Nicole was made of icy glares and a sharp tongue. She was sheer cold. Carrying her sins like a cape and hiding her wounds deep inside. She knew she was not the most damaged person in the world, but it sure felt like it. People's pity wasn't welcome, so she rose from her own ashes with a new stone mask to face them.
What if they didn't appreciate her? They didn't matter. All she needed would not abandon her.
She served table after table, client after client. She liked the morning shift, the calm before the more crowded hours. Some came for caffeine on their way to work, others sat down for a simple breakfast, requesting a book from the immense shelves separating areas from the coffee place.
The silver clock ticked against the coffee coloured walls, a soft sound one could only hear at this hour of the day, before too much voices broke the blissful silence. One glance and she knew it was time to leave.
Nicole dropped the now empty tray with Lúcia, another waitress, in the same white shirt and red apron, who would cover the shift until noon, and disappeared behind the staff's door. Smoke invaded her lungs at once, but she fought the will to cough. She opened the window and took a deep breath of fresh air before taking her things out of the tall, green locker.
"It's your shift now," she said, stripping off the shirt and tossing it inside the locker. "You shouldn't leave Lúcia all alone."
"I'll be there in a sec."
Laying on a bench in the middle of the room was a short-haired brunette with thick black glasses savouring a cigarette. Blowing out the smoke, she looked at Nicole, a cigar between two tattooed fingers. She looked like an angel fallen from Heaven. Sadly, she was the incarnation of the devil.
"Why do you keep filling in for other people when they skip their shifts? You're gaining nothing with it,"
Nicole shrugged. "I'm gaining favours."
"You're not, because you never skip work. I wouldn't do the morning shift even if they paid me a million euros and a trip to Indonesia."
Nicole smiled a little. She dressed in a black shirt and pulled the hair tie from the top of her head, letting the ponytail undo itself.
"I don't want to ruin your morning, but you're aware that you do the morning shift, right, Jenny? And for a terrible paycheck."
"Details. The point is, you're working like a slave, you might as well get a better pay for it."
The ticking was loud even inside the room. Laughter and chatting seemed far away. Only the bang of the locker's door ruined the beautiful sound she had grown used to.
"I don't mind."
Jenny stared at her as she threw a bag on her right shoulder. Maybe they had both failed at life, but she liked to believe Nicole, in all her determination and passion, could still succeed.
"Nicky, you're the kindest bitch I know. You just have a terrible taste for friends."
A small smile played on her red stained lips at the criticism. Although great counsellor in times of need, Jenny was so uninvolved with herself it was ironic. It was one of those situations - do what I say, don't do what I do.
"That only means you have a terrible taste in men."
"I do. We've been over this."
She shook her head and waved her goodbye, going back to the slowed confusion of the cafe. Through the glass door she could see incomings, but it wasn't her place to worry about it anymore.
"Cappuccino for my favourite coworker" Lúcia gave her a paper cup as per usual.
"Thank you."
She took a small sip and walked up to the double doors, ones that opened before she could reach the handle, and a dark-haired boy stepped aside to let her out.
Nicole passed by him with an almost nonexisting appreciation smile and turned right, away from him, ready to walk to school. The guy stared at her back for a second before letting go of the door and catching up with her.
"Hey! You're in one of my classes, aren't you?"
She stopped and turned to him. Her eyes scanned his face, his dark green eyes and thin lips, his high cheekbones and long lashes. He was good-looking in a boyish way, or maybe it was just the haircut.
"I don't think so."
"I'm pretty sure you are."
"You're wrong," she finished and turned around, walking away.
Andrew blinked, staring at her before jogging a little to be by her side again, matching her quick steps.
"Well, I'm going with you, anyway. I have classes to attend."
She rolled her eyes.
"Weren't you going to the cafe?"
"I was, but I rather escort you now."
"I don't need an escort."
Nicole was getting annoyed by him. Her morning walk was her sacred moment of peace and he was seriously messing it up.
"Of course you do. It's a large city full of disgusting men who'd love to put their hands on such a pretty girl."
She turned to face him one more time and as her blue eyes locked with his; he remembered where did he know her from. A week had gone by, but the image was still carved into his mind.
"Is that a threat?"
"I'm just trying to be nice?"
"I would prefer if you disappeared."
She sure is mean, he thought, displeased.
Under the sunlight, she didn't look so frightening. She was just a small girl thinking herself big, and that wasn't scary at all. He thought it was quite amusing.
"I gave your pencil to your friend," he noted as she kept walking away. "Did it get back to you?"
"Yes, it did."
It wasn't just the dismissive words and insensitive behaviour; it was the way she carried the conversation, in that dry tone and nonchalant way, that bothered him. Had he not known she was friends with Alice, he would have stopped trying.
"I'm having a date with your friend tonight. Alice. Any advice?"
"Yes. Don't go."
He rose an eyebrow, trying to face her as they turned a left and could see the campus.
"But that would be just rude. Come on, tell me you're better at dating than that."
Nicole didn't respond, genuinely upset by the boy.
