Ch. 3- Punch, kick, web
It'd been just about four weeks since the night May passed away and Peter had barely gotten out of bed, barely ate. He honestly avoided Mr. Stark because of how much the man has seen him cry in the past few weeks. He hated that he'd seen him like this- weak. The only thing Peter could think of out of his exhaustion and embarrassment was to do the only thing he had the energy to do. Stay in bed.
The only times he'd gotten up was by Mr. Stark's orders.
Peter wanted to be mad at him for making him get up when he'd barely had enough energy to even open his damn eyes, the only exception going on his phone (even though he was ignoring any text he got from someone) but he knew he was doing his best to keep him as close to ok as possible.
Sometimes, the little things he guided Peter out of his room to do helped. Even if it was just watching a movie while he stared at it teary-eyed or watching Tony work in the lab, learning silently. Most of the time it was to get him to eat.
"Please kid. You need this," he'd said for the fourth time, holding out a glass of water and a bowl for him to take. "I made soup." That'd gotten a small reaction out of Peter, a smile pulling at his lips, "You know how to cook?"
A gleeful glint in Mr. Stark's eye, he laughed. "Try the soup and you tell me."
It wasn't bad- not bad at all actually. It felt nice at times for him to sit somewhere that wasn't his room or the couch and he felt a little better that it made Mr. Stark and Ms. Potts so happy. He felt like he was helping- finally doing something right; but his energy level somehow plummeted down even further by the end of the meal. His eyelids felt weighed down, eyes stinging with exhaustion.
When he'd asked to be excused, they looked sad and Peter felt awful. He hated himself. He hated himself for intruding on Mr. Stark and Ms. Potts' life. For falling asleep again- for not waking up again until late that night, unable to drift back into dreams where May was still ok. Where Ben and his parents were still ok.
He wanted to be productive and do something to distract his mind from thinking. He didn't want to think because if he did, he'd only be able to focus on May and he'd cry again and he couldn't cry again because Mr. Stark would find out and look down on him for being such a baby.
Peter's eyes wandered to his suit that sat scrunched up next to the few duffel bags of clothes that he hadn't bothered to unpack.
They'd gotten it almost immediately after the funeral, returning to the empty apartment that stunk of old food and the rotting Thai Peter had ordered the night she died, still sitting in the container with flies circling it. When he'd stuffed most of his things in the duffel bags Tony had bought him, he'd just thrown them back on the floor and barely did anything after that.
May would be so disappointed in him.
The thought came suddenly and Peter scowled down at his bed sheets, frustrated, guilty tears pooling in his eyes.
He had to do something. If he didn't, he'd be stuck thinking about her.
Peter pushed himself up off his bed with a grunt, staring at his suit. He had to make up for it- save someone.
Pushing himself out the window and swinging through the air numbly, he felt some sort of déjà vu.
He'd done this just nights after Ben died, wanting to get his mind off things but ran into the man that had caused the demise of Ben Parker, continuing his robberies as if he hadn't murdered someone- as if he hadn't taken away one of the most important people in Peter's life.
Peter hadn't killed him, but he'd apparently tried.
He had blanked out, only returning to conciseness when he felt his foot collide with the man's chest and him slamming into the concrete alleyway wall so hard large cracks spidered up it. The man was on the ground a second later, wheezing in pain. He'd hospitalized him. The act had done nothing to satisfy Peter and from then on, he decided Spider-man was only for good deeds.
"Karen," Peter muttered, his voice gravely from lack of use, "Give me- give me something to do."
"Peter... I do not recommend crime-fighting in your state. You need rest." Karen's voice was soft and sympathetic, like-
Peter shook the thought out of his head with a scowl.
Hadn't he rested enough?
"Karen override whatever code Mr. Stark gave you to- to sound like that. To tell me I'm not... ok enough to do this- I'm fine." "Other than my programs to care about your well-being, this is not Mr. Stark's code. I have access to all types of internet and research and I know that you should surround yourself with people you love and take a break after a death as traumatic as May Parker's, you-"
"Stop it Karen!" Peter shouted. The AI had gone silent, making guilt rise up the hero's stomach. "I- shit- I'm sorry. Just... please. I need- I need a distraction." "...Ok Peter. There's a woman in need of assistance 2 blocks north. Security cameras show her purse being stolen. You can stop the man if you get there quick." "Thank you," he sighed.
The night went by in a blur, no crippling thoughts running through his head, just 'punch, kick, web' repeated over and over again as he fought robbers and bullies and whatever problem came up that needed him. Karen had been turned off after her third reminder that he should begin going home.
Home? Was the tower even home? Was it-
'Punch, kick, web,' Peter could hear the directions in his head as he webbed up the last guy, who had been drunk and following a lady.
His interference had angered the man. As the woman ran off with a shriek, he ran at Peter with full intention of fighting him. He'd gotten a few punches in, like many of the other criminals tonight but with a pulled-back kick, he made impact with the wall and was webbed to it.
