I fumbled with the black bowtie with white dots I was trying to tie around my neck. I sighed loud when realizing I had no idea what the hell I was doing. I heard someone chuckle from beside me and I turned around to see Ashton looking at me while easily tying his tie.
"Do you need help?" he asked with a smirk on his face.
"Yes" I sighed and pouted as I let the untied bowtie fall around my neck. Ashton chuckled before finishing tying his tie and walked over to me. He started letting his fingers run the silk material of the bowtie, tying it with ease.
"You look really adorable in this, so small and cute" Ashton spoke quietly, watching my outfit intently.
Ashton had picked out a dark blue suit with a faint grid all over for me to wear. It was slim and fitted my body perfectly. I had a white dress-shirt under and the black bowtie with small white dots. It was really comfortable, making me wonder just how expensive everything of this was.
"That's why you chose this for me to wear? So I would look like I am a five year old boy?" I asked and raised one eyebrow up in question.
"Maybe" Ashton wiggled his eyebrows and finished tying my bowtie, pulling at the ends so it was stuck in its place. He dusted off my shoulders before I turned around to look myself in the mirror.
"You are making me uncomfortable now by acting like an undercover pedophile" I mumbled as I looked him in the eyes through the full length mirror. Ashton laughed and shook his head in amusement.
"No, I don't think you look like a five year old boy in this. I think you look like a fuckable18 year old guy in this" he mumbled closely into my ear, making me shiver a bit.
I tugged at my lip piercing with my teeth while smiling at his words. I looked at myself in the mirror, fixing my hair a bit and adjusting the suit, dusting it off a bit.
"You look perfect, babe" Ashton whispered and put his head on my shoulder. I felt a blush coat my cheeks and smiled small.
"Thank you," I started, turning around to face him, "for these clothes, for this day and coming night, for this trip and just for everything" I spoke quietly, letting my arms drape around his waist. He smiled happily, letting his dimples pop and white teeth show.
"No, thank you. Without you, nothing of this would have happened to me either" he said and leaned in to brush his lips against mine. I closed the small gap between us and kissed him lightly, only letting his soft lips lay against mine.
We were soon interrupted by a hurried knock on the door. "Michael and Calum always interrupt us in our best moments" I groaned as I pulled away from Ashton. He chuckled and caressed my cheek, letting his thumb brush against my bottom lip.
I slowly moved away from him and walked over to the door. I looked through the small peephole and tensed up. "Ash!" I whisper-shouted when seeing the people outside our room. Ashton came out of the bathroom to look at me with furrowed eyebrows.
"What is it?" he asked worriedly.
"Your fucking family is outside" I panicked while looking over the room. It had clothes tossed everywhere, not to mention underwear, condoms, lube, and a pair of fucking handcuffs.
Ashton's eyes widened as he understood I was serious. He started kicking the few things under the bed and placed the things like lube, condoms and handcuffs in the bottom drawer of the nightstand. He threw most of the clothes in to the closet and fixed the bed a bit before nodding for me to open the door. I opened it as Ashton went back to the bathroom to fix a bit there as well.
I was met by a blonde woman in a long dark purple dress, looking very fancy and elegant. Her hair was up in a nice hairstyle and she smiled a bright smile showing her teeth and making her dimples pop, just like Ashton's. Beside her stood a young brunet girl, wearing a black and gold dress and beside her stood a small boy in a black suit. They all looked like a very fancy family, not surprising though, they were Ashton's family.
"Well, hello" the woman smiled, "I thought this was Ashton's room?"
"Oh, it is! Sorry, I'm Luke, Ashton's friend" I said quickly and smiled nervously at Ashton's family. I didn't know why I was feeling nervous all of a sudden.
"Oh, you're Luke!" she said and smiled even bigger, eying me up and down approvingly. "It's nice to meet you, Luke" she told me and took out her hand for me to shake. I took it and shook it, still smiling at Ashton's polite mother.
"It's nice to meet you too, Mrs. Irwin"
"Oh, please no sweetie, call me Anne" she gave me a pat on my shoulder and turned to the children beside her. "Well, are you going to say hi to Luke?" she chuckled slightly as she asked. They both said hi with smiles on their faces and I couldn't do much but smile back. It seems like the whole Irwin family got contagious smiles.
