Chapter 62- mornings with mates
When Hobi hyung wakes me up, it's with a familiar gleam; excited and one of a fellow conspirator. He wriggles slightly from my hold, edging closer and closer.
"Wanna wake the others up?" he asks, whispering even though there's no-one present to overhear. For a few moments, my face scrunches up because why would I want to stop cuddling to go wake the others up, why not cuddle until they come to wake us up?
"We can go to Yoongi hyung's room." He adds and then it all clicks, making it's way through the hazy fog of sleep.
I nod, extracting my arms from around him before sliding out of bed, the two of us tiptoeing hand in hand out of hyung's room to set off down the hallway. But it's dismay that causes me to let out that huff because crowded around the outside of hyung's shut door are the others- all in various states of disarray but eyes gleaming with the same excitement and eagerness that we had snuck out with.
"Why are you standing outside?" I ask, looking confused because if it had been me I wouldn't have loitered in the hallway, no I'd have snuck in and gotten some extra cuddles- from two sleepy mates.
Jiminie looks indignant when he turns to face me, exasperation clear.
"We wanted to go in but the door just won't open." He hisses, eyes darting to glare at the walls of the house as if it'll be able to feel them. But just then Kookie lets out a quiet triumphant yell, door finally opening and the look of understanding that dawns on their faces make it clear that it seemed like the house was waiting for all of us to turn up.
Kookie leads the silent troupe of mates in, the hyungs and Jiminie all slipping in silently after him and I rush in excited only to meet a solid wall of bodies, nearly going crashing into them.
"Why've you stopped?" I ask, edging my way around to see what it is that has stopped them. And promptly melt.
(Y/N) is curled up close to Yoongi hyung, the blankets failing to hide the very apparent way their legs are entangled as they sleep, bodies curved towards each other- seeking out their mate unconsciously. Her head is under hyung's- ducked down under as if seeking comfort silently and hyung's arms are wrapped around her in a loose embrace, resting on her waist as the two continue to sleep on. It's such a heart-warming sight that I'm not surprised to see the hyungs silently gushing, Jiminie shaking Kookie and whispering how cute the sigh is, barely repressed squeals and cooing filtering through the once silent air. Hobi hyung is practically vibrating with joy, looking on so happily- audible squeals escaping heart shaped lips and Jin hyung is no better, cooing at them from a small distance. But as the sound in the room slightly raises we watch as (Y/N) begins to shift, slightly stirring, a slight furrow between her brows- either unconsciously being alerted of her mates being near or being awoken by the sound, maybe a mixture of both. And the squeals cut off mid-sound, everyone holding their breath, not wanting to wake her when something else happens. Almost as if he's sensed her slight discomfort, hyung's arms tighten around her, drawing her slightly closer as they sleep, head lowering slightly and (Y/N)'s sweater paw hands rise in sleep to rest against his chest; the two of them having shifted into a closer embrace.
And for some reason that does it.
I can't hold back from awwing over the sight and the moment the sound tumbles past my lips, it seems to have a domino effect.
The two of them stir, Yoongi hyung's head rising- eyes open in small slits as dark irises stare at us intensely, the sleep quickly clearing from his eyes when he notes all of us standing there before his head lowers to take in the sight of (Y/N) nestled closely in his arms; a sleepy smile tugging at his lips. And then (Y/N)'s head moves, shifting and slowly her eyes blink open, sleepy doe-eyes that peer up at us, smiling droopily as she takes note of all of us crowded around the bed.
"Morning..." she mumbles, going to sit up, blankets falling to settle on her lap, Yoongi hyung making a grumpy put-out face but sitting up too, sides of their bodies still pressed closely to each other. She yawns, sweater paw hands rising to cover her mouth, the bare tips of her fingers slightly visible as they poke out from the fabric, eyes crinkling shut at the act.
"Aigoo you're too cute baby." Hobi hyung coos, taking their sitting up postures as a clear invite to perch on the bed, leaning close to fuss over her even as she ducks her head away shyly. Yoongi hyung swats at Hobi hyung's shoulder from around her, grumbling it's too early for this.
"Why don't you two get up, let's have breakfast together." Jin hyung suggests, voice warm and eyes soft with tenderness as he looks down at them.
Because it's her first night at the nest without compulsion, she's here because she wanted to be. And the thought is warming. That it'll be all eight of us sitting down for breakfast together.
She nods, Hobi hyung moves to allow her to draw the blankets off her, sliding out of bed.
I freeze when I suddenly see smooth, creamy expanse of skin trail out- bare legs sliding out of bed as she stands up, jumper hitched up slightly to reveal the soft curves of her upper thighs. There's a sudden flare of pleasant surprise jolting through the bond, the air thickening when everyone trails off into silence.
"Umm (Y/N)...your jumper." Kookie mumbles, eyes focused intently on her face. And then she gasps, hands tugging down the hem of the jumper- covering the top of her thighs.
"Ahh, I'm sorry- does it make you uncomfortable? The trousers were too big and Yoongi oppa said it was fine so..." she trails off uncertainly, fingers fidgeting slightly.
