A 8000 worded long smut-chapter for all ya horny bastards out there, ily
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I slowly opened my eyes and blinked to adjust the quite bright light in the room. I shuffled around slightly in the big comfortable bed and felt the emptiness in it. I fully opened my eyes and turned my head to the side to see the empty space beside me. I furrowed my eyebrows and reached my hand out to touch the sheets where Ashton had gone to sleep beside me last night.
Or, actually it was this night. The party was on for hours but we ditched it and stayed in, just kissing, touching, feeling. Letting the room become ours, a room filled with the love I expressed for Ashton.
Even though I cried and was a mess yesterday after I had told him, I felt amazing today, even letting my lips twitch up into a smile.
I tried ignoring the fact that Ashton had run away and I had become such a mess that I ended up making out with Calum and then later having a fight about it with Ashton. I tried to focus on the positive, like Calum not really minding (though I haven't spoken to him since the make out session) and Ashton in some way telling me he felt the same way as I felt for him.
Only the thought of having Ashton that close to me as yesterday and hearing him explain to me just how he felt made my whole body tingle and I smiled because I felt content with life.
The door of the bathroom opened and dragged me out of my thoughts, making me turn my head to watch who was stepping into the room.
My eyes glued to the tanned body belonging to the boy I love. Ash swiftly stepped into the room with a few drops of water falling down from his wet locks and running down on his bare chest, making him glow in the sunlight from the outside. He had a white towel wrapped low around his hips, stopping the drops of water to fall any further.
My eyes roamed his body from the bed, silently moaning in my head as he let his hand run through his wet hair, making a few more drops of water fall to his golden skin.
Ashton walked over to the closet and pulled out another white towel, this one smaller though. He started drying his hair with it, rubbing it into his scalp, making his head not visible for me. He pulled the small towel away from his head and I almost laughed out loud when seeing how his long wavy hair was now sticking out in every direction.
It seemed like he knew how his hair was looking because without watching in the mirror, he took out a hair brush and brushed his hair so it was back to its perfection. He pulled his fingers through his hair, massing it up a bit to the way he likes it and let it fall carelessly back down.
I feel my cheeks start to ache as I had been smiling big this whole time watching him without him noticing. God, I was so fucking whipped for that boy, but I didn't mind at all. I had never in my life felt this good, all thanks to Ashton.
I watched as Ashton let his hands slowly move from his hair down to his chest, drying it off with his hands. He dropped them down his waist and untied the towel around his hips and let it hit the floor.
Ashton's muscular back, tight ass and perfect thighs was in display in front of me and I bit my lip to try to tell my body to not make me hard right now.
"I wouldn't mind waking up to this every morning" I spoke, making Ashton turn his head right away, startled by my voice. He turned around and held his big hands over his crotch, covering himself and making me groan quietly. He picked up a pair of white, tight boxers and slid them on before talking to me.
"I didn't know you were awake" Ashton smiled warmly as he walked over to the bed. I held up the cover for him and he crawled in beside me. I snuggled up beside him right away and he let out a low chuckle.
"I woke up to a great show though" I said and smirked into his chest, smelling his newly showered skin. He laughed and let his fingers brush through my hair. I sighed in content, "What time is it?"
"Almost 2:30. You slept well, princess?" he said while putting his head down on the pillow while my head was still on his chest. The nickname made a smile and small blush coat my cheeks and I kissed his bare chest lightly.
"Yeah, really good" I whispered and kept myself close to Ashton. I almost felt a bit pathetic for being like a little puppy dog with Ashton, being so dependent on him and always wanting to be close.
"Me too" he whispered, it sounded like he had a smile on his face.
I felt him moving so I lifted my head to watch what he was doing. He picked up the hotel phone by the side table and pressed one before putting the phone to his ear. I watched him intensely as he smiled cheekily towards me.
"Hello, this is Ashton Irwin," he started, sounding very professional, "I'd like some brunch to my room please" he spoke and I raised one eyebrow up and smirked as he wiggled his eyebrows.
