Ch. 1- Just an everyday robbery
Peter plunges through the crisp air of November and swings in between buildings with ease, wooping in excitement.
A great way to end a great day.
There were no tests or quizzes all day, Ned's mom made Peter her godly cheese bread, and Flash didn't show up to school. Even better, he had no homework for the night so he could get more Spider-manning into his afternoon.
Being spider-man was always best point of his day. School was always good-ish, as he had his friends and he could pass tests with ease. Flash (and some teachers) was the only hiccup in his smooth, easy going day.
He was just like any bully. Rude, confident, and a total dumbass. Of course, he had to have something going for him if he was at Midtown high. Either way, he loved to taunt and push Peter around. Sometimes, all he would want in life is to just punch him. Once. That's all he'd need to scare the bully off. But Peter couldn't afford to loose his temper with the strength he possessed.
"Guy in a chair to spidey, guy in a chair to spidey," Ned's serious voice cut through Peter's thoughts. The coms crackled and hummed lightly.
Peter chuckled to himself. "Hey Ned." "Hey man! Oh god, this is so freaking cool." Peter laughed. "Yeah dude. Wanna see the view? I'll have Karen connect you." "Oh my god, oh my god, Peter that would be so cool!" "Put him through Karen. Connect my lenses to his computer."
The first few seconds were just 'Woah's' but as the young hero dropped from a building, he could hear Ned gasp a curse and then there was a crashing sound. The strangled noise he made had Peter's ears ringing.
He winced, "You good?" "Uh-yeah I just- kinda fell down-"
Mrs. Leeds' muffled voice could be heard in the background.
"Nothing mom!"
"Oh, we've got a guy robbing some ATM's on 46th street." "Cool! I mean, not cool-"
Peter landed in front of the store, feeling "Alright. Easy. I think this'll be it for the night. May'll be calling soon asking where I am." "Alright. So cool..."
God, how many times can Ned say cool?
It had to be at least 100 by now.
Peter dropped down onto the street and approached the robber. "Hey man, I don't think you're allowed to take money out of there," he said. "Hey Spider-man. How's it hangin'?" "Well, first off, that pun would probably be better if I was actually hanging off something with a web, second of all, it's uh- its been pretty good. I mean- it would be better if we just went our separate ways without a fight."
"Nah? C'mon, you seem to be in a pretty good mood and I think it would be nice to just leave it at that," he said, a joking tone leaking through his voice. The man slid a large gun out of his belt, pointing it at Peter. "I don't think so, Spider-man." His lenses widened comically as he stared at the light grey machine.
"Whoa! I don't want any trouble!" He shot a quick web at the gun, whipping it out of his hands. "C'mon let's just call it a night- go home to your wife and kids or maybe your dog, ya know?"
There was a small moment of silence.
Peter finally got a good look at the man standing in front of him. He was breathing heavily, and was drenched in sweat. Peter was beginning to think he hit a sore subject at the way his bright green eyes glared at him. Though, within seconds, he switched to a sarcastic smile.
"Name's Dagger. I'll have to admit, you surprise me." Peter tilted his head in confusion as he watched the man pace. He'd decided that he was not going to call him 'dagger.' He was stabby now.
Peter was just about to vocalize his joke about how stupid of a name that sounded when-
"Parker, right?"
His heart dropped.
"What? No, I-I-" Stabby smiled with a mad look in his eyes.
'I'm getting a feeling this dude wasn't here for the money,' Peter thought.
"You really do impress me though." "Why... Why's that?" Peter muttered, feeling the hairs on his neck prickle with fear. He felt like the walls were closing in on him as he stood there. He wonders if the man can hear his heart pounding loudly against his chest. Can tell Peter's so scared, bile is rising in his throat.
"How do you manage to save so many people... but didn't even try to save my family." "What?" "You heard me," he growled, making a chill crawl up Peter's spine. "You ruined the only thing that meant something to me." "Hey- I don't know what you're talking about!" "My wife and daughter died in that building- They burned alive and you missed them! You took your goddamn time and now they're dead!"
"I-I... Listen. I'm so sorry-" "Can it spider-man! You ruined my life! Now... Now I'm going to end yours." Peter didn't notice he'd reached for his gun until a clicking sounded, followed by a crackle and whirring boom.
Peter gasped as a beam of light barely missed him, shooting a hole into the bank's wall. "Hey, hey!! You're destroying property! Can we do this without your glowey gun?!" "Yeah, everything's just a big joke to you. You don't really care. You're a fraud!"
The crazed man trailed the gun beam along as if it were a laser pointer. Fire crackled on the debris. "Dude the building's gonna collapse!"
"Why should I care?! I've got nothing to loose," he laughed maniacally. "Bye bye Spider-ma-"
"Oh god."
Beams from the ceiling collapsed on top of the man. Peter immediately ran over and pulled at the pieces of wood beams and ceiling. The smoke around him began to fill up his lungs. He had to get this done and get out of here.
With a final grunt, he lifted off the last beam.
"Hey! are you-!" No one was there.
Peter took a look around him. He'd vanished.
With the sound of sirens and flashing red and blue coming his way, Peter realized that was his cue to get out of there.
"-eter! Peter!" "Wha-?" "Dude I was yelling for you the whole time! What the hell happened back there? Everything cut out!" "Uh... nothing important Ned. Just an... everyday robbery." "Are you-" "I'll um- I'll see you tomorrow Ned. I've got to get going. I've already got a missed call from May." "Oh ok. Night man." "See ya."
The boy sighed as he climbed through his bedroom window. The second he set foot in his room he was met with a hug from his aunt.
"You're late." "Y-yeah sorry about that. I got a little caught up in that last robbery." "Yeah?" She sighed. "Im just glad you're ok. Let's get you cleaned up. There's no hiding those burns." "...O-Ok."
Yep. Just an everyday robbery.
So authors note, I wanted to kind of have a schedule so I'm going to try and update once a month, maybe twice sometimes. Also feel free to comment!
Have a good day/ night! <3
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