"Ashton's in the bathroom I think, so come in" I told them and held up the door for them so they could go through. As I had closed the door Ashton came out of the bathroom and was tackled by his little brother.
"Hey!" Ashton huffed out as Harry had basically tackled all air out of him. Ashton hugged his brother tightly and I could feel the smile on my face just etch stuck.
"You look really handsome, Harry" Ashton told his brother and fixed the small bowtie around his neck. Ashton turned to his sister and gave her a hug as well, mubling that she looked beautiful.
"Don't let any boys come near you tonight when you're looking like that" he warned Lauren and gave her a stern look. Lauren just rolled her eyes and patted Ashton's cheek.
"I feel bad for you, Ashton. You worry too much" she said and laughed when Ashton furrowed his eyebrows.
"Hello, sweetheart" Anne said as she stepped over and embraced Ashton in a hug. She left a kiss on his cheek, making Ashton grimace when she went to remove the lipstick on his cheek.
They started talking and I awkwardly still stood by the door, not really knowing what to do. I didn't want to intrude on their family reunion.
"You met Luke" I heard Ashton say suddenly and my head shot up too meet his eyes.
"Yes, absolutely" Anne nodded, smiling that signature smile. "You're looking very handsome, Luke" she told me as I walked over.
"Oh, thank you" I said awkwardly, "It's all thanks to your son though, he picked it out. I'm not so good at fancy clothing" I chuckled nervously. Anne chuckled and patted my shoulder again, making me relax. I shouldn't be nervous around these people, they are very nice. And they are related to Ashton, so of course they will be nice.
"Well, I will step forward and say that I have taught Ashton everything he knows about good clothing so I think I am mainly responsible for this outfit" she chuckled and I heard Ashton scoff from beside me.
"Oh well, then thank you" I smiled while she laughed. Ashton mumbled something under his breath and I gave him a raised eyebrow and smirk.
"You see that Harry? Luke is wearing a bowtie and he isn't complaining" Anne said and looked back and forth between me and the little boy. Harry looked at me and my bowtie and then down to his own.
"His is so much cooler though" he grumbled, making me smile small.
"I think yours is so much cooler. Blue is a cool color, and it's my favorite. Mine's just white and black" I told him. He looked down at his bowtie again before looking up at me.
"I guess" he shrugged and smiled small.
"Hey, I picked that bowtie out for you, be grateful" Ashton said and swatted my arm slightly, making the Irwin's laugh lightly.
The door was soon opened, Michael and Calum stumbling in with cheesy grins on their faces. They both looked up and stopped in their tracks when seeing Ashton's family.
"I don't understand how you guys manage to get into a locked house and still look so unbothered" I spoke up while rolling my eyes slightly at my best friends.
"Family, this is Michael and Calum," Ashton said and pointed at each boy, "Michael and Calum, this is my family" Michael and Calum smiled as they went over to greet the people.
After a while of just socializing and getting to know Ashton's family, we started to get down to the dinner room. Harry in some way ended up on Calum's back, as Calum gave him a piggyback to the elevator. Michael and I walked out with Lauren and I found her very interesting. She was a young girl, but very intelligent and she was a lot like Ashton.
Ashton and his mother were the last out of the room and I could hear them talking behind me. "They are a great group of guys, I can see why these boys are your friends" I heard his mother say to him.
"Yeah" Ashton answered simply, but I could hear his smile, making me smile small to myself.
"I'm happy for you sweetheart" his mom said and I kept smiling as we reached the elevator. Calum had pressed the button and we all waited for it to arrive. I turned to look at Ashton and his mother, walking over to where we all were standing. Ashton looked me in the eyes and the small smile I had on my face probably made him understand that I heard their conversation.
He kept looking me in the eyes as he smiled and replied to his mother.
"Yeah, I'm happy too"
"This is amazing" Michael gushed as we four were sitting on a large table with Ashton's family and the man I met when I was at Ashton's work for the first time; Alan Walker and his family as they were good family friends with the Irwin's.
"I know right?" I said as I looked around the dinner room. There were probably up to hundreds of people in the huge, elegant room. At every wall were long tables of food, making it able for you to go and take as you like. The buffet was unlimited, and as the three inexperienced, hungry teenage boys Michael, Calum and I were, we were practically drooling over it.
"You hungry?" Ashton whispered into my ear while chuckling. I nodded my head eagerly and he laughed. "You guys hungry too?" he laughed as he looked at the two boys beside me, staring longingly at the food.
