Chapter 73- healing comes in many forms
Walking with (Y/N) the short stretch from the car, where Jin hyung had parked as close as possible to the art building, to the classroom has me nervous and attentive. I can't help but feel extremely protective, even though I know the human students can't detect the change in her- not unless she physically expresses signs of being a vampire, but I still note curious eyes from vampire students as they turn and pause- intrigue in the way they detect her sweet strong scent underlying with someone that's intrinsically nest, something that gives a subtle indication that of her newly changed status.
I shift closer, angling her body closer to mine so the others can get the clear idea- she's our mate, but she leans in anyways; discomfort tinging through the bond with sorrow. Sorrow as she realises that she'll be gawped at, first because she was our only human mate in a coven initially renowned for being exclusively vampires and now because she was also a vampire. I know it would raise rumours, crude ideas and crafted stories.
But without incident we manage to make into the classroom, and as we enter the few vampire students who do turn are quick to turn away- respecting (Y/N) and not intruding on her, the art class is one of the few spaces on campus where I truly feel safe and content, there's no discrimination, no divide between students, all the students are open-minded and welcoming of either race. The art class therefore is a safe space for (Y/N) too.
But what it doesn't keep her safe from is Eunwoo. Who balks at the sight of her and nearly sends his canvas clattering, only managing to right it at the last moment as he stares wide-eyed at her, irises turning bright red as his mouth dropped open.
"What are you doing here?" Eunwoo hisses, voice harsh and firm as he steps closer to (Y/N) and it was sheer control and force over my instincts that kept me from snapping at him and pushing him away from approaching my mate.
But (Y/N) seems unfazed, unperturbed as she gazes up at him with a steeliness that matches his own and I realise again that the two are friends, closely knit and tight; and as such confrontational too it seems.
"I have class in case you forgot." She coolly replies before moving around him to get to her chair, dropping into it with a force that makes me wince, thinking she'll be in pain but apart from a slight tightness around her lips, she doesn't betray any other feeling.
I hurry around to her side, dropping in front of her seat as I try and see if she's hurting, flicking my gaze upwards to shoot her a reprimanding look to find that she's already shooting me an apologetic look.
Eunwoo stalks forward.
"I meant. Why are you in class when you haven't fully healed?" he asks, voice tight and wavering with emotion.
"Because I wanted to be Eunwoo. I want to feel normal. Is that too much to ask for?" she says, voice tight but I can hear the vulnerability in it, the genuine nature of the question- unconsciously she wants to be reassured what she's doing is fine, that she wants the validation of one of her closest friends.
Eunwoo's face changes, shifts into something tender and loving and soft and he leans forward, gently wounding his arms around her shoulders as he draws her in- nothing but sheer concern and affection as he leans forward to press a kiss to her head.
"It's perfectly fine. And it's what you want, you can have it. It's not too much at all." He murmurs softly. But even so as he sinks into his self-claimed chair in the middle, he continues to pause during lesson to keep checking up on her, to lean forward and ask quietly if she's fine, if she needs anything. And I know it because more than the work we're creating, I keep glancing to her, keep checking up on her- instincts brushing gently against the bond we share and whispering to check up on my mate, to see if she's in discomfort.
But she looks relaxed, content, and happy as she works- losing herself in her work, barely even realising when Eunwoo leans in, not until he nudges a few times. And when we finish lesson, she's smiling faintly, it's barely noticeable but my eyes catch onto it straight away, at the faint positive emotions that come through and break past the hurt she's still dealing with.
I look at her and see a survivor, see someone battling those inner demons and not letting what's happened hold her back from happiness. I see her as our beautiful mate, our mate who despite having her life changed completely is still pushing through and remaining true to who she is.
And when we leave Eunwoo tags along, capturing one of her arms in his as he talks about how this time round it's MJ hyung who'll be scolding her and how he's been waiting to see her.
She nods along, but sandwiched between the two of us I can feel the curious stares that return, the human students ranging from angry, to betrayed to even neutral- some even smile and the vampire students who turn at her strong scent and look intrigued, entranced turn away too after a while- because her scent is mingling with our nest scent, unconsciously it indicates that she's a bonded nestling.
And Jin hyung is already waiting where he dropped us off, waiting outside the car alongside Hobi hyung who both wave and smile at us, coming forward the last stretch to bundle us close, to hug us and to loose some of the stiffness that comes with an injured, unclaimed mate being out of the nest, eyes fading brown once they see she's fine, that the charms haven't faded and that she's not physically hurting.
And we drive to visit MJ hyung, who takes one look at the little entourage accompanying Eunwoo and blinks wetly at us, arms tugging (Y/N) into a gentle yet firm embrace, holding her close as he ushers the rest of us in, not yet willing to part with the baby he's managed to capture, and she doesn't struggle or fight it- lets herself be fussed over when he gently nudges her onto the couch and kneels in front of her.
