Prepare yourselves for Luke and Ashton in suits, and also...... sexxx.
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Um, okay.. So let's sit down" I awkwardly said to my purple haired friend. He looked at me and Ashton before nodding slowly. I could feel Ashton shift uncomfortably beside me, this was not suppose to happen.
We slowly walked to the living room when Michael abruptly stopped walking. "I need to call Calum, he needs to be here" He dug his pocket for his phone but I stopped him.
"No Michael, please. You weren't supposed to know about this, neither was Calum. Can't you just keep it a secret?" Michael looked up at me with a look of fear.
"No. No way, man. I'm not gonna sit here alone and listen to you tell me just why you were having dry sex against the wall when I walked in. I need someone here with me. And I'm not gonna keep this from Calum, neither are you two" He looked at both of us, pointing an accusing finger between us. I sighed.
"He's right Luke,-" Ashton sighed and I looked up to meet his big hazel eyes. That instantly relaxed me. "We should tell them together. They are your best friends, they would have found out sooner or later. I mean, we didn't really hide it that carefully" He gave me a small smile to assure me it was okay. I gave him a small smile back and sighed defeated.
"Fine" I mumbled and we all made our way to sit down in the living room. Ash and I sat down and Michael stood and looked at us before sitting down on the other side of the bent couch, making him sit diagonal from us. He looked really uncomfortable.
"What, Michael?" I asked him. He looked like he was contemplating if he should say something or not, but he soon did; "Um, so.. I- I mean, you guys haven't done it on the couch, right? Because I don't want to sit here if you have" My cheeks started to heat and I could feel Ashton squirm uncomfortably in his seat while Michael was staring at us for an answer.
"Ew, no!" Michael burst out and threw himself off the couch to sit on the floor. "What are you? Animals?" he scoffed. No one decided to answer that question, so Michael took up his phone again to call Calum.
It was quiet until Calum picked up from where he was. "Hey dude, you need to come to Luke's, like, right now" Michael exclaimed. It was silence in the room while Michael listened to what Calum had to say.
"Well, if I had known you would have been needed at Luke's I wouldn't have dropped you off before" Michael sighed. Michael nodded slightly while Calum was probably giving him a reply.
"No, you just need to be here. I'm not telling you why, Luke and Ash will" Michael gave us a glance.
"No, Cal! Shut up and come here! God you're so fucking incompetent" he waited for an answer. "Well, I'm the only child so it's okay for me to be incompetent and babied around" he said again.
I sighed from where I sat and reached over to take the phone from Michael. "Cal, just come here. Ash and I need to talk to you guys"
Cal didn't say anything for a few seconds, but when he did, worry was evident throughout is voice. "What's going on Luke?"
"Nothing, just.. please come here Cal. It's nothing to worry about, I swear" I said and mumbled out an 'I think' under my breath. I didn't know how my best friends would feel about this. I mean, Michael's reaction wasn't really the reaction I would have liked though.
"Okay, okay I'll be right there" Calum hurried and said a quick goodbye before he hung up. I handed Michael's phone back to him and he let out a quiet 'thank you'.
Silence spread around us again and it was almost unbearable. Ashton must have thought so too, because he broke the silence, which surprised both me and Michael.
"I can't deal with this!" Ash burst out, making both Michael and I look at him with big eyes. "I'm sorry, this is my entire fault. It's awkward between you guys and it's not supposed to be that way between two best friends"
We all looked at each other for a while until Michael started laughing lightly. "Yeah, that's true," he said and nodded at Ashton, "but what the fuck am I supposed to say when I see both of my guy best friends exchanging saliva and rip each other's clothes off?"
I sat quiet, not knowing what to say, but Ashton looked chocked. "Best friends?" Ash asked and looked at Michael with his big hazel eyes. "You realize this is me and Luke, and not him and Calum, right?"
Michael laughed and gave Ashton a big smile. "I'm not stupid Ash, I can see the differences between you and Cal. I just think of you as a best friend because you've basically been with us non-stop for around two weeks now. Now I know why though" Michael said and looked at me with a smirk. Wow, he changed quickly. "But you're really cool and kind of like the missing link in our trio" Mike said and leaned back on the floor so he was lying down instead of sitting.
Ashton had a big smile on his face and it warmed me inside. "I've never had best friends before. I've had and have loads of friends, but not best friends" he admitted with the smile still showing.
"Why? Didn't you have a best friend when you were little? Everyone had a best friend then" Michael spoke up from the floor.
"No, not really. I grew up in a posh and rich-ass family so I didn't really hang out with kids, I hung out with my dad" Ashton shrugged and it made me feel sad.
"I'm glad to be your best friend" I smiled at him, making him respond with the same bright smile as before.
"More like fuck-friend" Michael scoffed, more to himself, but booth me and Ashton heard. Ashton started chuckling and I just got hot cheeks from the embarrassment.
We waited and had some small talk before Calum walked into my house without knocking or anything. I heard him kick off his shoes before he came into the living room. "Hey" he said breathlessly.
