I was supposed to post this Friday but I rewrote it two times and then I just got occupied by reading like all of calumcuddler's books, lol
(read the author's note in the end!!!)
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I sighed in content as Ashton ran his hand through my hair as he slowly kissed me. His other hand was placed on the small of my back, gently rubbing his thumb against the material of my suit jacket. I had one hand around his tie, pulling him closer to me as the other one was resting on his cheek.
After Ash and I had come down from our highs and let our breaths come back, we walked over to the edge of the cliff and sat down. It started with silently watching out of the moonlight mirroring in the dark ocean but ended up with us lying down and just sharing gentle and loving touched and kisses.
Ashton's tongue ran across my bottom lip, stopping when he reached my piercing. "This is so unbelievably hot" he mumbled against my lips as he took my piercing between his teeth. He tugged at it and released it with a pop to then place small kisses on it.
He leaned back to look at me. I had my head down on the ground, resting it on Ashton's arm. Ashton laid down beside me, keeping his hand in my hair and brushing it with his fingers.
He blew soft and chilly air on my swollen lips, making me shiver by the pleasurable feeling. He smiled as he looked at me, just making me all mesmerized beside him. Sometimes he just made me speechless just by looking like he does and being who he is.
"You're so pretty with your lips like this" he whispered, keeping his gaze on me.
"Does that mean I'm not pretty without my lips swollen from giving you a blówjob?" I asked and moved closer to him, if that was even possible. He chuckled warmly and nuzzled his head into my neck.
"You're always pretty, princess" he whispered against my neck. I smiled small and draped my arms around him.
"Is that my new nick name?" I asked and placed my chin on his head.
"What? Princess?" he asked and turned his head a bit to look at me. I nodded. "Yeah one of them I guess, I haven't really thought about it. If you don't like it, I'll stop though" he assured me.
"No," I said and shook my head, "as weird as it may be, I like it. It makes me feel some type of way" Yeah, love.
Ashton smiled and pecked my lips a few times before nuzzling into my neck again. "Good, because you are my princess. I like taking care of you, because you deserve it and you're always so grateful for everything"
"Of course I'm grateful for everything you give me. It's too much and I don't know how to pay you back. Who wouldn't be grateful if they were given and offered stuff like this?" I asked and leaned back down to rest my neck and closed my eyes.
"Most of the people I know aren't that grateful for what they have and what they are given. They are too stuck up and that's why I never hang out with those kinds of people. They look down on me anyway because I'm not acting like I should with all the money I have. It's stupid and the world is weird" he mumbled. I could hear the alcohol slurring some words, but he still made much sense.
I felt that the drink I had before was getting to me, but I hadn't really tested my limits yet as I had just been lying down, but I still felt the buzz in my body from the alcohol.
"That sucks. I would never not be grateful for everything you do and everything you are" I whispered the last part, making it come out the sincere way I wanted.
"Well, that's just why you are the most amazing person I've ever met" Ashton smiled small at me, making me lean in and place a light kiss on his lips.
"You're the most amazing person I've ever met" I mumbled against his now parted lips. I leaned in again and held his chin in its place as I deepened the kiss once again.
I let my tongue meet his half way, sending fireworks through my body.
That's how we were lying for the next hour, only sharing kisses and gentle touches, nothing more and nothing less.
My phone was buzzing in my pocket but I ignored it, not wanting to pull away from Ashton.
This was perfect, this was how I wanted every day to be like. Just us, no worries and no hard feelings. Only kisses and touches, while I subtly showed him all my love for him.
I still didn't even dream of telling Ashton that I loved him. He hasn't been so talkative with his girlfriend, what I know though, but I still know they are close and still a couple, so that was still standing in my way.
I still had Sarah to take care of though. I knew that when I came home from this trip and when I see her I'll break up with her. My brothers and friends are right; I can't let my mother steer my whole life, I will never be happy if she does. I'll still study what she wants for me in university though, I can't risk it all like Ben did, that didn't end very well.
I kissed Ashton just a bit harder to have him closer to me, trying to get my negative thoughts out of my head and just focus on the boy I'm kissing. I ran my tongue against his; tasting the still noticeable alcohol he had been drinking.
Ashton slowly started to pull away, biting my lip as he did so and then pecked my lips numerous times before fully pulling away. He hummed and smiled, looking happy. I smiled as well, bringing my hand up to feel my swollen lips. They had been going through a lot of activity the latest hour.
