Chapter 7-1
Even though she had won, Charlie returned to her room feeling more fearful than triumphant. However, to her relief, Pace said nothing, and made no attempts to remove any of her new decor.
The joy of her win finally able to sink in, Charlie turned off her jeweled lamp, crawled into bed, and cozied up with her blanket.
"What is that?" Pace's voice rumbled from the top bunk and Charlie knew just what he was talking about.
"Just my Pinku Pals nightlight," she grinned at the cute, illuminated TV character lamp glowing pinkly from the outlet.
Pace's only response was a helpless growl as he rolled over, pulling his pillow over his eyes.
"Take that, Pace," Charlie beamed with satisfaction, even brighter than the nightlight.
"Hello, Charlie!" Max greeted her the next morning. "You look well rested!"
Charlie nodded happily, completely in love with her new blanket.
"Yeah, you look even prettier than yesterday, my little cheerleader," Apollo sidled up next to her at the table.
"It's true," Demeter took his usual spot on her other side. "There's just something about a cheerleader. When are you gonna show us some cheers?"
"Maybe after I find some way to practice," Charlie blushed. "I'm going to start getting rusty without being on a squad."
"Perhaps you could attend practices at Juno Academy?" suggested Max.
"I don't think that'll work," frowned Charlie, remembering her run-in at the rec center with the girls from Juno.
"We'll help you!" Demeter offered at once.
"Yeah! What do you need assistance with? Exercising? Stretching?" Apollo wiggled his brows.
"Um, no thanks," Charlie recoiled. "I'll figure something out."
"You don't have time for that, anyway!" Rib joined them at the table with a fresh box of Scary O's. "You're helping me with my movie this week!"
Charlie looked at him in surprise.
"You said you'd join Film Club, remember?" he ripped open the cereal.
"Well... I didn't exactly say I would..." Charlie hesitated.
"Come on! I really need you for my movie!" Rib pleaded. "Oh! Cool! We can use this!" he added excitedly, pulling out his new Scary O's prize- a set of plastic fangs.
"I don't know..." Charlie told him unsurely.
"Please???" begged Rib. "I already have the perfect role for you! And when we have the first showing at the Olympus Halloween party, you'll be a star!"
"Really?" Charlie raised her brows. "Well... Okay," she finally agreed.
"Great!" hollered Rib. "Meet me after class in the Science room and we'll get started!"
"Maybe it will be fun," Charlie thought. "I do like movies after all."
Charlie's last period of the day was gym class, which she gladly shared with her entire dorm. She was not so happy, however, to also share it with half of the Spartans- and not the one she wanted.
"Too slow, farm boy!" Nix laughed as Max ran for the volleyball Bradford had smashed over the net.
"Yeah! Better get a mooove on it!" Kane taunted with his best cow impression.
"Shut up!" Rib hissed, exposing the fake set of fangs he was now wearing and giving Nix a small start.
"I think Pace has the right idea," Demeter nodded towards the bleachers where Pace was laid back, napping.
"Yeah, he doesn't have to deal with the Spartan trash," Apollo gazed at him jealously as the volleyball whizzed past his head.
"Point!" Nix cheered.
"How does he get away with not playing?" Charlie frowned across the gym.
"I heard him tell the coach he didn't get much sleep last night because it was too bright or something," said Rib and Charlie blushed guiltily.
However, just then, Bradford smashed the volleyball again, this time sending it straight at the bleachers, waking up Pace.
"Ugh," Pace climbed down and scuffled irritatedly past his dormmates.
"Hey, Pace! Why don't you play? We could really use you!" asked Demeter.
"We're really getting our butts kicked," added Apollo.
"Yeah, don't you miss sports?" hinted Rib. "I mean, being back out on the field last night had to feel good, right?"
Shooting him an impatient glare, Pace walked out of the gymnasium. Rib frowned and turned to Charlie.
"I guess he's still sore about you beating him at his own event," Rib scratched his head.
"We're never gonna get to enter the competition, are we?" sighed Demeter.
"There is always still a possibility he could change his mind," said Max encouragingly.
"Yeah! We can't give up hope!" grinned Rib. "Hey," he added slyly. "I know I've still been secretly practicing for my event in case we get to enter... but have you guys been too?"
"Guilty," laughed the twins and Max nodded.
"Awesome!" cheered Rib as the Spartans scored another point. "Ugh," he looked at the clock. "Just twenty more minutes until we can get out of here and make some movie magic!"
"Alright," Charlie smiled to herself. "I haven't had any luck with the other extra curriculars. Maybe the Rib one's a charm."
"Or not," Charlie gasped once she had changed out of her gym clothes and entered the Science classroom.
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