"Yeah, the second menu, please" he said and I kept watching him. He said his thanks and soon hung up, quickly leaning down to peck my lips a few times. "I hope you're hungry" he chuckled as he laid down beside me again.
"I'm always hungry" I smiled up at him, making him laugh. I wanted to say that I loved him right now, but I was still a bit afraid of saying it even though I had probably said it about ten times yesterday. It's still so new and today alcohol isn't controlling anyone.
"What are you thinking about?" Ashton asked, making me go back to the presence. I just shrugged and looked up at him with an innocent look.
"Nothing, just about you I guess" I said quietly.
"Yeah? What about me?" Ashton asked, pulling my body closer to his and nuzzled his nose against mine.
"Just you, in general"
Ashton breathed out a laugh and let his hands caress my exposed back, drawing imaginary figures on my skin. He breathed in and out through his nose, making me relax. I leaned in and placed my lips on his, feeling my whole body warm up as his lips moved against mine.
I moved my hands up to his chest and felt the soft skin under the palms of my hands, humming contently as I felt him shiver under my touch.
Ashton let his tongue grace my bottom lip and I was already so into it to not let him in. He slipped his tongue in as fast as my lips parted and I moaned quietly as his soft mint-tasting tongue moved with mine. He tasted so good, making me pull away right away and look at him with big eyes.
"What?" Ashton asked and looked at me with furrowed eyebrows.
"I have morning breath" I said, making Ashton relax his face, laugh and shake his head.
"God, you are being stupid. Does it look like I care about your morning breath? You barely have any anyway, you taste good, you taste you" he said and caressed my cheek with the tops of his fingers. I looked at him hesitantly before moving over to him again, placing my lips on his. I barely had any time to deepen it before it was a knock on the door, making both me and Ashton groan.
"Room service" a small female voice said on the other side. Ash grinned and pecked my lips once before going up to open the door in only his underwear.
"Hello" Ashton smiled big at the person behind the door. I couldn't see her face but the way she was quietly stuttering made me know just how affected she was by Ashton standing in the doorway with only tight white boxers on.
"Here's your food Mr. Irwin" the girl said and Ashton smiled big, walking over to the table where his wallet was lying and pulled out a dollar bill, not visible for me to see just how much.
"Here you go, thank you" Ashton said and handed the money to the girl.
"Oh, thank you so much Mr. Irwin"
"No, thank you, love" he smiled and winked before rolling the cart with food in, closing the door and taking it all over to the bed.
"We're you just flirting with room service?" I said in a mocking tone, making him roll his eyes and chuckle.
"Maybe, maybe not" he smirked and sat down on the bed beside me, making me sit up as well. He started loading on the different plates with food on our bed, making me at look at it all with heart eyes.
"I would be mad at you but this food is all I care about right now" I said and I heard him laugh from beside me.
"I'd never ever flirt with someone else, you're all I have my eyes on" he spoke, making me look up at him.
"Don't forget about your girlfriend now though" I said and fake chuckled to light up the subject.
"You're still the one I have my eyes on, princess" he whispered, making me smile and feel a small blush appear.
"Don't do that" I said with the small smile still on my face and looked down at the food.
"Do what?"
"You're making me blush again" I spoke, almost sounding embarrassed. Ashton chuckled and cooed as he curled his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to his side.
"You're so cute, I could hug you until you break" he said and I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "You know what I mean" he chuckled.
"That you want to break me?" I asked.
"I'd rather wreck you" he spoke cheekily, making me roll my eyes at him as he laughed.
"No but for real though, you understand what I mean?" he asked, more serious now.
"That I'm cute?"
"No, not about that" he shook his head.
"Then what?" I asked, feeling lost right now.
"That you're the one I have my eyes on" he said, looking me in the eyes sincerely. I looked at him deeply in the eyes before smiling and shaking my head.
"You can look at whoever you want, Ash. You have a girlfriend, I think it's important that you look at her" I chuckled. He shook his head frustrated, making me frown.
"I don't mean it like that. I mean, I don't want to look at someone else and I don't want you to do it either" he said, still looking me deeply in the eyes.
