I'm so Michael af
- - -
"I could kiss you right now Ashton!" Michael said as he opened the wrapped up gift Ashton handed to him. I cleared my throat and sent Michael a glare.
"But I won't" Michael said and put his hands up in surrender. Ashton laughed and threw an arm around my shoulders, keeping me close to his side as we sat on the couches down in my basement.
It was a few days after Christmas and we had all come home from where we had celebrated. Calum had been home celebrating with his family, Michael had been a bit outside Sydney at his gramps house and Ashton had been in Melbourne visiting his mom and siblings. I was in Bondi visiting and celebrating with family. It sucked.
It felt nice meeting my friends again, and even nicer knowing they came with gifts.
Michael grinned big at the unreleased game that was now lying in his hands. He had nagged on about it since Ashton mentioned it to us and Ashton thought that he could get the first specimen for Christmas.
"You need to tell me what you think about it and what the developers could do to improve it" Ashton said to him. Michael nodded his head eagerly.
"You should like, start working for Ashton and be the one who tries all the games and stuff" Calum joked.
Michael's eyes widened and looked at Calum then Ashton. "Would that be a real thing? I mean, that's basically what I was born to do!"
"Yeah, it's a job. I have a few people doing that" Ashton shrugged his shoulders.
"Hire me!" Michael burst out, holding his hands together while looking at him with pleading eyes.
"I think you should go to college first, man" Ashton laughed. Michael sat back in his seat and mumbled something under his breath. I chuckled and rolled my eyes at him.
Michael and Calum started a heated conversation around the gifts they had achieved and they were fighting over who should be player 1 or 2 as Michael put in the game in my Playstation. I sighed and leaned back more in my seat.
"Luke?" Ashton whispered from beside me. I looked up to meet his eyes. "I have your gift, but it's not here, I'll give it to you when were alone"
"Is it something sexual?" I asked and raised my eyebrows. Ashton laughed and threw his head back, making it easy for me to see his beautiful dimple on the side of his face.
"No," he said as he calmed down from his laughter, "but it could be that too if you'd like?" he mumbled hotly into my ear, making me shiver. I looked at him and rolled my eyes, a small smile creeping up on my face. He bent down and pecked my lips quickly.
"And there's one more thing" he said and started playing with the hem of my shirt. I looked down at his fingers and then back to him. He smiled small at me.
"My girlfriend is in Europe and will be over New Years with some people and I know you probably have plans with these two," he said and pointed at the screaming boys in front of us, playing the new game. "But my work always holds this New Year's celebration on Hamilton Island and I was wondering if you wanted to join? All of you, it would be really fun if you wanted to come" he smiled.
"Are you serious?" I said and sat up so I could look at him better.
"Yeah, we're leaving the day after tomorrow and will be staying until the 4th" Ashton nodded.
"We don't have the money for that Ash" I said.
"What? Oh no, you don't have to pay! This is all on my company" he smiled. Was he serious right now?
"No Ash, we have to pay. We can't just go and-"
"Luke, do you want to come or not? We can spend the time together, enjoy the sun and enjoy not hiding around. It will be you and me.. And those two" he said and pointed at Michael and Calum on the floor. He leaned in closer to my ear and whispered softly.
"I really want to end this year and start the new one with your lips against mine" he breathed and I swallowed before nodding my head. I really wanted to be with him as much as I could and to go to a paradise island instead of celebrating New Year's with wasted people I don't really like sounded so much better.
"Is that a yes?" he asked with a smile and I nodded again, smiling back. I was still a bit unsure about him paying everything, but I really wanted as much time alone as I could with him before uni started. He kissed me before pulling away and I turned to pause the boys' game.
"Hey!" they both said and turned to look at me and Ash.
"Ash has something to tell you guys" I said and turned to Ash. He smiled big and nodded, almost looking like an excited kid.
"I'm taking you guys to Hamilton Island for New Years!" he said excitedly while Michael and Calum looked at him with wide eyes.
"No way," Calum managed to say through his shocked state, "for free?"
"Yeah, think of it as a second Christmas gift" Ashton nodded with a big smile on his face. Michael stood up from his previous seat and walked over to Ashton. He grabbed Ashton's face and planted a sloppy kiss on his cheek. He pulled away smiling, still holding Ashton's amused face in his hands.
