twenty | phil
Phil ended up not going to Dan's about halfway back to town. He didn't want to be a bother, beside he would ask why Phil was upset and he didn't want to give him an answer. Instead he made his way back to the apartment, it took a while and he didn't have his earbuds. He didn't know how long he walked til he saw the small playground that was a little while from his apartment. From the bushes he saw a little girls head, that's all he saw but he could tell she was in the monkey bars by how high she was. As he got closer he saw an older man at the bottom of the monkey bars trying to coax her down.
Must be her dad. Phil thought as he passed.
Makes sense, it's pretty dark and a middle school girl shouldn't be at the park on her own. He was just to walked passed the park when he heard the girl squeal and turned around.
Now she had her legs curled up to her chest, and the man had his hand resting on the money bars trying to grab her feet. He immediately knew something was wrong and made his way over.
As he got closer he yelled out, which hurt his voice quite a bit, it's been years since he yelled.
"Hey!" He shouted. "It's late, and ugh, Mom wants you home."
She have him a wide eyed look and the guy at the money bars scowled.
"Buzz of kid, we're just talking." He then noticed the a young women sitting on the ladder of the monkey bars.
"Shut up!" The man said roughly. "Looks like you got to get home kid, I'll see you later though." He winked at her then looked at Phil. He began to memorize the features on his face then the girls, he needed to remember this.
The young girl crawled over to Phil who was set at the other side of the monkey bars. She grabbed his hand once she was on the ground and began to walk with him. They didn't talk until they were a good distance from the park.
"Thanks," she muttered, she was a cute girl, around middle school age, had a big pile of black choppy hair and big brown eyes to match her skin tone. "Can you... Can you walk me home?"
Phil nodded. "Sure, where'd you live."
"Maroon Avenue, it's by that little cupcake shop."
Phil knew it, Zoe's parents owned the shop, from what he knew she decorated most of the cupcakes.
He nodded, at this point she let go of his hand and began to walk on her own. He wanted to talk to her, ask her who those people were and if they've been bothering her before that moment. He was glad he walked by when he did, he would've hated to see a missing kids add in the paper in a day's time.
"Do you like Pokemon?" He could've slapped himself, he shouldn't be this nervous of talking to a twelve year old.
"Yeah," she answered. "My favorite is Kyogre, what's yours?"
"I don't have favorite." He said.
"Bullshit, everyone's got a favorite."
He almost squeaked, how extensive have kids vocabulary gotten?
"I have a favorite food."
"Mines Reese's Pieces, but I'll have them in cereal form."
"I like pancakes, a lot."
She laughed. "I noticed, you're wearing an iHOP sweater."
He looked down and laughed, he'd forgotten about that. He almost laughing because his first actually conversation in year was with a kid about Pokemon and junk food.
"What your name?" She asked, balancing herself on a curb.
"Phil, because I'm as sweet as cake phil-ing."
She actually laughed, usually when he would write out a pun for his friends they would pass it around and take turns groaning at it. Of course he didn't mind, he didn't the same when his friends would tell puns.
"Well mines Josie, I don't have a pun for it, but I think it's pretty sweet."
They finally came upon a small two-storied yellow house. She walked up to the front porch and banged on the door. He followed, he thought her parents would at least take it easy in her if they knew the reason why she was late home.
She turned to him and shoved him a bit. "You need to go, my brother is gonna be upset enough, if he sees me me with a boy he'll blow his shit."
"To late." A gruffy voice came from the door. "You know how worried I've been?"
He finally saw the person come out the house onto the porch, he glanced at Phil and then at his sister. Before he could even say anything she was already pleading.
"I'm sorry, I'll explain later, please, don't take away my laptop."
"How about you go inside and wait, I wanna talk to your little friend here," he gave a head nod toward Phil. "Hey Lester."
Phil waved, he knew this kid from school, but never talked to him. His school didn't cliques, just groups of friend's. But he knew Brian was one of the kids that get in trouble the most, just for doing stupid stuff like not doing his work and acting like a dumbass in class. He wasn't bad, but he want good either. He look like his sister lots, choppy black hair, and his dark skin tone.
She trudged her way inside muttering good-bye to Phil as she did so.
He walked completely out the house, and breathed up into the night sky, his breath coming out white in the January chill. He leaned against the side of the house and turned toward Phil.
"Where'd she get off to?"
"The park."
He's head cocked a but when Phil spoke. "So he speaks, I suppose you can tell me why she was at the park then."
"I dunno why," he snuggled in to his hood and looked at his shoes. "But a couple was bothering her, a man and a women."
Brian groaned and banged his head against the house. "Yeah, my aunt and uncle, they don't like her here, they're crazy though, and my grandparents refuse to put a restraining order on them."