"What time is it?" I asked and placed my head on Ashton chest to look up at the stars. Ashton moved his arm up to look at his wristwatch.
"Almost 11" he answered and let his hand go to my hair, running his hands through it and massaging my scalp. "Remember that night when you sneaked out and we got drunk at the pier?"
I smiled at the memory as I kept looking at the bright stars up in the night sky. I nodded at his question. "Yeah, kind of the start of all of this" I chuckled quietly. Ashton chuckled as well, making my head bump against his chest as his laughing made his chest move.
"I've got like flashbacks from that night throughout the time that's gone" he chuckled again, making me turn to lie down beside him, having his arm as a pillow.
"Yeah?" I asked and smiled. He nodded, keeping a grin on his face.
"Yeah, I didn't remember much about that night but now I remember almost everything"
"Tell me about it"
"You don't remember anything?" he asked, but I nodded my head.
"I remember most of it, but I have some blank spaces" I said and he smiled, nodding his head and chuckling a bit.
"Okay, so you remember sitting on the pier and drinking, having some weird drinking game just between us, leaving us smashed?" he laughed and I chuckled while nodding my head, I remember that.
"Then we kind of started talking and then we were lying down and then you told me that my dad was up in the stars, looking down at me" he smiled at the memory. I nodded.
"Then you almost kissed me" I said, making him raise his eyebrows.
"I did?" he asked, shocked but small smile on his face.
"Yeah, but when you were really close you saved it with saying I had an eyelash on my cheek" I chuckled and Ashton rolled his eyes.
"I did?" he asked again, now kind of disappointed by himself.
"Yeah," I laughed, "but I actually had one so it wasn't just an act"
"Oh good, because that would have been a horrible save otherwise" he laughed. "Remember when we danced with that dance class?" he asked, now making me frown in confusion.
"Dance class? What, no?"
Ashton laughed out loud, almost making me burst into squeals because I just fucking love that laugh.
"Yeah, we walked by and there was a dance class and we crashed it and danced, really poorly by the way, and everyone was looking at us because we were drunk and bumped into everyone that were around" he laughed, making me groan in embarrassment. "And then you asked me for a slow dance, bowing and everything, and I said yes"
"I think I remember the slow dance" I said quietly while looking up at the star filled sky, trying to find the faint memory I had of a slow dance.
"Yeah, that was fun" Ashton chuckled and looked up at the stars as well.
"I remember almost everything after we decided to join the spin the bottle game" I admitted quietly.
"Almost, as in..?" he asked.
"I remember everything we did" I whispered back. His hold around me tightened, making me nuzzle closer to him.
"I do too" he whispered back, leaning in to kiss me again. He ran on hand down to my thigh, up to my hip and waist and then back again, soothing me with his slow touch.
"Maybe we should go back down again" he said after he had pulled away. I groaned but nodded, knowing it was probably for the best. It was soon midnight and I didn't want to miss the celebration down on the beach.
I took out my phone from my pocket, remembering how it had been buzzing before. I looked at the screen and saw that I had two missed calls from Sarah. It had already been midnight in New Zealand so that was probably why she's called.
"Who's called you?" Ashton asked from beside me.
"Sarah" I said quietly.
"Oh," he said, "you should call her up" he smiled small. I shook my head, because I didn't want to.
"Nah, you are more important right now" I whispered, making him smile for real. He kissed me on my lips quickly before pulling away.
I rolled to my back and sat up, stretching my limbs a bit. Ashton stood up and gave me a hand to help me up which I gladly took. He pulled me up and pulled me right in his arms, kissing me sloppily, making me laugh against his lips. He laughed as well and took my hand, dragging me with him back to the beach.
It wasn't that hard to talk, but I was still drunk. It had calmed down a bit though as I hadn't had any alcohol in the last hour. I could go for a beer right now though.
Ash and I walked hand in hand to the sea of people. The music got louder and the buzz got stronger as we were getting closer. I smiled at the sight before me and held Ashton's hand a bit harder to remind myself that he was still with me.
Ashton brought my hand up to his lips and placed a small kiss on each knuckle, making me smile like a fool while shaking my head slightly.