"Yes, holy shit, this is like paradise" Michael spoke up, never letting his eyes leave the food.
"Let's eat then. Just give me a minute" Ashton said before standing up. He took his half full glass and let his fork tap against it. The sound echoed through the room. He had to tap the glass a few times before people noticed. When all the focus was on Ashton, he smiled and put his glass down. I looked at him with big eyes, smiling as he was smiling.
"Hi everyone" Ashton spoke up loudly. A worker from the hotel came up to him with a microphone from the scene that was at the end of the room. Ashton grabbed it and smiled, thanking the woman before going back to talk to the people around him.
"So, hi" he started again, smiling sheepishly, "I'm glad to see you all here today. I love this time of the year because we all get together like we always have done, ever since the company started. We end the year together and we start the year together, which make me unbelievably happy, because I don't think any company in the world has a group like this. We are a family, and I know that my father is looking down right now and is really happy about what he's seeing.
"Not only has the company gone above my father's and I's expectations, but also the cooperative work between us all has made it so much easier for me to handle all of this. I've heard from a lot of people that I am brave and strong for running and owning a company at age twenty, but I'm not running it on my own, and all you people around me deserve as much credit as I do, if not more
"I'm so grateful for all you people right here" Ashton spoke in a little more quiet tone and paused to look down at me for a few seconds. He smiled and looked up again, "and I just wish my father could meet all the people he never had the time to meet. He would have loved every single one of you"
I saw Anne smile at her son from the other side of the table. Her eyes were a bit glossy and she looked at her son with proud eyes. Everyone around the room that I could see were all smiling and looking at Ashton with a fond look on their faces.
"I'm sorry," Ashton chuckled, "I didn't mean to get this all emotional and stuff. I just wanted to thank all of you for a successful 2014 and I can't wait for 2015 to be even more successful. Now, let's eat" he said and smiled while sitting down on his seat again. People applauded him a bit before getting their food.
Ashton's siblings along with Alan's children stood up and walked over to the food table, getting their food. Michael and Calum did the same, following the young children. The grownups did as well, leaving me and Ashton alone.
I looked over at the room, seeing most people were busy taking food. I turned to look at Ash, placing my hand on his thigh. Ashton lifted his head up and turned to look me in the eyes. I smiled at him, making him smile back.
"That was very nice" I said, referring to his speech. Ashton placed his hand over mine and sighed out.
"Thank you" he spoke quietly.
"I'm sure your dad is really proud of you right now" I said and gave his thigh a light squeeze. Ashton looked down at our hands and smiled small.
"I wish he could have met you, he would have liked you very much. Mike and Cal too"
"I wish I could have met him too, he sounds like a really amazing man" I nodded, turning my hand to hold Ashton's hand in mine under the table. Ashton let his thumb run over my skin and sighed out. He lifted his head again to look at me again, smiling brighter now.
"Yeah, he was" he whispered. People started to come back to the table so Ashton quickly brought my hand up to his lips, kissing it before letting go of it. "Let's go get some food" he told me as he stood up from his chair. I nodded and stood up as well, walking after him.
It was tough seeing him like this. He was obviously sad but trying to hide it. It bothered me that we were in a room full of people so I couldn't just go over to Ashton and hold and kiss him.
It was starting to grow on me that I couldn't do that to Ashton as long as people were around us. I knew it was too risky and I knew Ashton was more worried than I was. Of course he was more worried than I was, I wanted to show us off for the whole world because I was utterly in love with this boy.
It was starting to scare me just how much these feelings had grown. I have never been in love with anyone before in my life, so I wasn't sure how it felt to love someone, but I was sure it felt just like this. I knew it felt like this, because what else could it be if it wasn't love?
"Babe?" Ashton whispered into my ear, dragging me out of my thoughts. I looked up at him with confused eyes. "Are you gonna take some food?" he asked and I looked down to see him with a plate of food. I had been too caught up in my thoughts to do anything.
"Oh, um, yeah" I chuckled and took my plate over to the food.
"Is there anything wrong?" Ashton asked, sounding worried. I looked at him and smiled small, shaking my head.
"No, I just-" I started and kept placing food on my plate.
"Just what?" Ashton ushered me. I sighed and smiled a bit, trying to ease the mood.
