Chapter 19
"Cmon, follow me, darling." Lily said me led Aster to a certain area. As Aster followed the mother of his best friend, he noticed all the trolls smiling, hugging, dancing their little feet off and enjoying the sunny day. Aster smiled at the sight, especially seeing 5 year old Lake enjoying the sights. Wow, she really is kinda like Poppy, just more of a chocolate lover than a cupcakes and rainbow lover. Aster watched as the mother entered a small little garden filled with plants, flowers, trees, and beautiful sights of rivers and lakes. Lily smiled and turned to him. "Welcome. This is the Fiji Garden. Where we plant and crop plants, flowers, even some vegetables and berries."
"This is amazing, but... why am I here again?" Aster said, raising an eyebrow and lifting his shoulders, tilting his head so. Lily giggled and turned to him, holding a big bright smile as she chuckled. "Aster, I see a bright future in you. Your destiny may involve Lake, and Fiji Village."
'Fiji Village'? 'Lake'? What does she mean? What's she talking about? Were all in Aster's confused and struggling mind. Lily chuckled and held his shoulders, looking into his eyes and smiling. "Trust me. You'll be fine."
"Aster!" yelled a familiar troll who startled Aster and quickly sat up, panting as he looked around, examining where he was. He was in his pod, on his bed, and right in front of him was Lake who practically woke him up, her arms crossed in front of her chest as she was tapping her foot rhythmically against the floor, her face full of anger and impatience."Well?"
"Uhh... what-... happened?" Aster asked, fixing himself up as he lifted his feet up, putting it in a cross position and most likely to sit up, to see the blue troll better. Lake sighed and slapped her forehead, before removing it and looking into Aster. Lake groaned, crossing her arms and rolling her eyes. "You fell asleep. Obviously. I mean, it was a DEEP sleep and I can barely wake you up!"
"I see... was I mumbling words in my sleep?" He asked, begging that he wasn't. Lake chuckled and shook her head. "Apparently, not. It would be quite hilarious though. I would've gotten a camera to video the entire thing."
"Haha, very funny." He rolled his eyes, smiling widely as he stood up from his bed. Lake snickered, just imagining that scenario if it would happen. Aster sighed, he wish he would tell Lake about her mother, but he can't. It was risky, but it would be worth to see Lake's ecstatic face. Aster just then realized something, looking at Lake with a raised brow. "Why are you here anyway?"
"Oh! Because apparently it's your birthday!" Lake literally screamed, throwing confetti at him as he just froze in shock. Lake furrowed her eyebrows, snapping her fingers in front of his eyes as he blinked. "Wha-what? You're saying... it's my birthday and I didn't even know?!"
"Mhm" Lake nodded, pursing her lips as she smiled brightly. Aster groaned, falling to his back, almost hitting his own head in a painful way. Lake giggled, checking him out as she grabbed his arm, attempting to carry him up. "Cmon Aster! We have to plan your party!"
"Fineeeee..." he groaned, attempting himself to get up while having his arm clinging on to Lake, who was giving a goofy smile. He smiled back at her, getting up properly as they walked out of Aster's pod.
Hey guys! Thought I wasn't gonna write this book huh? Heck naw! I love this story, I was just in writer's block XD but hopefully you liked this chapter, bye guys!💕❤️🌺🌸💝💝💞
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