"Hey! There you are!" I familiar voice said from behind us. We turned around to see Michael happily skipping over to us. Michael threw his arms around Ashton, making Ash release my hand to place both of his on Michael's back, balancing them both.
"You are the best friend, I'm so glad you and Luke decided to sex each other and friend also" he slurred and I chuckled at his weird grammar, making Michael look over at me.
"And you!" he smiled and moved over to me to throw his arms around me instead, putting basically his whole bodyweight on me to hold up. "You are my bestest friend forever. We have known each other for so long and I love you so much" he said, holding out on the words.
"You're my bestest friend too, Mikey" I smiled. He stood up a bit to place his hands on my cheeks, squishing them a bit.
"You are just so cute I could eat you up!" he said and looked so fascinated with my face. I smiled while having my cheeks pressed together, almost making it hard for me to breathe. Ashton laughed from beside us and kept an amusing look on his face.
"I want something to drink, let's go to the bar" Ashton said, stretching his arms a bit.
"Yes!" Michael said and released the grip he had on my cheeks to start running towards the bar. It didn't end well because the sand was deep and he was drunk as fuck. He fell face fist and groaned while spitting out the sand that had came in his mouth.
"Maybe you should take it easy, huh Mike?" Ashton said as he crouched down by Michael and patted his shoulder. Michael shook his head fast, still lying in the sand.
"No, I want to be with you guys! I don't want to be left alone again" he said, sounding a bit sad at the last words. Ashton patted his shoulder again.
"Okay, we won't leave you, man. I'll go to the bar and get some drinks, water for you, and Luke will stay here with you and then I'll come back and join you guys" he said and looked down at Michael. Michael nodded and Ashton looked up at me, I nodded as well, smiling a bit.
Ashton smiled before he helped Michael to sit up. He gave me a kiss on the lips before walking away to the bar further away, leaving me with a hammered Michael. I chuckled before sitting down beside him. He looked at me with clouded eyes and smiled a drunken smile.
"Come here," I told him and scooted closer to him before bringing my hands up to his face to brush away the sand that was sticking to his skin. He grimaced and kept moving his head so I gripped his chin and held him still, brushing away the last visible sand on his face.
Michael sighed and looked around himself, looking like a five year old boy with his big interested eyes and the small smile on his face every second. I laughed quietly at him, making him look at me again.
"Can you hug me, Luke? You gave the best hugs" he said and I laughed while nodding. I pulled him closer to me, making him crawl up in my lap and place his arms around my neck. I placed my arms around his waist and held him close to my body. His face was hidden in the crook of my neck while my head was resting on his, looking over the waves that crashed the shore in front of me.
"Why were you alone now?" I asked Michael and rubbed his back. Even though I was the youngest in the group (and that was visible a lot of times) Michael could still act like the youngest of the three of us. Michal, Calum and I were so alike but yet so different in so many ways.
Throughout the years of knowing Michael, since I was almost a baby, I had learned that Michael was very fragile. He is a funny dude, always trying to cheer you up when you're sad and always bringing light into the room. He's the bravest out of the three of us, always helping me and Calum to boost our confidence when we were younger. He is an amazing friend, always making you feel good and happy. He's such a good friend, that he forgets to take care of himself.
He puts others before him, and when he actually takes care of himself, he doesn't do it properly. He just coops away in his room and doesn't really talk about what's wrong. He likes to be the sunshine in our group, and when he goes through tough times and isn't able to shine, he just hides because he doesn't want people to see him like that.
"I don't remember. I was with a group of people and then I passed out for a bit and then I was alone when I woke up" he mumbled into my neck.
"You passed out?" I said, scared of what I was hearing. He nodded. "How? Why?" I asked him.
"I was doing a dare and I was jumping on rocks by the cliff and then I slipped and now my ribs hurt" he continued to speak into my neck. I tensed up and pulled Michael away from me to look him closely at his face. I moved a bit so the lights could hit his face clearly.
He looked at me with cloudy and droopy eyes. I studied his face to see a scratch under his chin. It wasn't bloody, but it was a scratch and it was very visible as I raised his head up. I frowned.
"Hey Mikey? Can you sit down in front of me for a bit?" I asked and he nodded, doing as he was told. He sat in front of me and watched me as I started untying his tie. I pulled it over his head and tossed it to the side carelessly. I started to unbutton his white dress shirt and he would giggle like a little kid when I accidentally tickled him.