"You are seriously the best friend ever!" Michael cheered and let go of Ashton to turn to me. I glared at him but he just grabbed my face and placed the same sloppy kiss on my cheek. I grumbled and wiped my cheek after Michael had turned and done the exact same thing to Calum.
"Will it only be us though?" Calum asked as he sat down on the other couch, Michael sitting down beside him. Ashton shook his head.
"No, there will be a lot of people. This is thrown together by my company, so there will be a lot of people there. We'll have an island for ourselves" he said casually. I will never get over that this boy is a multi millionaire.
"So it will be people that work for you there and stuff?" Calum asked again and Ashton nodded.
"Please tell me you have some really hot 20 year old chicks working for you" Michael practically begged. Calum nodded in agreement. Ashton laughed loud, making me all warm and fuzzy inside.
"There are people from 18 to 60 working for me. Most people bring their families, and that includes kids and adolescents, yes" Ashton chuckled. "We usually start New Years Eve with everyone, eating and just socializing, but when the night comes there's a party, like a real party, for everyone who wants to attend. It's usually just 16 to 35 that attends though, so you should all find someone"
Michael and Calum smiled big in response and hugged Ashton hard before peppering him with questions about when, how, where, what they should bring and so on. I sat with Ashton's arm draped around me, slightly listening to their conversation, but it was hard when I dreamed myself away while looking at Ashton's smiling face.
I was sappy and was too fluffy, but I was in love. If I could watch him every day for the rest of my life, I would. He was just so perfect. Even if I actually tried, I wouldn't be able to find a single flaw on this boy beside me.
I wish he was mine. I really, really do. I also wished that I had realized that I was gay sooner. I had never really felt anything strongly towards guys until Ashton came along, but it wasn't hard for me to realize that I was gay. I think I'm just having a hard time accepting it.
I'm still scared every day that my mother or Sarah or any other person I haven't told, would find out. Sometimes I dream about how my mom finds out by seeing a picture or in some way walk in on Ash and I and she just yells at me. It makes me believe that I really am a disappointment when I wake up and I just feel like the worst son ever. Not only because I'm gay but because I'm cheating on Sarah, and my mother loves that girl more than me, probably.
"Okay, you got it all?" Ashton asked and dragged me out of my thoughts. He pointed a finger back and forth at Michael and Calum. They both nodded. Ashton turned to me and pulled me closer.
"We need to get going" Ashton smirked and I lifted an eyebrow at him.
"My place" he said and stood up, holding his hand out for me to help me up. I took it and he pulled me up to his side.
"Try not to be so obvious about how you are going to have sex now" Calum sighed and gave us a glare. Ashton just smiled smugly and I blushed.
He started digging in his pocket and pulled out a Ferrari car key, the Ferrari key. "You took the car" I said with wide eyes and smiled up at him.
"Yeah, I'm letting you drive it home since you love it so much. I just need to use the bathroom first then we'll go, okay?" he asked and I nodded.
"Thought you didn't like driving that car by yourself?" I asked him before he walked away.
"Well, I guess I'm willing to get over my own dislikes to make you happy" he shrugged and walked up the stairs to get to the bathroom. I smiled like a fool with the car keys in my hand and slight red cheeks from his words.
"He's so oblivious to your love" Michael chuckled from behind me. Calum walked up to me and looked at the key in my hand, his eyes widening.
"What do you mean?" I asked Michael as Calum tried to take the key from me to study it closer. I didn't let him though.
"You literally blush at every little thing he says and does" Michael scoffed. "And the thing you told us when you were at my house, the one with Ashton not liking you in that way? Yeah, that's pure bullshit"
"It's not" I mumbled. I didn't want to get my hopes up, so I just didn't believe anything anyone said. I would believe it when the worlds came from Ashton's own mouth.
"You're delusional" Calum chuckled and shook his head. I scoffed and walked up the stairs, feeling both of them following after Michael had brought his game with him.
We all got ready to head out and Ashton came into the hallway soon after. We left the house empty, locking the door and walking down the driveway.
"What are you guys doing now?" I asked as I put on my shades.
"Gonna go home and continue playing this" he said excitedly and held up his new game. Ashton gave him thumbs up.
