Chapter 2-3
Charlie scrambled to gather her fallen school books, at first not even noticing who she had collided with. However, when she stood back up, she found herself looking at a very blonde, very chiseled boy.
"Oh, sorry!" he said, now noting her appearance as well. "Are you lost? The girls academy is on the other side of the stadium."
"Um, no. I'm a student here. That's my dorm," Charlie pointed towards the door marked 'Athens'.
"Wait. You mean you're the new Athens kid replacing Casey?" the boy raised his brows with intrigue. "Well, this could be interesting..." he added, eyes sparkling.
"Uh, I should be getting to class," said Charlie nervously, stepping awkwardly to begin her way down the hall.
"Hey, wait!" called the boy. "You forgot this!"
Charlie paused and turned to see him waving her class schedule.
"Thanks," she said, reaching for the paper, but the boy, looking at the sheet intently, did not hand it over.
"Now just a minute," he said, still studying the schedule. "Your first class is across the hall from mine. I can walk you there if you want," he smiled.
"Oh! Thanks! That would be great!" Charlie smiled back. "I honestly wasn't sure where it was..."
"Come on then," said the boy, leading her along the hallway. "My name's Phillip, by the way. Phillip Printz- but people just call me Printz."
"I can certainly see why," thought Charlie gushingly. With his handsome face, shining hair and perfect build, Printz looked like royalty.
"What's your name?" asked Printz as they continued down the corridor.
"Charlize- but people just call me Charlie," she told him.
"Well, that's you there," said Printz, gesturing towards a doorway. "See you 'round, Charlize," he grinned before stepping into a classroom of his own.
As her Math teacher wrote an equation on the board, Charlie yawned and looked out the window. Something moved near the treeline and, squinting to see, she realized what it was.
"Pace? Where could he be going...?" she wondered curiously as his form disappeared into the trees, but the bell broke her from her reverie. It was time for her next class and no time to be worrying about him.
"How was your first day, Charlie?" Mr. Campbell asked her that afternoon.
Charlie thought back on her classes. Rib had caused an explosion in Chemistry, she had dozed off during History (Max was the only one who found the teacher interesting), and the twins kept reading her Love Sonnets in English- but on the plus side- Pace never showed up once!
"Well, it was interesting..." she told the principal, then picturing Pace's empty chair added, "but all in all, I'd say it was pretty good!"
"Great!" Mr. Campbell beamed. "Now there's just one more thing I need to talk to you about. You're going to need to take on some extra curricular activities. All students must join in at least one. I'm sure you were involved in them at your old school?"
"Well," Charlie twisted her lip contemplatively. "I did cheerleading. Does Olympus Academy have anything like that?"
"This is SO not what I had in mind," Charlie groaned to herself as she stood on the athletic field, fully decked out in the bear mascot suit. "What did I do to deserve this- HEY!" A soccer ball had hit her right on top of the head.
"Oops!" a pink-haired soccer player ran over. "Did that hurt?"
Seconds later, another guy with shaggy blue hair joined him.
"Yeah. Sorry, Pace! NOT!" he laughed cruelly.
"Pace?" Charlie repeated to herself, pulling off the mascot's head.
"Oh! Sorry!" the blue-haired boy looked surprised at the sight of Charlie.
"Yeah, we thought you were someone else," said his friend.
"HEY!" a third guy suddenly called from the distance. "BE NICE!"
Charlie turned to see who was approaching.
"Printz!" she nearly swooned as the other two boys hurried away.
"I'm sorry," he frowned, taking a step towards her. "Did those jerks hurt you?"
"I'm okay," Charlie looked down shyly.
"Good," smiled Printz. "Don't worry. I won't let them do that ever again. We wouldn't want anything to happen to that pretty face," he added, gently touching her chin. Then with a wink, he waltzed off, back across the field.
"Well, well, well," a voice from behind Charlie made her jump and she spun around just in time to see Pace emerging from the woods.
Hey, guys! Charlie and the boys are finally back!
First of all, I just want to say, if you're reading this, THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH for waiting patiently and sticking with Boy Oh Boys! in its new format!
All the support and fantastic comments have been so amazing!
I am absolutely stunned at the response and entirely grateful!
Secondly, it was requested that I open a Q&A so I said, why not? What better way to kick off the revival of BoB! than with an interactive event!
So! Send in your questions for either me OR any of the characters and responses will be posted along with the next update!
I can be reached here on Wattpad, by email [email protected] or on twitter @romcomray so make sure to send in your questions!
And finally, I sincerely hope you enjoyed the newest installment of Boy Oh Boys! I can't wait to hear from all of you soon!
xox Ray
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