Chapter 81- a bond of blood
I smile down at (Y/N)'s sleeping figure, shifting her so she's comfortable in my arms as I rise to go take her into my room, the blanket moving as I get up. I feel immense pride and love and affection as I look at her, admiration for how she's refusing to let Chul Kang-Dae ruin her life, how she's willing to accept and move on rather than let the fear shut her down. She's so incredible brave and strong and 2I can't believe how lucky we got to have her as our final mate.
And when we get into my room I set her down carefully, smoothing away the unconscious frown when she senses me moving away by quickly getting into bed next to her, tugging her towards me and smiling in content when she curls in further- seeking me out even unconsciously.
And with the feeling of her next to me, instincts soothed by our baby mate safe in my arms, I drift off to sleep.
And yet when I awaken it's far too soon, shifting and slowly becoming aware of the sounds of the others shifting around us, quiet murmurs which can't be disguised or evade sharp hearing. I frown when the voices seem to grow, the others piling into the room with barely hushed coos and murmurs.
Now is not the time. Not when it feels like my eyes have barely shut, my arms have just been filled with my baby mate and here they are disturbing that serene feeling.
My eyes blink open, unable to remain shut any longer, sleep had snuck away and I couldn't grasp onto it again and shift slightly, turning my head to glare at whoever is the closest and come face to face with Hobi leaning over us with a phone.
His smile only widens and he doesn't stop, leaning over to peck my cheek- the annoyance already melting away because of the happy expression he's sporting. And I turn back to (Y/N) to see her still curled close, hand gripping my shirt as she sleeps, keeping herself anchored and bound with me. I smile at the way her legs are cocooned between mine and her face is smooth and void of any of the hurt she'd opened upto me about earlier on. She looks content. At peace.
And my hand goes to brush her hair back, gently tracing the outline of her face and smiling when she sighs and shifts into it.
"Aww she's so cute." Joonie murmurs, shooting the two of us a soft dimpled smile.
And as he and Tae come closer to where Jiminie and Kookie are perched, she shifts, eyes fluttering open and glowing a slight red, slowly melting back to their usual colour as she straightens up, resting her head on my shoulder as she peers at the rest of them with a small sleepy smile.
"Morning." She mumbles.
And suddenly falls back nearly when Tae dives for her, scooping her up in a cuddle, arms wrapping around her and stopping her from toppling onto her back, she laughs- the sound sweet and lilting as she wraps her arms around his neck and ruffles his hair.
"No more ears." she muses.
He leans back and shakes his head.
"I rather liked them." She mumbles as he moves back.
But Jin hyung is looking at her with a worried expression.
"When did you move here?" he asks, voice warm and soft.
She shifts next to me.
"Couldn't sleep and felt fuzzy. So I found Yoongi oppa." (Y/N) answers.
This new found information gives me a jolt of shock too as I turn to her and when Hobi immediately comes over to check her vitals, hands grazing her tenderly- his mouth presses into a line.
"I know you wanted to take your time sweetheart, but you need to feed now." He murmurs.
She smiles at him understandingly before nodding.
"I know." She says.
And after breakfast when Hobi and Jin hyung have decreed that she's well-fed she looks at me.
"I'm going to feed from Yoongi oppa." She says confidently.
And my heart swells with pride and affection for her.
And the others have a look of jealousy and happiness on their faces- slightly envious it's not them but happy nonetheless for her. That she's mustered the courage to.
So when she's the one leading me to the nesting room, the bond flares with happiness and giddy elation that bubbles and fizzes with excitement, the others trailing happily behind us. I scrabble to sit at the centre of the bed, tugging her towards me- smiling encouragingly when she dithers.
She shifts to clamber onto my lap, legs hanging on either side of my waist and it's then I note the slight tremor to her hand, the shaky quality and fear I can see swimming in her eyes.
"It's okay (Y/N), you don't need to be afraid." I whisper.
She looks at me in the eye, vulnerability and insecurity shining in them.
"What if I hurt you? What if I'm a rubbish vampire who can't feed properly? What if—" she rambles until I cut her off, placing the tip of my finger on her lips.
"It'll get easier with time. And there's no right way to be a vampire sweetheart." I murmur.
The tension in her shoulders dissipate and her fingers come to nervously straighten my shirt out, fiddling and smoothing the neck of the t-shirt.
The others huddle around us on the bed, providing the safety and comfort that their presences can.
I guide her head towards my neck.
"Take what you need darling." I urge.
And slowly and tentatively I feel her kiss my neck, soft lips pressing against my neck as she trails them up and down, breathing lightly- breath fanning delicately across my neck.
I fight the urge to shiver.
"Let your instincts take control, you won't hurt him. You're going to feed." Hobi murmurs.
And then when her mouth touches my neck, it's an open-mouthed kiss and I can feel fangs scrape carefully over the skin.
"There you go little one. And when you're ready just feed." Jin hyung coaxes.
I fight the urge to buck up into her touch, the small light sensations are dizzying and my nose is filled with the sweet thick scent of her as she continues to mouth carefully at my neck.
And then her fangs stop at a point at my neck and just then she bites, fangs gently piercing my skin and her mouth closes around the skin as she sucks. Slow at first, careful and hesitant but there's a shift when the blood enters her mouth because she lets out a small whimper, mouth sucking harder.
My head falls back, a groan slipping out- it feels so perfect, so right. The small sound of her suckling and the way her legs come to wrap around my waist to anchor herself to me is heady and enthralling. The gesture of her feeding is still uncertain but she continues to suck, tongue laving over the spot as she feeds.