"I'll guess I'll go with you since I'm your ride" Calum pointed out and walked over to his car. He stopped when he saw the military green Ferrari parked beside his normal small car. "You can go fuck off, Irwin" he scoffed and slumped over, sitting down in his own car. Ashton just laughed that high giggly laugh of his, making me smile big.
Michael skipped over to Calum's car after he had said his goodbyes. "Use protection!" he shouted before closing the door and they started driving off. Ashton laughed again, causing me to roll my eyes.
"Shall we go then?" he asked as he had turned to look at me. I nodded and went over to the car, unlocking it and readjusting the seat so I could fit and sit comfortable as I drove.
"I never think about it that much, but you are short" I said as I had finally fixed the seat so it was pulled more back.
"Shut up, I'm like a few inches shorter than you" he mumbled. I laughed at him.
"Aw, the short, rich, little twenty year old is bummed out because his height"
"Do you want me to not give you your Christmas gift?" he grumbled at me. I laughed and leaned forward to give him a kiss on his jaw line.
"Sorry" he smirked and kissed his neck before leaning back on my own seat, starting the car. It started with a roar and we drove off.
"You haven't spent a fortune on it, right? Please tell me you haven't, you already invited me to this trip, that's enough" I sighed and glanced at him and then back to the road in front of me.
"Actually.." he started and I could feel the smirk on his face.
"Ashton" I spoke in a stern voice. He giggled and I got more irritated because I should probably be mad at him for thinking that he has bought me something way too expensive, but when he giggles every problem around me just vanishes. Curse him for being so fucking cute.
"You don't have to be worried, babe. You basically threatened to kill me if I bought something over 5 dollars, which by the way gives me nothing, so I actually didn't spend any money at all" he smiled, looking at me.
"Really?" I raised my eyebrows at him in question.
"Really" he chuckled, "I thought about something more sentimental, you know?"
I felt myself smile as I kept my gaze on the road. I couldn't stop my feelings growing for him even if I tried my hardest. Whatever he does makes my heart swell up twice its size and I was just so damn whipped.
"Sit down on the couch and I'll get you your gift" Ashton said and walked away to his room. I simply nodded to myself before walking over to the couch and lying down, feeling right at home.
I leaned my head back against a pillow and closed my eyes just for a bit. I took deep breaths and just felt myself relaxing.
"Wow, are you really falling asleep right now?" Ashton chuckled. I opened my eyes and looked at him. He walked over to me and lifted my legs to sit down and then put my legs back down, now letting them lean on his lap.
"No, I was just resting my eyes" I grinned. He smiled big while shaking his head. His dimples so visible, making my stomach do flips.
"Here you go, princess" he said and handed me a small shoe sized black box with silver ribbon clutching it shut. I took the box from him and sat up a bit, still having my legs in his lap. I looked at him with a bit hesitation showing but he nodded his head, smiling as he wanted me to open it.
I placed the box in my lap and undid the ribbons. I let them fall to the side as I grabbed the lid of the box and slowly lifted it. I looked down at the shirt lying in the box and I could feel my whole body burning up in pure love.
Inside the box was Ashton's pony shirt placed. The one he had on the first time we ever met. I remember how I had told him I like the shirt, and after our jinx-game he kind of owed it to me.
I smiled small to myself as I picked up the shirt, feeling the material and watching the ridiculous print.
"You didn't think I forgot did you?" he smiled as I looked up at him.
"You're so cheesy" I said and shook my head, a big smile spread on my face. He laughed, making that amazing sound and showing off his perfect dimples.
"I told you it was sentimental" he smirked. I looked at him and then back at the shirt. I brought it up to my face and smelled it, it smelled just like him, just the way I liked it.
"Why did you even put that on your mind?" I asked as I put down the shirt in my lap and looked at him. He caressed my clothed shins.
"I didn't put it on my mind, it's just stuck in my head as a memory. It was the first time we met, literally one of the first things you told me. It's worth to be remembered, right?" he spoke quietly, watching me intently while talking.
Things like this make my heart speed up to a dangerous speed. Things like this make me all warm inside. Things like this make me realize just how fucking hard I have fallen for this boy.
"What is it?" Ashton asked after a while of just silence. I had been watching him all this time, contemplating what to do with my feelings towards him.
"I-" I started but I cut myself off. I shifted in my seat and moved myself closer to Ashton so I was almost sitting on his lap now. I placed my arms around his neck and pulled us closer to each other. I placed my forehead on his, breathing out. Only silence surrounding us.
