Chapter 49- new day, new...
I glance at the clock and smile when I note there's enough time for me to snag a little nap with (Y/N) before waking her up for lessons. I slide out of bed and pad over to her room, opening the door and relaxing at the scent that seeps out- comforting and familiar.
I happily clamber into her bed and pull her sleeping figure easily towards me for morning cuddles, long limbs wrapping around her frame. I sigh contentedly, nestling my head close, breathing in her sweet comforting scent when suddenly my hold around her stiffens, and a sharp intake of breath when I note her scent seems different. I turn her over with my arms so I can see her and get about waking her up.
"(Y/N)...wake up." I demands, watching her blink her eyes open- trying not to melt under the adorable sight, not when there's pressing matters to attend to.
"What's wrong Gyeomie?" she ask, half-asleep still.
"Why do you smell of the Bangtan coven, more so like Taehyung? His scent is over you." I ask.
Her eyes flash open with alarm. And I know I've caught her out on it.
She tries to delve under the covers of her blankets, arms scrabbling to pull them up but I've already snagged onto them and yank them away, eyes narrowing onto the way her cheeks begin to redden.
Everyone has a natural scent intrinsic to them but it's not easily passed onto someone else, nor does it linger for so long- so what on earth had the two been upto that had caused Taehyung hyung's scent to leave it's imprint on her.
And if I could lose colour, I'm sure I would've blanched when my mind makes the connections for me.
And I look down at her with muted horror and dawning realisation.
"You..." I mutter vehemently, torn between the urge to shake her or hide her away from them. They've already began to taint my sweet mallow? I groan, eyes shutting at the image the thought threatens to paint, a shudder rushing through me.
"Gyeomie stop saying it like that. I didn't comment when you came home all those times---" she retorts but tails off- implications clear in her incomplete sentence; all the times I came home with hyung's claims laid all over me- throat decorated colourfully and dressed in their clothes.
She has a point but that doesn't mean I have to be happy about it.
"Go shower. His scent is masking yours from coming out fully." I grumble, pushing her towards the edge of the bed even whilst remaining careful that I don't shove too hard and she goes tumbling off.
She huffs and protests and groans but slides out of her bed, muttering as she goes over to her closet to pick out clothes and her mumbling continues as she slides into the bathroom, complaining about how unfair I am.
I smile wryly at the pout in her voice and slide out to go do something whilst waiting for her to get out.
Something it turns out is waiting on the couch, listlessly flicking through TV channels until my phone rings.
I scoop it up, answering the phone with a smile when Jaehyun's name appears.
"Hi Jaehyun, how've you been?" I greet, phone pressed to my ear.
"I've been good. But we should meet up soon, I see Bambam more because of lessons anyways." He says.
"Ah but...I was actually trying to call (Y/N) but she isn't answering." He says, voice slightly tinged with worry.
"Ahh she's in the bathroom getting ready. Is something up?" I ask curiously.
"Just wanted to see if she wanted to head to lessons together, I'm walking towards campus and figured we could go together." He says and just as he's speaking, the bathroom door opens bringing heat, (Y/N) and her naturally sweet scent with it- mingling with the scents of the products she's just used.
"Jaehyun-ah's asking if you want to walk to campus together...oh wait. He says he'll throw in a free breakfast too." I add, when Jaehyun speaks up on the other end of the phone.
She nods eagerly, smiling as she walks over to pluck the phone from my grip.
"I'd love to Jaehyunie. But I would've accepted anyways. See you in a bit." She says into the phone and hanging up, tossing the phone at me.
"Better?" she asks sarcastically and I realise what she means by it. Her scent. It's coming through as hers now even if a tiny, tiny part of it still has Taehyung hyung's scent lingering, as if it's interwoven itself with hers.
I nod, not too put off by it- because at the end of it all, it'll fade in a bit by itself.
She walks off to go grab her stuff and I notice her damp hair resting on her shoulders.
"And dry your hair, you'll catch a cold." I holler after her disappearing figure.