Why does he talk so much? She thought bitterly. How annoying!
"I want to cause a good impression. Can't you give me any tips?"
She sighed. "If I do, will you shut up?"
"Am I so awful to listen to?"
He was not. Nicole thought his voice was quite delightful, there was a hint of a foreign accent she couldn't recognise. The problem was what he was talking about. It was as if he was trying to be irritating on purpose. Maybe he was.
"Fine," he said when she didn't reply. "Tell me and I'll be quiet."
Few seconds passed, and she was still silent, only the sound of her heels clicking against the concrete between them. He thought she had given up telling him whatever.
"Anything cute or cliché. She likes that stuff. I suggest flowers and chocolate. Maybe a stroll in a vintage carriage wouldn't be a bad idea."
"Alright... I'll have that in mind. I'm Andrew, by the way."
"This would be the part when you shut up."
He smiled. She is a bitch and I love it!.
It didn't take long for them to reach the stone building and head to class, the only they had together. He hadn't seen her on Thursday, the second day of the week they had that class, and one empty seat stayed between him and Alice. Only Alice was interested in having French. Nicole had been dragged by force to support her friend.
A sea of students was already inside the classroom when the two of them arrived, and Alice was already on her seat in the back row, waving at them with a dimply smile.
"Let Andrew sit by me," she pouted once Nicole was near enough to hear her.
The blonde rolled her eyes but complied, much to Andrew's surprise once he saw her on his previous sit. He furrowed his brows in questioning, not having heard Alice's request, and wondered if maybe the two girls were arguing.
He took his place between them and greeted Alice with a small smile.
"I see you've met Nicole. Was she nice to you?" the girl asked, glancing at her friend, who was sipping on her now cold cappuccino and ignoring them altogether.
"Yeah, she was. Why wouldn't she be?"
Alice shrug "No reason. She just has a hard time socialising with strangers, particularly men."
He glanced at the girl, who took her notebook out, ready for class to start. She rose a perfectly designed eyebrow at him and when she got no reaction, resumed to look at her notes.
"She was cool," he assured "We were talking about you."
Alice straightened herself in her chair, studying his face.
"For real? What did she say about me?"
"That I better treat you like a gentleman or she'll kick my ass."
She started laughing. "Sounds like something she'd say."
Several tedious hours later, when the class was over, Nicole didn't run away like last time. She put her stuff back inside her bag and threw it over her shoulder, walking down the stairs slowly so they didn't need to catch up to her. Not that Andrew was trying, but Alice wanted to keep talking to her friend.
"Where are you going now?" she asked.
Nicole stretched her arms above her head and yawned, as if class was after all just a long nap she got to enjoy.
"Got stuff planned with Miguel," she said, throwing her empty paper cup into the bin next to the door.
Of course you do, Alice thought.
And just as the three of them crossed the door, they saw him.
Bloody knuckles and wicked smiles were all she knew of Miguel. Although Nicole and he were skin tight, Alice knew little of the troublesome friend. The story of how he met Nicole was notorious and only added to his manwhore reputation. She wasn't sure if she should pity the girls who fell for his trap, or if there even was a trap at all. To her, he was friendly and a nice person, worth knowing. How much of that was a lie, though?
"Good morning, pretty girls," a smirk played on his lips, "and boy."
Mmm, I'm a pretty boy now. Cool.
"Good morning, Miguel," Alice nodded. She wasn't much at ease with him.
"Morning, asshole." Nicole rubbed her eyes, leaning against the wall he was resting on.
As he figured he was the one missing, Andrew waved at him with a short "Hey!"
"Do I know you?" Miguel rose a brow. His confident posture was like Nicole, which was odd for someone shorter than the girl, or maybe it was just her heels.
Before he could present himself properly, the blonde sighed, making them all look at her. Alice had to roll her eyes. Though in love with being alone, Nicole sure knew how to call everyone's attention. Not to talk about the drama when she felt like doing a scandal.
"He doesn't matter. Can we go now?"
Miguel snickered, but agreed.
"See you later, guys."
"Bye," Alice said, before turning to Andrew. "Shall we go to class?"
"Yes, we shall."
"Would you stop walking back and forth?" Isabel complained from the sofa, "I'm trying to watch the Kardashians."
Alice didn't comply, wandering through the small room, twisting her fingers.
"Do you think I look pretty?" she stopped for a mere moment.
Exasperated, Isabel's brown eyes peaked from behind the sofa, staring her outfit up and down. Her sister had always been given to the art of being mildly eccentric, so there was surprise colouring her eyes as she saw the blue dress matching her hair styled in braids around her head. She was expecting some baggy shirt and worn off jeans, not a fancy dress tight just in the right places, leaving enough space to wonder.
"The makeup is a bit... edgy... don't you think?"
Alice's hands shot to her face, cupping her own cheeks in an almost cute manner.
"Do you think I exaggerated?"
"No, no, I..." she tried to soothe her panic once she noticed how much of a big deal it was. "I just think you could've worn a lighter eyeshadow. But you look pretty, you look beautiful."