"You what?" Ash whispered out, his warm breath meeting my lips, making me bite my bottom lip. "Don't fucking do that Luke, you know what it does to me" Ashton groaned. He grabbed my chin with his fingers, directing my face away a bit so he could look at me.
He let his other hand grab my bottom lip and yank it away from the grip of my teeth. He held my lip as he slowly leaned forward and gripped my lip between his teeth instead. I immediately started breathing quicker.
He bit down a bit, making me whine. Not from pain though, but because I just want him, now. He let his teeth loosen its grip on my lips as he started sucking on it instead, quickly finding my piercing to play with. I let out a shaky quiet moan. He pulled away, still hovering over my lips as he spoke.
"We're alone in this soundproof apartment, don't be scared to let your pretty moans out babe" he whispered before letting his hands slide to my waist, then continuing lower to then cup my ass, pulling me up to I was straddling him. I let my hands wander up to his hair, combing through it before tightly gripping it, pulling so his head fell back, giving me access to his neck.
He watched every move I made with dark lustful eyes, humming slightly as I started kissing from his shoulder up to his jaw line. He kept his hands on my ass, squeezing when I did something to make him feel good.
I stopped kissing him to lean back and easily pull my shirt off. He grabbed my hips and pulled me back up so I was standing on my knees. He leaned forward to start kissing my stomach, just around my bellybutton. I gripped his hair again, biting my lips as he kissed down my barely visible happy trail.
He pulled away to grab the backsides of my thighs and lifted me up as he stood up from the couch. "Kiss my neck" he mumbled as he walked over to what I assumed was his bedroom. I did as I was told and kissed the other side of his neck while he brought me into a room. As he let me go and I landed on the unbelievably soft and big bed, I knew we were in Ashton's bedroom.
He took off his own shirt and discarded it on the floor. He crawled onto the bed, hovering over me and slowly leaning down to finally place his lips on mine again. They moved in sync as always. Starting out quite calm before escalating into a hot, needy one.
"Ride me" Ashton spoke into the kiss, making me pull him away for me just a bit so I could see his face. He was flushed and hot, breathing heavily and licking his lips.
"Really? Are you-" I started but he cut me off.
"Luke, just fúck me" he said and in no time I had my lips on his again, fumbling with the button of his jeans. As quickly as I had got him out of his pants, he started to take my pants off. As the struggle was finished, he was lying on top of me, only boxers covering our groins. He grabbed my hips and grinded down on me a few times before pulling down my boxers, discarding them to the side as well.
Ashton leaned forward to grab the bottle of lube and then pour some in his hand, covering up his fingers. He didn't say anything before he put two fingers inside of me, making me hiss a bit at the slight pain. It's been a few days since we have had sex.
He let his fingers work in and out of me, scissoring me and making me let out a shaky moan. He pulled out to quickly put in three fingers. He leaned down to kiss my chest, leaving vague marks around my collarbones.
He let his fingers go knuckle deep inside, making me moan out in pleasure. He leaned up, still having his fingers work in and out, and placed his lips on mine.
My mouth was already slightly opened as I took deep breaths between my moans. He took that as an opportunity to slide his tongue in, immediately getting a response from me as I started moving my tongue with his. He let his fingers go deeper and I gasped into the kiss before biting down on his bottom lip.
"Fúck Luke, I need you. Now" Ashton panted. I nodded and he grabbed my hips to flip us around, me now on top of him. I hooked my fingers in the waistband of his boxers and slowly pulled them down, earning a gasp from Ashton as his hard member sprung free.
I let his boxers fall to the side and had to bite my lip as I looked up to Ashton. He looked so fucking perfect lying there, breathing heavily. His chest worked up and down as his eyes were closed. His forehead had small pearls of sweat on it and his tan skin glistened.
"Luke" he breathed, opening his eyes to look at me. "Now" he whispered in a stern tone. I leaned down to kiss him before rolling to the side to grab a condom from the side. I took the corner in my mouth and ripped it open, throwing the trash to the side after pulling out the lubed-up condom.
I slowly rolled it on to his hard length, not missing the small quiet moan released from Ashton's lips. I leaned down and breathed against his now covered length, to then lick and kiss his balls, just wanting to hear Ashton let go of his beautiful moans. I started sucking quite carefully, but just a bit harder after a while, earning that moan I wanted from Ashton.