"Did you run here?" I asked and frowned at his panting. He shook his head and walked over to the couch.
"No, I took the car. I just ran up your porch very fast" he shrugged and sat down on the couch where Michael had sat down before. "Why are you sitting on the floor?" Cal frowned and looked down at Michael.
"Wouldn't wanna sit there if I were you" Mikey said smugly. I tensed up for what was about to come.
Calum looked scared as he stood up quickly and looked down on the couch cushion he was just sitting on. "What, why? What's wrong with the couch?" Cal looked up and looked at the three of us.
Michael didn't spare any time as he started talking; "Luke and Ash had sex on it" Calum's eyes grew to the size of tennis balls and his moth hung open. Michael just smirked while Ash and I shifted around in the couch, trying not to look guilty.
"What?!" Calum finally said, still standing and looking at me and Ash.
"Well, that's kind of what we wanted to talk about" I uncomfortably spoke out, trying to avoid eye contact. Calum looked around to get a reaction out of anyone else in the room but Michael already knew what was happening so he looked totally chill on the floor. Calum soon nodded and sat down on the floor beside Michael, making me secretly roll my eyes.
It was quiet for a long while because I didn't know what to say and I bet Ashton didn't either.
"Okay, if you're not gonna say anything, then I will" Michael complained, causing the silence to end. He cleared his throat before continuing; "When I came here, after I had dropped you off, to give back Luke's wallet that he forgot in my car," he said and looked at Calum, "I accidentally walked in on these two having sex against the wall" Calum's chin fell open and he looked back at me and Ash and then back to Michael.
"No, we did not! Stop lying Michael" I sighed irritated.
"Well, if I wouldn't have come in at the time, you would've had" he argued. Both Ash and I sat quiet and Michael smirked because he knew he was right.
"Okay, okay okay okay-" Calum started after a while of just staring at all of us. "What the fuck?!"
"That's what I said" Michael chuckled.
"How- when- what-" Calum stuttered, trying to ask as many questions as possible.
I looked at Ashton for assurance but I didn't really get any, he just looked down at his lap. "It's been going on for about two weeks" I mumbled.
"Two weeks!?" both of them burst out. "That means you've been with each other all this time we've known each other!" Michael pointed out, looking sincerely shocked.
"No, no-" Calum started and held up his hand in the air to silence Michael. "That means Ashton was the one on the party you lost your virginity to.." he thought out loud, making Michael understand a whole lot more.
Ashton and I both let out a vague reply of a mumbled 'yeah' and Calum and Michael's eyes softened, looking like they had every bit of the puzzle in place.
"Oh my god, it all makes sense now! I always thought you were really close to just be 'new friends'" Michael scoffed, making me roll my eyes and blush a bit without being seen.
"I don't know, maybe it was a bad thing not telling you before, but this thing is really complicated and I'm not even sure of what it is" Ashton said and lifted his eyes to look at me.
"Yeah, it just kind of just.. happened" I went on, looking back at him.
"I understand why you didn't say anything, but you guys were kind of obvious about this now when I think about it" Calum said looking like he was thinking back to previous events.
"Yeah, like how you both left together to do stuff that obviously was a one man job. What did you do then anyway?"
Me and Ash sat quiet while glancing back at each other. "Um-"
"You know what? I don't even want to know"
Suddenly we were interrupted my Ashton's phone ringing. He picked it up and groaned loudly. "I have to take this, it's work. Sorry, won't be very long" he excused himself and walked out of the living room before answering his phone.
"So, this was a surprise" Michael said while Calum was mumbling agreeing words. I sighed and put my head in my hands.
"I'm sorry I didn't say anything"
"It's cool Luke, it's just, I didn't know you.. swayed for that team" Cal spoke quietly so Ashton wouldn't hear. I lifted my head from my hands and looked at my two friends.
"I don't" I simply said, but I didn't know if it was a lie or not. Calum and Michael frowned at me.
"Well, you obviously do if you are sleeping with a guy without any problem"
I sighed loudly again. "I don't fucking know what is wrong with me. Even if I like it, it can't keep on forever. Ashton has a fucking girlfriend and relationship since three years back that I'm basically ruining. I have a girlfriend who I can't seem to get stronger feelings to, and I have a fucking Christian mother who taught me when I was younger that a man should be with a woman and nothing else"
Calum gave me a look of sympathy and move from the floor to sit beside me on the couch. "Luke, you can't always try to please your mom. You won't get far in life if you go after her rules all the time. If you actually do like guys, you can't go your life pretending that you don't. You can't chose someone else's happiness before your own" he spoke softly while placing a hand on my shoulder.
"Wow Cal, that was so sentimental" Michael pointed out while getting up from the floor and sitting on the other side of me. "But he's right though. And I don't fucking care what gender you like, you're still my best friend and if something goes wrong in your life, you always have me and Cal, we won't go anywhere"
"Wow Mikey, that was so sentimental" Calum joked and Michael gave him a glare. I chuckled even though I was in the most confused and complicated seat ever in life right now.