"I just really want to kiss you right now because you look a bit sad, but I can't because we're in a room filled with people and yeah, that's just what" I mumbled quietly, keeping my gaze away from him. It was quiet while I placed the last scoops of food on my plate.
"God, you're so cute" Ashton sighed, chuckling a bit. I felt my cheeks grow a light shade of pink while my lips turned into a small smile. "But let's save it all until midnight. That's where I want you" Ashton spoke quietly and I nodded at his words.
He chuckled and nodded at me. "Let's go eat now, cutie"
During the dinner Ashton had his hand on my knee. Sometimes he would squeeze it, and sometimes he would let it slide up and down my leg. When he got too close to my crotch I would squirm, not because I thought it was uncomfortable, but because he was making me fucking horny. Michael and Calum noticed it and they gave us glares mixed with cheeky smirks.
"Ash, stop" I mumbled through gritted teeth, trying to smile oblivious to the others around the table. I could hear Ashton chuckle from beside me as his hand kept going further up my leg. "Ash" I whispered again, this time more stern but he didn't listen, of course.
His hand was dangerously close to my crotch, and I was already starting to get hard, which was bad because these suit pants were really tight around the groin and ass.
I coughed and cleared my throat when Ashton's hand landed on my crotch. He didn't do anything, he just let his warm hand lay still on my bulge. I breathed heavily and bit the insides of my cheeks to keep myself from moaning out.
"You're an asshole" I breathed out quietly, only for Ashton to hear. He just chuckled before giving my bulge a squeeze. I took in a deep breath through gritted teeth and fought to keep the moans in.
Someone suddenly kicked my shin, making me jump in my seat in surprise and pain. I accidentally thrust into Ashton's palm and whimpered out in both pain and pleasure. I looked up to meet Calum's glaring eyes.
"Stop it you fucking perverts!" he whisper shouted, glaring at both of us.
"It's not me, it's him!" I whispered back, voice a bit shaky after what just happened. Ashton just chuckled and gave me a pat on the knee before leaning back in his chair, leaving me flustered and hard as fuck.
"Oh, this is good" Calum nodded while smirking big. He looked ever the sea of people on the beach. The party had started and after Ashton had thanked almost everyone after the dinner, we made our way the youngsters hangout.
"Let's get some alcohol, we can't party without it" Ashton said before we all started our way down to the beach and over to the alcohol table. I noticed people around different ages, but the oldest ones I saw must have been around 25. There were a lot of young people here as well, meaning not drinking legal kids, but they would probably get a hold of alcohol anyway.
Ashton led us over to a huge beach bar, there were around four bartenders in it and the wall behind them was filled with different types of booze. There were numerous of people around the bar but when one of the bartenders saw Ashton, she smiled and waved him over. We all moved with him.
"What can I get for you guys?" she asked, smiling big.
"Surprise us" Ashton smirked, sliding a hand around my waist, making me smile small at his actions.
The bartender nodded and walked over to the wall, picking out a few bottles. She came back and pulled out four shot glasses. She filled them up to the top with some green liquor. She filled the last glass up and pushed them over to us.
"At these parties we always start with three different shots," she started, smirking a bit, "and this is your first. This is the easy one" she said and we all picked up our glasses.
"Cheers boys" Michael said before we all gulped down the green liquid in our throats. The shot was actually really good. It was a mixture between sweet and sour, lemon lime, and I liked it. Calum scrunched his face up at the sour after taste but soon went back to normal, liking the flavor after a while.
"Next up, step two, is a little bit bolder" the bartender gave us each a new shot glass, this time filled with a musky brown colored liquid. We all took our glasses and without hesitation we downed that one too. I didn't think that was so bad either. It wasn't as good and weak as the first one, but for being a stronger shot it was okay.
"Ah, life is pretty good right now" Michael said as he put down his empty glass.
"Last but not least," the bartender spoke again. She sat up the last set of shot glasses for us and pulled out an Absolute Vodka bottle, "is a clean shot of vodka. Not because it's good, but because I want to fuck with you and get you drunk because we're celebrating New Years and I need to see you guys on the go" she joked, making Ashton laugh and shake his head.
"Bring it" Ashton spoke and took the glass with clear liquor. "Nothing we can't take, right Luke?" Ashton said and I immediately remembered how we almost downed a whole bottle of vodka in one night, almost though. I grinned at the memory and took my glass. Ashton handed Michael and Calum theirs and we clinked glasses.