I leaned up after, satisfied that I had gotten the moan from Ash, and moved up so I was straddling him. He put his hands on my hips as I moved to grip his díck in my hand behind me. I looked at him as I slowly steered his díck to my hole, gasping when feeling his tip grace against it.
I slowly lowered myself down, feeling Ashton's eyes on me as I let my mouth fall open. I stopped as I had half of him in me sitting up and breathing loudly. Ashton slowly caressed my thighs, letting his hand grace the skin up and down, making me lift my head to look at him with dark and cloudy eyes. The lust and pleasure taking over when I saw him lying under me, all sweaty while looking at me, his bottom lip between his lips.
I slowly lowered myself more until I was now fully sitting on his hips, his whole length inside me. I moaned when I felt him fill me up, making Ashton moans from below me, gripping my things harder.
He let his hands slide up to my hips, holding them firmly. "Move, babe" he breathed and I did as I was told. I leaned forward to place my hands on his shoulders, stabilizing myself before moving myself up and down on his length.
"F-fúck" I stuttered, various small moans escaping as I kept moving myself up and down, increasing the speed. Ashton gripped my hips harder, probably going to leave bruises.
I leaned forward to place my lips on his, quickly starting a heated kiss as I kept grinding my hips on him, fúcking him gently. I moved my hands up to his hair and pulled at it. My mouth worked with his and the hips doing the same.
"You look so perfect" I panted as I stopped my hips' movements and pulled away from the kiss to look at him. "So fúcking perfect"
He studied my face as he took a grip of it as he pulled me down, kissing me passionately. "Please move, beautiful" he whined as I still sat still with his full length inside of me.
I sat up straight and took his hands off my face and placed them in my own hands, intertwining our fingers. He bent his elbows to I could lean on his hands as I started going up and down again, now on his whole length, going from tip to base. I moaned out as I let myself fall back on him, him doing the same.
I let myself bounce on him easily, sliding up and down and feeling everything around me blur as the sensational feeling was taking over. He curled his fingers, basically breaking my hands at the strength but I couldn't care less because the pleasure took over.
I kept bouncing and threw my head back in pleasure as I felt myself growing closer to my climax. Ashton seemed to notice because he grabbed my cóck in his hand, flicking his thumb over the head to smear out the precum. He slicked my member up and started pumping me as I kept going up and down on him.
I let out loud moans, barely even breathing as my climax grew closer and closer. Ashton quickened his pace on his wrist, flicking it fast as I let myself go up and fall down on him, hitting my prostate every time. In just seconds after, I came with a loud moan.
"Ash!" I said as I fell forward, letting myself rest on his chest, my face in the crook of his neck. I breathed heavily into his neck and I could feel him panting, still being inside of me and haven't reached his climax yet.
"Luke" he struggled to say, bending his knees to bury his heels in the mattress. I gasped loudly as he lifted his hips, starting to move himself in and out of me. I moaned out as I was on my high and he fúcked me hard, wanting to come. I dug my nails down on his chest as I felt myself clenching around his length, feeling way over my high.
Just a few moments after, he came into the condom and pulled out of me with an exhausted moan. I rolled off of him and curled up beside him, still having my face in the crook of his neck. He rolled to the side and curled an arm over my waist, pulling me as close as possible.
Our sweaty bodies stuck together and our still heavy breaths were the only thing heard in the big bedroom. I could feel his strong pulse working in his throat as I was buried in it.
"That was amazing. You're amazing" Ashton whispered after a while of silence. I smiled and quickly kissed his neck, nodding in agreement before slowly sitting up and stretching my limbs out.
I felt Ashton place his palm on my lower back, caressing lightly. "Where you going, beautiful?" he smiled at me. His long honey-curls damp at his forehead from the sweat and his hazel eyes slightly droopy from exhaustion.
"I'll take a shower, then we can eat because I'm starving" I said and stood up from the bed. He pulled me back and kissed me.
"I'll join you" he smiled making me smiled back and nod.
"I thought you said you knew how to cook?" Ashton chuckled as I coughed, waving my hand in front of me to get rid of the smoke from the burned chicken.
"I never told you that. I just told you I wanted to cook, that doesn't mean I can though" I coughed again and Ashton laughed.