"Peter," Karen said, her voice sounding almost nervous. "Mr. Stark has been trying to contact you for hours. It is 4:46 AM, much past what was installed as 'Spidey's bedtime.'"
"Because of that name, I'm tempted not to go back," he deadpanned, only half joking. "Whether you go back or not, Mr. Stark will probably find you through his suit."
He took a few steps back towards the building that was behind him, just now feeling the weight of his tired limbs. The adrenaline had felt amazing in the moment but now that it was wearing off, he felt tired again. He hated this feeling- it was driving him crazy. He didn't want to feel this miserable anymore.
"Peter you have gotten another message from Mr. Stark." He grimaced as the bright blue hologram opened up in the eye sight of his suit.
Tony: Pete, come home.. it's late kid.
Huh... that didn't sound.. angry.
Peter: on my way. Sorry
When he finally made it to the window of the tower, he panted, trying to catch his breath. His limbs shook and throbbed with a soreness that sunk into his bones. He stumbled through, bracing himself for the lecture. Maybe he'd even get kicked out only weeks into his stay. That was the most likely outcome. He didn't even know why Mr. Stark brought him to his home in the first place. Next stop, foster care-
"Pete." The man paced up to the boy, hands raised as if wanting to cradle his face, but not knowing if he should. Instead, he chose to swiftly change the movement to slowly pull up his sweat-dampened mask.
The man sighed sadly, staring at his cut and bruise- littered face.
"That wasn't a good idea on your part." His voice short, but soft, a tone Peter had never heard out of the man until recently, the night he brought Peter home. This was... this was different though.
Before- when Peter came here, the mess he was- he was comforting. But right now, he was careful, like Peter could break down with one wrong touch. Like he was a jenga set and too many pieces that kept him structured and steady had been pushed out, yanked away from him until he was tilting and swaying from side to side, one light poke having the ability to make him tumble to the ground, into a void of nothingness.
Peter couldn't say it was wrong...
His tone was sympathetic, it was saddened at the idea that Peter had thought he needed this type of distraction.
It irked him slightly. He didn't want sympathy.
"It helped..." he muttered, refusing to look his mentor in his eye.
Mr. Stark tilted Peter's chin up to look at him. He saw so many different emotions in his eyes, as if he didn't know what to feel.
"It didn't help the people around you like you wanted it to. A distracted Spider-man is a dangerous Spider-man..." "B-but I didn't hurt anyone," he said, suddenly feeling a tight, defensive feeling creeping up his chest. "No... you didn't. There's a chance you could have though. But- you're tired Peter. You need a break. Let yourself heal-"
"I don't want to heal! I don't want to- I just want to- forget. I-I want everything to go back to normal," Peter said, his voice cracking with emotion. Tears gathered in his eyes, adding to his embarrassment. Mr. Stark took a step forward, holding his hand out like he wanted to comfort him. Peter pulled away and pretended he didn't notice the man hovering his hand in the air in his peripheral vision, the sting of rejection written all over his face, and walked to his room.
Mr. Stark didn't really want this- a kid. He didn't want to be a parent. Peter forced him into this situation.
"I'm going to bed."
He didn't sleep.
"I want everything to go back to normal."
The broken expression on Peter's face reminded Tony of the first night he got to the Tower after... after May's passing.
The kid had woken back up late into the night and put himself into a sensory overload.
"It's not real," he gasped, squeezing his head between his legs, trying to catch his breath.
"It's not."
The two had ended up in the bathroom, Peter gagging up anything he'd eaten in the last 24 hours, which wasn't a lot.
Pressing his cheek against the cold seat of the toilet, looking more than drained, he sniffled, "She was a good driver Mr. Stark." "I know kid..." "..didn't... I didn't even hug her before I left for school, I-" As he gagged again, Tony set a hand his back with a sigh.
Peter wiped his mouth on his hoodie sleeve (gross) and leaned back, squeezing his eyes shut.
Tony allowed him to lean into his side, heart breaking as he hiccuped and tried to wipe away the nonstop flow of tears. He really hoped he'd fall asleep.. Peter needed to get some rest.
"Do you think she was in any pain?"
The question had hit Stark surprisingly. He didn't know what to say.
The moment getting too emotional for Tony, he felt himself tearing up. He sniffed- nervous habit- and rubbed his stinging nose, glancing away.
"I hope not kiddo..."
It was a really hard night. It's been hard for weeks. Tony had barely seen Peter. It was good for him to get some sleep and process but he needed to have human interaction.
May hugged him a lot. She told him she loved him a lot. She comforted him when he needed it. Tony didn't really know how to do that, couldn't decide what to do when FRIDAY told him Peter was crying in his room, but he'd try and do what he could to comfort him. First though, he had to guide Peter out of his room and help him through this a little more.
The only time they actually got the kid out of the tower was to gather his things from his apartment and give away what they weren't taking.
