一 you again
Law was relieved for a moment of peace and quiet, away from Caesar clown and that damned laugh of his.
He let out an exhale sitting back in his seat, the only noise in the lab the sound of scratching quill against paper.
He was subconsciously tapping his leg lost in thought.
Where the hell had you gone?
Of course, he knew better than to show this mess of anxious thoughts in his mind. He simply could not risk anything messing this plan up, and he wouldn't.
He had put too much work into this. Planned out every single detail.
Delivering 100 hearts to the navy to earn his status as Shichibukai.
The navy couldn't stand in his way anymore.
Traveling to Punk Hazard.
He was one step closer to accessing the SAD production room.
If that was destroyed then what would happen to the precious Joker?
That was all that needed to matter.
But it would be a lie to say it was the only thing on his mind.
Where had you gone?
Were you safe?
Why would you-
"Stop tapping your foot."
His gaze instantly flickered to Monet, whose back was still turned to him as she sat her desk, writing.
He hadn't even realized he had been doing it.
But the woman spoke again before he could reply,
"I don't trust you, you know."
His eyes narrowed.
"That's fine, you don't have to," he replied dryly.
She turned in her chair to face him, yellow eyes fixed on him. Green hair at her sides, and that stupid 'Happy' shirt she wore.
"Thinking about something?"
His eyes widened slightly, but he let out a sigh, crossing his legs as he replied,
She stood up from her seat, approaching him slowly, with that cocky smile plastered on her lips,
"Or perhaps... someone...?"
He glared at her,
"Don't you have work to do?"
"You're avoiding my question."
"Yes- and I did what you wanted so you would shut up and I wouldn't have to avoid your questions."
She knew he was referring to the fact that he had done the alterations that she wanted. As she was now part Harpy, long legs with talons attached, and wings for arms.
But even then, she couldn't help but let out a soft laugh amused by the man's obvious irritation with her. Usually he had been cool, and level headed, but right now he was off. So naturally she had to continue pushing,
"You did and I thanked you for that."
She said that smirk never leaving her lips, as she slowly walked around to stand behind him.
"So you have a girl?"
He let out an exasperated sigh as his only reply.
"So you..."
His body instantly tensed as she leaned over him, chest pressed to his back, gaze fixed on his face,
"...don't have a girl?"
He didn't hesitate to pull away standing to his feet, back to the woman and he said,
"Don't touch me."
"Why she wouldn't like it?"
He turned to face her,
"I don't care if you don't trust me. In fact I don't care if you even like me."
"But in return for giving you what you wanted, I need you to give me something I want."
He said gaze unwavering,
"Leave me alone."
There were a few footsteps, and then the door shut.
Monet stood alone, smirking slightly as she looked at the door.
"Such a character... that doctor of death..."
His gaze flickered over to Usopp who was looking at him expectantly.
He sighed,
"Green Bit."
"The deserted island, just north of Dressrosa."
"We'll hand over Caesar there."
There at a table outside a cafe sat Caesar Clown, Nico Robin, Usopp, and Law. All disguised, sitting in the city of Dressrosa.
The most eerie thing to Law was everyone smiling, and laughing.
If Doflamingo had stepped down and there was no king- why was everyone so happy and calm?
There was one thing that was certain- Dressrosa was certainly the country and love and passion from the looks of it. There was live music in the streets. Couples dancing, people performing. It was undoubtedly lively everywhere you went.
"What is it?"
His gaze flickered to Robin.
"The people are calm."
His gaze flickered around the surroundings.
There was a group nearby playing live music, and people dancing and clapping. All with smiles on their faces.
"For having a king who suddenly-"
The words instantly died in his throat.
Because there, within that crowd of smiling people was a girl. A girl in a red dress, with her long blonde hair flowing behind her. Soft pale skin, beautiful red eyes, and a smile that made him feel like his heart might've just exploded in his chest.
Because he had seen you smile before. But not like that.
You were laughing, and smiling and-
Dancing with someone?
A white haired boy, with brown eyes.
The way he looked at you instantly made Law's stomach twist.
The way he gently pulled you closer, wrapping you in his arms, spun you around-
It can't be real.
He had not seen your face in a little over 3 months- 103 days- he had been counting every day despite denying it in his mind.
Why did you-
What were you doing here-
"Hey Traf-"
He stood up from his chair immediately.
"Just give me one moment- I need to..."
"Take care of something."
And he immediately started to walk away despite hearing Usopp call after him,
"Hey! You can't just leave us here with Caesar!"
