Chapter 6-3
Pace continued to stare daggers at Charlie.
"What?" Charlie blushed innocently, but Pace only glowered harder.
"You keep saying not to touch your stuff... so I just thought I'd get my own," Charlie tried to explain, glancing around at her multitude of additions to the decor. "Okay, so maybe I went a little bit overboard, but-"
"Get rid of it," Pace said at once, disgustedly plucking a lacey throw pillow off of the weight set in the corner and throwing it at Charlie.
"Hey!" Charlie bent down to retrieve her pillow, but when she stood back up, Pace was already storming into the common room. "Hey!" she yelled again, chasing after him, the injustice surging her on. "You can't tell me what to do!" she screamed.
At this, Pace paused in front of the TV, and slowly spun around to face her, brows raised.
"I-it's my room, too," said Charlie, much less confident than before.
"No. You just sleep in there," shot Pace. "You have an hour to put it back to how it was."
"What's going on, guys?" Demeter stared at them from the kitchen table, where he and Apollo had been droolingly watching Max bake.
"Yeah!" frowned Rib, pausing his movie that Pace was now blocking. "I'm trying to watch 'Shouts From The Woods', not 'Shouts From Charlie and Pace'."
"See for yourself," Pace nodded towards the bedroom and the others curiously rushed inside to look.
"Whoa! It looks like rainbows and unicorns had a baby and then it threw up!" Rib exclaimed. "It's so-"
"Pink," finished Demeter.
"You have been very busy, have you not, Charlie?" Max surveyed the room in awe.
"She needs to get rid of it now," Pace crossed his arms.
"Oh! Then can I have these?" Apollo ran out of the room holding a poster of a cheerleader and a pillow shaped like a pair of kissy lips.
"No. I don't want to get rid of it," Charlie grabbed her things from Apollo. "Why should I have to? Pace has his things in there!"
"That is true," Rib glanced at Pace.
"Yes. Should not Charlie also be allowed to have some things of her own in the room?" Max asked and everyone looked at Pace.
"No," said Pace finally.
"That's not fair!" Charlie argued.
"No, it's not," agreed Demeter.
"What can we do if they both will not compromise?" wondered Max.
"I have an idea," Rib grinned.
"What?" Charlie turned to him hopefully.
"Let's have a contest," he suggested. "Winner gets to decorate the room however they want."
"A contest?" Charlie repeated and Rib nodded. "Well, if Pace will, I will," she added, eyeing Pace provokingly.
"So, what do you say?" Rib inquired excitedly.
"Fine," said Pace. "But I get to pick the terms."
"Fine," Charlie answered determinedly.
"This is going to be fun," Demeter smiled.
"Yeah!" Apollo laughed. "And Charlie! If you lose, can I still have the poster?"
"What did I just get myself into?" Charlie sighed.
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