Chapter 3-4
"Well, I guess that's that," Demeter sighed.
"Maybe that wasn't the best plan of attack," said Rib, scratching his head.
"You think?" Apollo raised a brow. "You basically mentioned Casey."
"Just like you are now," Demeter shook his head. "You really need to stop that."
"What can we do?" wondered Max sadly.
"We need to try and remind him how much fun it would be," decided Rib. "I've got it!" he suddenly pointed to the TV, which was now showing a commercial.
"The Break-a-Sweat Recreation Center," announced a voice. "Grand opening next weekend!"
"A recreation center?" Charlie tilted her head curiously.
"It's perfect!" yelled Rib. "We'll take him there and spend the day doing all kinds of Olympic-like activities."
"And then Pace will see how enjoyable it will be," Max smiled with comprehension.
"What do you guys think?" Rib looked around expectantly.
"It's a great idea," said the twins together and Max nodded in agreement.
"Awesome. What about you, Charlie?" asked Rib. "Are you in?"
"Oh," Charlie was surprised by her inclusion as each of the boys turned to look at her in anticipation. "Umm... sure."
"Yes!" Rib cheered, jumping up and brushing his bloody leg across more of the couch cushion.
"Excellent," grinned Max.
"We knew we could count on you, sweetheart," said Apollo, giving his brother a high five.
"It's decided then!" shouted Rib. "This weekend's the soccer match and next weekend we'll take Pace to the new rec center!"
"I wonder what it will be like there," Charlie mused as she sprawled onto her bunk next to Lilly with a sports magazine. "Maybe I can meet some local girls there who cheer that I can practice with!" she gasped excitedly as she flipped through the pages. "Wouldn't that be cool?"
"It would be cool if you quit touching things that don't belong to you," Pace had suddenly appeared and was yanking the magazine from her hands before she even knew what was happening.
"Not again," Charlie sighed, now without both reading material or blanket.
"Morning, guys," Charlie greeted her dormmates (minus Pace, who was sleeping in again) at breakfast the next morning.
"Hello, Charlie," Max was spreading marmalade onto a slice of toast.
"Mmmph," Rib was crunching more Scary O's.
"Hey, what other extra curricular activities does the academy have?" asked Charlie, taking a seat next to Apollo.
"There's a ton," said Rib. "Why? Are you quitting Chefs Club or something?"
Charlie nodded, hoping they didn't ask her for the reason.
"How come?" Apollo asked to her dismay.
Charlie frowned, unwilling to own up to her poor baking.
"Isn't it obvious?" shot Demeter, making Charlie cringe, sure she had been found out.
"Max's charcoal snickerdoodles probably scared her off," Demeter finished. "Nobody who tasted those was snickering!"
"My apologies," said Maxsim kindly, still covering for Charlie.
"Well, what other extra curriculars are there?" Charlie asked, mouthing a small thank you to Max.
"I'm in Poetry Club," Apollo told her. "You should join that! We can write verses about our love!"
"You mean your unrequited love?" Demeter chortled.
"That actually sounds like a good idea," said Charlie. "Well, not the love part... but I really like poetry."
"Great!" smiled Apollo. "The club doesn't meet until tomorrow after school, but in the meantime, I can recite to you a limerick I wrote."
"No thanks!" Charlie finished her last bite of toast and flew out of the dorm.
"Hey there, Charlize," Printz was already waiting in the hallway, his foot propped against the wall. "You ready for class?"
Charlie nodded shyly and they began their routine walk down the hall.
"Thanks again for those cookies yesterday," said Printz. "I had to fight off the entire locker room for them," he laughed. "I guess next time you'll have to make a bigger batch. Although I probably still wouldn't want to share them."
"Well, I don't think there's going to be a next time," Charlie told him mousily.
"Why not?" Printz furled his brows.
"I don't think Chefs Club is really for me," she avoided his gaze. "But I'm joining a new one- Poetry Club."
"You must be a romantic," he smiled as they reached their respective classes.
Charlie gulped silently.
"I hope you think of me when you're writing your poems," continued Printz, giving her another grin and breezing away.
Charlie's mathematical studies were boring to her as usual, and Pace's empty seat remained no surprise, but when lunchtime arrived, the reoccurring lack of Printz seemed a little strange.
"Why is he never here?" she thought as her table discussed their trip to the rec center the following weekend.
"But what if we can't get him to go?" Demeter worried.
"Yeah, we can't ever get him to do anything anymore," put in Apollo.
"If he says no, we will think of something," said Max positively.
"Yeah, like kidnap him!" said Rib mischievously.
"Well, that or something a little less illegal," chuckled Demeter.
"Maybe we can trick him," Rib offered. "Tell him we're just going into town to buy some things. And we can actually do that, too- after we go to the rec center. Then technically it won't be a lie. I need some new socks anyways."
"Yeah! That should work! Pace actually likes the mall!" Demeter smiled. "And I'm almost out of cologne."
"And Charlie can help me pick out some new underwear," grinned Apollo.
"Well, next weekend should certainly be interesting," Charlie thought. "But I have to get through this weekend first. And I still don't know if going to Printz's game counts as a date!"
---Author Note---
We're nearing the end of Chapter 3! The Fan Art Corner will be featured in Chapter 3-6, so for those of you who are still looking to send in anything, please make sure you have it to me by Thursday night ^_^
I've been getting so much super cute artwork that I think everyone's going to love and I'm so blown away <333 Thank you :3
Until next time~
xox Ray
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