The others coo and mutter their praise, guiding and helping her through it.
And she shudders, trying to reach back- shift away from feeding, fear suddenly filtering through the bond.
My hand cups her neck and draws her back, cradles her towards my neck still.
"Keep feeding, it's okay." I assure her.
And then her fangs slip out, mouth closing around the small puncture wounds as she gives light small sucks and licks, the sensation slowly driving me crazy and I can feel my instincts purr with satisfaction, with pride as well as the desire to reciprocate.
And then she leans back, mouth slipping free from my neck.
(Y/N) POV:
I feel the blood enter my mouth, the metallic tang coating the inside of it liberally and I fight the shudder of revulsion because even if I am still unaccustomed to it, a part of me soothed and settled by it, welcomes the taste of the slightly warm liquid that enters. I suck hesitantly, scared that I'll hurt him, scared that I'll take too much unknowingly.
But there's this incredible feeling of rightness as I feed, small suckles and the grip of his hand tugging my nape down, protective and caring as he urges me to keep feeding, holding me close- I feel safe and cherished.
And when the slightly nauseous feeling I'd woken up with vanishes, I know it's enough and lean back to let my mouth slide free from his neck.
And startle at the red blood surrounding the puncture mark, the feeling of fear bolting through my body, fingers shakily going to swipe at his neck.
"Hey hey it's okay. I'm fine." Yoongi oppa stresses, catching my fingers before they can touch his neck and immediately Hobi oppa is already wiping his neck clean, murmuring how proud he is and Tae and Minnie reach out for me from either side, assuring me I did great, that they're so proud of me- red eyes glinting with happiness.
And when his neck is clear of the red, I see the fresh wound marks on his neck and lean forward to do what Gyeomie has done countless times, I give small kittenish licks to the puncture marks before leaning back, only then noting the hooded eyes Yoongi oppa is looking at me with.
"What—" I start.
But then his lips crash heatedly onto mine, fierce and fiery as they easily control my mouth, the pressure bruising and firm as he kisses and sucks at my lips, tongue tracing over them and teeth scraping my bottom lip, tugging it between them and nipping sharply. I can feel his fangs scrape slightly as he kisses me, coaxes my mouth open and bundles me towards him.
His hands cradle my back, holding me to him as he kisses me, tongue slow and deep and purposeful in each thick stroke through my mouth as he lays claim to it, drawing whimpers and small sounds out of my throat, his touch both possessive and tender as he lowers my head down, tilting me towards him.
His tongue is hot as it trails through my mouth, exploring each nook and delving to rove around before coaxing mine to meet his, to intertwine with his. His touch burns through my top, searing as I feel it against my back and his lap cradles me. I shift my legs, tightening them around his waist as I melt into him, fingers sliding through his silky hair to tug gently. The gesture makes him release a groan into my mouth and then he drags his lips off mine slowly, burning as they kiss along my jaw and he trails them down to my neck, slow open-mouthed kisses and I can feel his tongue mark a trail as his head tilts down. My head falls back to give him easier access, letting out a gasp when he grazes the skin with his teeth, nose brushing against the side.
"So pretty jagi." Tae's voice comes, deep and sweet as a hand comes to cradle the back of my head, shifting behind me.
Yoongi oppa's lips find a point on my neck where he stops, kissing it repeatedly, tongue flicking out to taste.
I want his mark.
And then he bites down, sharp enough that it draws a cry from me but still gentle in the way his fangs have retracted, the way the pain is only momentary as he laves his tongue over in apology, pressing small kisses to the spot before sucking at it, a firm pressure as he lays claim on me.
And when he leans back his eyes are burning a deep red of possessiveness and tenderness, eyes taking in the way I've sagged and gone boneless in his arms.
"So sweet baby mate." He whispers as he brings me close, head resting against his shoulder. I breathe heavily against his neck, eyes falling to the slightly reddening mark I'd unknowingly left on his skin. My fingers go out to trace it, to rub curiously against the skin, jolting when he hisses.
"Sensitive." He grits out.
But over the way the others tease him and coo over me, fussing in the sweet unique way only they can, I find myself at peace with what has just happened. With feeding.
It hadn't been too bad.
Hadn't been as scary as I'd thought. Being with them had made it less daunting.
Had made it possible.
And even if a part of brain is still trying to process it, still trying to rationalise it for me- stomach beginning to churn with nerves and a slight feeling of disbelief, some sort of instinctual part of me is soothed, settled by having fed. Is rising with the need to curl around him and hover near him.
I can see the happiness in their faces, in the way Kookie shoves aside the others to burrow into the space next to me, eyes fond and warm as he tugs me down to lie next to him, knees brushing and faces close as we look at each other, leaning forward to press a series of short sweet kisses to my lips. I see it in the way Joonie oppa gives me a warm smile, allowing himself to be tugged between Hobi oppa and Jiminie, as Tae plasters himself across Jinnie oppa but his eyes are warm and soft and burning red as they gaze at me.
I see it in the way the nesting room puts me at ease, all my muscles loosening and shifting to relax- breathing in the unique scent of the others that are intertwined; that smell of home and comfort and safety.
I feel like I've crossed a barrier that had been holding me back from accepting my changed status, from accepting that I wasn't the same human I'd been my entire life.
And yet whilst I felt a bit melancholic realising life wasn't going to be the same, it mingled with the beginnings of hope and excitement- that maybe better things awaited me tomorrow. That each day would bring me more and more happiness.
I just needed to gather the courage to take what life gave.
When life gives you lemons...make lemonade.
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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