Michael blurts out.
Jake hesitantly lets me down. Then there is an awkward silent, before everyone returns back to listen to the music and finally back to cheering forgetting about the whole thing.
~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~
Turns out, the band isn't that bad at all, the music was in fact kinda nice. We had a lot of fun, we danced (or at least jumped at the beat)
After the band said goodbye, we leave and go to the parking lots.
"I drive Jeremy home." Michaels states. "Maybe someone of us should go with you, to make sure that you don't make out in the car." Chloe says while laughing earning a friendly slap from Brooke. "Stop mocking them."
"I would never mock them! I love gay people!" Chloe winks at her best friend making her blush.
"Is she still talking about us?" An oblivious Michael asks. Everyone else laughs about his innocence except of Chloe and Brooke who look like tomatoes. They are kinda cute! They would make a great couple.
"Whatever! See you Monday, guys. Goodbye!" I take Michaels hand and lead him to his car. Maybe that was a mistake cause when we arrive I have to let go of his hand leaving an awkward silence. We enter the car and he starts to drive.
"Jer, about what happened with Rich-" Michaels starts, but I interrupt him half way through. "Everything is fine! I get it, I am your best friend and I never let anyone touch, I surprised myself back then as well." I give him a small smile. But he just takes a deep breath and continues: "No, no... Jeremy, look!"
He stops the car and I start to get worried. Have I done something wrong? Does he still wants to be best friends with me? Am I overreacting? Probably!
"I like you-"
I am so nervous that I can't controll my mouth and just blurt out everything I think. "I like you too!"
"Damn it! Could you please let me finish!" His words are harsh and he almost screamed making me flinch.
I don't want to cry, but small tears find their way to my eyes.
"Fuck, no! Please don't cry! I am sorry! I would never want you to be sad. You deserve happiness!" He caresses my cheek and wipes of the tears. He is so nice and caring, he is perfect! Everything inside me screams: Kiss him! Nonetheless he is my best friend, my player one, a kiss could ruin everything! I have to stay strong! So I just sit there and stare in his beautiful eyes. Suddenly he sighs.
"You aren't making this any easier for me!" His words confuse me. What is he talking about? Is this the end of our friendship? Does he know that I like him more than a friend and wants to reject me?
"Okay, I will make it short: Jeremy Heere, I am in love with you!"
Every rational thought is gone when I give in to my instincts and kiss him.
Damn, this feels good! At first he is shocked, but after a few seconds he goes with it and moves his mouth against mine. When we pull away, we aren't able to talk, we just sit there and stare at the street through the windshield.
"By the way, I love you two." I say with a squeaky voice. "I figured." He says with a small giggle. Then he turns to me again with the brightest smile possible. "When I saw you talking to Christine, I was really jealous, you two are so close! I was afraid that you had a crush on her! And than this thing with Jake...
You looked like you actually enjoyed it!" He looks apologetic to me. "It's stupid, i know"
"Oh, I did enjoy it! The guy has muscles!" I laugh and he looks like I hit him in the stomach, "But the only reason I did it, was cause I really jealous of Rich and wanted payback!"
Michaels smile returns: "Well, it worked! And I hope that Jake and Rich confess their feelings to each other soon. Cause I can't take the silent admiration anymore!" He laughs and I do as well. "Same, with Chloe and Brooke!"
"Is anybody in our group of friends actually straight!?" He asks and we laugh even harder. "No! But I couldn't imagine it any different!"
Then we just sit there again in silence, but it isn't awkward at all. It is actually really nice, but there is still potential...
I open my belt and climb to Michael, which turns out really difficult. My head hits the car top once and I yelp, but continue till I sit on Michaels lap.
Michael in return just giggles.
"You are so clumsy! Cute!" He say sand pokes my nose. "Yeah, but it was totally worth it!" I argue and hug him tightly.
"One thing more!" Michael begins.
"You were jealous of the the lead singer, right? That was the reason for your bad mood! You were jealous!"
His smile is almost evil.
"Noooo...." I answer, thinking about it now, it seems really childish.
"You are lying! Of course you were!"
His smile intensifies. "Maybe..."
"I knew it!" He almost jumps up, but isn't able to, cause of me. "Calm down, it isn't that big of a deal!" I say blushing. He doesn't argue back, instead he gives me a small kiss on the lips.
"We should stop with that stupid jealousy! Both of us!" He says seriously. I nod and kiss him, a bit more passionately this time.
"Yeah, I don't need anymore anyway! Cause I know that you are mine! And I am yours, forever!"
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