"Ash," I sighed, "the Calum thing was a mistake, we were both a bit drunk, I would have never even-"
"No Luke, I want you to be mine" I looked at him with raised eyebrows and shocked eyes. Is he trying to tell me what I think he is trying to tell me?
"I already told you I'm yours" I spoke up quietly, because it's true, I am his and I have told him numerous of times.
"Okay, let's put it like this" Ashton sighed and sat up a bit to look at me better. He grabbed my cheek with his hand and steered my face up to his, "I'm trying to ask you to be mine officially as in labeled my boyfriend, as in mine and only mine"
My lips parted and my eyes widened at his words. Could this even be real, is this a dream? Even though it's all I want, I was hesitant to if it was a really good idea right now with us being in relationships at home, with girls.
"I-" I started and gulped down all the feelings I was feeling, "Seriously?"
Ashton smiled and caressed my cheek with his thumb while slowly leaning his face closer to mine. His nose touched mine and I let out a shaky breath.
"I'm 100% serious, princess. You love me, right?" he asked, looking at me with soft, questioning eyes.
I nodded my head and reached up to touch his lips, "Yes" I breathed.
"You love me, and even though I'm not ready to say those words back, I want you to know that I still care for you and that I feel so much for you. I don't want you to lose hope on me, that's why I want you to know that I want to be yours and I want you to be mine" he spoke softly.
"What about Kelly?" I asked.
"Nothing. Kelly is nothing anymore, because you mean everything to me. I have never felt the same with her that I feel with you, and I know that what me and Kelly have isn't love, it's a friendship. With you, it's everything and more"
"I love you" I spoke without any thoughts, but this time Ashton only smiled softly, his eyes gleaming with happiness. Instead of answering, he placed his lips on mine and pulled me in for a loving and passionate kiss.
"So, be mine, princess?" he asked as he pulled away just an inch, still letting out lips brush as he spoke.
I smiled big and touched his face lovingly before nodding and whispering, "Yes, please"
Ashton didn't waste any time before putting his lips on mine, returning to what we were doing before. I hummed contently into the kiss and tightening my grip in Ashton's hair, making him groan a bit. He let his hand caress my thigh gently, raising it closer and closer to my crotch. My lips worked with his and my tongue tasted all of him, but I got so out of it what I felt my stomach scream from emptiness. I pulled away and gave Ashton an innocent smile.
"I would love to keep this going," I said and looked at him and then the delicious cooking, "but there's food" I whined.
Ashton rolled his eyes and chuckled before letting go of me, making us sit back to make it comfortable for us to eat. We ate our food while being sickly cute, feeding each other and cuddling while eating small bites of the unbelievably tasting pancakes and every other food that was on display.
Ashton fed me a piece of pancake, drenched in maple syrup, watching me intently as I slowly took the fork in my mouth and cleaned it off from all syrup as seductively as I could. I chewed the piece of food and moaned quietly at the taste, making Ashton look at me even more interested.
"You're playing a game?" Ashton questioned as he cocked one eyebrow up, "Because I'm so on, Hemmings"
Ash reached over to the food and picked up the bowl with all different berries. He picked up a cherry and put it in his mouth, slowly and gracefully eating the cherry and pulling off the stem.
He ate the berry and swallowed, opening his previously closed eyes and looked at me seductively. He put the stem in his mouth and I watched his every move as he was focused on what he was doing. Soon he smirked and opened his mouth, pulling out his tongue for me to see the stem from before, now in a knot. I looked at it and then Ashton.
He kept smirking as he picked it up from his tongue and placed it on an empty plate.
"Where the hell did you learn that?" I asked.
"Haven't really learned it, my tongue is just skilled" he shrugged, making me frown in disgust of thinking of Ashton going down on a girl.
"Don't say that's I'm not interested in where your tongue has been"
"Don't worry, princess, my tongue has only worked with you" he chuckled and threw a raspberry in his mouth.
"You've never done it on anyone else?" I asked, shocked. He just shrugged uninterested while eating more berries.
"How can you be so good at it then?" I asked once again making Ashton shrug but a smug smile was spreading on his lips.