"To a fucking wicked night and a great start of 2015" Calum said we all nodded in agreement. We all took a second before taking the strong liquor down our throats.
The burning feeling went all the way down to my chest, warming me up inside. I placed my glass down on the bar again and sighed contently.
"Ugh, that's fucking horrible but yet so good" Michael spoke and put down his glass as well.
The bartender took out for beers and handed us each one. "Now you're ready to party" she chuckled. We thanked her before walking away from the bar a bit, walking out to the beach.
Calum hopped in the sand in front of us, accidentally hopping in to a girl who turned around and glared at Cal. "Watch where you're going" she said before walking away with her friends.
"Was she flirting with me? I feel like she was flirting with me" Calum spoke up and looked back to the girl who just walked away. We all laughed at him and sat down in the sand, not caring what would happen to the suits.
"Hi, Ash" a girl suddenly said, making us all lift our heads to look at the girl standing beside Ashton.
"Hi, Adria" Ashton smiled and stood up to give her a hug. I furrowed my eyebrows slightly but stopped when she turned to look at Calum.
"Hi, Cal" she smiled a flirty smile and Calum returned it with a wink.
"Hey! What did I tell you?" Ashton warned and pointed at Calum as he sat down in the sand again.
"That she isn't even fifteen yet and that I can't have her" Calum sighed and drank from his beer, pouting.
"Fifteen? You told him I wasn't even fifteen yet?" Adria asked Ashton. Ashton just shrugged and drank from his beer. "I'm seventeen!"
"Wrong, you're sixteen, you're seventeen in a week" Ashton corrected her.
"Don't go all 'big brother' on me now, Ash" Adria sighed, crossing her arms over her chest. She did look much more mature than her age. She could go for twenty, I'll give Calum that.
"Wait, so you're legal?" Calum asked. Ashton and Adria looked up at him, Adria giving him a flirty smile and Ashton giving him a glare.
"No Calum, she can't drink she's sixtee-"
"I wasn't talking about that kind of legal" Calum smirked and stood up. He walked over to Adria and took her hand. "We'll be somewhere around if you need any of us. Do not need us though" Calum said and walked off before Ashton could stop them.
"Damn that horny bastard" Ashton mumbled and took a zip from his beer.
"Fuck, now I'm left alone with you guys and I'll be the third wheel" Michael groaned from beside me. I smiled and put my arm around him.
"You can be with us Michael, like, we can be three" I spoke up, feeling the alcohol slowly take over my words and movements. It felt good though, I felt warm and happy.
"Are you suggesting a threesome?" Michael asked and wiggled his eyebrows. I furrowed my eyebrows as I thought over the question. Did I actually do that? I looked at Michael and then glanced over at Ashton, seeing Ash look at me with an amused look on his face, trying to bite his grin down. I looked back at Michael again.
"No-?" I said, but it came out as a question. Ashton burst out laughing and Michael did too, leaving me confused.
"It's okay Luke, I'm not interested, though it hurt that you don't want me for a threesome" Michael laughed. I hit him on his arm before standing up, struggling may I add, and walked over to the bar again. I wasn't feeling this beer right now.
"What can I get for you, blondie" a guy said behind the bar. I looked at the almost empty beer bottle in my hand and threw it in the trashcan.
"Something strong and good" I responded, shrugging my shoulders. He looked at me before chuckling.
"What's your name?" he asked as he leaned forward on the bar table, studying my face.
"Luke" I answered, looking him back in the eyes. He nodded but kept his position, still watching me.
"How old are you, Luke?"
"Eighteen, why?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.
"Nothing," the bartender answered, "Just wanted to know if you could handle what I was about to give you" he said before putting out a bottle and started mixing alcoholic drinks with non alcoholic drinks together. "Are you looking to get smashed tonight?"
"I don't know, wouldn't really mind though" I shrugged and gave him a smirk. He laughed and nodded approvingly.
"Well, this will get you there, Luke" he chuckled and shook the drink, then giving me it in a big plastic cup. "Remember, I'm not responsible for any of the mistakes you do tonight" he said and raised his hands up by his side.
I nodded and took the cup, bringing it to my lips and lightly zipping it. It was good, really good. You could taste the strong liquor, but it was still hidden behind every other sweet and sugary taste.
