Ch. 2- A nightmare day
Mr. Stark: Lab today?
Peter groaned at the sound of his phone dinging, rolling over in his bed to take a look.
Why was Mr. Stark texting? It was still dark out-
Wait- what's the time-?
fuck, 6:30!
Peter yelped and jumped out of bed, tripping over his bed covers in the process.
He catches himself on his dresser, though it doesn't stop the rattling bang that sounded from the impact.
He throws open the drawers and snags the first pair of pants he sees.
"Shit my alarm didn't go off," he grunted, running to his closet and quickly throwing on a hoodie.
Peter swiftly slid his books and homework from the prior night into his backpack and ran out, yanking his phone off the charger.
Which was only charged up to 40%.
Peter, only focused on silently cursing his charger that was literally hanging on by a thread, (maybe he can convince Mr. stark to buy him a new one) ran his toe into the dinner table.
The boy groaned and hopped on his other foot.
This day was going fantastic so far.
"Peter? Are you ok?"
Oh awesome, May hadn't gone to work yet, he thought happily.
Before he could go in and hug her goodbye, he remembered the time again.
"Im already late byeMayloveyou," he said quickly before running out the door.
By the time Peter made it to his classroom, he was already late and completely out of breath.
His teacher stared at him judgingly.
"You're late."
Yeah no shit-
"Take a seat please Parker."
"Yeah," he said, sucking in another breath, "sorry."
"You look like shit."
Peter hummed and rolled his eyes as he plopped into his seat. God he was so annoying.
Peter looked next to him to see Ned, working on an assignment. The boy looked up for a moment, pale. "I forgot to do the homework," he hissed, looking down again to finish it. Peter's jaw dropped.
"There was homework?"
"Hey, hey loser."
Peter looked behind him to see MJ with a mischievous smile on her face.
"You look like shit."
Peter smirked and rolled his eyes.
MJ was awesome.
Mr. Stark: leaving me on read, huh?
Pete: oh shit sorry sir I woke up late and had to run out the door, I forgot you texted
Mr. Stark: First off, language kid
Mr. Stark: second, no calling me sir, that makes me feel old
Pete: mb
Pete: but I don't think I can come tonight, May said she might be able to come home early and we wanted to watch a movie. I'll be there tmrw though
Mr. Stark: alright kid, see you
Mr. Stark: Stay in school
"Parker! Phone away."
Peter slipped his phone into his pocket and took out his textbook with a sigh.
School went on slowly, just as it always did. Peter already knew most of the topics, as Mr. Stark went through his books with him and helped him learn it beforehand. (They were bored)
The hours droned on and the only thing keeping Peter awake was the excitement of having the night with May. She's always so busy but it's Friday and Friday's mean she's home early and they get to watch a movie together and eat takeout. Peter couldn't take his chances of falling asleep and getting a detention.
When the last bell finally rang, he shouted his goodbyes to Ned and MJ and ran out the door.
He considered himself lucky not missing the subway and the fact that finally, there was even an empty seat just there.
Maybe today isn't so bad, he thought, happily scrolling through his phone in a seat as he wondered if May was home yet.
Peter chucked his keys to the counter,
"May! I'm home!"
He looked over to see a sticky note on the table with money on the side.
'I'll try to get home as early as I can, but I still might be a little late tonight. I had to cover for someone but I left money for takeout. I'll be home as soon as possible.
Love you sweetie,
-May <3'
He opened May's contact.
Petey: Hey May :) I'm gonna order Thai. You want the usual?
Peter didn't get an answer the next hour, so he just ordered her favorite and decided he'd stay up and wait for her so they could eat together. Their food was cold but there was always the microwave.
Around 10, while Peter was just finishing up his homework, the home phone rang.
"Um.. yeah. Who is this..?"
"It's Jan, honey."
Mrs. Luis was May's best friend. They've worked at Queens hospital for a long time together. Peter's babysat her kids a few times, and she babysat Peter when he was little apparently. She was really nice.
"Oh- Hey Mrs. Luis. Why're you calling through the hospital's number? Is May on her way home?"
"Sweetie May's... She's here. She's-"
"Oh so she's coming back later? That's fine I ordered food for her and I can just stay up. I-"
"Peter she was in an accident on the way home. She's- we're keeping her stable right now but- it's really bad. I don't know if she'll get through the night.. Is there a way you can get here? ...Peter? Peter are you there?"
Peter dropped the phone and ran.
His entire body felt cold, his heart beating at a quick pace. He didn't think about his super speed as he felt his feet hit the pavement with each step.
He had to get there.
God, he had to get there right now
Please be ok May, please please plea-
Peter's shoulder collided with someone else's.
"Shit I-I'm sorry-"
Peter looked up at the stranger as he raggedly sucked in a breath, wishing the pain in his chest would go away.
The old man's grey mustache lifted up as he smiled softly at Peter, sympathy shining in his eyes.
