Seokjin hates birthdays.
They just remind him of how his life isn't his own at all. His own special day isn't really for himself.
His birthdays are always filled with brunch with his entire extended family, a grand evening party with people who has nothing to do with Seokjin or his life, a bunch of fake, plastic smiles and half-hearted birthday wishes.
It sucks to know that so many people give two shits about you just because you're the only descendant of a filthy rich, aristocratic family.
People wouldn't have cared at all if he was the son of a nobody. Not that people care anyway; They care about his money, his status, his lineage, not him.
Seokjin sighed quietly, carefully, clenching his fists underneath the table.
"So Seokjin, aren't you excited?"
He got flustered for a moment at the mention of his name. Shit. He just zoned out of a conversation.
"About...?", he asks gently, not forgetting to give his signature, charming gentleman smile to his mother's distant cousin.
The woman chuckled, "About you joining the business, what else?", as if it should've been pretty obvious.
And somehow everyone at the table found it very funny. How, Seokjin will never understand.
"Ah...", but he let out a soft laugh nonetheless; Having a straight face in midst of stupidly giggling people might make him look rude.
"I'm a bit nervous, to be honest... but yeah, very excited as well!"
Yes. Very excited. To the point that he gets anxiety attacks almost every night even at the thought of joining the company as one of the bosses.
But he becomes twenty five today and according to their family "tradition", Seokjin's prime years start from today, and so he needs to join the business, learn and start gaining experience from his father.
The thought alone made a lump appear at the base of his throat. He fidgeted a little, praying hard so that he doesn't end up having a break down infront of so many people.
"Would you like to have some more iced tea, Master Jin?"
Seokjin sighed at the warmth of that deep voice, looking up at his left, he smiled at Taehyung.
"Yes, please. Thank you."
"I would like to have some too, Taehyung. It's still quite hot outside in the daytime! I can't wait for winter to come properly.", Seokjin's second cousin fanned herself as a few more demands for iced tea were thrown around the huge table.
Soon, another butler came to join Taehyung in attending Seokjin's big fat family.
Seokjin knows this guy, he is new to the mansion and currently the youngest among all the servants and maids.
He noticed the two exchanging glances- Taehyung and the new boy, and focused on his plate. Those stolen glances, suppressed smirks, unsaid words are way too familiar to him.
He has seen it all since last four years and he understands the meanings behind them pretty well.
Seokjin smiled to himself, chewing lazily as he subtly shook his head.
Taehyung has found himself a new doll.
"So... the new guy huh?"
Taehyung's hands stopped at the buttons of Seokjin's brand new tuxedo vest as Seokjin slyly but casually threw the question at him.
Glancing up, Taehyung gave him a small smile and resumed to button up Seokjin's outfit.
"His name is Kai.", he said, turning around and picking up the jacket from the walk in closet's sofa.
"Mhm? He looks cute.", Seokjin commented and extended his hands on either sides as the young butler went behind him, helping him in wearing the tuxedo jacket.
"He does.", Taehyung muttered quietly, his hands flattened upon Seokjin's shoulders and then onto his nape, adjusting the dress shirt underneath.
Seokjin chuckled. Taehyung was eighteen when he entered Kim mansion four years ago, solely as Seokjin's personal butler. But that didn't stop him from having a vice grip on almost everyone in the house.
And it doesn't shock Seokjin at all. Taehyung's charm is dangerous. It never fails to get you inside its clutches.
Taehyung doesn't flirt, he enchants. He doesn't demand attention, he allures you and makes you helpless.
Everyone wants him. Everyone loves him. The young maids and servants love to be his playtoy, even Seokjin's relatives and the posh guests of this mansion, whatever their age may be, like to get Taehyung's attention.
"What's with you and young boys, Taehyung?", Seokjin asked while the younger put the tie around his nape.
"I mean there have been women too but, you seem to be much more into men... especially who are younger than you."