"I actually have thought about it" I whispered out.
"Thought about what?"
"Me liking guys. I just- I mean, I guess I've always thought about it but I've never been sure. I've had girlfriends and I've had strong feelings for them. I also didn't really dare to admit the thoughts of me liking guys to myself. I'm just scared no one will like or accept me. That's what my mom taught me" I sighed.
"Hey, shut up okay? We said we will be here and that's that. Ashton's here too" Michael said.
"Don't tell Ashton about this" I whispered, sitting up a bit to make them see I'm serious.
"Why?" They both frowned at me.
"Because I don't want him to know about this. What we are is just- it's complicated, okay? We aren't anything more than sex behind our girlfriends backs" I cringed at what I was saying, feeling extremely shitty for all of this. "I don't want him to know that I maybe only like guys because I don't want him to think that I have feelings for him, you know?"
They both nodded, though still looking quite unsure of what was going on between me and Ash.
"I'm not gonna say anything, I promise, but if Ashton is doing this with you he must have something for guys too. I mean, for what I saw when I came in here, he wasn't all straight, that's impossible. It would be impossible for you guys to even be with each other if you two weren't attracted by each other" Michael stated making me look at him, because well, he was kind of right.
"Still though, I don't want him to think that I will fall in love with him and so on. We made this kind of arrangement to have like sex on the side of our relationships because I didn't get anything, but we said we would stay friends" I add on.
"Well.. that can be difficult" Calum admitted, making me frown in confusion at him. "I just- No just, be careful, okay? Friends with benefits never end well. It always ends with feeling getting in the way or something else, like your girlfriends finding out maybe, and then it will be hard continuing your friendship"
"You don't know it will be like that for me and Ash" I argued.
"I don't, I just like you and I like Ashton, and I want to have you both as my friends, so I don't want anything to happen. I do like your girlfriends too; they are our friends, so you guys need to be careful" Calum looked me straight in the eye while he was talking.
"Yeah, do you know how fucking lucky you and Ashton were when it was me who walked in on you guys. What if it was your mom or girlfriend? Just please, lock the doors before you're about to have sex in the hallway" Michael sighed.
"Wait, you walked in on them?" Calum asked.
"You just snapped that up? God, you really are incompetent" Michael shook his head and Calum scoffed, leaning over me to punch Michael's arm.
"I wanna hear what happened" Calum said to Michael, making me groan.
"No please, just be content with the fact that you know he walked in on us" I pleaded.
"No Luke, I want to know" Calum ordered as he shook his head. "You know what? Now when we know who you've been with, you can tell us everything, starting with the first time" he said and smiled sweetly, trying to get anything out of me. I shook my head as a firm 'no', but they just started to complain and whine.
"No I'm not going to tell you, it's weird and way too awkward" I stated before Ashton came into the room.
Ashton sat down on the other side of the couch that Mikey and Cal sat first, as they had now taken his previous seat. "You okay?" he asked and smiled small at me.
"Yeah," I nodded and smiled back, "you?"
He shrugged and then shook his head. "It was work calling and I totally forgot I had a sponsor party to attend tonight" he sighed.
"Oh, okay" I said and you could obviously head the disappointment in my voice, even though I didn't want it to. "You can go to that, it's cool. Work is important, I have Mikey and Cal here anyway, it's not like I'm gonna be alone tonight"
"Actually," Michael started, "I can't stay. I was only here to drop off your wallet" he said and gave me an apologetic smile.
"Yeah, same here mate. Mali's home and she got Keagan with her so we're having dinner and so on. Sorry" Calum gave me a pat on the shoulder again.
"Oh well, then I guess I'm alone anyway" I chuckled, though I didn't really want to be alone. I wanted to be with Ashton but Michael kind of fucked that up.
"Unless you want to tag along to the party?" Ashton spoke up. I looked up at him and raised one eyebrow.
"Go to your work party, with you?" I asked, sounding very unsure.
"No come on, go with me! It would be so much more fun! It will be so boring to go there myself. It's only grownups there and I feel so old socializing with them" Ashton sighed and pleaded with his eyes.
"Well, you are kind of old" Michael said. Ashton turned to him, looking really offended.
"You're one year younger than me!" Ashton argued.
"Well, you're twenty, at least I'm still a teenager" Michael argued back.
They started shooting different arguments back and forth until I interrupted them. "I have nothing better to do, so why not" I shrugged and Ashton looked at me, a big smile spreading on his lips.
He stood up and walked over to me. "Great! You need a suit, do you own a suit?" he asked while taking a hold of my wrist and pulling me up from the couch.
"Dude, his mom is Christian, of course he owns a suit" Calum chuckled.
"I thought you said you stopped going to church when you were eleven? You can't fit in a suit from when you were eleven, right?" Ashton raised one eyebrow up.
"No, mom just buys me suits and all those classy stuff if I change my mind, plus I had my graduation a few weeks ago" I assured him.