I pulled the shirt out of his pants and unbuttoned the last buttons, opening the shirt up to gasp as I saw the bloodstains on the side of the white shirt that was covered by the jacket. I took off his jacket quickly and took off his shirt only on the left side, watching the big scratch marks on his left ribs.
There was blood coming from the wounds, not much, but enough to leave a stain on the white shirt's fabric. "Mikey" I frowned, feeling sorry for my best friend. He didn't seem so faced though as he sat and looked up at the sky, smiling at the stars. "How much does it hurt?" I asked, gaining his attention again.
"A bit, beer helps with the pain though" he smiled at me. I looked at him with sad eyes but still smiled at him. I didn't know how this boy could keep up such a facade when he clearly was in pain, both mentally and physically. I brought his face closer and put in on my shoulder as I hugged him again, trying to avoid the blood area.
"I love you" I said into his hair as I held him close, "And it's okay to cry sometimes, you know that right?" I asked and I felt him nod in my neck.
"I love you too, Lukey" he said, sounding like a toddler, making me smile big and hold him even closer. Have you told Ashton that yet?" Michael whispered into my ear. I tensed up at his question before shaking my head.
No, no I have not" I told him and that was it for a while. It was quit and we just held each other.
"Hey" I heard Ashton say. I lifted my head to look at him, seeing him walk over to me and Michael. He had two beers and two water bottles in his hands. He looked a bit worried as I was holding Michael close to me, as Michael's clothes were tossed to the side.
"What's wrong?" he asked quietly as he crouched down beside us, lying the drinks down in the sand. I nudged Michael so I would sit up again, which he did. He looked sleepier now but still gave Ashton a bright smile.
I reached down to open up Michael's shirt again, showing Ashton. Ashton frowned.
"When did this happen?" he asked and studied the wound.
"I don't know really, an hour ago tops. He fell by the cliffs and passed out and the people just left him there" I said with a sad voice, Michael was still smiling though.
Ashton leaned in closer to look at the wound. He brought out his phone and put on the flashlight, lighting on the wound to see it better.
It wasn't a deep scratch, but it was quite big. It was only the first layers of skin that had been scraped off making it look red and irritated. The dirt as sand and still small bits from the cliff was making the wound look extra bad.
"Can you stand up for me, Mike?" Ashton said as he stood up. Michael nodded and tried to stand up but it ended with Ashton and me pulling him up. Ashton took off Michael's shirt fully, leaving him bare on his top body.
Ashton took one of the water bottles and opened it up. "This might sting a bit so bear with me, okay?" he asked and Michael only nodded.
Ashton poured a bit of water on the wound, making Michael move a bit at the cold water and stinging feeling. I held him in place as Ashton poured some more. He washed the wound but there was still dirt left.
Ashton took out the red and fancy handkerchief and drenched it in water before cleaning Michael's wound with is.
"I think it's clean now," Ashton said and dropped the almost empty water bottle to the ground, doing the same with his ruined handkerchief, "but you did fall on your ribs. Is it broken?" he asked Michael who just shrugged. Ashton sighed.
"Okay, does it hurt inside your body or only outside here on your skin?" he asked and pointed at the wound for the drunken boy to understand.
"Outside" Michael answered simply, pointing at his wound as well.
"Does it hurt when you breathe? Take three deep breaths, in and out" he told Michael and he did just as Ash said. Michael shook his head to show that it didn't hurt.
"Does it hurt your ribs now?" Ashton asked as he pushed Michael's breastbone. Michael stumbled a bit but I held him up.
"Nope" he smiled, looking like a toddler again. Ashton smiled, chuckling lightly.
"Good, then nothing's broken. Though you will have a big-ass scab by the end of tomorrow" he said as he patted Michael's cheek, laughing when Michael laughed as well. Ash handed Michael a full water bottle. Michael whined a bit as he didn't get one of the beers but soon took the water, drinking as he looked out of the ocean.
Ashton sighed and sat down beside me as I sat beside Michael. He picked up the two beer bottles and opened them with his hands. I raised one eyebrow and gave him an impressed look, making him chuckle and shake his head. He handed me one bottle, taking the other one.
"Cheers for taking care of drunken friends and playing doctor" I said and raised my bottle for him to clink. He did as I wanted and smirked, taking a gulp of the cold beer.