"You know what? Forget I told you that, I don't want to inflate your ego" I shook my head while he laughed.
"You want berries?" he asked after a while, and I nodded.
"Feed me" I demanded before opening my mouth, waiting for the delicious taste to surround my mouth. He scoffed but did as he was told, placing a blueberry in my mouth, making me chew and smile small at the taste.
"Everything for you, princess"
"Thank you, boyfriend" I smiled up at him, making him stop in his movement and look down at me.
"God, I didn't think it would feel so good to hear that" he breathed out. I grinned up at him, making him smile big as well.
"You make me so happy" he spoke again before placing a strawberry in my mouth, making me chew one bite off so he could take the rest.
"You make me happy as well" I said after I had swallowed the food.
Ashton smiled and pecked my lips before picking up another berry and fed it to me. This kept going for a while until Ashton dropped a raspberry, making it bounce on my chin and roll down on my body, stopping by my bellybutton where the cover was resting over my hips.
"Oops" Ashton chuckled and leaned down to pick up the raspberry with his mouth, lightly touching my lower stomach with his lips, making me release a gasp that was not intended.
Ashton noticed and smirked, slowly putting away the food to then straddle my legs. He chewed on his berry and looked up at me through his long eyelashes.
He oh so slowly pulled off the cover from my lower body, making it all show. He took a few random berries and placed them in a line from my chest down to the waistband of my boxers.
My breath got caught in my throat as he seductively ate every one of them, using too much tongue than needed to scoop it up.
The feeling of his hot tongue against my bare chest made my whole body shudder, earning a satisfied and husky chuckle from Ashton.
As he was down at the last berry at my waistband of my boxers, he took much longer time. He placed butterfly kisses around the red berry and then used his tongue to roll it back and forth, earning a quiet moan from me.
While he rolled the berry up and down, he let his hands caress my sides, spreading warmth through my body. I breathed unevenly, making Ashton even more proud of his work.
Ashton finally took the cherry between his teeth and moved up on my body, sitting on my hips. He leaned down and had his face only inches away from mine.
He reached on hand up and brushed his thumb over my lips before grabbing my jaw and opening my mouth. He leaned down further and placed his lips on mine, letting go of the cherry so it landed in my mouth.
I chewed on the sweet berry as Ashton watched me closely. I swallowed and didn't waste time before putting my hands at the back of his neck, pulling him down to me.
His lips crashed on mine and my tongue found its way inside his mouth in just seconds. I tasted all of him, sighing at the pleasurable and sugary taste of syrup and berries. Ashton seemed to think the same as well because he roamed my mouth for every corner.
Ashton suddenly started move his hips back and forth, letting his boxer-clothed crotch grind against mine. I bit down at his bottom lip at the sudden pleasure making him hiss and gasp.
"Sorry" I breathed out before sliding my hands down his back and stopping the back of his boxer's waistband. I slid my hands in and felt the soft skin on his ass, squeezing and directing him as he kept grinding on me. I moaned and squeezed his ass again, making Ashton moan as well.
He pulled away from the kiss to work on my neck, sucking and nibbling, not surprising me if he's leaving marks everywhere.
"Now that you're mine I can do whatever I want with you" he spoke hotly against my neck. A whiny whimper was begging to be released as it was trapped in my throat.
"Haven't you always?" I shot back jokingly, yet a big truth in that. I breathed heavily as he kept working on my neck and came down to my collar bone, sucking on my weak spot.
"Yeah, but now there's no limits" he spoke before moving his whole body down, kissing down my chest and stomach. While he slid down my body, he easily took off his boxers and threw them aside. He hooked his fingers in my waistband and slid my boxers down as well, still kissing my stomach.
He reached over and grabbed the syrup, pouring a small string around my chest and stomach. I gasped at the feeling of the sticky, sugary and thick liquid. He quickly put it down again and dipped down his head to attach his tongue to my skin, cleaning it off.
I put my hands in his hair as he came up to my nipple, licking off the syrup more thoroughly, sucking and nibbling as well. I moaned and he kept going, moving over to my other nipple and doing the same thing there.