Taehyung came back infront of him, buttoning up Seokjin's jacket before he can proceed to fix his tie.
"It's not really about the age.", he said softly, his lowered, rich voice rumbling between the two of them.
"I like how they are not ashamed to be dependent on me.", his eyes shot up at Seokjin again, for a very brief moment before fixing them on his tie as his hands started working on the long piece of cloth.
"I like the way they trust me... The way they call me Hyung."
Seokjin gulped right at the moment Taehyung's hand pushed the knot against the base of Seokjin's neck. "Is this okay?", he asked... whispered, looking up at Seokjin.
Seokjin nodded, but then shook his head immediately, "No uh.. a bit tight, actually."
Taehyung gave him a nod, slightly loosening up the tie.
"You look great!", he grinned, wide and genuine, stepping away so that Seokjin can see himself in the mirror.
"There's something for you on the table, Taehyung.", Seokjin said while checking himself out.
Taehyung blinked at him. "For me?"
"Yeah, why?", Seokjin tilted his head. "Wear it, I will wait for you outside."
And with that, he walked out of the closet. He hopes Taehyung won't mind it. And technically Taehyung shouldn't. But he knows that Taehyung thinks differently about them.
They can be easily called friends. For four years they've been quite close to each other, Taehyung knows about Seokjin's life a lot more than his parents, or even some of his friends.
Similarly, Taehyung was never uncomfortable to talk about his personal life with Seokjin, be it about his family or his no strings attached relationships.
But he has always... always managed to maintain a certain amount of distance between themselves. Seokjin doesn't know why but its there, its always there and it doesn't particularly make him feel good.
"Its beautiful.", Taehyung came out with a big smile on his face that makes his cheeks look rounder, makes him look so much softer. "Thank you, Master Jin."
Seokjin couldn't help but smile his brightest as he saw Taehyung wearing the tuxedo that he had specially bought for him.
"When did you buy this?"
"Last week. I saw it and I just knew it will look gorgeous on you. Taehyung, I want you to wear this in today's party, please!", Seokjin bounced on the balls of his feet.
Taehyung stared at him for a few seconds and then, all of a sudden, the smile left his face.
"Master Jin, I-", he looked down, averting his eyes from the older's. "I can't do that."
Seokjin deflated. "What do you mean you can't?"
Taehyung looked at him, his eyes sad and apologetic.
"I can't, Master Jin. There will be so many people in the party and I-"
"So what? I can't gift you something?", Seokjin huffed. Taehyung can't say no to him, atleast not today.
"You can. Ofcourse you can. But, I'm not one of you, Master. I'm just a servant and this... this is not meant for me.", Taehyung answered. Seokjin wanted to throw the phone away that was in his hands.
And so he did.
"And what exactly is meant for you, Taehyung?", he asked, calm yet mocking.
Taehyung looked at him with surprised eyes, large and confused and Seokjin felt like screaming at him.
"Get out.", he seethed, turning away from the other. "Leave! Just go."
Taehyung waited on his spot for some time before silently making his way inside the closet again.
"Also..", Seokjin's voice stopped him on his tracks. "Leave the tuxedo where it was before."
That evening, when Seokjin joined the party, almost everyone complemented on how handsome he looked. Everyone agreed that the dark purple tuxedo gives him a regal look.
But only him and Taehyung knew that it wasn't the tuxedo that was bought for him, it was the one that Seokjin had bought for Taehyung instead.
The one Taehyung had wore just a few minutes ago.
Sleep refused to visit Seokjin that night.
He tossed and turned on the bed, fixing his pillows, adjusting his duvet, changing his lying position.
Nothing. Not a single sign of sleep. He cursed under his breath.
Helplessly, he just stared at the ceiling above him, his mind drifting off to the moment when he stepped down the stairs and into their huge hallway that evening.
There were so many people over there, like every year. And amongst all those faces, he so desperately wanted to find the face of a certain person.