"You're dating Ashton, right?" the bartender asked me, making me shoot my head up to look at him. How did he know about me and Ashton, I had never seen him before.
"Um, no, why?" I asked and eyed him suspiciously. He shot his eyebrows up in surprise.
"You're not dating?" he asked and I shook my head slowly, because we weren't dating. I actually don't know what we are really. "I'm surprised, I mean, you two are really close and touchy from what I saw yesterday and I just thought you were, you know, together?"
I shook my head and took a zip from the drink again. "No, were just, um, we're not together, but we are..-" I said but didn't know what to say. It was awkward to say it to some stranger, but the alcohol in my blood just lived its own life. The bartender, who I still didn't know the name of, looked at me before puzzling the pieces together. He started smirking and nodded in amusement.
"Ooh, you are just hooking up?" he chuckled and I nodded, blushing a bit. "Never thought of Ashton like that type of guy" he mumbled as he cleaned the table. "So you're not together then, but he invited you here?" I nodded again as an answer to his question.
"Damn, sex and luxury trips. You are winning the jackpot" he said, cleaning off the bar a bit and doing some new drinks.
"I guess" I shrugged. I wasn't with Ashton for that though. Or well, it started with that I only wanted sex, but as the time came, I fell in love with him and all I want is to be with Ashton as much as I can, with or without sex. Preferably with sex.
"Well Luke, I'll be here all night, so if you need anything more, I'm here" he smiled, giving a few shots to a group of girls eying him like a piece of meat. I don't really blame them though, he was a good looking male. "My name's Axel by the way" he smiled.
"Well, Axel, I'll probably be back a few times during this night" I told him before walking off to my friends again. Michael was no longer there and Ashton was talking with a bunch of people. He looked like a celebrity and it made me jealous how the girls were eying him up and down and how the guys just tried to be friends with him.
I walked over to Ash and cleared my throat, making Ash turn around immediately. He smiled as he laid eyes on me, making me smile back. He ignored the people around him and put all his focus on me.
"Hey baby, what you got there?" he asked me and looked at my drink. I shrugged and brought it up to his lips.
"I don't know, it's something strong and it's something good" I answered as he look a zip of the drink. He nodded in approval as he swallowed. "Where's Michael?"
"He walked off with a few girls, they asked if he was down for a game and he left me alone for them right away" Ashton chuckled as he slowly put his arms around my waist. "So it's only you and me now, babe" he whispered into my ear. I sighed as I felt a chill go down my spine.
"Too bad we can't kiss then" I answered back, quietly as we were so close. Ashton sighed and slowly started to place light kisses behind my ear and under it, reaching up to nibble at my earlobe.
"But we can do other stuff" he whispered and kept kissing down my neck, making my breathing stop its rhythmical pace.
"I thought you said you wanted to wait until midnight" I asked him and gripped his shoulder with my free hand. He kept kissing my neck, making it hard for me to think of anything else but the pleasure and sexual tension.
"I didn't think you would look this fucking sexy in the moonlight, and I get really fucking horny thanks to the alcohol" he breathed into my neck, slowly licking down to my collarbone. "And," he started, brushing his lips against my skin, "I want you now"
I nodded my head, not really having the voice to say anything. Ashton stood up straight and took my hand, dragging me away from the people on the beach. We walked off to the end of the beach at the other side. I soon recognized the spot as I saw the bridge going through the cliffs.
Ashton kept dragging me up, soon ending up by the cliff, watching over the dark ocean. Though, the ocean wasn't what I was watching right now, it was Ashton.
He looked so perfect in his black slim suit, with a white dress-shirt under and his black tie. In his breast pocket he had a red handkerchief that popped out. He looked professional and he looked really fucking sexy.
Ashton kept going to the edge, but I stopped him by tugging at his arm. I changed the direction and walked over to the cliff wall, pushing Ashton against it. He looked at me with big eyes as I held him in his place. I took a big gulp from my drink, grimacing slightly at how strong it was when taking so much at once.
I took one more gulp, almost drinking it up before throwing it to the side and crashed my lips against Ashton's. I had my hands on his cheeks, pulling him even closer to me. He responded right away as he gripped my suit jacket, pulling my body close to him.
I moaned loud as he sucked at my bottom lip. I kept one hand still on his cheek as the other one slid down to the back of his neck. I curled my fingers in his hair and tugged as I opened my mouth for him to enter.
