Chapter 4-2
"Hey, you guys. I don't think Pace ever came home last night," Charlie told the other boys worriedly when she joined them at the table.
"He does that sometimes," Rib shrugged as he pulled on his knee socks. "He'd better be back for the match, though!"
"You know, we should probably ask him about next weekend now, to make sure he's actually going to be here," said Demeter thoughtfully.
"Good idea," agreed Rib. "Not it!"
"Not it!" called Demeter.
"Not it!" shouted Apollo.
"Do not look at me," said Max.
Slowly, the boys all turned to look at Charlie.
"Oh, no. You can't expect me to convince him to go!" Charlie waved her hands in refusal.
"But Charlie, you have to!" declared Rib. "You're it!"
"Great," she sighed. "What should I say?"
"Maybe you can persuade him with a poem about the orange sun," Rib playfully stuck out his tongue and pulled on his hockey mask. "Anyways! Wish me luck! I'll see you guys at the match!" he finished, pumping his fists into the air and dancing out the door.
Charlie twisted her lip. She would have to worry about asking Pace later. Now, it was time to get ready for the soccer match- and her date with Printz.
The soccer field was already filling up when Charlie, Max and the twins arrived in the stands.
"Thanks for the popcorn, Max!" Charlie smiled as they took their seats on the bleachers.
"Wait 'til you see what he makes when we win!" grinned Demeter, happily tossing a handful of buttery popcorn into his mouth.
"It is really nothing," said Max modestly.
"Hey! Look! The farmer brought us some corn!" a deep voice behind them rumbled.
"Oh, how nice!" said a second voice as a thick hand reached between Charlie and Max, stealing the popcorn right out of Max's grasp.
"Hey!" shouted Demeter, turning in his seat.
Charlie and the others also spun around to see humongous Madsen chomping away on Max's snack, the skinny boy named Kane laughing wildly beside him.
"Hey," smirked Kane. "Thanks," he said, plucking the popcorn from Demeter's hands, tossing a kernel in the air and catching it in his mouth.
"Not bad for a farmer, huh, Kane?" Madsen continued to chew. "Could use a little more salt, though."
"What do you think you're-" Charlie began to yell, but just then, the soccer team ran onto the field, sending the crowd into a loud roar.
"Just forget it," whispered Apollo when the cheering died down.
"But that wasn't theirs!" Charlie glanced back at the Spartan boys.
"There's nothing we can do," Apollo told her.
"Even if there was, it's too late anyways," shrugged Demeter, nodding at Madsen who was now crumbling the empty popcorn bag and tossing it on the floor of the bleachers.
"Hey, Kane! Whatcha got there?" Madsen grinned at his friend's half-full bag.
"Don't even think about it!" Kane glared, throwing a handful at Madsen.
"They're wasting it!" Charlie hissed angrily.
"It is okay," said Max. "I will make you more."
"That's not the point," frowned Charlie. "That wasn't fair. We should have done something. I mean, there's four of us and only two of them!"
"Yeah, but Madsen's big enough to count as four people alone!" Apollo pointed out.
"Right. Even if we had our whole dorm with us, they'd still outnumber us," agreed Demeter.
"Well, I bet Rib or Pace would have said something," sighed Charlie. "Hey, where is Pace anyways?"
At that moment, the opposing team rushed the field and a deafening outburst of boos rose from the Olympus bleachers.
"Game time!" shouted Apollo.
"Let's go, Bears!" called Demeter.
"Hooray, Rib!" cheered Max.
Charlie watched as the teams gathered, preparing to play, and the referee stepped into the center of the field.
"Okay, captains!" the ref gestured the leaders over with a wave and Charlie instantly forgot both Pace's absence and the popcorn snatchers behind her.
Printz, fully decked out in his uniform with muscles rippling, was walking towards the visiting team's captain for the coin toss.
"Heads!" yelled the ref. "Olympus Academy!"
The crowd hooted and hollered and the match began.
Charlie watched intently as the team maneuvered the ball across the field, but found her eyes were spending the most time on Printz. With his confident, athletic air, he looked even more handsome than ever before. Charlie sighed and quickly smoothed out her skirt, just in case Printz glanced into the stands.
The match moved along beautifully. Olympus continued to score goal after goal, and the other team could get nothing past Rib. It was going perfect.
The Olympus students watched with bated breath as an opposing player kicked the ball down the field. However, just before it reached Rib's net, a stampede of players surged together and Nix skidded along, sending the ball flying- right into the mascot's face.
"Oh, that has got to hurt! But what a kick!" called the commentator. "Sorry, Calli The Bear! We'll get you some ice after the- OH NO! IT LOOKS LIKE OLYMPUS' GOALIE IS DOWN!"
The entire crowd gasped and turned to the goal. Rib was laying on the ground, blood drenching his leg once again.
Well, it had been going perfect.
Hi dear friends!
I hope everyone is enjoying the story so far. The return of the webtoon version recently came out. Thank you to everyone who has been waiting so patiently and also thank you tremendously for continuing to read the story here! I appreciate it thiiiiiiiiis much! ⊂(・▽・)⊃
I also received another great piece of fan art!
Cheerleader Charlie by nicopai
As always, fantastic work- but I expect nothing less from you guys! ;3
Finally, I have been showing all of the fan art that has been coming in to the BoB! webtoon artist SJ, who is loving to see the amazing work and thinks it's all really cute!
BoB! has the BEST readers! <333
Have a lovely weekend, and let's meet again Monday!
xox Ray
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