Chapter 12-2
"Okay, Pace. The secret's up," Charlie grinned as she silently crept across the fields and towards the trees where she had just seen Pace.
"I bet he's going to Juno," she thought surely as she stepped into the woods. "This must be a shortcut or something."
However, in her curiosity, she had momentarily failed to remember just how much the dark woods freaked her out.
"Umm, maybe this wasn't such a good idea," she shivered as she peered through the shadows for some sign of Pace. "It was so spooky out here the last time. But that was on Halloween. Maybe tonight it won't be so bad," she told herself. "Come on."
Charlie continued slowly through the trees, keeping her eyes and ears alert for Pace- or anything else.
"Hey, so far so good," Charlie smiled as she made her way along. "There's nothing creepy out here. Your eyes were just playing tricks on you last time. See? There's that log you thought was a wolf."
Charlie almost laughed as she spotted the harmless log with the mushrooms growing out of its top.
"Everything you thought you saw last time wasn't what you thought. You're just going to Juno and-" Charlie froze mid-thought as she heard a crunching of twigs. "Pace?" she quickly ducked behind a tree, and as she peeked from behind its trunk, caught a glimpse of a tall, dark figure with a messenger bag, slinking into the moonlight.
"Aha," Charlie sighed as she watched Pace move towards something. "What is that?" Charlie squinted her eyes and almost screamed. Pace had stepped towards a large tombstone.
"Huh?" Charlie's heart almost burst out of her chest. "That tombstone I saw before was real???"
Carefully moving to a closer tree at the edge of the wood, Charlie continued to stare. An entire graveyard stretched out before her- and Pace was walking towards its center.
"What is he doing here???" Charlie held her breath. "Was Rib right??? Is Pace really a vampire???"
Charlie watched in horror, completely immobilized with curiosity and fear, but soon, Pace disappeared behind a headstone and was lost from her sight.
"Where did he go?" Charlie panicked, though was still too frightened to move, and for the longest time, she continued to stare into the dark cemetery.
"It's getting darker," Charlie shook as a chilly breeze whooshed by, making the hairs on her neck stand up. "The moon is covered with clouds. And Pace is still missing."
Charlie tried to turn for home, but a hand grabbed her shoulder.
"AH!" Charlie fell to the ground in shock, and looking up, saw none other than Pace, standing over her.
"What are you doing here?" he demanded as a sudden crack of lightning illuminated his angry face.
"I, uh-" Charlie fumbled for words, but before she could answer, a deafening boom of thunder rumbled the woods.
"It's going to storm," said Pace at once. "Come on."
"Huh?" Charlie stared at him, but Pace instantly grabbed her by the hand and began to pull her out of the trees.
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