"Oh yeah, right. So, you on?" he smiled. I returned the smile while nodding. Ashton started to lean over to me but before he was even close to a kiss, he stopped and looked at Michael and Calum.
"Can we like, kiss and stuff when you guys are with us? I mean, or are you bothered by it?" he asked and I shot my eyebrows up at his question. I didn't know he wanted to be able to kiss me in front of anyone.
"No, it's cool. Just don't be all 'oh we're so cute', or like how you were when I walked in on you guys. Don't ever do that while we're in the room" Michael said and put a finger up to prove his point.
"I still don't know what you walked in on!" Calum whined, making Ashton laugh. That made me smile.
"So are you gonna kiss or what?" Michael asked while watching us from the couch.
"Are you gonna watch us?" I asked him back.
"Um, well yeah?" he said in a duh-tone. "I want to see what you mean with 'kiss'. I need to judge if I'm okay with it or not. Calum too" Calum nodded in agreement.
Ashton nodded and turned to me. Suddenly I started become very embarrassed and nervous about kissing Ashton, because my friends were sitting right beside us, watching our every move. Ashton leaned in with a smirk on his face and soon his lips were on mine but very lightly, just a simple kiss without any drastic movements. I pulled away soon later.
"Sorry, it's just really weird having them watch" I pointed at my friends on the couch who had big smiles on their faces.
"I'm fine with that, you're allowed to do more than that though. That was a pathetic kiss" Michael said making Cal and Ash burst out laughing, I just gave Michael a glare.
"Come down and show me!" Ashton called out from downstairs while I was up in my room getting changed into the black, slim suit. I gave myself one last look and fixed my hair before I made my way out my room and down to the living room. Ashton sat in the couch with his phone occupying him. Michael and Calum had gone to respective home when I went to go change. I cleared my throat, making Ash look up at me.
He raised one eyebrow and smiled big, looking satisfied. "Damn, I thought you were sexy before, but this-" he stood up and walked over to me, "this is almost unbearably sexy" he whispered when he was close enough to me.
He placed his hands on my hips. I blushed slightly at his compliment and Ashton chuckled lowly, his face just mere inches away from mine. "You're so cute when you blush"
"Shut up" I mumbled but didn't move away from him. He laughed and moved away from me, watching me up and down.
"You can't tie a tie to save your live though" he admitted and I looked down at my messy, obviously wrong, tied tie. I shrugged and gave him an innocent smile. He responded it with one of his amazing laughs.
"Here, let me help you" He started untying my tie and start over from scratch. He easily tied it the correct way and secured it around my neck. "There you go baby boy" he smiled, making me roll my eyes at him and crack out a laugh.
"Thank you" I whispered and caressed his cheek, leaning in closer to him. He leaned in the last bit and out lips met. His warm plump lips had become one of my favorite things in the world. It didn't matter where on my body I had them; they were still my favorite thing. He broke the kiss way too soon and I whined quietly, still making him hear it.
"I'm sorry but if we go further I won't be able to stop it and we'll never get to this fucking party" Ashton sounded irritated but I laughed at his grumpiness. I nodded and took his hand, dragging him to the hallway so we could put on out shoes and get going. Ashton fell behind and I gave him a glance, seeing him watching my ass.
"Are you really checking out my ass?" I laughed.
"You got skinny pants on and I can't deny that your ass looks really good in them" he shrugged making me scoff to later laugh at him. A cheeky grin was plastered on his face as we put on our shoes and made our way out of my house.
We were in Ashton's apartment and he guided me to his bedroom as he said he 'needed help to pick out which suit to wear'.
"How many suits do you have?" I asked him as we made our way further into the apartment.
"A few" he shrugged while walking. We finally came to a double door with blurry glass so you could barely see in to the room. Ashton swiftly opened the door and a big bedroom was at view. I walked in to see a fairly plain room, still looking modern though. A big king sized bed at the wall, beside the bed was a bedside table on each side. Across from the bed was a big squared pillar that was placed it the middle of the room, making it possible for you to walk around it in the room. On the pillar sat a big TV, making it simple to watch TV in bed. Behind the pillar was an enormous closet, spreading from wall to wall with all kinds of doors and drawers.
"Wow" was the first thing I said, "this is so cool" I said and walked over to a big window going from roof to floor, showing a nice view over Sydney. "Do you realize this is the first time I'm in your bedroom? Why's that?" I turned to look at Ash and he raised an eyebrow in question.
"Is it really? I guess we didn't have the patient to get here and chose the couch instead. Or shower" he winked and smirked big. I laughed and rolled my eyes.
We haven't been at Ashton's so many times, but when we were, we took advantage of that time very well. No mom, no girlfriends, no friend, just me and Ash.
Ash walked over to one of the many doors of the closet and slid it open, making almost one third of it open up. "Which one?" he asked while pointing at the multiply suits in the closet, all black, grey or dark blue.
I walked over to stand next to him, looking at all the various options. "A few?" I mocked him, making him push me a bit.
