Chapter 63- the world falls apart
The moment Tae and Jiminie come home, I know something's changed. Because there is the undertone of tension thrumming through the bond and Jiminie is curled towards Tae, clutching at him with a protective concerned stance as he shepherds him into the living room, tugging him onto his lap. Tae complies, willingly allowing himself to be manhandled because at the moment it's clear to everyone that something is bothering him, eyes troubled and flashing red constantly.
Yoongi hurries to their side, the rest of us not far behind.
The moment Kookie gets close, Jiminie's arm darts out to wrap around his wrist and tugs him into his side, bringing him protectively towards him to; my eyes widen with understanding. He's displaying instinctual protective behaviour over his younger mates, feeling the need to keep them close- much like a mother hen herding her chicks together to look after them. And the fact that the tension doesn't bleed out when Kookie curls into him makes it clear that his worry is related to our youngest mate. (Y/N). And the fact he's unsettled because she's not near him.
"Hyungs...I have a very bad feeling. It's so bad it hurts." He whispers. We exchange nervous worried looks. Jiminie's ability to make people feel what he does makes it less likely for him to be influenced by emotions from strangers. But the fact he feels an emotion strong enough to hurt, heavy and heady in its strength is an indication of something being wrong.
"What feeling Jimin-ah?" Yoongi asks, dropping to his knees and staring intently at him- eyes boring in, posture stiff. Our empath mate trying to assess the danger.
"It feels like something is going to go wrong. There was this strange, toxic presence near (Y/N)'s work and whilst it could be anyone—it doesn't sit right." He murmurs, eyes bleeding into a bright red.
He clutches at Yoongi.
"She's fine right? It's not to do with her is it?" he asks desperately.
There's a suffocating silence, heavy and burdensome and just as I'm about to reach towards the two of them I suddenly stagger, eyes losing focus and the surroundings melting away from me.
Distantly I hear a gasp, feel a hand steady me but I can't see them anymore- my eyes are looking out to a different scene.
It's hauntingly familiar with the sound of cars and traffic and chatter- the city bustling about under a dark starless sky. There's no panic and fear this time, something that settles the knotted feeling in my chest, there's a warmth and sweetness being expressed; a joy that makes my lips curve up because it comes from (Y/N). I look as her eyes rove in slow curiosity, taking in the sights of people going in and out of restaurants and shops, gaggles of friends swaying slightly as they laugh and navigate the road. She sighs, a bored sound- figure turning to glance towards the inside of a shop, before turning back- a petulant pout on her lips.
And then almost suddenly the feeling changes, a stiffness that enters her posture, loose languidness bleeding out to be replaced with alarm, suddenly she's moving, wandering down towards a dark alley- my mouth screaming at her to stop but no sound comes out. And it's with a single glance back that she heads in- eyes darting towards the shop; my eyes catch onto the name for the briefest moments before I head in, heart in my mouth with sick fear. Don't go in, I beg but she can't hear me. The sense of foreboding heightens, nerves palpable in the air and for some reason my feet are cemented to the ground, unable to move and that's when I hear it- the first sound of pain and distress, a pained whimper that bubbles past the lips of our mate.
And just like that the vision slips away, the soft almost inaudible sound still echoing in my ears as the surroundings change, morphing back into the warm familiar setting of our living room.
"Hyung! Hyung!" Hobi says, arms around me, eyes flashing red with worry peering into my own- which I know will have the gold still bleeding out of them- vision draining away.
My eyes seek out Yoongi, the sudden shift in his posture makes me know he's immediately alert and understanding of the vision. He rushes forward, Joon taking the place he was in- soothing Jiminie even as everyone turns to look at me.
"Hyung tell me she's fine." Jiminie pleads, voice wavery and shaking.
"Yoongi...tonight you have to be the one to get her from work. It doesn't matter if she's got to meet someone, you need to be there. You're the only one who can stop or change the vision in the slightest." I say, grabbing at his hands, speaking fervently.
"Hyung..." Joon murmurs, voice shocked.
"You have to get to her before anything happens. She'll be on the street with the fancy patisserie shop." I insist, making sure he understands just how essential this is.
Visions come as a guidance; they can be altered slightly- small details that can change the outcome. Yoongi is the connection between the two, if he arrives early then it's all fine, it has to be.
"The one that's a few streets away from her work?" Kookie speaks up, voice soft but strong looking trustingly towards us.
I nod.
"Make sure you go Yoongi, I'll be there but you are the one who can change it. You're the key to stopping it all." I say, tugging him closer- eyes no doubt a bright red.
My heart twists and lurches where it sits, a heavy leaden weight bearing me down.
I eye the clock fearfully; we wait and then we go.
Because if I can help it, there's no way that I'm letting her get hurt.
And the ashy complexion of Yoongi's face, the deep red of his eyes and the grit of his teeth scream that he won't either.
(Y/N) POV:
The shift eases me back into that urgent hurried pace of taking orders, making them, serving them and every once in a while switching out to go work in the bookshop part of the café- helping students, sorting out the new deliveries and giving Hye-Jin the attention her sweet self silently demands.