Tony hated seeing that broken look in Peter's eyes as he looked at what used to be his home. It was empty, untouched, dirty, and it gave off a nauseating smell of old food.
They'd been there for a long time. It was really hard for Peter to choose what to bring with him and what not to. In the end, they'd managed to clean it out though, most of May's things getting donated or going into Storage, and Peter keeping a few things of hers and Ben's and picture frames of his family.
The next week was the funeral. It was small, but the people that came were in pieces.
They all loved her so much.
When they walked up to the duo, Tony squeezed Peter's shoulder comfortingly, hoping to break him out of his autopilot- trance. The boy didn't answer any one's 'I'm sorry for your loss' or them asking how he's holding up.
Honestly, it was a nice sentiment but a stupid fucking question.
How exactly was he supposed to answer that? He just lost his last living family member at 15 for fuck's sake.
When she was lowered into the ground next to Ben Parker's tombstone, Tony saw the paleness of Peter's face and the sweat beading at the nape of his neck before he ran to the nearest bathroom.
Tony told him he would be adopting him soon after the funeral since May didn't have a will written out yet.
The opposite from what Tony expected, Peter started freaking out and apologizing. He had expected tears, even expected Peter to say he hated him, that didn't want this, but he didn't expect an apology.
"I'm really sorry Mr. Stark I didn't mean to put you in this situation. I-I know you didn't want me to-"
"Peter. I'm not doing this because I have to. I want to. What I really don't want is you ending up in a foster home or by yourself," Tony offered a small smile, "You're stuck with me kiddo."
That was almost a month ago and since then, Peter was having a hard time, but was holding up. He listened to Tony when he encouraged him to come out of his room and do something- anything but lay in that bed all day. He didn't have nearly as much enthusiasm as he used to but Tony didn't expect him to have any. He needed time.
Just a few nights ago, he went out and got himself hurt and Tony took one look and knew it was from guilt. He felt the same way at many points of his life. When he wasn't doing something to help, something in the suit, he felt like he was the reason someone out there was dying.
He decided against lecturing the kid and Peter ended up sending himself to bed.
But now, he was worrying because he had to go to a long-ass meeting and leave Peter alone. Pepper wouldn't be there because she was at one regarding new Stark products. Tony would actually prefer those meetings over Ross.'
But lucky him, he had one after Ross' meeting too.
"Mr. Stark it's fine," Peter stressed in a small voice, not even glancing up from his phone. Tony still feels bad. He wants to stay and make sure the kid is ok. Maybe watch a movie with him.
"You don't have to call me that anymore, by the way."
That got a reaction out of him.
Peter looked up nervously, making Tony scoff,
"Jesus- not- Call me Tony, kid."
With that, Stark exits out the door and makes his way to the meeting room.
"Dude," Rhodey called, following Tony out the door. "Tones!"
Tony stopped in his tracks, spinning around impatiently. "Yeah?"
"You just... you seemed distracted. At the meeting I mean." "What? Oh yeah, it was boring. I zoned Ross' mind-numbingly boring voice out. What's new?" "I know, I know. You just- you looked nervous, you kept looking down at your phone." "Yeah, I was just making sure the kid hadn't called me and needed something. I had to leave him alone and now's not really the best time to-" "Wait, Peter? Why can't he be alone?"
"Oh man," he groaned. Fuck he'd forgotten to tell Rhodes. He'd been so busy lately calling all the lawyers for the adoption to go through and trying to find things for Peter to do, he'd just forgotten.
"I'm sorry Rhodey I forgot-" "Is he ok?"
Stark grimaced, "Mentally or physically?" "Tony."
"His aunt- May- she... she died a few weeks ago... he's living with me and I've been busy trying to give him a reason to get him out of bed in the morning and-and get the adoption settled, and I just- god Rhodey I don't know what to do." He plopped back into a seat, hunching over.
"Wow... I'm...I'm really sorry. That's awful.."
"He's just- he's in this big unfamiliar place that isn't his home and he doesn't know what to do with himself. He went out as Spider-Man the other night just to get in a fight or-or maybe to make up for the time he lost, who knows going on in his head. I can barely convince him to get out of his room..."
"So, he needs something to do... more of a reason to get out of bed than to watch you work on a car or just to eat-" Rhodes cut himself off, watching as the gears turned in Tony's head. "What're you thinking?"
The man's eyes lit up and he snapped his fingers.
"A dog. I'll get him a dog."
"Huh... Tony Stark with a kid and a dog. Sounds pretty domestic if you ask me. Go for it."
"Ha-ha very funny."
Rhodey grinned at his friend.
"See you Rhodey, I'm gonna get the kid and take him to the shelter. Love ya! FRI order everything you can find that's best recommended for a dog."
"Wait, you're going now?"
"Hey, kid."
"Hm?" "C'mon, we're going for a drive," he said, twirling his keys around his finger as he leaned against the door frame.
"Where are we going?"
"It's a surprise."
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