Chapter 9
I didn't even cry properly when I felt a hand on my shoulder. Threaten, that they will hurt my father further. I convinced myself to stand up and fight so I could get my father to the hospital.
I clung to the hand of the person before standing up and forcefully twisting it till I heard a cry from the man and a little crack of the bone and finally pushing him to the floor from where he wouldn't bother me anymore. The rage I was feeling was more than my pain.
I shook my hand when I felt the blazing pain on my wrist from the cut I got from the cuffs while struggling against them. I do not remember who uncuffed me as I was wholly concentrated on saving my father.
The weakness I collected from this place within just two weeks was long forgotten but the fury I felt was far greater than any weakness or torture.
My father laid still on the greasy floor, burning the very core of my heart. His expensive suit now collected stains of the dirt that I collected from this place too but did not mind as much as I minded as he never once complained while sleeping out of tiredness.
My distracted mind failed to register hands touching my arms and shoulders, holding them tightly, preventing me from moving and trying to control me. I noticed two same men who came with Giovanni, restraining me from moving further.
I wrestled. Their willingness to not let me walk freely and held me captive till they finally got rid of me was weaker than my passion for freedom while fighting for my father's life.
I was being dragged and I pressured my biceps to hold me in place while pushing my chest in the opposite direction from where they were intending to take me.
I risked a glance at their intended place to hold me and it was again the same wooden chair which held me for more than two weeks. I despised that piece of scrap with every ounce of my blood and being bound to that scrap means sacrificing my freedom till my death.
I deliberately bent my knees and sat down but they realized seconds later about my protest and scratched my butt involuntarily while dragging me further.
I tried to get up again, trying to free my arms from the rough four hands but them being more burly than me, forced me on my feet. I yelp at their pressure on my shoulder.
By twisting and turning many times against their hold, becoming uncontrollable; I managed to free my right hand. With a sudden rush of excitement, I swiftly turned around and kicked the guy who was holding my right arm in his abdomen.
He clasped his stomach and pushed himself back while making a sour face. I tightened my knuckles and punched right on the nose of the other guy who was holding my left arm before he even could blink, busying him with the sudden pain.
I collected a new wound on my knuckles by hitting him so hard. I regretted for a millisecond as I looked at his painful face but quickly remembered that he would have done the same if he was me.
And they never cared about my injuries when they beat me to death the other day. I needed to stop being a softie.
At least I am not killing him!!
Eight men stood in a circle surrounding me, including the men I recently injured and Brown. Excluding my father who laid on the floor motionless.
I immediately started breathing heavily. Three more men started approaching me from the corner of the room, thinking they could tame the wild beast. They had awakened a wounded lion who would fight for his freedom.
I reached for the chair and swung it. Aiming and launching it on the closest approaching guy, taken by surprise he staggered and could not handle it as it hit his head along with his upper body and he hit the floor.
A muscled arm encircled around my neck and started pressuring it to control me while I saw another guy trying to get hold of my swinging legs. The arm was choking me and I tried to punch the guy without locating his face but everything was in vain.
My body was shaking as it tried to regain its composure against the sudden attack but I did not let the guy in front hold my legs and I used the support of the arm snaking my neck, I jumped and kicked with the combined force of my legs; resulting the guy stumbling and hitting the wall behind.
From the impact of my jump, I dropped on the floor and the arm loosened a little but its hold was still suffocating and the control he had on my neck started to blur my vision and I detected that I was about to pass out and I got on my feet again. My instincts instantly started elbowing him. I must have elbowed him tremendously as he left me brisker than expected.
I recovered my blurred sight but it was too late as some moron was already on my back and an impactful blow from the front swept my face to a different direction and I felt the disgusting yet familiar steel taste enlightening my taste buds.
Instincts kicked in and I covered my face while trying to free myself from the hold of the two hands. I admit all of them were far more muscular and powerful than me and were better trained than me but even the few injuries I managed to give them were enough to make me happy.
The punch I received was awfully powerful. I felt my own blood flowing and entering my mouth again. I stopped. It hurt so bad that I almost gave up on them. I was still trying to protect my face while covering it with my hands.
My eyes fell on the laying figure of my father when I moved to protect my face rapidly and the time froze. He would never want this. He shouldn't think that I was weak. That I couldn't fight a few men. That I couldn't protect him and I couldn't myself.
No messiah was coming to rescue us.
I was brought back to me with a hard kick I received on my stomach. I fell back and onto the floor. I become motionless. My father still stayed asleep.
It was too painful to move so I stayed still as my tears slipped and dropped on the ground. Too painful to watch him not moving, I averted my eyes. I closed it for a minute and tried to rest.
It was hard to sleep and painful to move but when I reopened my vision, the looming figures hit my sight. I was frustrated. Convinced me to stand up. My body protested.
They were gonna kill me!
The thought of dying here was nightmarish and inconvenient. I tried to move and hissed when my muscles stretched but I stayed brave and hypnotized by the thought of dying. I stood up.