The shift seems to fly by and it's only in the midst of the bustle of it all that I remember to call out to the owners to let them know I'll be getting off an hour or so earlier- Ryan oppa was coming to visit me and take the painting. When I get the affirmation that it's fine, I find myself only an hour and a half later undoing my apron, handing off the work to the part-timer who smiles as she takes over- waving goodbye to me. The sky is already dark when I step out, the sky is surprisingly both starless and cloudless, just the lone moon hanging in the black night sky.
"(Y/N)-ah!" a deep familiar voice calls, I turn to see Ryan oppa approach, waving brightly as he strides forward, easily navigating the slight crowd with ease until he stops in front of me before pulling me into a hug, pressing a kiss to my head.
"How've you been? How are your mates treating you? What about your courting?" he asks, a twinkle in his eyes.
I cock my head.
"That's unlike you oppa, you usually would've made some comment." I muse.
He laughs, a slight sheepish look on his face.
"Deok-mi demanded I get all the details; she's upset that she couldn't come but she was held up with a few meetings." He explains, laughing when I shake my head at him, sliding my hand to clutch at the proffered arm, beaming as we begin to walk down the street.
The small comfortable chat turns to my art soon though.
"I heard you wanted to give me a painting." He says, voice slightly cautious and concerned- eyes flashing red when I glance up.
I nod.
"Another nightmare?" he asks, voice soft and understanding.
Again I nod.
He sighs.
"I worry about you sweetheart. Are you sure you won't consider my offer to take you to the therapist I told you about- there's also always the option of having those memories erased if you want." He offers again but the tone is weak. He already knows I'll refuse. Like I always have.
Because no matter how painful the memories are, they're the last ones I have of that night- of my parents.
And I don't want to get rid of them- no matter how many nights of sleep I lose over them.
The next few minutes are in companionable silence- both of us processing the words and coming to accept them.
We turn to walk down a few more streets, entering one with the more upscale restaurants and shops- bright lights pouring out to illuminate the dark night.
"Do you want cake? I know how much you love having this patisserie's cakes." He says gesturing towards the fancy shop.
I turn to him in confusion.
"You being happy makes me happy, and cake always cheers you up- that's what you've always said." He says echoing words from years ago.
I smile and nod.
"Want to come in with me?" he asks.
I shake my head.
"I'll take in some air. Go ahead and don't take long oppa." I warn as he nods and steps inside leaving me to silently take in the street.
But minutes drag on and he's taking a long time. I look around in curiosity, seeing the way the restaurants are beginning to get busier, sighing with boredom.
But then that feeling of unsettledness comes back in swamping overwhelming waves, crashing over me; skin crawling with the sensation and through the low din my eyes pick up on a slight pained sound- I'm sure I didn't imagine it. I frown turning towards the direction of the sound, moving towards it. Whoever it is sounds in pain, needing of help so I let my feet move towards it, glancing back towards the shop where oppa still hasn't appeared from.
But as I approach a dark looking alley, my phone suddenly rings- sudden and loud. My fingers fumble to pick it up, answering it without checking, putting it to my ear even as my eyes peer into the darkness.
"Hello?" I say distractedly, startled by the sudden loudness on the other end.
"(Y/N)! Where are you? I just called hyung at the café and he said you finished early. Are you on your way home?" Gyeomie's voice fills my ears, worried.
"I'm with Ryan oppa, don't stress. Yeah I'm coming..." I mumble, eyes trying to make out distinguishable shapes from the shadows of the alley.
"You're fine right? I feel weird and unsettled." He mumbles.
"Uh huh...Gyeomie I'll call you in a bit. Love you, bye." I say, phone ending.
And just as I step into the entrance of the alley, another pained sound coming out- high and definitely childlike, the phone rings again.
Frustrated I answer it, calling into the phone.
"Gyeomie I just said—" I say annoyed slightly.
"(Y/N)! Where are you? You're not at work!" Yoongi oppa's harried voice, harsh and sudden grates against my ears- sending my annoyance to melt and confusion to take place.
"Listen whatever you do, do not wander off. Do you understand?" he says, voice steeped with panic.
My eyes widen. Staring with doubt and trepidation into the darkness now.
"But I—" I start.
"NO! DO NOT! You can't!" he insists, voice breaking slightly with how worried he sounds.
But then another pained cry filters into the dark, a pleading mumble of 'please don't hurt me' coming out, a broken shattered sound.
And like someone answering a siren's call I head further into the darkness, pulled towards it- even as Yoongi oppa's voice and words ring warningly in my head.
"But oppa there's someone who's hurt." I whisper, feet treading closer.
And then all of a sudden I find myself being knocked harshly against the wall, body smashing into it- thrown aside with an unknown force, pain darting through my body as I crumple to the ground.
The phone clatters to the ground, a weak pained whimper leaving my mouth.
"It's time to play."
Life is unexpected, it doesn't follow a pattern, design or order but rather can throw us sudden changes at any times, we need to learn to anticipate, move on and survive them- we need to be the strongest versions of ourselves that we can. So we can win against it.
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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