Chapter 40- woes and waking up
(Y/N) POV:
Going to sleep is surprisingly easy...maybe I should've wandered why my mind was so easily ready to shut down and rest, maybe I'd have put it down to my soul needing the sleep to help heal- but the truth that the presence of my mates had allowed me to lose myself in dreams is one that is frightening to accept- how easy it is for my subconscious to accept them, to lull me into such a secure sense of safety that I don't lie awake plagued with thoughts but allow their two presences to gently brush across my soul and guide me to rest.
Waking up is disconcerting. I wake up feeling like my body is heavy and that I can't coordinate my limbs, will them into movement- a sort of detachment from my body that sends my eyes jolting wide open but when they do open and take in the surroundings and situation, the panic abates to give way to feeling flustered. I'm cocooned from both sides, limbs intertwining with mine so easily, so naturally and so tightly- as if during sleep, our bodies had shifted towards each other and been unable to let go. Jungkook is in front of me and his body curves towards mine- knees touching my own, head tilted close and arms resting lightly on my arms- a safety blanket, nearby and warm is what he represents. Behind me is another story entirely. There are two strong arms that band across my waist- fingers having released hold of each other at some point and decided to take up rest tightly enwrapped around my torso, holding me securely against a hard, muscled chest which presses itself flat against my back. His knees form a cradle, a sort of lap for my own, legs pressed tightly into each other- bodies flush and I can feel every hard limb against my softer frame. I try to shift to ease up and make some distance, to give myself some breathing space in this very intimate hold and close proximity with the two of them but my movement induces a soft huff of protest, a sleepy whine from behind me as the grip tightens, body shifting closer and then the bare, minute feeling of lips brushing across the nape of my neck- a soft, velvety touch which sends shivers to wrack my body as they move in complaint, half-garbled words of protest at my movement.
I freeze at the entirely foreign feeling, one that sends jolts of pleasurable warmth across and makes me stiffen- soul yearning to melt into the touch, to press back whilst all this time my brain locks up and screams to escape.
I glance at the clock on the wall, blinking blearily at it. Even though I'd easily fallen into sleep, my mind wakes me up- perhaps not fully settled with my surroundings or perhaps because my body has set an internal clock because of the regular schedule of lessons and now I can't drift back off to sleep.
I lay there wondering if today I'll be able to manage small distances away from Jimin. Even though I've forgiven him and want to move on and build a better, stronger bond- the idea of being forcefully bound dampens my enthusiasm, I want to be able to approach him because I want to, there's nothing holding me back now- not because I'm compelled to.
I stare at Jungkook, at the way his face softens in sleep and adds an even younger and innocent air to him- makes him seem so vulnerable. It makes me wonder just how deep his hurt runs and how at the same time he's incredibly brave for having overcome that. Jungkook avoided humans, and I can see from our first meeting to now alone of the incredible personal growth he's gone through, the shell he's stepped out from and the courage he mustered to talk to me, to approach me.
There's the sound of the door being gently opened and I rise up automatically in response to the sound but find myself straining against the unconscious strength that pins me down.
Jin oppa's head pokes through and his face breaks into a soft smile when he sees me half sitting up. He enters quietly, coming to hover over the bed and smiling both apologetically and benignly at me and the way the three of us are still wrapped up from our bottom halves that lie intertwined.
"I'm sorry (Y/N)-ah, we're all extremely tactile by nature and you can see that it comes out even stronger during sleep- I hope you're not uncomfortable. I could wake them...?" he suggests, voice gentle and soothing and empathetic.
I glance at Jungkook, turn to see the soft sweetness of Jimin's face and shake my head.
"I'll survive I think. Although if you can help me escape, I'll be in your debt." I offer and when it elicits a pleased hum and contemplative look in his eyes, leaning forward to look deeply into my eyes, it makes me shift at the intensity
"A debt you say...let's see if you can manage small distances. The entire night together must've helped somewhat." He muses and he is painstakingly careful as he gently loops his arms around my torso- looking at me for permission, when I nod he gently uses one hand to dart down and effortlessly extract Jimin's grip off me. Nothing happens, save for the disappointed lurch of my heart- which I vehemently push down.
I look down and oh-so-carefully Jin oppa lifts me out of bed- leaving a space between Jimin and Jungkook, my breath in my throat as I wait for the pain to dart across my skin as scorching flames.
But the pain doesn't come, just a slight buzz of discomfort but nothing unbearable.
It's an improvement- and the sunny smile I see mirrored on Jin oppa's lips is evidence enough. Slowly I'm healing.
And I gladly take the opportunity, this blissful chance of freedom- which I don't know how brief it'll be to dash into the shower, scooping up a change of clothes as I hurry. Jin oppa follows and I stare at him confused when he guides me to the bathroom and then doesn't leave but remains outside the door.
"I'm not leaving. You might get weak whilst showering, so I'd rather be close at hand if that happens. I won't enter without explicit permission though." He promises with a warm voice and sinks down to lean against the wall, blinking up at me.
I step through the threshold of the bathroom, taking little time to marvel at the ornate furnishing as I lock the door and quickly strip- darting into to a shower which I'm overjoyed to learn operates on some sort of magic the house runs on, being the optimum temperature which cascades down over my body without me having to fiddle and twist the countless dials.