"And what happened to being careful!"
But he didn't even turn his head.
Because his gaze was on you.
But the moment you turned your head you stopped. Standing completely still in the crowd of dancing people.
Law watched at the white haired boys expression immediately became one of concern as he stepped closer, gently rubbing your arm, before following your gaze.
To him.
There he stood.
Your heart nearly stopped.
Seeing him. Even in that ridiculous disguise.
You instantly felt sick. Weak. You felt everything at once, but also nothing at all.
Like you had been punched in the gut, and the air was sucked from your lungs.
And despite the color that drained from your face, and the look of anger and skepticism that washed over the white haired boy's expression, Law still walked toward you.
You felt your breaths quicken, heart pounding.
You were frozen in place.
The white haired boy immediately stepped in front of you,
"Who the hell are-"
Your lip trembled.
God. Dammit.
You felt everything when he said your name.
When he took off his sun glasses and looked at you with that expression.
You felt the way he had held you, the things he told you, the way he touched you.
But you also felt the way he left.
How he stood, and said nothing.
As he watched you fall apart.
You felt that pain- that ache in your chest as you looked at him.
He immediately asked,
"Where did you go-"
"Why did you leave-"
And without a second thought you pushed past the boy and slapped Law, hard, across the face.
His head slowly turned to look at you, who was standing there, breathing heavily, hands clenching.
"You're really going to ask me that?"
He swallowed hard, his lips parting to speak, but he stopped himself as his gaze flickered to the boy who was gripping your other wrist.
"Shiina can we just talk-"
The white haired boy interjected,
"She doesn't want to talk to you-"
The boy who was with her when Law had originally taken Shiina on the Polar Tang. The one who had said he would do anything- give his life as long as Law saved her, helped her. The one she had spoken so highly about.
Laws fingers twitched, gaze flickering to the white haired nuisance,
"I just want to speak to her. I don't have much time right now, anyway."
He hesitated,
Sora turned to look at you.
You were looking at the ground, the look on your face a mix of things.
"Fine," came your quiet voice.
"You thought it was best to leave without telling me?!"
You were trembling with anger as the two of you stood in an alleyway between buildings.
"I woke up with a cuff on my ankle- dumped back in the infirmary two nights after you told me you-"
You let out a shaky exhale, stopping where you had been pacing to look at Law.
He had the ridiculous disguise off, but his expression was unreadable.
"Law you left. And I..."
"I knew nothing. I had no idea when or if you were coming back."
He sighed,
"I knew if I told you, you'd demand you come with."
"You wouldn't demand me to not go- you wouldn't have let me go without you."
Your voice raised again,
"And why is that such a problem?!"
"All I wanted was to help after everything you had told-"
"Shiina goddammit- I wanted you to come, but I needed you to be safe."
The sharpness in his voice made you stare at him, unsure what to even say for a moment.
You let out a shaky breath, lips parted but just at a loss for words.
Your words were barely audible.
"You have a terrible way of showing that you care."
He nodded because he knew it- as he stepped closer to you, immediately reaching a hand out to you.
But you stepped away.
Looking at him with furrowed brows.
"I don't owe you anything."
"You saved my life and I owe you for that. That's why I agreed to talk. But I don't owe you anything else."
He bit his tongue.
That wasn't fair.
Because now, standing in front of him you were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
You had been since the second he saw you pulled up out of the water.
You had changed a little, but only in the best ways.
You looked less frail. You had a certain glow about you. And you had that fire in your eyes, despite looking so incredibly hurt and disappointed when you looked at him.
And he wanted nothing more than to hold you again.
To explain he counted every single day without you- thought of you every damn day-
He wanted to know and hear about everything- where you had been, what you had done.
Why you were here.
In truth- he didn't want to leave your side again.
Not with Doflamingo and everything he knew was going to go down.
He turned over his shoulder to see Robin, Usopp, and Caesar who looked extremely displeased.
He let out a sigh,
"I need to take care of something."
He didn't know how to say the words.
What he was really feeling and thinking.
"I will come find you, okay?"
"I don't need you to-"
The way he said your name and his intense gaze made you weak.
You shook your head as you breathed out,
You knew he wouldn't have left if you hadn't agreed.
And he had people waiting.
He exhaled, putting his sunglasses back on as he turned over his shoulder, before disappearing from sight with the others.
You stood there in the alley way.
Gaze fixed on where he once stood.
You knew better than to get your hopes up.
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