"So, what are we supposed to do with this little guy?" he chuckled as he glanced at Michael, watching him play with the sand. I shook my head and laughed, making Michael look up and smile at whatever we thought was funny.
"Oh, thank fucking god!" Calum said as he threw himself on the sand in front of us. He sighed loudly and groaned after.
"Back so soon, Cal?" I asked and looked with amused eyes at the groaning boy in front of me.
"Did you dump her already? If she's coming over to me crying I will have to punch you in the face" Ashton warned him.
"No, I didn't dump her, she fucking dumped me" he groaned, causing us to laugh.
"Rich kids problems" he shrugged and sat up, Ashton scoffed and chuckled.
"Rich kids problems?" I asked.
"Yeah. We were having a really good time, making out a bit, chilling and then I told her I'd go to the bar to get us something to drink and when I came back she was talking to some dude that practically owned half of Switzerland or something and I couldn't keep up with that so I was thrown away like trash"
I looked at him with raised eyebrows before laughing. "Such fucking karma " Ashton chuckled as well and patted Calum on the shoulder in an assuring act.
"What happened to you?" Calum gasped as he watched the wounded boy sip on his water.
"I fell" he smiled, looking happy though you shouldn't. He must have had a lot to drink.
"Nooo" Calum pouted and hugged Michael, lying on top of him, making the older boy laugh in a drunken giggle.
"Who the fuck needs other people when we have each other, right?" Ashton said and threw an arm around my shoulders. I looked up at him and smiled before he leaned down to kiss my lips lightly.
"Five minutes!" we heard someone yell and people started to cheer. Ashton looked at his watch and it showed that it was five minutes until midnight. I took a gulp of my beer and grinned, excited for the new year to begin.
"2015 is going to be awesome," Calum spoke up, "Me and you are going to college, living together in a dorm" he said and smiled at me, "Michael will probably live there as well, though it's illegal, as he will work five minutes away from us and Ashton will visit and act all sugar daddy still" Calum smirked, making Ashton laugh and throw some sand at him.
"Yeah, 2015 will be fucking awesome" I smiled and took another sip from my beer. As I let my beer stand in the sand I had a pair of arms drag me down, making me land on Ashton's chest. Ashton held me close and hummed contently.
"Luke?" Michael asked from beside me. I turned to look at the wounded boy who had Calum building a sandcastle over his left hand. Michael kept moving it though, making Calum groan in frustration. Michael just kept letting out drunken giggles.
"Hm?" I hummed, having Ashton snuggled up beside me, making me smile.
"I think you should tell everyone the whole truth in 2015, so you're not hiding. Especially your mom and Ashton" Michael smiled and I tensed up. Ashton lifted his head from my hair.
"What whole truth?" Ashton spoke softly.
"Michael! Let go feel the water, shall we?" Calum interrupted Michael and pulled him up from the sand. I gave Calum a thankful look before Michael nodded happily and walked with Calum to the water after putting on a shirt again. I sighed out when I saw them walk away.
"What was he talking about?" Ashton asked and I looked down at the sand, avoiding his gaze.
"Nothing," I chuckled nervously, "he's just letting the alcohol talk"
"I don't believe you" Ashton spoke quietly, making me look up at him. He looked at me with indescribable eyes, making me frown a bit.
"I'm not lying" I told him as honest as I could. He clenched his jaw and shook his head.
"Yes you are, there's something you're not telling me" he said. I felt my defensive mode flick on and I tensed up. I didn't want Ashton to know how I felt yet because I wasn't ready. I wasn't ready to tell anyone else, so why would I be ready to tell him.
"Well, I'm not forced to tell you anything" I defended myself, making Ashton glare at me.
"Well, you're obviously lying to me and you should tell me what it is because I know for sure that you are in fact keeping something from me"
"No, I won't tell you because it's nothing" I told him and turned away from him. He gripped my chin and steered my face back to him.
"Why won't you tell me? You tell Michael and Calum but not me?" he asked and kept his grip around my chin.
"Yeah, because they are my friends" I told him without thinking, regretting it as fast as it slipped out.
Ashton looked at me with cold eyes and released the grip on my chin.
"So I'm not your friend?" Ashton scoffed and moved away from me, "That's nice to know after almost two months of so called 'friendship'" Ashton laughed humorlessly.