He removed the pan from the stove and threw the burned chicken and started over again, doing it himself. "Go make some pasta instead" he chuckled, giving me a kiss on my cheek when he saw my pouting.
I started boiling the water and moved back to Ashton to curl my arms around his waist from behind , placing my chin on his shoulder. I smelled his newly showered hair and smiled, feeling so home.
"I'm so hungry" I whined in his ear, making him chuckle.
"Well, maybe you shouldn't have insisted to cook for me if you knew you'd fuck up" he chuckled, turning around in my arms.
"Oh, I'm sorry for trying to take care of you" I faked being offended and put one hand over my heart as the other one stayed around his waist.
"You already do, babe" he smiled before putting his lips on mine. I tried deepening it but he pulled away with a smirk. "If you're really as hungry as you're telling me, we should stop this so we don't fuck up the food a second time" he chuckled and I nodded, giving him a few pecks before turning to the boiling water to let the spaghetti fall in.
After a few minutes we were done and Ashton brought out plates. He walked over to his big fridge to pull out some salad and sauce for the meal. We sat down at the kitchen table and I immediately dug into the food, making Ashton chuckle at me.
"You excited for the trip?" he said before he let his fork go to his mouth, taking a bit of his food. I smiled and nodded.
"Yeah, so excited. Thank you so much for taking us, really" I said sincerely, looking him in the eyes. He smiled back, looking genially happy.
"It's nothing, I'm just happy you guys wanted to join me. That you yourself wanted to join me" he said in a quiet voice, the small smile still visible on his face.
"Of course," I smiled and put down my fork to place all my attention on him, "I'll take all the time I can get to be with you" I whispered and he gave me a fond look.
"I'm very lucky to have met you" he said, making me just look at him, feeling my cheeks tingle pink.
"Same here" I smiled shyly, going back to my food. He did the same and we just sat there, eating and smiling towards each other. He just made me fall for him more and more.
We had eaten up, me probably eating twice as much as him though. He laughed at that, making me blush slightly.
"So, you want dessert or something?" Ash asked as he stood up from his chair and walked over to the fridge again. I looked up to see his back turned to me. He was wearing a white muscle tee and grey sweatpants that was falling low on his hips. I almost had to grab the table to not jump on him and fúck him right there.
"Ohh" I heard him say. He grabbed something from the fridge and turned around with a big smirk. He showed me the can he held in his hand.
"If I knew I had this sooner we could have gotten really freaky earlier" he smirked, wiggling his eyebrows at me. I chuckled while looking at the strawberry tasted whip cream.
"Who said it's too late to get freaky now?" I asked before I could stop myself and Ashton cocked one eyebrow up, keeping the smirk.
"Really?" he grinned, slowly making his way towards me. When he was close in front of me, he stopped and opened the whip cream. He shook it a bit before spraying a bit on his finger. He slowly brought it up to his mouth, licking and sucking it off with a sexual moan.
My eyebrows raised and my díck twitched in my sweatpants. I gulped as he cleaned his finger from the sugary cream with his tongue, watching me with sensual eyes.
He took the cream again, grabbing my chin and held it in place as he sprayed on a thin stripe of the cream from my neck up to the side of my mouth. He put the can down on the table beside me before leaning in and slowly licking the stripe off my neck. My breath hitched as I felt his hot, smooth tongue on skin and shivered slightly.
He came up to my chin and soon to the side on my mouth, staying there to lick and suck the cream away. He soon pulled away with the same smirk as before. I looked at him as I picked up the can from beside me. I put the can on his lips and he was just about to open them when I shook my head.
"Keep your mouth closed" I whispered before spraying some cream on his lower lip. He struggled to not lick it off, but I took a hold of his face and leaned in, licking just a tip of the cream without touching his lips. I swallowed the cream, enjoying the taste before leaning down again to lick away all the cream with my whole tongue.
As the cream was gone I started sucking on his lip to get the last of the taste in my mouth. Ashton moaned and I pulled away with a smirk of my own.
"Let's get to real work with this" he whispered and took the can from my hand. I gave him a questioning look but he ignored it. He pulled the string on my sweats, making them hang loose and fall down a bit, only my boner helping them stay up at this point. Ashton looked down and grinned as he saw what he was doing to me. He helped my sweats to fall down and land on my feet before I stepped out of them.