Brian lived with his grandparents, everyone knew, they just didn't know why.
"We try to keep here in the house, but kids will be kids, she likes to sneak out, it's weird since she has nowhere to go."
Phil nodded, he wonders if Marytn will ever have that problem with Sarah when she grows older.
"Thanks for walking her home anyway, I'll pay you back someday, all right, Lester?"
Phil nodded. "Bye Brian."
He heard a voice from the window shout out. "Bye Phil!"
He turned and waved to Josie. He heard Brian scold her as he walked down the street. It was cold and he couldn't wait to get home.
His and Sarah's room had the fire escape in it, so it was fairly easy to get through the window without having to confront his brother or Cornelia. He changed into his joggers, keeping the sweatshirt on. He laid in his bed for a while before he heard whispering through his door and got up to snoop.
"You think he's back yet?"
"I dunno, most likely he went to Dan's."
"I forgot to ask, who's Dan."
"His boyfriend, I just hope he makes it too school in the morning."
"He will don't worry, he's got a boyfriend now? Is he cute?"
He laughed a bit then continued to listen.
"Why do they you ask him, I'm not about to speak over my brothers boyfriend with you."
"Come, is he kind, strong, smart."
"He's deaf is what he is." He heard Marytn mutter.
"Really? Wow." It was silent for a while so he made his way back to his bed, but not before Cornelia asked another question.
"Do you think they've had sex?"
"I'm going to bed."
"Come on, did you at least have the talk with him."
"I'm about to leave, my apartment if you don't stop."
Phil's face heat up and he snuggled more into his hoodie.
He went out his window to get to school, he even made an effort to get up early just to avoid his family.
He walked to school, forgetting to walk slower so when he arrived at school they didn't have the doors opened yet. In order to pass time he listened to music and played apps on his phone. He began to regret his decision to avoid his brother when he began to shiver and miss his morning coffee.
Someone tapped him on his his shoulder, he half expected it to be Dan but he turned around to be greeted by Brian. He took off his earbuds and looked at him questioningly.
"Hey Lester." He say beside him on one of the many benches on the schools courtyard. "How's life."
Phil gave him a thumbs up. Forgetting for a moment that he wanted to put in an effort to this whole talking thing.
"Horrible, I haven't had coffee." He said miserably.
"Talk for yourself, that stuff taste like shit."
"Does not."
He shrugged and grabbed something from his backpack.
"My thing is muffins." He took a big bite of the muffin he brought out his bag.
"Mine is pancakes." He gestured to his hood.
"Yeah, just breakfast food or are you partial to steak as well."
Phil laughed and shook his head. "I like popcorn."
"Who doesn't."
"Insane people."
They shared a laugh, but their banter was put to a stop when a teacher called them in.
"You boys can come in, it's freezing out here."
Phil checked his phone, they had about five minutes before students start to arrive and make their way through the doors. They made their way in the school and stopped at Phil's locker.
"This is mine."
"How nice, it's blue, like all the other ones."
Phil rolled his eyes. "Nice, I love my new friend."
"I mean wow!" He pretend to marvel at Phil's locker before exclaiming. "I have one just like it, amazing, a work of art truly!"
"Why thank you, kind sir." He bowed at him.
"Welcome, madam." Brian took his turn doing a curtsy.
Phil shoved him playfully. "Do I look like a woman."
He pretended to ponder on the question before stating Phil did indeed look like a women.
"A pretty women?" He teased.
"Not really, you know the bride of Frankenstein?" Brain questioned.
"Yeah," he opened his locker and shoved his stuff in. "She's standing right in front of me."
It looked like Brian was trying to hold in his laugh be he couldn't and they we're both in hysterics as Brain tried to say another insult through his laughter. Now he knew why all he and his friends did all day was laugh, Brian was a joy to be around.
Still laughing a bit Brian pointed down the hall. "Looks like the rest of the Goonies are here, I'm out." He patted Phil on the back as his friends got closer and gave him strange looks. "Later Lester." He went off into the hall chuckling.
They approched his with questioning looks on there face.
"What's Brian doing at your locker?" Louise asked.
Phil shrugged. "Talking."
The girls gaped at him, then they began to hug him and squeal.
"First Dan's hearing aids, now this?" Zoe yelped hugging Phil close.
"This is amazing, you sound so cute Phil." Louise said, planting a kiss on his cheek.
"Thanks." As the girls squealed over the two boys he saw the sour look on Dan's face.
"What's wrong?"
Dan shook his head and rested on Phil's shoulder. "Nothing to worry my boy with, surely."
Phil dismissed it and gave him a kiss on the head.
"Okay Danny, whatever you say."
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