The only noises that were heard were the crashing of the waves, the faint music and celebration from the party, and our hot breathing against each other.
Ashton slid his hand down from my waist to my ass, cupping it and squeezing it. That earned a moan from me, making Ashton moan as well. I tugged his hair a bit harder as I let my other hand drop down to unbutton his pants. With one hand I smoothly unbuckled and unbuttoned his pants, letting them hang low on his hips.
I pulled away from the kiss and tugged his bottom lip lightly. I released it with a pop and slowly started to kiss down his neck. I started to untie his tie a bit so it hung loose around his neck, making me get more access to his neck and collarbones.
I let my hands roam the sides of his body as I slowly crouched down while kissing his body. I was soon on my knees in front of him, making him breathe hard and loud. He ran one hand in through my hair, making me sigh in content.
"You're so fucking sexy" he said and bit his lip while looking down at me. I could feel myself growing harder each second.
I grabbed the waist of his pants, pulling them down along with his tight white boxers. His díck sprung free and I moaned at the sight. Ashton hissed a bit at the air hitting him, but bit his lip hard as I grabbed him with one hand, pumping him slowly.
"So hard" I whispered close to his hard díck. He gasped and bit his lip, almost making me come by the sight in front of me.
Ashton let his head hang down and opened his eyes to look at me. His eyes were clouded and dark, making them look as brown as possible.
Ashton placed his hand over my hand that was working up his díck. He steered my hand all the way up and down his length, struggling to keep his eyes open and to not let out any moans.
My eyes were locked with his as I felt his hard member under my palm. Without noticing myself, I bit down on my bottom lip, taking my lip ring in my mouth. I moaned slightly as I felt him grow harder and bigger around me, making me grow unbearably hard as well.
"Mm" Ashton hummed, "don't bite off that pretty little lip of yours, I want them around my cóck" he said in a low voice, making me whine at how sexy it sounded.
Ashton let his fingers run through my hair and rested it on the back of my head. He released the grip of my hand and let me work him himself and placed his hand on my cheek instead. He graced his thumb over my lips, sighing quietly.
"Can't wait to have these around my cóck" he whispered and I moaned quietly while still pumping him. "You want me in your mouth, beautiful?" he asked and breathed heavily as I squeezed my hand a bit around him, going up and down.
I nodded eagerly, still looking him in the eyes. I licked my lips but waited for him to tell me when I could take him.
"So eager for me, huh?" he moaned. I whined as I was standing on my knees, having him in front of me but couldn't do anything yet.
"You're so sexy on your knees for me, babe. And only for me" he whispered and caressed my cheek. I nodded and started leaning forward, but he stopped me.
"You're mine, okay?" he said and his eyes were dark as I looked up at him again. My stomach erupted in fireworks at his words and I nodded while feeling warmth spread around my body. "Tell me you're mine" he demanded.
"I'm yours" I whispered and he caressed my cheek. He nodded slowly and moved his hand so both of them were in my hair.
"Yes you are. Now show me what those pretty pink lips can do, princess" he said and pushed my head forward. I didn't hesitate one second as I took him in my mouth, going up and down in a medium pace.
I went lower every time I came down again and I let my tongue lay flat against him, scraping against the backside of his díck. I moved up and down, tuning my head from side to side to make him feel everything and so I could taste all of him. His moans were deep and loud, because we were alone and could be as loud as we wanted.
I slowly went all the way down, stopping when the tip of my nose was touching his shirt and the tip of his cóck was meeting the back of my throat. I brought my hands up to his ass, gripping it, making him moan out.
I hollowed my cheeks and slowly went up, to then slowly go down again. I let my teeth scrape him gently, earning a throaty moan from the boy over me.
I breathed hard through my nose while Ashton was filling up my whole mouth and almost throat. Ashton tugged at my hair and made me go down again, deep-throating him again.
I leaned up again and started suck on his tip. I swirled my tongue around his head, making him moan and tug at my hair hard. I moaned around him, sending vibrations though him. He hissed as I sucked harder, wanting to taste him as much as possible.
"Mm, fúck, Luke" he moaned quietly, whispering almost. I pulled away from him to look up at him through my eyelashes. He opened his eyes to look down at me, frowning at the loss of warmth around him. I leaned in again and placed butterfly kissed on his head and slowly teased him with kitten licks.