He wanted to see what his impulsive act does to Taehyung.
And he did find him. Standing at the farthest corner of the hall, Taehyung was staring at him like he was seeing Seokjin for the first time.
Seokjin clearly saw the man gulping before raking his eyes all over him and finally averting his eyes.
Seokjin huffed. His throat suddenly felt parched. He didn't even have water in his room today because.... well Taehyung didn't come to his room after the party at all and he is the one who usually takes care of Seokjin's daily needs.
He whined. Tonight is getting way too long.
When his lazy steps took Seokjin infront of the kitchen area, he had to stop himself abruptly.
There were mild sounds coming from inside the kitchen, sounds of two voices, to be precise. And one of those voices was very familiar to Seokjin.
He contemplated for almost a minute, even considered returning to his room but then something took over him and he peeked inside.
And he was right. It was Taehyung, indeed. He was with the new boy... Kai, that's what his name is right?
Seokjin felt like he forgot to breathe. Taehyung had Kai pinned against the counter, he couldn't see the boy's face as he had his back faced towards Seokjin.
But Seokjin was sure that they were... kissing.
Go back, his mind yelled at him but he stayed glued to his place, drinking in the entire scene infront of him.
And all of a sudden, without giving him a warning or chance, Taehyung tilted his head a bit sideways and opened his eyes, looking straight at the doorway, right into Seokjin's eyes.
Seokjin felt like someone punched all the air out of him, drained him of even the last bit of energy he had in his body.
Taehyung gripped at Kai's hair, kissing him harder, ran a hand over his thigh, lifting it up to his own hip, all while staring straight into Seokjin's eyes.
It was only when Kai cried out a soft "Hyung!", Seokjin jerked away from his spot.
And he ran, away from the kitchen area, up the stairs and inside his bedroom.
He breathed hard, whimpered when he felt the tears falling down his cheeks, clamping a hand over his mouth to suppress the sobs that are coming out from the pit of God knows what kind of pain Seokjin has kept safe inside himself and for how long.
When the sudden knock on his door made Seokjin jolt up on his bed, the clock showed the time as 2 in the morning.
For some reason, Seokjin didn't feel like asking who it was. He just knew who stood on the other side of the door.
Something told him at the back of his mind that he must open it as soon as possible.
So he rushed out of his bed and opened the door.
"I forgot to bring water for you. Sorry about that.", Taehyung said in a curt voice, taking long strides inside the room as Seokjin made way for him.
"Its fine.", Seokjin couldn't stop himself. "You must've been busy."
Placing the jug and glass on the bedside table, Taehyung turned around, considering him for a moment.
"You should sleep.", he muttered, throwing a glance at Seokjin's messy bed.
"Well I can't.", Seokjin crossed his arms, "What now?"
"You-", Taehyung seemed to struggle with his words. "Its not a right thing to sneak on people."
Seokjin smiled. "You didn't seem to mind it though."
"Don't do this.", Taehyung's jaw clenched on its own. "Whatever you have been upto since the evening- just don't try to continue it."
"What am I doing?", Seokjin walked closer to the younger. "Tell me. What am I doing?"
"You think I don't understand what you're trying to do?", Taehyung scoffed, looking sideways. "You know what? We're not doing this right now."
He took long strides again, this time back to the door before he was stopped by Seokjin's grip on his wrist, forcing him to turn around.
"Yes we are! We are doing this right now. Because I need to know what is it that I've been trying to do that you can understand but can not say it on my face."
"Tell me. What am I doing? Tell me what am I upto... Hyung?"
It was as if Seokjin saw something visibly breaking open inside Taehyung. The first expression that showed on his face was as if he was in a numbing pain.
"Seokjin...", the younger murmured, like it will break Seokjin or himself or both of them into pieces if he says his name even a bit louder than that.
"Don't do this."
"Why?", Seokjin laughed softly, stepping closer to Taehyung. "Don't you want it? Have you never, not even for once, wanted me hyung?"