And she compliantly stays still and gives answers when he fusses over her but falls silent when he gently prods the skin under her eyes, delicate and showing traces of veins.
"And this missy? I know you've been taking sleeping tonics, so why are they getting darker?" he asks, the question making the rest of us jolt in alarm, hyungs closely scrutinising them and worriedly exchanging glances.
Because the past few days she had been sleeping soundly, deeply. But was still displaying signs of fatigue. Why?
"Ahh no oppa, they've always been like that." She says, brushing his hands and concerns away.
But I don't buy it.
Not when the question had sent a slight nervousness through the bond.
One that had been sudden and smoothed away.
But I mentally note to take close care of her, to attentively note her sleeping patterns. She needs rest both physical and spiritual to heal- and for that she needs to be at ease.
"Tae come here." I call out as he shuffles past my open bedroom door, I turn away from the computer- noting his soft treads and seeing the slightly weary look on his face, call him over.
He drags his feet over, even as he dredges up a smile but instantly the gestures give away that he's tired, fatigued. Worried about something.
And when he just flops down onto the bed, nestling closer and further into the sheets it only heightens the gut instinct that something is wrong, something is disturbing him.
I move off the chair and sink onto the bed, shuffling closer and whilst Tae loves the opportunity to be the big spoon or to cuddle one of us, pulling us into his arms- today he curls himself small and huddles into my arms, wounding himself tightly around me.
"What's wrong Tae-ah?" I murmur, tucking him close to the crook of my neck.
He doesn't speak instead he gently mouths at the claiming mark on my neck, one of six, and I feel his fangs scrape against it lightly. The sensation distracting enough that my hands splay possessively around his back and moves him close.
The fact that his fangs just scrap along it but don't pierce it or sink into my skin is indication that he's waiting for permission, silently waiting for me to urge him close.
He wants to feed and in this situation equivocates to wanting that closeness of intimacy, of shared closeness.
"Go ahead baby, take what you need from hyung." I urge.
And then a few beats later his tongue gently licks at the skin of my mating mark and he pierces into it slowly, fangs sliding into skin and the soft faint sounds of suckling, mouth sealing over it as he feeds, body loosening as he drinks slowly. The pace is slow and drawn out, he's not doing it out of hunger at all. And when a little while later he retracts his mouth, giving small licks to the small puncture marks to heal them over, he sighs- more relaxed and looser and pliant.
"Better baby?" I ask.
He nods, sleepily tucking himself close into me, seeking out tactile comfort through hugs.
There's something that niggles at me- the strained quality to the feelings he's emitting making me worry, hold him just that much closer.
I link it as an effect of having an injured mate that's worrying him, to seek reassurance because the two babies aren't currently back, because he's been restless since they've gone and been drifting from one mate to the other.
But then the nest shifts slightly, a subtle tug inside us that alerts us that the four have returned home- Jin hyung and Hobi back with the babies but I peer down at Tae who's drifted off to sleep and knowing that he's been seeking comfort makes leaving him not even an option. The others will find us if they need us, but right now Tae needs me.
(Y/N) POV:
I enter the nest, feeling lighter than I have for the past few days- who knew getting a bit of fresh air could make so much difference?
Even though I'd had to sit through MJ oppa's fussing, it had been worth it. And tomorrow I was heading to the Ims. And I was more than ready to be reunited with Gyeomie even though I knew I'd be feeling restless slightly until I returned home.
Almost startling that I couldn't realise or pinpoint the exact moment it had become home for me, when I'd accepted them and the nest as mine, as part of me.
And as I enter, I feel comforted by the rush of warmth that settles deeply into me, the house still greeting with a warmer temperature- as if sensing that I cling onto that part of me, that ritualised tradition of adapting to meet my human needs...once human needs, my mind painfully reminds. But it soothes me even if it comes with a bitter remembrance.
But when Joonie comes through with a hopeful smile and silently holds his hand out, I don't hesitate to slide my hand in his and let him lead me upstairs, turning to glance at my mates before I leave- some deep instinctual part of me only sated when I see them smiling and nodding at me to go ahead.
I feel the knot around my chest ease slightly when we step out onto the rooftop garden, breathe in deeply to the floral notes and fresh air and warm sunlight that greets me as he leads me out, guiding me towards a bench. A bench lined with cushions and one that Joonie sits on and guides me to lie on, head resting on his lap.
"Good day?" he asks as his hand gently tugs the hair tie off, fingers carding carefully through my plait to open my hair up, splaying it across a denim-clad thigh.
"Hmmm." I mutter.
A vague sound. Sure leaving the house had been good, had been a welcomed change but a part of me had been antsy, wired up and keyed into every small thing.
I wasn't going to say that I hadn't been prepared for the sudden rush of stimuli to my ears- crowding in, overwhelming and sudden; grating harshly against them and making it hard to suppress a wince as I tried to bear through a drive with the normal day to day traffic.