(Y/N) POV:
I smile up at Jaehyun, around the rim of my mug that's still steaming slightly, and my fingers remain latched onto it, gratefully soaking up the warmth it emits.
"You didn't have to Jaehyunie, I'd have walked without the bribe of breakfast." I say, but he just smiles endearingly, grinning around a doughnut he's happily munching on.
"It's fine. You always buy us stuff- just a chance to give you a treat too." He says, after swallowing that mouthful, lips slightly dusted with sugar, eyes shining warmly and dressed in a baggy jumper. Looking at him, I'm surprised how anyone can think of vampires as deadly creatures- when Jaehyun is literally sitting there embodying cuteness.
But I don't realise that I've unconsciously uttered the question aloud and even though he smiles sweetly at me, when he speaks it's with a sombre tone.
"Just like humans have criminals, vampires have bad people too. Have you not heard of how people have been going missing? There's been a pattern too." He says with a crestfallen worried expression.
His words stir up the beginnings of fear in me- whenever I'd broached the topic to Gyeomie he'd gotten upset and spent the remainder of the evening on edge. When I'd mentioned it in passing to my mates- they'd frozen before informing me that no-one could enter the nest with the wards in place, but they too had been noticeably stiffer.
And even though he tries his best to detract the conversation- that sense of sorrow for the missing people clings onto me, and even if it's pushed aside when as we walk onto campus and the hive of chatter and activity distracts me- it lingers at the back of my mind.
Bambam is waiting for us when we enter the class, pouting cutely as we make our way over- pretending to be miffed but an easy grin slides in place instead.
A few minutes before lesson is about to begin, professor setting up at the front- the door goes flying wide open to reveal a slightly dishevelled looking Joon to enter- face flushed from exertion and eyes frantically scanning the classroom until they land on me. Instantaneously his body seems to sag, energy drained out of him and he continues to clutch at the door as if it's the only thing holding him upright. His eyes had been a bright red as he'd entered but slowly they fade and become his soft chocolate orbs again. He shoots me a smile as he walks towards his seat, apologising to the professor.
But his dramatic and sudden entrance has caught the attention of the entire class, caused curious eyes to linger on him and some on me. I ducky my head down from where I sit between Bambam and Jaehyun and pray for the professor to start teaching soon, so that when they do- the eyes can slide away from me.
"I've matched you into pairs for this next half of the semester- based on your argument styles, grade similarities and someone I think you'll work well with and be motivated to challenge yourself because of them." The professor begins explaining just as they turn the slide so the partner names can come up.
I scan the slide for mine intently, and I rove over it a few times and I'm pretty sure I can't see my name on it. That's impossible but no matter how much I carefully examine the slide; I just can't find my name. Ah...found it.
My eyes land on the name next to mine- Namjoon. And I find my heart fluttering with eager anticipation to work with my mate, not just for today but for future assignments too. And through the bond I can feel a pleased feeling transmit- Joonie, and it reaches me with all the effects of a mental caress- his deep hum of joy brushing against my soul feather light but so intense at the same time.
I turn in my chair to meet his eyes- that are already on me, lips curved into a deep smile, the dimples in his cheeks deep and inviting. He pats the chair next to him excitedly, unaware of how cute the gesture is as he waits for me to get up.
I slide out of my seat, Bambam and Jaehyun shoot me different looks- Bambam's smile is sweet, mischievous, and knowing whereas Jaehyun verges slightly on the more panicked side. But the two of them silently watch me go- but I don't miss the worried hiss of Jaehyun's words as he turns to talk to Bambam, undoubtedly questioning him why he seems calm about it. I realise with a pang of guilt that I haven't yet told Jaehyun that I've found my mates- guilty because during the time I had been suffering because of the incomplete bonding with Jimin, he had been one of those who'd relentlessly stuck by my side, gently clearing a path as we walked so no-one could bash into me, bringing me treats to try and tempt my appetite and just holding me, wiping away the tears when they'd suddenly coursed down my cheeks when I'd spotted him with the others.