Why is she being so nice? Alice questioned herself, but didn't question her older sister, knowing it was better not to poke the beast.
The bell rang, and Alice almost had a heart attack with it. Instead of opening the door, she walked away, straight to the kitchen, and grabbed a glass from a cabinet.
"What are you doing?" Isabel tried to look at her from the sofa. "I always have to do everything."
She got up and opened the door, staring at the young boy on the other side. She stared him up and down shamelessly, judging.
"You don't look like a man."
Andrew rose a brow, dropping the bouquet by his side.
"Excuse me?" he looked her up and down for good measure. "Well, you don't look like Ali at all."
"I'm here!" she yelled, and ran straight to the door, pushing her sister to the side. "Hey. Are you ready?"
Isabel went back to the living room muttering curse words about ungrateful sisters.
"I am. You look stunning, by the way."
Alice giggled and took the flower bouquet from his hands, leaving it with her sister. She grabbed the arm he offered her, waving her sister goodbye before closing the door. With an embarrassed smile on her lips, she avoided looking at him so he wouldn't notice she was red as a tomato.
Andrew took her to his car, feeling way more calm than Alice. The giddy feeling taking over her wasn't foreign to him, but she seemed like such an understanding and kind person he wasn't afraid to mess it up. He felt a confidence he wasn't very acquainted to.
Although girls had never been much of a mystery to him, dating was. Or at least the idea of a serious relationship. Still, Alice didn't feel like one of those crazy women ready to trap him within her claws like some he knew. Some homey thing about her didn't make him tense. She reminded him of someone he met long before, in a different life.
"This is fancy," Alice mentioned as they entered the first restaurant Google had suggested when Andrew looked it up.
She sure likes that word. He thought, unable to see how the restaurant crowded with tables was fancy.
He shook it off, aware that most people's notion of fancy was a huge downgrade from his own.
The waiter checked his name on the reservations and took them to a small table by the window, close to the crustacea tank.
Alice sat down on the metal chair Andrew had drawn for her, trying not to look like an inexperienced teenager. It was hard with all the nice things he was doing and no one else had ever bothered to do.
They ordered their food, and looked at each other, a staring game waiting for one of them to break the silence. Alice was the first to falter under his intense gaze.
"So, I never got to ask you, what is a guy from the city who never sleeps doing in this end of the world?"
He swallowed dry, knowing he wasn't ready to disclose his motives.
"Exploring," he shrugged, "And this isn't the end of the world. It's pretty nice, actually. I used to spend summers here with my family."
"That must be so cool! Travelling, I mean. I never got out of here. My parents were always fighting, never able to be at peace for long enough for us to travel. Then my father left and my mum got depressed and wouldn't leave the house, no matter what. But Isabel, my sister, started doing everything she wanted when she hit eighteen so she's seen the entire country and around."
Andrew blinked and just stared at her for a second. What was he supposed to answer to that? He had just learned a very important part of her life within the first half an hour of the date, and he wasn't sure what to do with it.
"Is Isabel the girl who opened the door for me?" he tried to not sound very awkward, focusing on the less trauma related part of her speech.
"Yeah. I moved in with her last year when I first came to university. I don't think she enjoys having me here that much. Her last housemate was never around, so she always had her boyfriend over. Now she still brings him whenever, but it's always awkward. I try to be away because of that."
"Sounds like you have a terrible roommate." He joked.
"Right?" she complained. "I've been trying to get Nicole to move in with me for ages, but I missed my shot when I had it. Now she's happily married with her new roommate and they don't invite me to their slumber parties."
Maybe it was for the best, he imagine getting in a pillow fight with Nicole could only leave a scare. He cleared his throat and thanked any higher being above for the waiter, who interrupted and brought the food over.
"What about you?" Alice asked when the waiter left, executing a potato with her fork. "Do you have roommates?"
He shook his head, chewing his food.
"How come? Almost everyone I know is sharing a house with at least one person."
"I just moved into the old family holiday house."
"So you have a house all to yourself? That is so cool."
"It is if you don't have to clean it all."
Alice laughed, thinking about him cleaning the house. She thought he was joking, but the idea of him cleaning was funny.
"Isabel hates cleaning so bad she has a job just to pay someone to clean the place."
"That's dedication," he said.
Andrew had just got hired too, but his job could be done from any place with decent Wi-Fi.
"I should get a job too, but I feel like I'm too immersed in my studies. Do you get me?"
He nodded. "Yeah, I know what you mean. But sometimes we just need to do both."
Andrew swallowed, knowing he wasn't sure what the future was holding for him.
Hey, guys!
Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoy it. Sorry if chapter 1 was so long, I hope it wasn't so boring. I promise the next chapters won't reach the 3000 words.
So we got to know more of the characters from the prologue, there was a lot of stuff happening. The next chapters will introduce some other characters since this book won't be so focused on one specific couple but in different characters.
I know Nicole seems like a bitch but bear with me for a little more to see a complete other side of her.
I'll try to make Mondays the updating day.
Lots of love xx
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