"Lay down on the table" Ashton ordered and I did as I was told after moving the plates and glasses away a bit. He hooked his fingers in my boxers and pulled them off so I could spread my legs, making him stand between them.
He pumped my length, hardening a bit more before taking the whip cream and sprayed some on the pink head of my díck. I gasped at the cold cream hitting my hard member but moaned out as fast as Ashton's tongue started licking it. He leaned down to take the head in his mouth, sucking to get every flavor.
He pulled back with a popping sound and sprayed cream on my whole length, from base to tip. He licked the underside of my cóck that was covered in strawberry whip cream, making me let out a strangled, shaky moan.
"Fúck, Ash" I hissed as he covered almost my whole díck in the cold dessert. He didn't waste any time as he went down, taking my díck inch by inch. I looked down at the boy below me, seeing how the whip cream smeared out on the sides of his mouth as he went down even further.
I was scared that he would choke while having me and a big amount of whip cream down his throat, but he made it look like he had no problems at all. His eyes were closed as he took in me fully in his mouth.
He slowly went up as I felt his tongue laying flat on the underside of my cóck. He hummed around me, making me moan. He went up to take a quick breath before going down again, trying to get every little inch of the cream away from me. The cream was now a white, runny sauce as the heat had made it melt.
He went up and down, hollowing his cheeks to savor the taste to the fullest. Feeling him around me made me harder and harder. He went up and stayed around my head, licking and swirling his tongue around. I bucked my hips up to feel more of him, but he held me down and kept sucking on my tip.
He pulled away to cover my tip with cream again. It started to melt right away as my tip was now swollen and warm, leaking of precum. He leaned down to take my tip in his mouth again. He put one hand on my base, slowly pumping me while still letting his tongue swirl and flick my tip.
"A-Ash, fúck. I-I'm so close" I moaned as he let his hand move up and down on my length in a quicker pace. He pulled his mouth away from my cóck as he let his hand quicken even more.
"Come for me, babe" he said in a deep raspy voice, probably sore from the blowjob. He flicked his wrist a few times before I came in his hand and some spurted on his cheek.
I lifted myself to sit up and look at him. He still had some whip cream on the sides of his mouth and a bit of come on his cheek. I took a mental picture and saving it before gripping his chin with my thumb and pointer, keeping him in place. I went to his cheek, slowly licking the come off, tasting myself. As I had cleaned his cheek, I slowly went down to his lips, licking both sides of his mouth clean. The sweet taste from the cream taking over my mouth.
I breathed against his lips and took in his face as good as I could as I was so close, almost making me have to look at him cross-eyed. I moved my hands up to his hair before placing my lips on his.
I tilted my head to the side to deepen the kiss and Ashton gave in right away. He sighed into the kiss and let his tongue caress mine. I could taste the sweet strawberry flavor and I kissed him harder to get even more of the enjoyable taste in my own mouth. He pulled away after a while, smiling big at me.
"As much as I'd like to do this all night, I still have a hand full of sperm and I just feel like I should clean this off" he chuckled and I looked down to see his hand closed in an awkward way, trying not to spill out my own spill. I felt my cheeks going red and I lowered my head to hide my face in the crook of his neck.
He started to laugh, making me smile a bit through my embarrassed state. I lifted my head and he pecked my lips before smiling big.
"I'll go clean myself off" he chuckled and I nodded with pink cheek.
"I'll.. clean up here" I said and turned around to watch at the now messy table. I stood awkwardly while he chuckled.
"You," he started and looked at me fondly as he backed away towards the exit of the kitchen, "you are just- I-" he stuttered. "I don't know, I have no words for you, you are just that amazing" he smiled before walking out of the kitchen and disappearing down the big living room and then the hall.
I sighed and stared into the empty room he just passed. I slumped and brought my hands up to my face, running them up and down in frustration.
"Fuck, Ash. I love you so much" I whispered through the empty kitchen.
- - -
I'm failing 4 out of 6 classes. I'll never be able to graduate, sigH.
Btw, I'm seeing 5sos soon, and a month after that I'm seeing 1D, and a month after that I'm seeing ADTR and ATL and a few months after that I'm seeing Nickelback. I'm going on about 6 concerts and 2 music festivals this year, lol yay for 2015.
Keep commenting and voting pls, bc ily
(wattpads new update ???)
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