"Just choose which one" he ordered. I looked at all of the back and forth, touched some to feel if they felt good or not but soon stopped and turned to Ashton. I made my way over to him and stopped in front of him. I placed my hands on his ass and leaned in to place my forehead on his.
"Which one makes your ass look the best?" I whispered against his lips. He chuckled and I let go off him as he looked around a bit before picking out a dark blue, almost black suit.
"This one's good for that" he joked and held up the suit for me to see. He closed the door to the suits and opened another to pick out a white button up shirt. He closed that door and opened a drawer, showing endless of different ties lining up. He picked up a black one that matched his suit and then looked at me.
"I'll just change and get ready" I gave him a nod and he made his way to his bathroom, probably freshening up and getting ready as said. I sat down on his bed to wait for him to get ready.
I kept time going by doing useless stuff on my phone. After a while, Ashton came out all dressed and ready. I looked him up and down in awe.
"You look amazing" I breathed out, making him grin big. His suit was slim and fitted against his muscular body and his hair was brushed out, making it look soft and silky-like. He turned around and lifted up his suit jacket, making his fit ass show.
"Did it make my ass look good?" he asked and turned his head as if trying to see. I made my way over to him and placed my arms around him from behind, making my crotch press against his ass. "Your ass always looks good Ash, you're always sexy as fuck" I mumbled in his ear, nibbling lightly on his skin just below his ear.
"Luke, I would fucking love to do this right now-" he started but I erupted him.
"But we need to get going to the party, I know, I know" I sighed and let go of him. He pulled me back and kissed me right on the lips.
"But tonight" he whispered before he dragged me out of the bedroom towards the exit.
"I get to see how your work looks, I get to see your company now. Your own company" I said excitedly said while we were sitting in the car that was taking us to the party. Ashton said that we both should drink and we should catch a ride instead of drive ourselves. I had no argument against that.
"Yeah, lucky you" he said sarcastically. Before I really had any time to reply, the driver stopped and announced that we were here. Ashton thanked him by name and stepped out of the car, I did the same. As I looked up at the sky-high building I gaped.
"You ready to go in?" Ashton asked from beside me. I shook my head and looked at him with big, happy eyes.
"I've always wanted to go inside of this building! I was obsessed with this when I was little, I always made mom and dad drive the long way around so I could get a glance at this building" I exclaimed, smiling both shocked and ecstatic towards Ashton. He laughed at my enthusiasm.
"Well, let's you inside then" he said and reached his hand out to grab my wrist.
"I just can't believe you own this building. The one I was so fascinated with" I admitted quietly, still shocked.
We walked towards the entrance and a doorman smiled big towards Ashton. "Mr. Irwin, how are you today?" he said as he went to open the door for us.
"It's Ashton, Clark, you know that. And very well thanks, you?"
"Very well, thank you Ashton" the man, called Clark, said still with the smile on his face.
"Say hi to your family from me, miss seeing the kid here. They are welcome to help me out any day" Ashton said before entering the building after saying goodbye to the doorman.
The lobby of the building was big and exclusive, with the companies name written big on the wall. It was quite empty, only a few workers around.
"Weren't there a party?" I mumbled at him, scared that I would be heard.
"It's on the 14th floor" he chuckled. "It would be sad to have the party in the lobby"
Every worker and person in the building we saw smiled big at Ashton, he returned the smiles and said hello politely.
"You're like a celebrity" I said when we were standing alone in the elevator. He laughed.
"Well, I am kind of known in this place, since I own and run it" he said and pulled me to his body, placing his hands on my hips. I placed mine on his shoulders. "I'm glad you decided to come. It will be boring, sorry, but we can make it fun somehow"
I laughed and nodded before placing my lips on his. I slowly moving them, making him do the same. It was tinder and careful, yet felt so good. I moved my hands up to his neck and then hair. I didn't dare to grab or tug it because I didn't want to ruin his hair that looked so fancy. He licked my bottom lips and I was just about to open my mouth when a familiar 'ding' was heard, letting us know the elevator had reached its destination.
Ashton sighed loudly, just like me, as we pulled away from each other. "Okay, just keep yourself by my side and don't mind the snobs that will come up. Some people here are cool, some are just horrible" he told me as the doors opened and the 14th floor was shown.
It was big, extremely big, and filled with people in nice clothes. I could hear some music play in the background, but just barely because people were talking and laughing loud. It was that kind of party, that kind that just has multiply small groups all over talking about grownup stuff.
"This looks.. wild" I joked and looked over to Ashton. He laughed and shook his head; "I told you it would be boring, but we can mix things up. This party is for me so it can't be that bad"
"It's not your birthday party, right? Because if it is, happy birthday" I looked at him in concern. I hate not knowing if someone is having a birthday or not, it's embarrassing.
"No, it's not my birthday Luke, you can relax" he laughed, "It's a party for the latest win we did and the new game we released and stuff like that, really boring when I think about it. Sorry, I shouldn't have asked you to come" he sighed.
"No, no it's cool" I assured him and placed my hand on his elbow, giving it a gentle squeeze as affection. He smiled and took my hand and squeezed it back.
