Patrick Hockstetter #1
Hehe, what a man. (;
You and Patrick was walking to school together holding hands. A night before that, he ate a big meal without using the bathroom after words. You blushed as you kissed his cheek, while he smirked. He felt his stomach rumble as his eyes twitched. "Ah baby, I'm getting cramps!" He yelled out. "Aw, my poor sweet angel.." You smirked feeling a tad bit turned on. "Here daddy, let me help you!" You took your right hand and rubbed his stomach. "Ahh.. that feels great babes." He pushes a little bit as a silent fart passes through him. He sighed in relief, as the cramp passed due to him passing gas. "That felt so good babe, thanks!" He kisses your cheek and you blushed and wrapped your arms around him. He held your hand to the rest of the school.
*During class*
Patrick was feeling gassier than ever! He occasionally let out some silent farts for relief. His stomach was rumbling and bubbling. He looked at his beautiful girlfriend, Y/N. Glaring at her boobs trying to distract himself. He instantly got a boner which made things even worse! He suddenly felt a familiar feeling in his stomach.. it was coming up. He tried to make his burp as silent as possible.. that sure didn't work for him. "Buuuurrrrrrrrrrrappppp" He burped quite loudly. The classroom went silent before bursting out in laughter. The teacher just shook her head and didn't even bother to silence the class. Patrick wasn't even embarrassed at the moment. He sighed in relief and smirked. Y/N giggled a little at his burp. She thought it was adorable!
*After Class*
Y/N and Patrick was walking home from school while talking. "Damn, I burped really loud!" "You sure did baby! I'm kinda proud." Patrick smirked and leaned to kiss her. She kissed him while grabbing his fat butt. Which was a mistake.. Patrick gasped and farted. "Brfffpt" "Holy fuck Patrick, you sure are gassy today!" "I know babe, I need to let it all out. Do you mind, Y/N?" "Not at all cutie pie! Let it all out, don't be embarrassed." Patrick licked his lips and said, "damn, how'd I get so lucky? I have the best girl in this damn fucking planet." Y/N smirked, and rubbed his stomach some more. He burped pretty damn loud this time. "Ah, that's the spot.." Patrick moaned out.
*At his house*
His parents wasn't home, so that gave you two the entire house to your selves. You two went to his room and sat down on his bed. "I love you Pat, so much." He chuckled. "Of course you do. Who doesn't?" You rolled your eyes and chuckled. "Ah, fuck! I'm cramping again, GODDAMN FUCK!" You pushed him gently backwards on his bed so he's laying down. You climbed up in between the space where his legs are. "Here, baby. Let me give you a massage." You lifted his Tom & Jerry shirt up showing half of his stomach. It looked a little bloated to be honest. You kissed his stomach then gave it a rub. He closed his eyes as you rubbed his belly. "This.. feels.. fucking incredible." Patrick knew about your little kink and fetish. It was no secret too him. You found it incredibly sexy that your boyfriend was gassy and bloated. You couldn't help it but feel wet.. "pffffrrrrvb" "Ohhhh, damn, fuck! That was wet, that was real wet! I may need to check my underwear.." you giggled at him. "I can do that for you, y'know? Let me take care of you, baby boy." He shrugged and smiled. "Alright babe. My jeans are a little tight. I'm getting a wedgie, if we're being honest here. Can you take my jeans off, please?" "Of course I can, love." Without another word, you pulled his black combat boots off first, then unbuttoned his jeans, folded them, and placed them back in his draw. You stared at him. He was just in his Tom & Jerry shirt with his black underwear. He caught you staring! "Hellooo? Earth to Y/N? My face and stomach are up here, princess." "Oh, uh, uh, yeah, yea, yes. I know."
Part 2 coming soon (;
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