Fang's Birthday Special
Hi guys! Hope you like this Special, this is dedicated to my co-FaYi shippers and also BoYa. Sorry that I didn't made a special for Bbb's birthday, anyways hope you'll enjoy this! ^3^
Author's POV
Yaya and Ying were reading books in the Tapops library, Gopal was busy eating his chocolates in their room, Boboiboy was with commander Kokoci checking the power spheres while Fang is just roaming around the station for security
At the girls....
Ying: Yaya..
Yaya: What is it Ying?
Ying: I don't want to be your bestfriend anymore
Yaya: Huh? W-What do you mean Ying?
Ying: Stop pretending, I know you hate me that much
Yaya: What are you talking about? I don't hate you.....
Ying: tch! What a great actress you are *stands up*
Yaya: W-wa---
Ying: Happy April fool's day dummy!
Yaya: is that a joke?
Ying: Yea, you're getting too serious you know
Yaya: hehe, you scared me
Ying: hihihi, but I'll never break up with my bestfriend
Yaya: awwwwwwee~ *hugs*
Ying: *hug back*
Fang passed by the library and saw the two girls hugging
Fang: dramatic
Yaya: Ouh! It's Fang
Ying: Oi! Who you said dramatic spiky head!?
Fang: * ignores*
Ying: Perhaps, You'll enjoy if Boboiboy will hug you *smirks*
Fang: What did you say huh?!
Ying: Do I have to repeat it?
Fang: Whatever *leaves*
Ying: Hmp! *cross arms*
Yaya: *laughs a little* why do you tease him with "spiky head"?
Ying: I didn't like his messy hair and it looks like spikes so.. Spiky head
Yaya: speaking of April and Fang, it's his birth month right?
Ying: oh yea
Yaya: We could celebrate his birthday
Ying: You mean suprises and confettis?*excited*
Yaya: Yes, What's the date today?
Ying: ummm, 12 of April
Yaya: So it's tomorrow already
Ying: Yup
Boboiboy: Hi guys!
Yaya: Boboiboy!
Boboiboy: I've been searching for you around and Fang told me you're here
Yaya: where else could I go in breaktime but here in the library
Boboiboy: hehe, yes of course
Yaya: so...why are you searching for me
Boboiboy? *put her hands together*
Boboiboy: ehhh.......nothing
Yaya: ouh really? Is there something you want to say, just tell me
Boboiboy: I just want to check you
Yaya: check me? *blushes*
Boboiboy:uhhhhh... Check you and Ying *fake smile*
Yaya: Ohhh.....
Ying: You know, someone here is getting out of place
Boboiboy & Yaya: Ouh! Sorry Ying!
Ying: It's ok! I enjoyed the scene *peace sign*
Boboiboy & Yaya: Really?
Ying: You two jinks again, Anyways! Boboiboy? Let's have a suprise party for Fang! *jumps in excitement*
Boboiboy: A suprise party for your boyfriend?
Ying: Come on! I'm not dealing with that arrogant boy! *clench fists*
Boboiboy: aahh!!! Okay!!
Yaya: chill Ying, tomorrow is Fang's birthday Boboiboy, let's give him a suprise party
Gopal: what's with the noise? You know this is a library, lucky there's no librarian here
Boboiboy: Done eating?
Ying: Haiya, all you can do is to eat and eat
Gopal: I don't care, I heard about a suprise party, whose gonna have a party?
Yaya: Tomorrow is Fang's birthday.
Gopal: Ouh.......Ying!
Ying: what?
Gopal: You should ask ochobot to teleport you back to Earth
Ying: huh? And why?
Gopal: Buy something for your boyfriend's birthday of coarse! Heheh!
Gopal: huhuhuhu!!!! *run behind Boboiboy*
Yaya: calm down Ying, quiet you guys! Or else somebody will hear our plans
Fang: What plans?
Ying: *whispers to Yaya* now he heard our plan
Boboiboy: Plan? What plan?
Fang: I just heard it from Yaya
Yaya: Plan.......uhhhhh.......
Gopal: We're planning to play card duel with Papa Zola!
Fang: Ok that's boring. *incoming transmission from his watch and answered it*
Captain Kaizo: Pang get ready we have mission to do, my ship will arive there in a few seconds!