Maybe this is not my end!!
The seven men were expecting me to stand up as they waited patiently in front of me. I stretch a little to get myself ready. I glanced at the door unsuspiciously.
We were standing five feet apart and steadied my breath. I tried to confuse them by abruptly running past them but not directly towards the door. I ran zig-zag around the room and shoved a few men who came into my way.
I predicted that I could not handle them and used all my strength in shoving them. I kicked and punched too while I received the same in response but I did not stop.
Finally, all together and with a great effort, I managed to open the door and got out of there. I had no other choice but to leave my father behind. I quickly closed the door behind too.
The dark warehouse paused me. I couldn't see and I couldn't figure out my way to the outside. I heard the loud banging on the door and I flinched. I panted.
They were trying to break the door. I moved forward but tripped by the hurdles scattered across the place. I made a plan.
I picked up the piece of wood and hid behind the hideous wall as I waited. It was the only way if I wanted to rescue my father with me.
I heard the loud bang and the door came flying down. Immediately the warehouse was half-illuminated by their cell phone flashlights. I thrust myself further into the wall. Hiding properly.
"You go that way." I heard one guy ordering.
The eight men scattered.
I do not know what they want from me but they will get a piece of me today.
I heard one man closely approaching while moving his phone around and not watching his steps. I was hidden quite far from the room I was held captive in.
When I realized he was alone and just a step away from me, I held my breath.
I stepped out in an instance and swung the piece of wood right across his face. He squealed and fell flat on his butt. I took the opportunity and ran in the other direction as his cry echoed through the oblivion state of the warehouse.
His friends will come soon. It was hard to see but I somehow managed to escape from their eyes. The moonlight shone through the window and I used the light to discover a proper place to hide.
I waited anticipated. Their voices echoed through the silent night. I wondered who selected this warehouse to commit this sinful crime because the guy is totally ignorant. He did not consider the electricity out of the room.
Or maybe he did it intentionally!!
I would never know that and I don't even care about that.
Time went by, I continued the procedure till no one was left. Hitting one and hiding and looking for a new weapon until no one was left except Brown but I think that he got scared and left. I would have hit him too.
At first, it was scary to knock them out like that but I was angry and desperate and I convinced myself that they would've done the same if they were in my shoes.
It was immoral but I was left with no other option and I did not kill any of them, well, I hope that I didn't. I had to do what I did and I was successful.
I checked his pulse and sign when I realized that he was still breathing. The last guy I whacked was facing the floor while laying inactive. I searched his pockets while holding his mobile phone in one hand. His hoodie pockets were empty but his jeans pocket contained his car keys, a few dollars and a pack of cigarettes with a lighter, and a handkerchief.
I removed my white bloodied shirt and my pants. I exchanged my clothes with a dark brown hoodie and a black jacket with black tight jeans, it smelled like sweat mixed with detergent and I knew that it was washed clothes. We shared the same size.
I went to the other guy and searched him too but I gasped when I touched the warm metal of the gun. I threw it away, realizing it was a dangerous weapon but picked it up considering that it was a dangerous weapon.
I picked up his cellphone and turned on the flashlight and went to the same room. I tried to pick my father but he was too heavy for me to pick up in my weal condition.
I abruptly gave my rational thoughts and acted accordingly when I heard someone entering the room. I pointed the gun towards the person behind me.
"It's just me. It's me." Brown said.
"So? You're them." he raised his arms in surrender.
"You are right," he said. "But I never hurt you and I'll not hurt you."
"Why not?" I ask.
"Because I am not them." He assured. I put down the gun.
I again concentrated on the task in the hand to take my father to the car. I decided that I had to drag him all the way but it was risky and tiresome.
"Cedric." I heard Brown calling. "They are coming, Cedric."
He harshly turned me when I didn't respond to him. "He's dead," he screamed in my face. I staggered.
"STOP!! He's not dead." I screamed back. It was a rapid feeling of anger that I decided to lash out.
"You can not turn the truth around."
"Stop talking!"
"You need to leave now." My chest heaving up and down. His black eyes warned me and I saw genuineness in them.
"I am not leaving without my father."
He stopped and shook his head in disbelief. "I can take care of that."
"Why should I trust you?"
"Because I am sorry," he said. "For everything."
"I don't trust you."
"You have no choice." he moved forward. "I know it's hard but you have to keep moving. If they caught you again then you're trapped forever."
He was undeniably correct. All my efforts would be in vain if I did not trust him now. But how can I? He wasn't the trustworthy guy.
"I did not help you and I regret it now." He again moved forward. "I know how it feels to lose someone you love. Trust me."
He stopped and we were just a few inches apart. I heard him sigh but I wasn't looking at him. The greasy floor interests me.
"I have lost my daughter too." I looked at him. He stood strong like the words didn't affect him, meeting my eyes. "He's dead and you need to go."
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