"Ashton! I thought you wouldn't make it!" a man said happily when seeing Ashton. Ash smiled big at the man and released my hand to hug him.
"Well, you called me and practically forced me here so I had no other choice" Ashton laughed and the man did the same.
The man's eyes landed in me, he was still smiling big. I was starting to think he was always smiling like that. "And who is this fine young man?"
"Um, Luke Hemmings, sir" I introduced myself and held out my hand for him to shake. He did and replied; "Alan Walker, I'm the family friend of Irwin's. I help Ashton to keep this thing going" he said and pointed around the building.
"He was my dad's friend I told you about" Ashton smiled and put a hand on my lower back. I stiffened up at his act, didn't he care there were loads of people here who could see us? I nodded at him and smiled.
"Yeah, nice to meet you" I said honestly.
"You too, Luke" Alan replied and patted me on my shoulder. He turned to Ashton; "So, what a party right?" he chuckled.
"Yeah, Luke was impressed by the 'wild party'" Ashton chuckled and looked at me. I smiled small.
"Well, I feel you on that Luke, and I'm sorry for this but it needs to be sophisticated" Alan huffed and Ashton chuckled. "I'm gonna leave you two to it. Say hi to some people before you sneak out of here, okay?"
"You know me too well" Ashton smirked. Alan said goodbye to the both of us and told me it was very nice to meet me before he disappeared into the crowd.
"Let's go find some alcohol" Ashton said and took my hand in his as he started making his way through the crowd of people. He didn't really seem to care that people could see us, and I didn't know these people so I didn't care at all. I was happy Ashton was close and affectionate towards me.
We made it over to a bar and the bartender gave Ashton a nod; "What can I get you, sir?"
"Two scotch & soda" Ashton ordered and soon the bartender placed two glasses filled with the gold looking liquor. Ashton thanked him and gave one of the glasses to me. "Keep yourself by my side, I'm just gonna talk to some people"
"You make me sound like a six year old kid" I rolled my eyes. He turned to look at me and grinned big.
"I like when you're so dependent of me" he whispered as he stepped closer to me.
"Ash, there's a lot of people here-"
"I don't care, they barely know me and they absolutely don't know any of my friends. They can think whatever, but tonight I want to be with you" he admitted before he placed his lips on mine and sneaked his hands behind me to place them on my back. I was hesitant at first, but I soon placed my hands around his neck, pulling him closer to me.
"Let's forget about talking to people, let's go to my office, yeah?" he mumbled hotly against my lips and nodded. He took a big gulp from his drink and I did the same, grimacing at the weird taste. He placed his glass down and did the same with mine. He took my hand again and dragged me back to the elevator.
"Press the top floor" he ordered me around and I did just as he said. As soon as I had pressed the button I was pushed up against the wall. The elevator started moving and Ashton pressed his body against mine, placing his lips on mine roughly.
I opened my mouth immediately, making his tongue meet mine easily. He roamed around in my mouth eagerly as I tugged his hair hard, making him moan into my mouth. His hands explored my body as I kept mine in his hair, combing my finger through it and tugging it now and then. He cupped my ass making me gasp and I could feel him smirk.
"Are we there yet?" I breathed in the kiss.
"Or we could do it in the elevator?" Ashton panted while now working on my neck.
"No, we're not that desperate"
"We're not desperate so we'll go to my office and do it on my desk?" he raised an eyebrow as he leaned back to look at me.
"Yeah" I said quickly and bringing him up to my lips again. Our lips worked together, just as our tongues did. Small moans and pants spread in the elevator until the sound of the bell telling us we had reached the floor we wanted.
We got out of the elevator with our lips still molded together. We stumbled through some kind of hallway and bumped into a big wooden double door. Ashton pulled away from me and fumbled with a key to open the door. While he was trying to open the door I connected my lips with his neck, sucking and biting, making him moan.
"Luke, knock it off. I need to open this fúcking door" he gently pushed me away and kept fumbling with the key, making inpatient me very irritated. I ripped the key from his hand and opened the door myself, pushing open the doors. I took in the big, classy office that looked just like they do in movies. Where a big desk is the first thing you see when you walk in. There are big windows everywhere, making a fantastic view of the city in the night. Chairs were placed in front of the big desk and the desk itself had a big comfortable-looking chair that probably belonged to Ashton. The room was filled with files, bookshelves with books, photos and paintings and more. It was homely.
Ashton stood behind me and placed his hands on the front of my suit jacket. He slowly took it off while kissing my neck. I leaned my head to the side to give him better access and he gladly took it. He got my jacket off and threw it on the floor. I turned around to kiss his lips and slowly start taking off his jacket too. I threw it to the side where my own jacket lied.
As my tongue moved swiftly with his, making me taste all of him, I started untying his tie. What started slow ended fast and inpatient. We quickly pulled the ties and shirts off, leaving us with only pants.
"D-Do you have any stuff here?" I panted. He was sucking roughly on my neck and pulled away to look at me.
