Chapter 12
It was the darkest of night, everyone from the village was in slumber as starts were shining bright in the night sky. It was rather cold and windy, making the leaves ruffle and dance, and it was quite beautiful. And right there, stood Troll Plum College, fitting in with the pods. Aster stepped out of us dorm room, quietly making sure no one heard him, then right behind him was Lily who whispered and asked the grayish blue troll. "Um... Aster? What are we doing here?"
"The staff or teachers recorded everything about every single student. And I need to erase my records on Lake. Or... everything. I've been failing class..." he sighed, while Lily patted his back and whispered. "You just need to study more, Aster."
"-And we're off." Aster left, leaving Lily in the dust. Lily slapped her forehead and silently followed him. Aster pulled out a flashlight and looked for the principal's office, searching rooms from door to door. And when he finally found it, it was locked. Of course, it's the principal's office, you idiot! Of course it's gonna be locked!
Aster held his chin and started brainstorming, trying to think of a way to get inside without damaging the doors. He glanced around, and saw a hair clip from Lily's hair, he held out his hand to her, while Lily got confused and blushed a little. "Um... Aster? What are you doing?"
"I need your hair clip." He replied, without looking back at her as Lily stammered and reached out for the clip in her hair and handed it to Aster, laying it on his palm. Aster thanked her and inserted the clip inside the small slot in the doorknob, trying to use it as a key. He finally heard a click and a smile showed on his slightly happy face. He slowly opened the door, carefully trying not to alert anyone, and saw the room was dark and the lights were off. Perfect. All I need to do is turn on the lights-
Right as he reached for the light switch, the lights already turned on and someone was behind the hair that was facing the other way, Aster and Lily were sure that, that person was the principal, just ready to give them a punishment or a long detention. But as the chair spun around, right there sat Lake, she smirked, but then smiled. "Hi Aster!"
"Lake?" Aster cocked a brow, of course, having a shocked and scared look after seeing her smile. Lake nodded and stood up in front of the office desk, holding her slim waist. "I'll say, you are quite good with doorknob picking. Congrats!"
"Wait... does this mean we're not in trouble?" Aster asked, and tilted his head, Lake bursted onto laughed and hugged her stomach, laughing quite loudly. "That is a funny joke! And yes, of course you're in trouble. Breaking into the principal's office is bad enough!"
"B-But how did you know we were here?" Aster asked, getting more nervous the longer he was talking with his tutor, and it seemed like he was talking to the principal. Lake giggled and sat back down on the chair, leaning against it and relaxed. "Lily told me."
"LILY?!" The grayish blue troll turned to the other troll, Lily sighed and nodded. "Sorry Aster, what we are doing is wrong."
"How long have you been waiting here?!" Aster asked Lake as the blue female troll giggled and held up a chocolate bar. "After Lily told me this morning, I had a small talk with the principal, he let me stay here for the night and lended me a small pack of chocolate bars. Aster, it's time we have a talk now..."
Woo a cliffhanger!!! Enjoy the cliffhanger people! Yay!!! I'm just kidding, you won't enjoy it for long... OR WILL YOU?!
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