It made me feel slightly pathetic and knowing that I had been the one to insist meant that I deserved the sudden attack on my hearing, couldn't complain about it when I pushed through with my idea.
But it did mean that my head throbbed away painfully and I tried as hard as I could to mute the response to it, to reacting to the pain knowing it would be transmitted through the bond.
But when Joonie gently scratches lightly at my scalp, fingers massaging my head the relieved groan slips out of my throat before I can hold it back, head arching and leaning into the touch with a feeling of satisfaction and contentedness, body relaxing.
"Feel better flower? You're head must be hurting awfully." He says lowly, voice a gentle tender caress to my ears, a welcomed change after the noisy awful din of walking through campus.
I mumble slightly, he looks down at me, hovering over me- the sunlight temporarily blocked by his outline, imbuing him in a soft golden glow as he leans in close.
"What was that?" he asks, lips slightly curved up.
"A bit." I confess.
The furrow in his brow deepens slightly as he leans to peck the tip of my nose, light, and the barest feeling of his lips before he leans back.
"Don't hide sweetheart. You're allowed to say you're in pain, you're allowed to say it hurt your ears. We won't think less of you, not when you're so brave little one." he murmurs, voice still soft and low.
His fingers continue to card through my hair, gently massaging.
And then his other hand is filled with fresh leaves that carry a soft citrusy scent and some that carry a fresh fragrance.
He bends down, retrieving a bowl of water, a towel soaked in it as he adds the leaves- letting them soak whilst the citrusy ones are gently brushed against my temples- the scent pleasing and soft.
"It's lemon balm and verbena- it'll help." He says as he continues to let their natural essence seep onto my skin. He removes them, fingers gently massaging the essence in, fingers light and yet exerting the slight pressure he needs.
And then he gets the compress and places it on my forehead, the temperature optimum as he allows the mint scented towel do wonders- soothing and lulling me to relax further into him, body cushioned by the soft pillows scattering the bench.
I don't know if I drift off for a while because when I blink my eyes open the towel is gone and the headache has lessened considerably, the throb barely noticeable.
And yet Joonie continues to gently play with my hair, fingers a bare scrape against the scalp as he looks down at me fondly.
"How do you feel flower?" he asks.
I nod, relieved when the gesture doesn't send pain to come flooding back.
"A lot better." I reply, noting that the sunlight has lessened, the sky having shifted into a softer shade, early evening, or late afternoon.
"Can we stay here for a little while longer?" I ask when his hands brush fondly against my cheek.
He nods.
"What should we do?" he asks.
"Can you play with my hair...feels nice and soothing." I add.
His dimpled smile comes into view, leaning down to press a kiss to my forehead.
"Of course sweet mate." He murmurs.
And then I realise he's intentionally kept his voice quieter than usual, somehow sensing I'd been in pain and used a volume that hadn't aggravated the pain in my head at all.
And his fingers weave in and out of my hair, around the crown of my head and I realise when we do get up and I catch sight of our reflection when we head down, pausing in front of one of the large hallway mirrors that he'd weaved a flower crown through my hair.
I look at the colours weaving in and out of my wavy strands, pausing to observe them.
"What do they mean?" I ask, peering up at him.
He smiles down fondly and then guides my head to look at my reflection as he points them out.
"Statice because you represent success, you're a survivor." He says touching the soft pink petals.
"Small lavender roses because you continue to enchant me." he says, fingers brushing gently across the light purple blooms.
"Camellias because I admire you, for being such a strong independent mate." He says touching the baby pink, multi-petalled flowers.
"And ivy and jasmine because you're hurting but you're also healing." He finally adds, fingers lingering on the small plants and the leaves that form the twine of the crown.
"And you are our most precious I'll give all my ability and all my affection into protecting, nurturing and loving." He says, arms holding me close.
I look at our reflection, at the way his arms are strong and promising as they hold me close. My hands slide up to grasp at them, to feel the reassurance under golden skin.
And looking at us I see that even though I can't be a normal flower, can't grow and bloom and wither, I can still blossom into something, I can still grow further into the person I am.
Without realising Joonie becomes a lifeline, a support system that I lean on even more just because he gives me comfort without knowing, he becomes reassurance when I need it and he becomes the grounding force when inside my heart, mind and soul are tumultuous waters.
"Thank you oppa. For believing I can be your flower. For making me your flower." I say, looking deeply into our reflection and watching him even as I raise his hands from around my neck where they drape loosely to press a kiss to his palm.
He doesn't reply, he doesn't need to.
His eyes turn a soft reddish brown.
His eyes tell me that I'm welcome, that with him I'll always be welcome.
Plants grow without direction, without goal, without structure. They simply bloom and flourish under the love, care, and attention- when their needs are fulfilled. You too are all like flowers, we too should allow ourselves to bloom and blossom to our fullest and without that enforced structure. You grow into the people you want to become; be the person you want to be.
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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