I could feel Ashton's díck grow hard against my lower thigh, only making me harder as well. My díck stood up under Ashton, rubbing against his stomach.
Ashton let his tongue trace my whole chest and licked up the syrup the best he could. He moved up against and placed his lips on mine and I could taste the sweetness on his tongue.
I felt our chests stick together thanks to the syrup, but it only made things hotter.
I moaned when Ashton's díck came in contact with mine, the sudden touch sending electricity waves through me. Ashton moaned as well, sending vibrations in the kiss.
Ashton rubbed his clean chest against mine, getting even stickier as his díck moved unevenly against mine, making me let go of small moans and whines.
Ashton moved down again and licked my sticky chest. I looked down at him before taking all the strength I could muster right now and flipped us over. Ashton looked at me before I dipped down and kissed him a bit before reaching for the syrup again.
I poured some on his neck down to his chest. I put down the syrup and was just about to go back to working on him when I saw more interesting stuff to pour on the beautifully horny boy underneath me.
I reached for the other stuff, teasingly grinding against him in the move, earning a moan that made me smile smugly.
I popped the lid open and poured little chocolate sauce on Ashton's tanned skin. It glistened thanks to the sugary liquids that were sloppily placed on his top body.
I took the tube of chocolate sauce up to my lips and poured some in my mouth, 'accidentally' getting some on my lips and didn't lick it away.
I put the tube down and leaned down to place my chocolate filled lips on his. He immediately started to lick and suck on them, cleaning me off completely. I kissed back a while before leaning down to work on his neck.
I cleaned his sensitive neck from syrup and chocolate, moaning at the taste of him.
Ashton moaned as well and gripped my hair as I came down to the middle of his chest, sucking harshly to leave a mark. I cleaned him off but he was still visibly filled with the sugary, sticky liquids.
Ashton kissed me hard once again before sitting up with me still straddling him. I moaned as our dícks where lying against each other, making me feel him so close.
Ashton moved around before in some way managing to sit on the side of the bed with me still in his lap. He suddenly stood up and I held onto him tightly, making out bodies stick together again.
He carried me over to the bathroom and as soon as he was in, he walked over to the shower and started putting it on. Hot water was raining down on us as Ashton stepped into the enormous shower stall.
Ashton kept me in his arms as he held us both under the water, just letting it fall on us effortlessly. I sighed in content and kissed Ashton passionately as he had me pressed up against the wall and let his hand scrub my dirty chest with some amazingly-smelling soap.
When he was done I did the same to him, still being able to be held in Ashton's arms. I scrubbed his chest lightly at first before using my nails gently, scraping his skin and enjoyed the feeling of feeling him everywhere.
I ran my hand through his hair as the water hit it repeatedly. He sighed in content as I kept doing it while nibbling slightly on his ear.
Ashton hid his face in my neck and we both let out moans of pleasure when Ashton wrapped his fingers around both our cócks, pumping slow and tight. It was enough for me to feel like I was walking on clouds.
Ashton pushed me harder up against the wall and I kept kissing and moaning into his neck. His hot breath mixed with the hot water made my body erupt in goose bumps because of the pleasure.
Ashton slowly put me down on the floor and put his hands on my cheeks, kissing me still. He pulled away soon after and watched me with dark, lustful eyes. I almost moaned at the sight.
His lips were slightly red after our raw kissing and his hair was soaking wet, just like his body. His chest had some red marks after my nails scraping against him, as well as the hickeys I worked on before. I couldn't see my own neck and chest, but I knew I had numerous of hickeys as well.
"We've already done this" Ashton panted out, making me avert my eyes back to him again.
"Done what?" I asked, just as breathy, and leaned in to place small, lovingly kisses all over his face. He let out a breathy chuckle at my act while the water was still pouring down on us.
"Sex in the shower" he said as I kissed the side of his mouth.
"So? We can do it twice, it's nice" I whispered, making him smirk.
"No, let's go out of our limits. Let's be exhibitionists" Ashton whispered sexually into my ear. I pulled my head back so it was leaning against the wall. I looked at Ashton with furrowed eyebrows and lips slightly agape.
