Chapter 4-4
Printz squeezed Charlie's hand as he continued to lead her across the grounds, away from the academy.
"We're almost there," he told her when the soccer field was far behind them.
Charlie squinted ahead and could make out the top of a large cathedral-style building peeking over the treetops.
"What is that?" Charlie asked.
"That's the sister school to Olympus, Juno Academy- where I thought you went," Printz chuckled. "But where we're going is just over that hill," he nodded to the right and they changed direction.
"Oh!" Charlie gasped when they reached the hilltop.
They were now looking down into a beautiful, green, valley park.
"Let's go," Printz grinned, helping Charlie down the hill.
"Whoa," Charlie's foot slipped on the grass, but Printz was quick to hold her steady with his strong arm.
"Gotcha," he smiled, leading her the rest of the way down the hill. "So, what do you think?" he asked when they reached the bottom.
"It's so cute!" Charlie gazed around in awe.
The park was perfectly landscaped; filled with flowers, a jungle gym, swing set, and a little ice cream cart.
"I thought you might like it," Printz smiled and started towards the playground.
When he reached the monkey bars, he jumped up, grabbed onto the metal structure, and crossed with ease. Charlie couldn't help but notice his tee shirt lift a little as his muscular arms carried him across.
"What's your favorite?" he asked, jumping down from the jungle gym.
"The swings," Charlie smiled, taking a seat on one of the empty swings nearby.
Watching Printz nervously, she hoped he would sit down on the swing next to her, but instead, he walked up right behind her and gave her a small push. Charlie giggled as Printz continued to send her higher and higher into the air, feeling a little spark every time he touched her back.
"Let's go on the slide next," Charlie called from the air and when she swung backwards, Printz grabbed the chains, bringing the swing to a stop.
For a moment, he just stood there, still steadying the swing, his arms on both sides of her. Charlie could feel him close behind her, almost like a hug, then suddenly, he leaned his head down to her ear.
"Okay, Charlize," he whispered before sauntering away towards the sliding board.
Charlie hopped off of the swing and followed him over.
"Wow, it looked a lot smaller from up in the air," said Charlie, staring up at the towering slide.
"Go ahead," Printz told her. "I'll catch you at the bottom."
Charlie smiled, and feeling much less afraid, she climbed the tall ladder.
"That was fun," Printz grinned as they entered the academy that evening.
Charlie nodded, taking another lick of her ice cream.
"I almost forgot," said Printz. "You never recited your poem to me."
"Oh, hehe, I don't have one," Charlie blushed. "The Poetry Club didn't really work out for me either."
"That's alright. I was the one who was supposed to be doing something special for you anyways," he told her, finishing his own ice cream cone. "You know, I thought getting ice cream would make up for those cookies you made me the other day," Printz went on. "But it's no comparison," he frowned as they came to a stop outside of the Athens Dorm. "What to do?" he looked at Charlie seriously. "I promised you something special."
Charlie said nothing, her heart beating fast as Printz continued to gaze down at her.
"I know," he said at last, staring strongly at her face for another moment, then leaning slowly towards her.
Charlie held her breath and closed her eyes. She could feel Printz's lips just centimeters from her own when suddenly, the door across the hall blasted open and a voice shouted, breaking them apart.
"Aw! Printz, man! I thought you were the pizza delivery guy!" Nix looked at them disappointedly and then re-entered the Sparta Dorm.
"I seriously have the most irritating roommates ever," Printz sighed. "Sorry."
"It's okay," Charlie tried to catch her breath. "I'm sorry too- for blaming you for the whole Rib thing... Rib must have just been confused..."
"It happens," Printz shrugged. "I know our two dorms are supposed to be in competition, but sometimes they take it way too seriously. I mean, just because I'm from Sparta and you're from Athens, I'm not gonna let an old school rivalry come between us. Or anything, for that matter," he added, suddenly swooping down and pulling Charlie into a tight embrace.
Charlie gasped smally and dropped her ice cream to the floor, but Printz continued to hold her close. Charlie's heart banged in her chest. Finally, Printz stepped back and smiled.
"Have a good evening, Charlize," he smiled and disappeared into his dorm.
Charlie stood more frozen than the ice cream, reeling in bliss, but the door behind her opened and Rib popped his head into the hall.
"Charlie! Where have you been? You need to ask Pace about next weekend!" he ordered. "Ooh! Ice cream!" he added, picking up Charlie's fallen dessert from the floor and taking a lick.
"Well," Charlie drooped her shoulders. "All good thing's must come to an end."
Heaving a sigh, she followed Rib into the Athens Dorm.
MORE AMAZING FAN ART HAS ARRIVED!!! I have also created an album with ALL of the fan art at so make sure to check it out!
Now let's get to the new art!
First we have Charlie and Posey by tumblr user kiwiifia- It's the first artwork with Posey!
And then we have some Pace artwork! (He's so popular!)
Here's one by Tally Whale-
And another by Jay_Cipher-
Why are you guys so good??? xD
I'm so happy all this amazing art is still coming in!
<3 you all!!!
xox Ray
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