I make a mental note to tell him afterwards- swearing to myself that I wouldn't keep him in the dark.
But when Joonie smiles at me warmly, I can't help but smile back- the hoy on his face eliciting a naturally similar response; basking in the excitement he felt.
"I can't wait to work with you (Y/N)-ah." He says as I sit down.
"I can't wait either Joonie..." I reply, cheeks flushing when he leans in, head propped up by an arm as he slowly trails his eyes across my face.
"I missed you this morning, thought we could walk to lesson together. It's why I was nearly late- Yugyeom was a tough nut to crack." He adds conversationally.
I simultaneously melt at the sweetness in his voice, the plan he'd envisioned and shake my head mentally to Gyeomie- who seems to revel in giving my mates a difficult time simply because he can.
"So can I take you out for lunch afterwards?" he adds, the thick persuasion in his voice surprising me, as well as the date he's sprung on me.
I can't refuse the sweet, earnest look and when I nod, he entangles our fingers and brings my hand up to brush a sweet kiss across it.
"Let's get to work then." I say, thankful that my voice doesn't waver under his intense look.
He only nods and starts scanning the sheet in front of us, looking through them before drawing me into a discussion.
Although debating certain points and arguments and bouncing ideas off each other doesn't seem to have that fiery challenge of trying to win the other over- somehow it's softened by the encouraging smile, the constant way his eyes linger on me and the squeezing of my fingers under the table as we work- completely distracting me mid-rant.
He's a distraction. More than I'd anticipated.
But what I do find myself grateful for, is how his presence demands my attention- unwilling to let my eyes linger or stray from him for any time further than jotting down notes, but even then I can feel his presence brushing against my soul, the proximity making our bond exult with a dizzying sense of elation.
But when the lesson is ending I begin to pack up and only then do I notice when I rise from having bent to lift my bag that the students nearby are staring. I smile at the girl nearest to me but she only glares, a disgusted look at me before she turns back to her partner, a male who's staring amusedly over her shoulder. The smile slides off my face and I twist uncomfortably back to face Joonie, now conscious of the eyes that I feel searing my back and when we get up to leave, there's a general sense of curiosity and a stifling atmosphere of a room full of people who want to speak, ask and comment but hold back- barely.
But Joonie is unaffected, strong, and firm as he straightens up, long muscled body uncoiling to stand it's full powerful height and the hand that had been holding mine remains tightly intertwined- even if the sight induces gasps and furious muttering. He walks towards the front of the classroom, gently guiding me forward with an unfaltering grip- not letting the scrutiny of the students discourage him from holding me, there's no abandoning here, no shunning or hiding away from what we are. And my heart thuds both in pride and with happiness- that this is my mate, my mate who won't hide his feelings or acceptance of me.
"Bother with your own lives, stop gawping at ours." Is all he says as he opens the door and pulls me with him out of it, voice cool and hard.
But the difference in that cool voice and the Joonie I know is instantaneous. He stops a safe distance away from the bustle, exiting the building and pulling me into an embrace, arms winding protectively and tightly around me, silently just holding me. Breathing me in, relishing in that comfort that only the other brings. My arms wound themselves around his torso, feeling the muscles shift and bunch under my touch, loosening and lax as I hug him back, breathing in the scent and comfort that he naturally emanates- he's always got this very fresh scent, as if part of the touch and connection he has with nature somehow is wounded through himself and his scent. Something that calms me without fail.
"Better?" I ask, voice slightly muffled because of the way he's tucked my body into his.
"Better." he mumbles back but I can hear the smile in his voice.
I tilt my head back to look up at him, smiling up at his sweet fond face.
"Now how about that date you talked about?" I ask.
His answering smile and fond laughter is answer enough. Now is not about the others who stare and comment meaninglessly. Now is about us. And that's all that matters. This moment of just us.
Sometimes all we need is to take a moment, to stop and breathe and recollect ourselves- to let us calm down and think without the chaos of the world making us worry. Sometimes we need to take breathers- so don't hesitate to.
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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