"What do you mean?" I asked quietly. He reached over to turn off the shower, making it easier for us to speak and breathe.
"I mean," he started, slowly leaning in to brush his lips against mine as he continued speaking, "I want to show you off for the world. Being a little risky is fun"
"I'm not gonna have sex with you in the hotel lobby, Ashton" I spoke, watching him with serious eyes.
"I don't want that either, I just want to be a bit risky. You're all for my eyes but you deserve to be shown for the whole world to see" he spoke sincerely.
"Naked? With you fúcking me?" I scoffed.
"No, but it would be fucking hot, wouldn't it?" Ash smirked.
"Ash" I sighed. He chuckled before wrapping his fingers around my hard member again, earning a surprised gasp from me.
"Don't worry princess, we aren't doing anything we don't both want" he said while gracing his lips against my jaw.
"Are you an exhibitionist?" I asked quietly. I could feel the smirk Ashton had on his face. He shook his head.
"No, but I'm not afraid to vaunt over you. Just let people know you're all mine and no one can ever find, kiss or even fuck a beautiful boy like you"
My hands found his hips and I gripped them tightly after hearing his words. I closed my eyes as Ashton started to suck my neck again, probably working on a new hickey.
"Ash" I moaned as he tightened his grip around my member and bit down on my neck. "Mmm" I hummed.
"You're so fucking sexy, princess" Ashton panted against my neck. He put his hands on the wall behind me and pressed his body closer to mine. He released my cóck and pressed his against mine, earning moans from both of us.
We were as close as possible, me pressed against the wall and he pressed against me. He slowly started to move his lower body against mine, rubbing himself on me. I threw my head back and moaned loudly, making it echo in the shower.
"Mm, fúck ,babe" Ashton moaned as he leaned on his elbows against the wall. His mouth was close to mine, making me feel his hot breath against my lips. I bit my lips and kept my eyes shut, trying to keep control over myself. I dug my nails into Ashton hips, making me hear him hum out in pleasurable pain.
He placed his lips on mine once again before pulling away quickly. I still had my eyes closed, head thrown back and I was panting heavily.
"Let's go princess" Ashton said and took my hand in his. We stepped out of the shower and he grabbed a big white towel before dragging me out of the bathroom without drying us. We were both still rock hard and I was confused and quite annoyed as to why we didn't just fúck in the shower.
Ashton dragged me over to the sliding glass doors and opened them. He picked up the bottle of lube before dragging me out to the balcony.
"Ash, what the fuck?" I asked as he placed down the towel on the floor of the balcony. He didn't answer me, he just tugged me down so I was lying on my back against the towel. He lowered himself down so he was hovering over me.
"Let's be a little risky" he smirked.
He sat up and bent my legs so my heels met the back of my thighs. He let his hands run from my shins up to my knees and then down to my upper thighs. His warm hands felt so erotic against my wet skin, making me let out a muffled moan as I was still biting down on my bottom lip.
"Uh-uh, don't do that" Ashton said and reached up to pull my lip away from my teeth. I breathed heavily as his intense gaze was on me. He let go of my lip and let his hand run my skin down to my inner thigh, doing the same with his other hand.
He spread my legs slowly, keeping his eyes locked with mine. I let out a whiny moan as my legs were spread widely apart. Ashton let his eyes roam down my body and moaned.
"So beautiful" he breathed. He caressed my inner thighs lightly before leaning down and placed butterfly kisses up and down on each thigh. He soon stopped and started kissing more roughly, sucking and leaving marks there as well.
"A-Ash" I said as I gripped his hair tightly. He hummed in pleasure as he licked and sucked up to my groin.
"Want me to fúck you out here on the balcony, princess? Where people can hear you pretty moans" he said seductively and I moaned at his words and his hot breath meeting my hard díck. I nodded and breathed loud, a whine escaping from my lips.
"Gotta use your words, beautiful" he said and kissed and underside of my díck. I gasped at the feeling.
"Yes, p-please" I panted.
"How do you want me to fúck you, huh?"