Fang: W-What mission Captain?
Fang: Uhh Yes Captain! *leaves*
Gopal: Ish Ish, His Brother is so harsh
Ying: Yea, thanks to him we could prepare for Fang's Birthday.Now, Moving on! Let's make a cake!
Yaya: And make cookies too?
*cricket sounds*
Boboiboy: Cookies? *sweat dropped*
Ying: uhhm, Yaya, It's Fang's birthday, instead of about a red carrot doughnut?
Gopal: uuh, yes....great idea Ying!
Yaya: ummm okay, but i don't know how to make red carrot doughnut
Ying: I know how, we'll make it. How about you and Gopal go ahead now to the kitchen to make your other recipes?
Yaya: okay!, come on Gopal help me transform those alien foods into ingredients that we'll use
Gopal: Yea come on
Ying: Boboiboy will go ask ochobot to teleport me to Earth to buy some decorations and confettis
Gopal & Yaya: okay! *leaves*
Boboiboy: I'll go now Ying *leaves*
Ying: Wait! *runs to Boboiboy*
Boboiboy: Hmmmm?
Ying: I know you have feelings for Yaya
Boboiboy: What pssss, who says? Hehehe *fake laugh*
Ying: Come on! don't lie to me, *whispers* I won't tell anyone
Boboiboy: hah, okay....yes, I have feelings for her
Ying: I knew it! *jumps and pats Boboiboy's head*
Boboiboy: okay okay! Not my cap!
Yaya: *looks at Boboiboy & Ying and bit jealous*
Gopal: Ahemmss
Yaya: Ouh Gopal! Let's go!
Gopal: Are you okay?
Yaya: I'm fine, come on *enters the kitchen*
Gopal: Jealous
Boboiboy and Ying proceed to the control room to tell their commander about their plan for Fang's suprise party, and Kokoci nodded. They went to ochobot to ask open a portal direct to Earth.
*teleportal opens*
Ying: Boboiboy, how about you divide your self into 3
Boboiboy: great idea! Boboiboy Triple Split!
Bbb Earth: Wind! Go with Ying to buy some decorations, Me and Lightning will help Yaya and Gopal
Ying: Oi! What for me to make the cake huh!
Bbb Wind: me too!
Bbb Earth: Yes sure
Ying: We have to go! Come on Wind! See ya later! *enters portal*
Bbb Wind: *enters portal*
Bbb Lightning and bbb earth walk to the kitchen to help Yaya and Gopal
At the kitchen.....
Gopal: I'm finish transforming those alien foods Yaya
Yaya: Come on let's start
Bbb lightning & Bbb Earth: Can we help?
Yaya: Ouh! Sure you can help, one of you will help Gopal
Lightning & Earth: I'll help Yaya
Earth: You help Gopal
Lightning: No, You help Gopal
While the two are arguing.....
Gopal: hayss, Boboiboy is really a fool
Yaya: hmp! Come on Gopal, You're the one who'll help me
Gopal: poor Boboiboy, you lose a chance
Earth: Look at it now! I lose my chance to help Yaya beacause of you!
Lightning: So it's my fault huh? It's your fault! I'm the one whose helping Yaya!
Earth & Lightning: Hiy--- ouchh!!! *their ears were twisted by Yaya*
Yaya: Could you two please stop!
Gopal: Hehe! Serves you right!
Ying: What happened here? *carrying a box of decorations and balloons*
Wind: Hahahaha!!!!!
Earth: Hey! Stop laughing, come here you *went back to normal Boboiboy*
Boboiboy: uhh, sorry Yaya
Yaya: Hmmm, now I really know your other side is pretty annoying..but you're still awesome hehe *thumbs up*
Ying: Now stop with that......Boboiboy! Why did ya went back to normal, Yourselves and Gopal will decorate the station! Me and Yaya will make the doughnuts and the cake
Gopal: Make sure it will be delicious
Gopal: Come on Boboiboy! Let's get out of here!!! *runs and grab the decorations*
Boboiboy: hehe awesome! *leaves and grab the balloons*
After 1 hour.......
Ying: Now we're done! Let's go help them decorate Yaya! *takes off the apron*
Yaya: let's go.....*leaves*
The two girls walk through the way to the boys
Yaya: ..............ehhh???