The hot water leaves me feeling refreshed and renewed- allows the regrets, embarrassment, and laments of yesterday wash away under a lather of incredibly scented body wash and shampoo. And somehow when I step out towelled, the floor under my feet is heated- and I was so sure it hadn't been when I stepped in, the mirrors are also steam free. I quickly towel off and change and when I step outside, Jin oppa is still sitting where I'd left him and he looks up when the door swings open, smiling at me and then frowning promptly.
"You can't go around in wet hair, especially during this cold weather. You'll get ill." He fusses as he straightens up in one fluid movement, all grace and long limbs as he frets, ushering me back into the bedroom. I allow him to gently nudge me into the dressing table chair, smiling at my reflection as he plugs in a hair dryer.
He smiles as he sets about drying my hair, gently carding through it with one hand, lightly massaging at my scalp- I slight caress of his fingers as he eases out any tangles. I struggle not to melt under the magic of his touch, but can't help arching into the touch, letting out a pleased hum at how soothing it is, how relaxing. I never knew how soft and soothing it could be- and I wonder if Jin oppa has the same magic that thrums through the house.
When I blink my eyes slowly open, languidly meeting my reflection, I see him already staring at me fondly, eyes twinkling as he takes the dazed expression.
"I'm offering future services free of your charge." He says, leaning down to place a chaste kiss against my now dry hair.
And I am more than ready and eager to take him up on that offer.
"It's a deal." I reply, beaming back at him.
It's so soothing for my soul, for the restless part of me that had risen to check up on my mates- heart twisting in excitement when I peep pass the door and catch sight of an adorably rumpled, drowsy baby mate. And what had made my soul lurch with giddiness was the sweet trust in her eyes as she'd allowed me to hold her and scoop her close, to free her from the piles of arms and hold her close to me, breathing in her naturally sweet scent that soothed the worries that I had been silently harbouring since I'd had the vision- her staying at the nest meant I could keep a closer eye on her but it was also extremely gratifying.
When she'd gone to shower, I hadn't the heart to leave her- worrying that she might've needed me but I knew the house was also going out of its way to make her feel comfortable and at ease- and I wondered if it was being biased, Taehyung and Jungkook's earlier protests hadn't been unfounded- the house was extremely accommodating, welcoming and protective over us but never to such extents; never with such a soft side.
And helping her dry her hair gives me more pleasure than I thought possible. The way her neck arches to curve into the touch, eyes fluttering under the light massage and the feel of my hand against her hair- the curve of her lips as she hums- all of it throwing my instincts into a pleased tizzy, bubbling with elation that she's enjoying my touch, that she's so relaxed in front of me.
But when I finish and I turn to put the dryer away I don't miss the slight hitch of her breath, a pained gasp, and the way her features scrunch with discomfort- eyes failing to hide the way the pain is beginning to flare. I hurriedly place my hands on her, but it only abates the pain a fraction- our bond is already fixed. She needs Jimin but before I can turn to call him, rouse him awake urgently- there's a presence and a third figure enters the reflection. The sleep, hair-mussed, tousled look Jiminie usually sports is vacant- there's alertness in his eyes as he hurries forward towards her, face pinched and worried.
He kneels down behind her, fingers hovering over the edge of her jumper- not yet breaching that barrier the fabric provides.
"Can I..." he gently prompts but the pain-filled eyes are desperate as she nods frantically reaching behind to grab his hand and place it under the cover of her jumper- resting against her back and she sighs in pure relief, slumping down as the touch helps relieve her of the pain. Jimin's eyes are nothing but apologetic and guilty as he gently rubs circles into her back, eyes trained on her face for any hesitation, discomfort, or unwillingness- but the sadness doesn't fade, because I know at the moment all he can think about is how he is the reason behind it.
But I'm proud to see him taking those steps for forgiveness, for trying to make things right- whereas it seems that Yoongi is taking steps back not forward, regression instead of progress, fear instead of hope.
I had spent the night cuddling him tightly, holding him close as he'd shakily let out the fears that were holding him back, the tears he only ever showed me, the vulnerability he let shine through when he turned to me with his heart open and raw and eyes that were filled with pain and longing.
"Hyung I want have no idea how much, but my past won't let me go. It's determined to make me a monster." He'd sobbed last night even as I murmured comfort and just held him, wiped away those tears and tried to put those fears to rest- even in the slightest.
But even now as I stare at Jimin and (Y/N)- whilst compelled, were slowly making moments, trying to grow close- Yoongi was hurting and forcefully shutting himself away. I didn't miss the lingering gaze or wistful eyes- didn't miss the sad turn of his lips or how his eyes shuttered and he pushed his hurt aside. There was something deeply bothering him, something about his past which wouldn't rest and be still- determined to steal the happiness of his present and future.
And I knew that sitting still wouldn't do anything.
If I had to be the one to nudge Yoongi towards a path that would take him to (Y/N)- then I would, I would gladly bring my two hurting mates together. If they needed that extra help getting there, it would be my pleasure to provide it.
But all I knew for certain was that the nudge needed to happen before the vision became a horrified reality.
Time heals all wounds but people are the balm and remedy that help it quicken, help it heal and tries not to leave even a scar behind. The people in your life are important, so don't forget to cherish them and let them know how much they mean!
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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