"Hard" I spoke, moaning quietly as his grip on my thighs tightened at my words.
"Only hard? Tell me exactly how you want me, baby"
"I-I want you to fúck me hard and deep, I want you to fucking wreck me like you told me before. I want you to make me scream out your name for people on the street to hear. Just please Ashton, fúck me"
"Fúck, baby" Ashton moaned as he sat up and took the bottle of lube in his hand. He poured some on his palm and coated up his throbbing length as I watched him and moaned at the sight. Ashton smirked as he just knew what he was doing to me, making me whine and groan even louder.
"So impatient" he chuckled. He was just about to coat up his fingers when I stopped him.
"No," I spoke up, making him lift his eyes to look at me, "I want you, now"
"Impatient is the word" he said before hovering over me again. He grabbed his hard cóck with one hand, steering it to my entrance. He circled the head around my hole, making me moan and Ashton bite his lip as he looked at me.
He pushed into me in one go, making me hiss out in the sudden pain. A tear was forming in the side of my eye but I sucked it up because I wanted this and I was too horny to care about the pain right now. We've had sex so many times before and I knew the pain would disappear in no time.
"Fúck, sorry princess" he breathed into the side on my face. I shook my head gently.
"No, i-it feels good" I spoke in a shaky voice because even though it hurt right now, it still felt good as he was filling me up.
"Please move" I begged after a while and he obeyed right away, pulling back and thrusting in hard again. I moaned out loud and hid my face in the crook of his neck to muffle the sounds.
"No, let the world hear you" Ashton said before wrapping a hand around one side of my neck, his thumb lying flat under my chin. He pushed my head down on the floor and held it down, making me look up at him, panting.
He kept going in and out of me, thrusting hard and deep just like I had told him to. I moaned out into the free as he still had a grip on my throat and chin, keeping me in place. It was sexy how Ashton was in such control and I loved how he made me feel. I loved him, so I told him out loud.
"I-I love you" I said between thrusts. Ashton moaned at my words and kissed my jaw and cheek.
My hands found their way to his back and as he slammed into me once again, he hit my prostate, making me dig my fingers into his back. As he moved back and forth, my nails scraped against his skin, leaving marks.
"F-Fúck" Ashton panted before placing his lips on mine, kissing me hard, raw and sloppily as he kept thrusting into me in a quick pace.
"Ash" I moaned into the kiss as his skin slapped against mine, making it feel like the sounds echoed through the whole island.
"Louder" Ashton panted and slammed into me.
"Ash" I moaned out, louder this time.
"They can't hear you, princess" he whispered on to my lips. He pulled back and I was patiently waiting for him to thrust back in again, but it didn't come. I impatiently waited and whined while digging my nails further into his skin.
"Please" I whispered, feeling so small. He bit his lip and smirked before slamming into me deep and hard, hitting my prostate perfectly.
"Ash!" I moaned out loud, almost screaming out. He smirked satisfied and sat up while still fúcking me hard.
His hands roamed my chest and kept going down to my lower stomach. He gripped my rock hard member and coated it with the leaking pre-come. I moaned in a muffled whine, letting my sounds come out high pitched and needy. If people around us were out on their balconies, they wouldn't see us, but they would definitely hear us. Maybe even people down on the streets could hear faint moans from us.
I'm not going to lie, I liked it. It gave me a kick.
"Mm, feel so good, baby" Ashton said, slowing down his thrusts a bit but going deeper each time. Needy moans escaped from my lips like I was singing a song I knew all the lyrics to.
"Ash, A-Ash" I said repeatedly, almost starting a chant of his name.
Ashton quickened his pace on his hand around my cóck, tightening his grip a bit, making me shiver underneath him from all the pleasure. He took his other hand and placed his on my lower stomach below my belly button, just where my orgasm was building up.
He placed his palm on my skin and pressed down, making me gasp and moan.
"You feel me there, princess?" he whispered into my ear, leaving wet kisses just below it. I moaned a high pitched moan and nodded my head.