"I-I didn't mean it like that" I said but had no time to explain myself as Ashton started talking to me.
"Then how did you mean it?"
"You are my friend Ash," I said and looked up at him, "you are more than my friend" I whispered and looked at Ashton with shy eyes. I was shaking because I in some way was letting him know the truth.
"Well obviously I'm more than your friend, we fuck each other" Ashton said in a dry voice and I sighed. I just wished he could find out my feeling himself, because I was too much of a pussy to tell him myself.
"I don't mean it like that, Ash" I whispered.
"You're being very unclear with me, Luke" Ashton sighed.
I had no time to answer him as Ashton's phone started to ring. He looked at me before picking the phone up and looking at the screen before sighing. I looked at the screen and saw Kelly's name written over it. She was calling him and my jealousy kicked in.
"Don't answer it" I told him. He looked up at me and frowned.
"Why shouldn't I?"
"Because it's you and me now. It's midnight in like two minutes and I didn't answer Sarah before, so you shouldn't answer Kelly" I spoke quietly and looked him straight in the eyes. He looked down at his phone and then back to me.
"Please, Ash, you're supposed to be mine tonight, I'm supposed to be yours" I whispered, hurt evident in my voice.
"Why are you sad?" Ashton whispered back at me, his eyes now soft as he was watching me. His phone finally stopped ringing and he looked down at it and bit his lip, looking a bit torn.
"Because I'm a fuck-up" I sighed, feeling like such a dumb person as I sat here with the boy I was deeply in love with, begging him to not answer his call from his girlfriend that he loved so I myself could get the love I probably didn't deserve.
"You're not a fuck-up, Luke" Ashton said and pulled me into his lap. He picked up his phone and turned it off before putting it back in his pocket.
"It's me and you tonight, princess" Ashton mumbled softly as he caressed my waist. He leaned in and brushed his lips against mine, "You'll be mine in 2015" he whispered hotly against my still swollen lips.
"I'm already yours" I whispered back. Ashton leaned back a bit to look me in the eyes. The look in his eyes was back, the same glimpse of sunshine shone in his eyes, getting me drawn in. His face was soft and his hands were holding my waist steadily.
"Yes, yes you are" he whispered back, smiling small. The glint in his eyes making his eyes shine like lights in the dark.
"Ten!" people started chanting, counting down as the seconds past by.
"Are you ever going to tell me what you are hiding from me?" Ashton asked quietly.
I nodded, "When I have made up my mind about what to actually tell you" I whispered.
"Just know that whatever you tell me, I won't ever judge you" he said and placed his forehead on mine. I breathed heavily at his words.
"Happy New Year!"
Ashton didn't waste a second as he heard the last chants, pressing his lips on mine. My hands found their place in his hair right away, gripping on it as his tongue found mine.
Fireworks were lighting up the whole night sky, just like they were going in my stomach as Ashton kissed and touched me the way he did.
His lips moved with mine, just like his tongue did. He roamed my mouth to taste every single corner of it, making me let out a quiet moan.
Ashton's grip on my waist got tighter as he kissed me harder, me feeling every single part of him right now. People cheering in the background was blocked out by the amazing kiss I was sharing with Ashton.
The kiss was soft, yet raw. It was hot but slow, loving yet harsh. It was all I wanted and I felt happy as I knew that in some way, I was Ashton's because I was here right now, starting the New Year with him, and that was all I could ask for.
Ashton slowly pulled away after a good minute of kissing.
"Happy New Year, my princess" Ashton whispered against my wet and swollen lips. He smiled and held me close, still letting his lips brush against mine.
I looked at his shining eyes, pure happiness and something else I couldn't really identify, was containing the deep pools of hazel, and I just fell even deeper for this boy.
Without thinking it through, I took a deep breath and let my heart speak out the truth in a soft whisper against his lips;
"I love you"
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Holy shiiiiii lucass, there we have it, the truth. (it's a filler, ik)
How do you think ashton will react, huh? wink wink
On to the important stuff!
I posted the prologue to my new lashton fic EGL and I would reeeally appreciate if you'd check it out because pls lol
I also have two more stories I'm gonna post prologues to, which I hope you also will check out so I'll know which one to continue and which one I should not, because I won't write something if no one will read it, you feel me
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