Taehyung closed his eyes, muttering streaks of curses as he got even closer to Seokjin, cupping the older's long neck with his large hand.
"If only-", softly yet firmly, he put pressure around Seokjin's neck. "If only you knew."
"I know. I always knew what you want, hyung. And I always knew that you know what I want too.", Seokjin whimpered, gasping as Taehyung's teeth brushed against his plump bottom lip, softly biting at it and tugging it afterwards.
"Please...", he almost choked, the vice grip around his neck cutting the air out of his windpipe. "I've never got what I've wanted in life. I never get what I want, Hyung. Please-"
Seokjin's hands flew inside the younger's hair, moaning quietly as Taehyung slotted their lips against each other.
Taehyung kisses Seokjin like he wants to own him; Own and keep for himself only.
Taehyung touches Seokjin like he wants to leave a mark, make his ownership visible, loud and clear for the whole world to see.
Taehyung moves inside Seokjin like its the only way he can stay alive, like its a necessity to him, as much as breathing is.
Taehyung Taehyung Taehyung
That's all Seokjin can think, all he can feel, all he wants to know for the rest of his life.
He mewled as Taehyung abused his sweet spot once again, quite mercilessly.
"Hyung-", he cried, tugging at his hands and sighing when he couldn't free them out of Taehyung's grip that had both of his wrists pinned above his head.
Taehyung dips his head under Seokjin's left ear, sucking at the supple, pale skin.
"Hyung... Hyung...", Seokjin chants, twisting his head, opening his mouth obediently when Taehyung sticks his tongue inside his sweet cavern.
When they both came down of their highs, their limbs tangled with each other, Taehyung still kissed Seokjin while pushing him against the mattress.
"Hyung.", Seokjin slurred against the younger's warm lips. "It's still dark outside."
"So...?", Taehyung rubbed Seokjin's bottom lip with his thumb, pushing it inside easily as the other slackened his jaw in an instant.
Seokjin softly, teasingly bites at the thumb, making the younger suck in a breath.
"It's still my birthday.", he blinks up at Taehyung, earning a small peck on the tip of his nose.
"And...?", Taehyung arched up his eyebrow while he let the brunette's wrists go out of his clutch.
"I want something from you.", Seokjin's arms went up to Taehyung's neck, coiling around them languidly.
"And that is?", the younger whispered, leaning down to kiss Seokjin yet again, seems to have some kind of addiction when it comes to those pair of lips.
"I want my Hyung... all for myself."
Taehyung gazed down at Seokjin and then all of a sudden, he started laughing breathily. "I didn't expect you to want me for more than a night."
That made Seokjin frown. "Why would you say that?", he pouted.
"Because I'm a nobody? Just a hot face.", the younger shrugged.
"You're my Hyung. One of the very few persons I can be myself with. The only person I can depend on. The only person I want to trust with my everything. Is that not enough for you?", Seokjin reached up, capturing Taehyung's lips with his own.
"I want you, Hyung. I want you as long as you will let me. I want you only for me... Only if you want to."
His back arched up and he whined, his head falling back on the mattress with a thud as Taehyung's hand worked between both of them, around the older's now semi-hard length.
"I'm yours.", Taehyung vowed against Seokjin's parted lips. "As long as you want me by your side, I'm only yours, my Jin-ah. Happy Birthday, sweet boy."
Seokjin's lips formed a smile, which soon melted into a soft, breathy moan.
Birthdays are not that bad afterall.
I've been wanting to write this au for SO long!
Only all_bangtan_feels had heard once about it.
Today I was like FUCK IT and here it is.
One thing that I've noticed about my writing nowadays is that I've become impatient. I really need to work on it.
ANYGAYS, Let me know how y'all liked it in the comments.
Don't forget to vote and comment, they're the reason I BREATHE.
Purple Ya! ^_^💜
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