Chapter 1-4
"Well, I thought it was a good idea..." frowned Rib, finally removing his retractable prop knife and using it to scratch his head.
"It was. He just needs some convincing," said Demeter.
"And maybe a chill pill," added Apollo.
"So, does this mean no competition once again?" asked Max sadly.
Rib shrugged.
"What competition?" wondered Charlie, completely lost.
"The Olympus Academy Olympics!" exclaimed Rib. "We were planning on entering when we had a full team, so I just thought now that we have six people in the Athens Dorm again we could still compete."
"Again?" repeated Charlie. "You mean there used to be another student in this dorm? What happened to him?"
For a moment there was an unpleasant silence.
"You'd have to ask Pace," answered Rib at last, his expression making Charlie even more uncomfortable.
"So, anyways!" Apollo jumped in, bringing back the sunny atmosphere. "Why don't we show you around the dorm?"
"Yes! Allow the Princes to give you the grand tour!" beamed Demeter.
Charlie nodded.
"Grand tour?" she thought excitedly. "Wow! This place must be huge!"
"Alright! This is the common room and the bedrooms are behind those doors," Apollo proudly declared in a very final manner.
"Is that it?" Charlie had expected a little more.
"Of course not, silly!" laughed Demeter. "You haven't seen the toilet yet!"
"Uhh, that's okay..." she grimaced. "So, umm, I only see three bedrooms," she added, peering past the twins. "Are the rest down the hall?"
"Sorry, babe! What you see is what you get!" said Apollo. "But what you see is pretty handsome, right?"
"Some grand tour, huh?" gibed Rib.
"Oh. So then, which room is mine?" Charlie inquired.
"You mean which bunk," Demeter corrected her.
"Bunk?!" echoed Charlie.
"We all share a room," Max told her.
"Three rooms plus six people equals roomies!" Rib grinned.
"Oh, great," Charlie began to worry. "Which of these guys am I stuck with? Prankster Rib? One of those girl-crazy twins?" Charlie's imagination started to run away with her, making her almost too nervous to pose the question-
"So... which of you is my roommate?" she finally dared to ask.
Once again, none of the boys spoke, but they all pointed in silence. Charlie turned to the door at which they were now all staring. A paper sign was tacked to the wood. Scribbled in black marker were the words "PACE'S ROOM - KEEP OUT!!!".
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