Ying: What the?
Yaya: Is that your designs???
Gopal: Yea! You like it?
Boboiboy: Gopal! The crepe papers are aligned right?!
Ying: *facepalm* This looks ridiculous!
Boboiboy: Sorry guys, but we don't know how to decorate well, hehehe
Yaya: It's okay! we can help you guys..but first tear off your decorations hehe
Boboiboy: ouh, me Gopal
After 20 minutes.....
Yaya: Now it looks better
Ying: Yeayyy!!! *claps hand*
Boboiboy: Now I know how to decorate well, thanks Yaya
Yaya: hmm your welcome Boboiboy *smiles*
Ying: It's 12: 26 in the midnight if on Earth, it's already April 13!
Gopal: Is that Captain Kaizo's ship?! *panicked*
Commander Kokoci entered the decorated room
Commander: Wow, so this is how you celebrate your birthdays
Ying: Yup Commander! This would be more festive if we're on Earth!
Boboiboy: Is Fang already here commander?
Commander: Yes, I think he'll enter this room
Gopal: Fang is coming!!!! Quick!!
Yaya: I'll switch off the lights! *runs*
Commander: Hey, what's going on!?
Ying: Boboiboy! Hold Fang's cake! I'll blow the confettis! *gives the cake to Bbb*
Boboiboy: You hold Fang's cake, I'll take care of the confettis *gives the cake to Ying and runs*
Gopal: Hurry up!
*switch off the lights*
Ying: uhh!! Why me??!
Gopal: Shhhh! Quiet!
Ying: hmp!
Commander: I can't see
Gopal: *whispers* Then take off your shades
Boboiboy, Yaya & Ying:*facepalm*
Fang: Huh why is it dark in here?! Hello?! *walks slowly*
*lights on*
*confettis blow*
Everybody: Happy Birthday Fang!!!
Fang's POV
I couldn't help but smile on what I saw, I don't know what is this feeling... and I saw a girl sometimes I ignore and hate but I adore the most. I saw Ying smiling while holding the cake, why is she holding my cake? It could be Boboiboy or Gopal? I think the time is slowing looking at her smile, oh that killer smile! And a joyful chinese blue eyes!
Fang: uhhh Thank you.
Ying: Happy birthday Spiky head!
Fang: what's the flavor of the cake?
Ying: guess what
Fang: I'm too tired for guessing
Ying: hmp what else? Red carrot! Your favorite!
Fang: Really? *eyes sparkling*
Ying: And there's doughnuts too, over there *points at the table*
Fang: thank you! *hug Ying*
Ying: ........huh? *blushes*
Fang: *widened eyes and let go of the hug* ahems, sorry
Ying: hihihi...when it comes to red carrot recipes, you really lose your coolness you know
Fang: Whatever
Boboiboy & Yaya: I enjoyed the scene hehe *winks*
Ying: Ish! Stop with it
Gopal: Your Boyfriend really hug you Ying ^~^
Captain Kaizo: Your her boyfriend Pang!?
Fang: what?!
Ying: No Captain! I'm too innocent to be his girlfriend! Ewwwww
Fang: I'm not her Boyfriend Captain
Commander: I can't see relationships on them except for friends
Captain Kaizo: I thought you have one Pang, I would be happy
Ying: *looks at Fang*
Fang: *looks at Ying*
Ying: ewwwwww...not him not him
Gopal: Come on let's start, I'm hungry!
Party goes on.........
Boboiboy walks near Fang
Boboiboy: Happy Birthday Fang...
Fang: thanks
Boboiboy: so are you enjoying the party?
Fang: a little bit
Boboiboy: a little bit? You know Fang, Ying planned for this suprise party just for you
Fang: she did?
Boboiboy: Yea, and guess what? Yaya is about to bake cookies for you but Ying excused, instead of cookies they baked red carrot doughnuts. She went to Earth just to buy this decorations and she helped us decorate this whole room...Your Girlfriend make your birthday even more special
Fang: *exhales* how many times do I have to tell you that, she's not my girlfriend
Boboiboy: hehehe, awesome....I know you have feelings for her
Fang: ??*looks at Ying who was busy chattering with Shielda* I don't know..
Boboiboy: *smiles* that means yes
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