"No, no. Just surprised, we should've realised the trouser size would've been too big." Jin hyung rushes to reassure making a smile appear on her face, the look of uncertainty wiped away.
"I'm going to go wash up." she says, navigating her way through a room full of mates who's eyes have begun to deepen into a red despite the fact that after the initial surprise, everyone had darted their eyes away, looking elsewhere.
And when she disappears into the bathroom, Joon hyung lets out a pained groan.
A sound I know stems from deep instinctual satisfaction in seeing a mate in your own clothes, drenched in your scent. But also with how small she'd looked in it, stirring up the need to hold and protect such a precious mate.
Breakfast was going to be an ordeal.
(Y/N) POV:
Even though there's nothing universally different about lounging around in a jumper, there's something oddly intimate about it when I'm at the nest. The comfortability in movement, ease was all the same but there was a silent simmering of heat and energy that mounted higher and higher in the thickening air- almost tangible to taste because of how cloying it was becoming.
Maybe it was something to do with courting behaviour and clothes but when we'd all sat down for breakfast there had been more than one gaze that had flickered from brown to red during the meal.
Jungkookie sat on one side of me and Hobi on the other, both of them constantly checking on my plate and sliding more food onto it or bringing mouthfuls of food to my mouth- looking pleased each time I complied and allowed them to feed me, eyes gleaming red with satisfaction. And there had been warm fond eyes on me as I'd eaten, participated in the general chatter; it was such a mundane thing but elevated because of the people who I'd been surrounded with, this soft feeling encompassing me, warming me.
And as I'd helped clear away after breakfast I overheard the quiet serious murmurs of Jinnie oppa and Joonie talking about more and more humans going missing- a chill ran through my spine at the thought but the cold feeling was banished when Tae wrapped his arms around me in a backhug, holding me close as he breathed in deeply.
"Jagi~ let the hyungs clear up, sit with me instead." He wheedles, his voice causing the two to turn in surprise before softening as they take in the two of us.
"He's right. Go sit down little one." Jinnie oppa says gently taking the plates from my hand before ushering us off.
And I find myself relaxing in the comforting embrace of Tae as he tugs me onto the couch, pulling me against him with a pleased hum.
And Jungkookie and I are making plans when I realise with a start that I need to get going, so I don't miss my afternoon shift at the café and unwillingly extract myself from Tae's hold.
"I'm sorry, work calls." I say, leaning down to kiss Tae's head of riotous curls before stepping away, going around to hug and say goodbye to the others.
"Can I come pick you up from work? Are you busy?" Hobi asks when he wraps me into a tight hug, kissing my cheek as I step away.
I look guiltily at him.
"I've got plans. I'm meeting someone." I say apologetically even as Jiminie comes to whisk me into a hug, pulling me away from Hobi and into his warm safe arms.
But he smiles, face still alight.
"Another time then." He says, eyes sparkling with promise.
I feel bad but I don't want to tell them that I can't spend time with them because I'm meeting Ryan oppa. Not because I want to hide who it is, more so why it is that we're meeting. And though the guilt is there, the need to get rid of the painting is stronger.
It's Jiminie and Tae who accompany me back, I tug on my clothes from last night- sadly leaving back Joonie's comforting jumper neatly folded and placed next to his trousers before we leave. And sitting in the back with Jiminie is easy, simple comfort with our hands held together as we watch Tae drive whilst happily sways and moves to the beat of the music that plays.
And they drive me to the café, waiting for me to get dressed and hurry back into the car.
As I get out, Tae rolls his window down calling for me and makes a cute pouty face until I relent and give in, kissing his cheek- surprised when he draws my face down to pull me into a searing kiss- pulling away when I let out a gasp, eyes red.
"If you keep making pretty sounds, I won't be able to let you leave." He warns half-playfully and half-serious, voice deep with intent.
His words send a wave of heat crashing through the bond and it's only Jiminie tugging me away that prompts my feet to move.
"Behave you animal." He says playfully to Tae as he walks me towards the café. He stiffens for a moment, eyes seeming troubled and searching- roving around our surroundings, his careful and observant gaze making me shift with nervousness.
"Is something wrong?" I ask, tugging his hand.
His eyes turn to mine, the red bleeding out immediately.
"No, nothing- I just sort I felt something weird." He murmurs before shaking his head, tugging me up the stairs with him.
But before I enter, he pulls me back, arms wounding their way around my waist, my hands stabilising me by holding onto his forearms. He doesn't say anything as he presses our lips together, short quick butterfly kisses pressed over and over onto my lips, each one light and brief but seeming urgent and needed. As if seeking out comfort.
He leans our heads together.
"Stay safe and give one of us a call when you reach home please." He asks.
I nod silently.
"I will, take care too Minnie." I say, smiling when it triggers a beaming bright smile from him.
"I will." he promises before stepping back, letting me into the warmth of the shop.
But even as I tie on my apron and greet the owners and scoop Hye-Jin into a hug, my mind can't help but wander and think about what was it that spooked Minnie.
And why did it seem like something was bothering him?
No matter how well we prepare ourselves, we cannot predict the exact course of life. There will always be obstacles and difficulties none of us could've anticipated.
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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