"F-Fúck, Luke" Ashton panted before tugging me away from him by gripping my hair hard. My scalp hurt, my jaws were aching and my knees were practically bleeding from the rocks cutting in them, but it was too much of a turn on than actual pain.
Ashton looked at me with those dark eyes, still gripping my hair hard as he held my head back to make me look at him. I breathed hard and bit my lips, whining quietly because I wanted to go back to what I was just doing.
"Let me fuck that mouth of yours, babe" he said in a raspy and low voice. My díck in my pants was aching and twitching at his words.
I nodded enthusiastically and leaned in to open my mouth for him. He chuckled low and pulled back my head again, making me look at him. This time more gently.
"You want me to fuck that pretty little mouth of yours?" he asked, teasing me with his slow words, while slowly inching his rock hard dick closer to my face. I nodded again.
"Yes" I said with a low and raspy voice, my throat burning a bit from the previous blówjob. I tried to lean forward again but Ashton held my head still. I whined quietly but I think he heard.
"Yes what, princess?" he whispered, gracing the tip of his díck against my bottom lip, making my breathing go rigid.
"Yes please" I whispered and Ashton smirked and bit his bottom lip, making me go insane.
I opened my mouth and he went in right away. He held my head still while he started moving his hips back and forth, slow at first. I kept my hands on his ass and squeezed, curling my fingers in the material I could get.
Ashton moaned and increased the pace of his hips' movements. I held my mouth open and tongue flat as he worked in and out of my mouth in a now quite fast pace.
I gagged a bit, only making Ashton moan. I breathed heavily out and in of my nose and dug my nails into his ass. I moaned around him as I felt the tip of his díck meet the back of my throat repeatedly. The vibrations I caused made Ashton throw his head back in pleasure
I kept moaning in high pitch as he fúcked my mouth. It hurt in my throat and jaw, but the pleasure I made Ashton feel took over and I felt like I was on cloud 9 while having Ashton's díck run up and down my throat.
"I-I'm close" Ashton panted and I felt his hips' movements go sloppier and with no specific rhythm. I hollowed my cheeks around him and moved my tongue from side to side to make him feel ever more and I earned a loud moan from him.
"Fu-, fúck, holy shit, Luke" Ashton rambled and tightened his grip in my hair. His movements got more and more erratic and he was so close that I could feel.
I met his movements with my own and earned a loud moan from Ashton as he came in my mouth, filling me up. I pulled away from him, a trace of saliva following as I swallowed what I had in my mouth.
Ashton pulled my hair back gently and put his dick over my closed lips, all red and swollen from the previous activity.
I breathed loudly out of my nose as Ashton pumped out the last of himself on my lips, making the few drips of the last come coat the one side on my lips and cheek.
His act and small moans, as well as his lustful gaze on me made me come in my boxers with a moan and a whimper, all untouched.
Ashton moaned out as he threw his head back, collapsing against the wall behind him. His breathing was loud and hard, I could see how his chest moved up and down quickly to get as much oxygen as possible.
I stood up from my previous position, wincing a bit at how my knees hurt and how stiff I felt in my legs. I looked at the boy in front of me and took his cheeks in my hands, making him open his eyes to look at me.
I slowly licked my lips, cleaning them from his spill. I moaned slightly at the taste of him, making Ashton bite his lip. He brought one hand up to my cheek, cleaning it up with his thumb. He slowly brought the thumb over to my lips and I took it in my mouth without hesitation. I licked and sucked it clean, keeping my eye contact with him this whole time.
Ashton moaned quietly as I kept sucking on his thumb. He pulled it out of my mouth and quickly replaced his thumb with his lips.
His wet lips moved against my red, swollen ones. His touch felt even more intense now as my lips were so sensitive.
"Mine" he breathed against my lips, kissing me again. I held onto his cheeks as I kept him close to me, kissing him with all the love I had.
"Yours" I whispered back.
- - -
First off, I said there would be drama and it was supposed to but this chapter was so long (about 15 fucking thousand words) so I had to break it into two, so the next chapter will probably be up tomorrow. Probably.
So many new readers on this story and I just want to say thanks for that.
Special thanks to all of the readers that always comment and vote, you are pretty much gold worth.
Comment and vote, because that makes me smile.
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