"Am I making you feel good?" he asked and pressed down even more, making me moan loud enough for people to hear through the hotel door way over on the other side of the room.
"Y-Yes- oh my god, yes" I mumbled in whines.
"I'm working you up? I can feel you here as well" he said and placed his hand on his stomach. "You make me feel so good, make me wanna come right now" he whispered while nibbling on my earlobe. My breathing picked up and high noises were escaping every so often.
"You wanna come for me, princess?" he asked and I nodded.
He breathed heavily into my ear before picking up his pace again, slamming into me hard and fúcking me into bliss, making me see stars.
"Ash, fúck, harder-h-harder" I panted and he did as told, fúcking me even harder and deeper. It only took him a few more thrusts before I came hard on my chest.
"Ash!" I moaned out, it literally echoed around us.
Ashton kept fúcking me hard, his thrusts now sloppy, making me breathe so fast that I could barely even get any oxygen in my lungs.
A few seconds later Ashton came inside of me, making me moan with him at the amazing feeling.
He stayed on top of me for a minute, letting us go down from our highs before he pulled out of me. I gasped at the empty feeling as the air hit me. Ashton breathed heavily and loudly as he laid down beside me, lazily picking up a small towel from the floor and cleaned us up.
I stood up and walked into the room, leaving Ashton to look at me confused. I was exhausted from the previous activity, but I made my way over to the bed and took the sheet from the bed. I also took the bowl of berries before I walked out to Ashton again.
He smiled at me when I came back and laid down beside him again, placing the sheet over our naked bodies before I threw my arm over him, seeking warmth from his neck as I nuzzled my face in it.
"I love you" I whispered and placed a small kiss on his neck before turning to pick up a random, sweet berry from the bowl. I threw it in my mouth and sighed at the good taste. I picked another one up and reached over to place it by Ashton's lips. He opened his mouth and took it, smiling at me.
He was squinting because of the sun and had a cute, grin on his face as he chewed on his berry. I kept feeding both him and me, while we just enjoyed the moment and each other.
"You know what?" I asked out of the blue after a while of silence.
"Hm?" Ashton hummed and turned his head to look at me, "Know what?"
"You are probably the best thing that has ever happened to me and when I come home to Sydney, I will officially end everything to be all yours" I spoke up, finally letting him know about the things I had been thinking about.
"Even your mother?" he asked quietly.
"Yeah, I don't want to hide you because you mean the world to me" I spoke and he laid still, watching me.
"God, I sound so pathetic now, don't I?" I chuckled and hid my face in his shoulder.
"No, no, no" Ashton said and picked up my face, holding my chin. He laid on his side and held me close to him, smiling small, "You're not pathetic, princess"
I chuckled again and probably blushed a bit, making me shake my head gently.
"You know what?" he asked me this time.
"What?" I said and smiled small up at him. He leaned in and placed a light kiss on my lips before pulling away again so I could see his whole face.
"I love you" he said and smiled small, looking truly happy.
My smile dropped and my mouth opened lightly. My eyes were big and looked at him with unbelief shown through. "What did you say?" I asked, making me almost slap myself at the way it was all playing out just like yesterday.
He smiled and caressed my cheek, "I love you" he said again. My insides burst out in butterflies and fireworks, pure happiness just exploding through me.
"Seriously?" I asked and he chuckled while nodding his head, "I thought you said you weren't ready to say it?"
"I think I have loved you for a while. I was happy when you told me you loved me, but I also got a bit scared because it has all built up so fast. But I do love you, I know that, I think I was just in denial" he said smiling sincerely at me, "But I know now for sure that I do"
I looked at him before cracking a big smile, crashing my lips on his and smiling against his smiling lips.
"I love you" I mumbled against his lips, holding his face. Ashton's arms curled around my waist to hold me even closer.
"I love you too" he smiled, hugging me hard and pecking my lips. I pulled away and looked at his smiling face.
"Oh my god, I love you" I breathed out, still not really believing this. He laughed that genuine, cheer filled laugh that made the whole world light up.
"Oh my god, I love you too" he laughed before placing his lips on mine again.
- - -
so fluffy I cringe lol
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