"You still want to-?" he asked. I nodded eagerly and placed my lips on his again, started sucking and biting on his bottom lip that I knew made him moan. He gently pulled away again to walk over to his suit jacket. He dug in the inner pocket and fished out a very small tube of lube.
"You knew we would-?" I asked but didn't quite finish the question before he lead me over to the desk and made me sit down on it. He spread my legs apart and stood between them.
"I wanted to finish what we started before" he whispered hotly against my lips. I brought my lips to his again and he slowly started to unbutton my pants. I felt his hand against my bulge, palming me gently as he leaned down to one of the drawers in the desk and fished out a condom.
"Who are you? The guy in 50 shades?" I breathed into the kiss.
"Who?" he replied, making me kiss him even harder than before. I brought him closer to me and started unbutton his pants too. Ashton placed the condom and lube beside me and pushed me back, making me move over a bit and lie down in the middle of the desk. Ashton climbed up after and hovered over me, still kissing me.
"I've wanted to get you out of that suit and fúck you ever since I first saw you in it" he panted and grinded down on me, making me gasp at the contact.
"F-fúck Ash" I said as I kicked off my shoes and tried to wiggle out of my pants too. Ashton stopped what he was doing to go down on the floor again. He grabbed my pants and pulled them off, leaving me naked on his desk. He pulled off his own pants and climbed up again.
He lowered himself down making his hard d.ick meet mine. He rocked his hips slowly back and forth, making them grind together and shoot ecstasy through my body.
"You're ready for this to hurt, right?" I nodded at his question. "I need to make you ready, okay?" I nodded again. I knew he knew what he was doing. He had done this with his girlfriend and I mean it must be the same with girls as guys, we all have an ass.
"Just- Come on, Ash" I muttered with closed eyes. He leaned down and kissed me on the lips, and then trailed down to my abdomen. He was just over my hard d.ick that was lying against my stomach, and his hot breath made my whole body twitch for his touch.
He took up the small bottle of lube and placed some on his pointer finger, long finger and ring finger so they all were covered. He gave my d.ick a quick kiss making me moan loud before he leaned up to kiss me on my neck instead. "Always tell me when to stop and when to go" he whispered as I could feel one quite cold lubed up finger against my entrance.
He didn't go in just yet, he just circled around it. I didn't know if it was prepping or just teasing, either way, it felt good. But soon he slowly pushed his pointer finger in. He hadn't come a long way before I whined, making him stop.
"It's okay" he soothed while giving my neck kisses. He kissed both my neck and lips before I told him he could go on. I held my breath and shut my eyes closed at the painful and weird feeling. When Ash was fully inside, he stopped for a bit to get me to feel comfortable. He kissed me all over the place, while whispering soothing things in my ear, making me relax.
"Move, please" I said after a while because I had grown to the feeling, but mostly just that I wanted to speed this thing up so I actually could have Ashton inside of me.
He did as he was told and he slowly moved in and out. It took a while before it actually started to feel good. When it actually felt good, I just wanted more.
"More" I panted.
"One more finger?" Ashton grunted against my neck, making me shiver. I nodded my head and he pulled out to pull in with two fingers.
I quietly screeched out in pain and lifted my spine from the desk. "I know, it will be better, I swear" Ashton promised and pushed in his fingers while kissing me softly. I decided to forget the fingers that were inside me and just focus on the kiss. I could soon feel him moving in and out with the two fingers, and after some time I grew comfortable with this too.
"This may hurt more, but I need to stretch you" he assured before making scissor movements with his fingers while he was inside me. He was right, it did hurt, but when he started moving normally again the pleasure was amazing.
"One more" I breathed out but Ashton didn't oblige. "Ash" I repeated.
"Not yet Luke, we need to take its time, I don't want to hurt you" he said determinedly against my lips.
"You won't hurt me, one more, please"
He soon did as he was told after feeling his hesitation. He removed the two fingers to quickly put in three instead. It hurt the first two seconds, but it soon changed into pleasure.
I panted loudly and rocked my hips with his fingers, feeling the amazing feeling spread all over my body. "Fúck Luke, I need to fúck you, now. Are you ready because I don't think I can wait no more" Ashton admitted while still fingering me. I nodded egerly and he removed his fingers from inside me, making me let out a whine from the feeling of emptiness.
I opened my eyes to see Ashton pump himself a few times before ripping up the condom and place it on his d.ick. He took the lube and spread it on, making sure it was all covered up before hovering over me again.
He had one hand each placed och each side of my head and he was staring down at me with big lustful eyes. "You look so damn perfect lying here right now" he whispered before leaning down to kiss my lips. I placed my hands on his lower back, caressing his soft skin. He slowly pulled away to take a hold of his d.ick , placing it inches away from my entrance.
"You ready?" he asked and I nodded confidently. He nodded too before he slowly lowered himself in me.