"It's going to be ok kid."
Peter stared for just a moment before shaking his head clear and once again running to the hospital.
God, she was dying.
He was going to have to live without her.
How could he cope? He can't loose her, he can't.
Mrs. Luis ran up to Peter, enveloping him in a hug.
In the few seconds of calm, he realized he probably looked like shit.
Peter stood in the middle of the hospital, pajamas drenched in sweat, barefoot, and he probably looked like he was going to pass out. He felt like it too.
Peter pulled away from her comforting gesture.
"Where's May?"
"Peter she's... you might have to say goodbye sweetie.. she's not doing well."
Holding back tears, he said with as much certainty as he could muster,
"Take me to her."
The woman took him upstairs and into May's room.
Peter stared at his aunt in front of him, feeling sick.
It seemed like her entire body was bandaged up. Even though the gauze wraps were thick, red still seeped through. The side of her face was littered with cuts and bruises she- She just looked so fucking hurt.
"I'll leave you with her." She squeezed his shoulder and walked out the room.
The silence around him was only making his chest squeeze tighter and tighter with anxiety so he spoke in his panic.
"May," Peter said, his voice breaking pathetically,
"Please, don't leave- you can't leave me. You- you can't. I don't have anyone else."
He rested his chin on the bed and held her hand, staring at her peaceful face. It didn't do anything to ease the racing of his heart though, seeing as her chest rose and fell slightly, not enough for a normal person.
He let tears drip down his face.
He felt like a little kid, like a child lost in a store unable to find their parents. He felt so alone.
Beep, beep, beep.
Why was the heart monitor going so fast..?
A panicked sob eacaped his lips.
"Wait- May? May please-"
It only increased faster and faster, just like Peter's heart.
"May- no-"
Peter jumped up from his seat and called for help,
He'd had to practically scream for it before a group of doctors and nurses finally ran inside and crowded around her.
Peter stepped forward to see her but he was pushed outside the room.
"Hey! Wait-" he shouted desperately.
He pounded on the door for them to let him in- she couldn't be alone. She needed someone there- Peter needed to see she was ok.
He ran his hands through his hair and tugged on it, beginning to pace.
"No, no, no-"
People in the waiting room stared at him, but he couldn't bring himself to care.
His breathing became more ragged by the second, he could feel panic seeping up his chest.
He couldn't have a panic attack though, he had to see May was ok,
She had to be ok.
Please, not again.
"Peter Parker?"
"How is she I-"
"Do you have anyone we can call?"
"N-no. Please- how is she?"
"Peter we need to call someone. Friends? Family?"
"No! What happened- Is she ok??"
"...She's gone."
Tony nodded his head to the blasting AC/DC he played in the background while he worked.
Saying today had been busy was an understatement. He had 4 different meetings to go to, where he had to talk about one of his new Starkphones. His mouth was sore from paparazzi-smiling as if he was happy to be there all goddamn day.
Ross also invited himself to his tower, (he was tired of being put on hold apparently) trying to convince Tony to tell him where the avengers were hiding. Sure, he had contact with them but in all honesty, he had no idea where they were and even if he did, he had no plans of telling the man.
So he got yelled at for that for what felt like an eternity.
With this busy, nightmare day, Tony decided he deserved a few long hours to himself, tinkering in his lab.
Just as he twisted the screw driver, tightening the metal, FRIDAY spoke up.
"Sir, I'm afraid Mr. Parker's heart rate has increased to a very high rate. He's in much distress."
Tony stopped what he was doing and looked up at the ceiling, his eyebrows furrowed.
"Did something happen on patrol?"
"He hasn't been on patrol since yesterday evening. I was alerted through his watch when it detected a panic attack."
"Call him." "I'm afraid his phone is dead sir."
"Shit... can you track him? Where is he?"
"He is-"
The man jumped at the blaring sound of his phone ringing. Looking over at it, he could see it was an unknown number. He usually wouldn't answer these but something in his gut told him he probably should.
"Hi, this is Queen's hospital, I'm Doctor Smith. Is this Tony...Stark?"
"This is he..."
"You're- uh- you're put down as Peter Parker's emergency contact. Is that correct?" "Yes- is he alright?"
"His aunt came in earlier with terrible injuries resulting from a car accident and she... she passed a few minutes ago... I'm very sorry for your loss but are you available to take Peter? He's still a minor and he seems to have no other family documented so if we don't find someone in the next hour, we'll have to contact DCF."
"I'm already out the door, I'll be there in 10."
"Thank you sir."
Tony ran out the door, snagging his keys off the kitchen counter, and jumped into one of his cars. The man drove as fast as he could without the possibility of being pulled over. He couldn't risk that right now.
It was quiet.
He didn't have the energy to turn on the radio, and so he was just stuck with his thoughts and worries about Peter.
May Parker.
