Chapter I
Otis sat in a cramped space in the attic. His father was beating around downstairs, shouting for poor Otis and his mother so that Otis's father could do unspeakable things to them. He covered his mouth, trying not to make a sound. He heard his mother scream and bit down on his wrist to keep from whimpering. His father was a monster. He heard a sharp POP! He started crying as his mother's dying moans were heard. The 34-year-old tried to sob quietly as his father sharply bumped around downstairs.
*Flashback Ends*
Otis sat inside the flat of 221B Baker St. as he was drinking his daily, morning tea. He whimpered at the flashback of just a few months ago, when he was staying at his parents' house. Thankfully, Otis's older brother, John, had come to the rescue when he'd hadn't heard anything from Otis for a good week. John had walked in and seen his and Otis's father beating their mother. After that, John had found Otis and made sure he'd had a decent place to stay where there were no beatings every hour or so.
He started having a panic attack from the horrid memories. He dropped his cup of tea; the hot liquid spilling across the carpet, staining the maroon color a dark brown. He fell to his knees and sobbed, screaming, "NO! NO!" He backed into the corner, covering his ears.
Sherlock stomped in, "What is it now, you pathetic boy!?" He snapped, glaring. Otis had ruined Sherlock's time in his mind palace. "What happened now!? Your father is not here! When will you understand that!?" He growled. "That's it. You can't live here anymore. I'm taking you to John's." He grabbed all of Otis's belongings—which wasn't much—and threw them into a small cardboard box. He whistled for a cab for Otis and threw the box inside, along with Otis. He paid the cabbie and told him where to go, paying him as well.
Once Otis arrived at John's house, he slowly got out, grabbing his belongings as he did so, and walking up to the step. He rang the doorbell, waiting patiently for someone to answer the door.
John opened the door. "Ah, hello, Otis." He smiled, "What brings you here?"
Otis ducked his head sheepishly, "Got kicked out...." his ears turned pink. "Got too loud...." he mumbled.
John nodded. "So you need a place to stay?"
Otis slowly nodded.
John sighed and let his younger brother in. "Let me go talk with Kenny about this. The children are upstairs if you would like to see them." He said and left Otis in the living room, so John could go talk to Kenny about Otis's living arrangements.
Otis sat with his cardboard box on the couch. He looked at his watch. It was almost noon. Hopefully, his brother would be making lunch soon. Otis was starving.
John walked into the kitchen to talk to Kenny. He smiled at his husband cooking lunch. He walked up behind Kenny and wrapped his arms around Kenny's waist. He nuzzled the taller man's back. "Otis is here, love. He needs a place to stay and I told him we'd open up our home to him."
Kenny nodded, stirring his stew. "Okay. But I don't want him freeloading. Since he can't get a job, he'll do some chores around here."
John nodded. "Okay, baby." He kissed his husband and walked back to the living room. "C'mon, Otis. I'll show you to your room."
Otis smiled and followed, going up to the spare room John and Kenny had. He sat his box down in the corner and smiled up at his older brother. He hugged John. "Thank you, Johnny."
John nodded and smiled a bit. "Anytime." He went to the cupboard and brought out sheets and a comforter. He made the bed, sitting down on it. "Now, Kenny and I expect you to do some chores around the house, because we don't want you freeloading."
Otis nodded. He understood. "Sweeping, dusting, laundry, not vacuuming, too loud, and ooh! Baking?" He smiled, his eyes sparkling from excitement.
John nodded. "That would help quite a lot in all honesty." He said, standing up. John started to walk out. "You can put your belongings up neatly, while Kenny and I prepare for lunch, okay?"
Otis nodded, starting to unpack. Soon, Otis was called down for lunch. He walked downstairs and sat beside John, which was normally Kenny's seat.
Kenny started to say something to Otis about the assigned seat, but noticed John giving him a 'Just-let-him-sit-by-me' kind of look. Kenny sighed and let the matter drop as he got a plate and went to go sit in the living room, away from the family.
To say Otis ate like a pig was an understatement. The poor grown man had gotten five helpings of lunch total, leaving hardly any scraps for anyone else.
Kenny sighed again. "Okay, chore list for the week is up. After we have all cleaned the kitchen up, kids, you can go get started on your chores for the day. Once you've finished, you're free to go about your day as normal." He thought back about what he had said and nodded, going to wash dishes.
//little-spark -spark I hope you enjoy!
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