A gasp escaped from my lips as he was about one third in. He stopped and asked if I was okay, while kissing and caressing my body. I had my nails down in Ashton's back because of the slight pain going up my spine. He was bigger than his three fingers, so I still needed time to stretch and get comfortable with him inside me.
"You can go" I let out and he didn't first, but soon did. He slowly kept pushing himself inside me. It did hurt, but he managed to go fully in and he stopped, trying to make me comfortable with his whole length. He panted hard and I let out uneven breaths as I held my breath every time something hurt or felt weird.
I opened my eyes to see Ashton over me with closed eyes. It looked like he thought something was unbearable.
"W-what is it?" I managed to get out. He opened his eyes to look at me. The usual hazel eyes were now dark brown in lust.
He shook his head; "I just- Fúck, you're so tight and feel so good. I-I need to move" he pleaded.
"Then move, please" I told him.
"Are you sure?"
"Move, Ash" I ordered and he slowly started to move back and forth, making me feel fucking amazing. The pleasure was something you couldn't put in words and it felt so good to be this close to Ashton. This was amazing.
"Oh m-my god" I panted and Ashton grunted into my neck.
"You feel so fúcking good, Luke" he said though gritted teeth.
"Faster" I breathed and he quickened up the pace right away. The sound of bare skin slapping against each other was heard throughout the room, just as the loud moans and panting that left out throats. I felt the pace quicken even more and the pleasure just rise to maximum.
Ashton sat up a bit and held my hips in his hands, positioning me to a better angle. His grip on my hips tightened as he started to thrust into me hard. Every time he slammed into me, something felt so amazingly good, making me moan out Ashton's name loudly. He kept thrusting in that angle and I was a panting mess under his.
My sweaty skin was sticking to the wooded desk and it was unbelievably uncomfortable lying here, but I couldn't care less, because I was getting fúcked better than anyone could ever experience.
"You like that?" Ashton asked, breathing heavily as he kept the pace of his thrust into me.
I nodded and added a shaky 'yeah' making Ashton satisfied, I would believe, because he started thrusting harder.
"It feels s-so f-fúcking good" I stammered.
"You feel so fúcking good" he panted and slowed down his thrusts so they were almost still. He grabbed my hips again and positioned them in another angle before slamming into me once and then slowly pull out. He did it again and again, making me scream out in pleasure.
"I'm gonna c-cóme" I admitted while he kept fucking me.
"Please do. I want to see your face when I make you cóme" he whispered before continuing to slam into me.
"Faster" I managed to whisper out and Ashton surprisingly did just as I asked him to and leaned down so he was hovering over me before he started to pick up the pace again. The only sounds I let out were quiet whimpers of pleasure.
"Come on, L-Luke. I'm close too" he said and thrust into me harder, still keeping the pace.
I felt my orgásm build up in the pit of my stomach. "Soon- I-I'm there" I breathed.
He reaches his hand down to wrap it around my d.ick, pumping it quickly to match his thrusts. Feeling this much pleasure was almost unbearable and I didn't know what to do. I moaned loudly, making it echo through the room.
"I love your moans" Ashton whispered as he bit down on my earlobe and tugged at it gently.
He kept pumping and thrusting into me, and soon I reached my limit. I came all over my stomach with a loud moan of his name. Ashton thrust into me three quick times before he cáme into the condom.
We laid on his desk for a while, Ashton still on top and inside if me. When we both had come down from our high and back on earth, he pulled out of me. I whined slightly because of the emptiness he left me with.
"Thank you" I said after a while. Ashton lifted his head to look at me, his eyes were droopy and his hair and forehead were sweaty. I kind of think I look just the same, not just as perfect as Ashton though.
"You're welcome" he whispered and placed his lips on mine. We moved slowly, not really having any energy to deepen the kiss. "Thank you too" he said after he had pulled away. I smiled tiredly and he chuckled lightly at me.
"You're beautiful, you know that right?" he asked me and I shook my head.
"No one has ever called me beautiful. You are beautiful though" I whispered.
He shook his head; "You are more beautiful. I'll tell you that every day to make up for all the days people didn't call you beautiful"
I looked at him straight in the eyes and I just felt so much admiration towards this boy. "I'm so glad I met you" I said as I combed my fingers through his sweaty hair to get it out of his eyes.
"I'm glad I met you too" he said before lying beside me, almost on me as the desk didn't really fit two people like this.
Ashton placed a hand under my body, making me roll to the side so he could get more place. He curled his arm so I was pressed against his chest. He placed his other hand around me and held me close.
- - - -
So it took me days to write this chapter because I have unlimited stuff in school now making me want to kms.
It's a loooong chapter (9000 words) so I hope you guys like it and yes luke has finally 100% lost his virginity, go luke.
Found out about Zayn leaving 1D after I came home from school, and I was on the phone with my friend for 3 hours just talking about this and we couldn't believe it. But if him not being in 1D will make him happy and content with life, I'm am 100% for him leaving. No one deserves to be unhappy when they actually can make a simple change. Proud of Zayn :)
Comment and vote because that makes me smile and I'll love you a lil bit ~
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