chapter 2
Lilly's Pov..
Evening came by quickly, Lisa and I were done with our work so we immediately set off to meet our friends at the club and soon we got there. Marie, Rita and Rose were already there as they stayed together while Lisa and i joined them.
"Hello sassy girls" i say happily.
"Hii girl, I missed you soo much" Marie says while getting off the chair to hug me and i hug her back.
"I missed you too babe" i say while sitting down.
"How you doing lisa?" Marie asks.
"Im good Marie, long time no see".lisa banters.
"Well you gotta let people miss you sometime, you know"Marie jokes.
"Well what did you want to discuss soo badly that you called all of us here?". I ask Marie.
"Chillax girl let's take in some drinks"she says while handing me the Vodka.
"You know I dont drink right?" I say ,She shrugs and drinks it herself.
"Well its your bad for not drinking this heavenly made wine" she says.
"Whatever".i roll my eyes at her.
"Now lets get to the point girlies, i wanted to tell you'll that my grandma brought me a gift box from the old times, you know"Marie says.
"And what has it got to do with us?" I ask.
"Well help me arrange the puzzle in it at my home" she says.
"Okay we're in" the twin says in unison.
"What about you Lisa?" Marie asks.
"Well I'm also in" she says while looking at her phone. They all then turn to me.
"Well dont look at me like that" i say with a worried look.
"Relax girl, grandma gave it to me and its nothing sort of a big deal."
"Ok then I'm in".
We all get out from the club and enter Marie's car as i drive since I'm the only one who's not drunk yet.
We got to Maries house and enter, without hesitation Marie quickly takes the box from her bed room and opens it.
"Wow that's nice and interesting" Rose says as the opened box lights up with golden flakes.
"W-wait did your grandma say anything to you after handling it to you?" I ask.
"Well no" Marie says without looking at me
Marie opens it and the puzzles were scattered so she poured it down and everyone took one puzzle as it was 5 sets. We start to arrange it one by one ,while i keep asking Marie question.
"So are you sure your grandma gave you this?" I asked not looking uncertain.
"Well i kinda didn't ask her permission" marie drops rhe bomb.
"W-what!!"?" We all shout.
"Its not big deal as she'll give it to me anyway dont panic, nothing's going to happen "
"But this looks like an ancient treasure " lisa says while examining the glowing box.
"Yeah it does" Rose answers.
"Then lets find it out..."Marie says.
We then start putting the puzzles together as the last piece was set in place. The box began to shake and the puzzle started to float on its own as the gilden flakes became intense and there was this blinding light.
"W-whats happening?" I ask no one particular.
"I-i don't know"Marie says looking panicked.
"I think we should get out what if its about to blow" just as i finish saying this the golden light became soo intense that we had to close our eyes . And just then our feet began to also float and everything began moving in circles.
"Whats happening!!" I shout again.
"Oh my God, this is bad".Rita exclaims as she's the only one who has been quiet all along.
"How bad is it?" Rose asks her.
"It looks like a portal"Rita says.
"W-what??" Lisa and i exclaim.
And just then the light began to swirl in circles as everywhere around us became light and we were only floating.
"This isn't happening!" I exclaim.
"Somebody h-help" Marie exclaims as everyone start to lose consciousness, every part of my body hurts and then i felt my weight become light as i also lose consciousness succumbing to the darkness that follows.
By Lilyrizzy 😌
Published on 23rd February 2024
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