The May Parker, Peter's aunt, one of the strongest women Tony has ever met,
Was gone.
God, poor Peter. What was he gonna do??
Wait- what was he talking about? Tony was going to take Peter home, feed him, let him sleep, and be as supportive as he could be and get this kid through this.
He allowed himself to grieve for May now, as he'd need to fully be there for Peter when he got to the hospital. The boy needed an adult by his side, reassuring him that it would all be ok.
Tony pulled into a parking spot crookedly, but he was already in a rush.
He jogged up to the desk lady, who's eyes widened as she realised who stood in front of her.
"I'm here for Peter Parker, he was here for May Parker."
She directed how to get to the room and as soon as he was outside, he was met with another doctor.
"Tony Stark?"
"Um yeah-"
"Oh good. He- Peter... He -uh- got very angry when we wouldn't let him back inside with his aunt.. He pushed his way through and we need to take her out.. he's just not.. moving. We can't just leave the body in there."
"Give him a break," Tony hissed.
"He just lost his-" he just lost his last family member, he didn't say. He cut himself off before he could say it, taking a breath. "Let him be with her for a bit."
"Yes, of course sir. We do need to get her body out as soon as possible though.."
"I-.. I'll talk to him."
Tony slowly walked inside, not knowing exactly how to approach Peter.
He sat hunched over in a chair by May's bed, his grip tight on her hand. His fingers trembled violently.
Peter's shoulders tensed and he gripped onto the hospital sheet's tighter.
"I'm not leaving."
Tony stood there, silent for a moment, before walking closer to the kid and resting his hands on his shoulders. He squeezed them, trying to offer some sort of comfort.
"I'm sorry kid," he whispered.
Peter's head tilted to the side, glancing at Tony. He scowls at the man.
"She's not gone," he said stubbornly, "She's not."
"M-May, prove them wrong, wake up."
He hiccuped pathetically, and Tony could see from behind him that he was messily wiping tears off his cheeks.
Tony sat with him in silence for a few minutes before the doctor came in, about to mention them needing to take May out of the room again.
Tony glared at them and shook his head. He'd talk to him himself.
"Pete... They've gotta... We can't keep her here."
"But..." standing next to him now, he could see the dazed look in Peter's eyes.
"I'm sorry kiddo." "But they can't.."
Tony rubbed his back.
"We've got to get out of their way Pete.."
Peter let the man drag him to the side, not breaking his gaze away from his aunt. He stared numbly at the spot. His eyes were glassy and tired looking, the skin around it rubbed red. His face screwed up as they wheeled her away.
"I'm gonna..." Peter mumbled, "M' gonna be sick-"
The boy's pale cheeks puffed out and he gagged, stumbling out of the room. Tony went to run after him but was stopped, a doctor quite literally standing in front of him. He tries to dodge her and catch up to him when-
"Um- Mr. Stark!"
"What?" He snapped.
He immediately felt guilty when the woman flinched at his raised voice. He glanced at the dark hallway that Peter had run down and back at the doctor.
"Shit- sorry.. I'm just.. fuck," Tony muttered, plopping into a seat. He dug the heels of his hands into his eyes, wanting to just stop all the emotions he was feeling.
May had been a good friend of his.
They'd talked a lot more recently. She had become yet another person that he allowed into his little family, along with Peter.
And she was gone.
Fuck, poor Peter. Tony had no right to have these tears in his eyes.
"It's- it's ok Mr. Stark, I just- we need to get this sorted out. Peter Parker has no remaining family members and May Parker had no will prepared.. You were the only person we saw on any records since she put you as her nephew's emergency contact."
"You legally couldn't keep him because there's nothing written down. If you want him to continue living with you instead of a foster home, you'll need to get lawyers involved and adopt him."
"I'll call them right now. That kid is not going in a foster home."
"Ok, thank you Mr. Stark. I'm so sorry for your loss."
The woman walked away and Tony was left to try and sort out as much as he could. He found comfort in the fact that there was something he could do. He couldn't completely fix what'd happened but he could start somewhere. That's what he does. He's a mechanic, he fixes things.
Just as he'd texted Happy and Pepper that Peter would be coming home with him and that he'd explain later that night, a somehow paler Peter turned the corner slowly, hugging his midsection.
"Hey Pete," Tony said softly. The boy just looked to the ground as if he was embarrassed. He just looked so drained.
"I-I don't know where I'm... what do I..."
"You're coming with me kiddie."
Tony put a steady hand on his shoulder and guided him out of the hospital.
On the drive home, Tony looked in his rear view mirror and saw that he'd fallen asleep, curled up in his seat, cheek pressed against the cold window. Even though he was asleep, his face was still pinched in destress.
Tony sighed and stared at the dark road ahead of him, lit up by lamp posts and car lights. He listened to the thick water droplets hitting the window and the radio playing softly in the background.
God, what a nightmare.
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