Chapter 37- soul pains
(Y/N) POV:
There's crippling pain even in the abyss; striking and scouring deep gashes through my soul, the wounds fresh and wide and gaping. Try as I might, I can't escape from the source of the pain, tormented to be immobile and be able to do nothing except suffer from it. And then in that darkness comes a gentle hand, the feeling of a soothing, healing presence pouring a balm, a remedy into me; one that banishes the pain and pushes it aside. One that cocoons me with all the warmth of a gentle loving embrace, and all the comfort of a thick fuzzy blanket.
The thick allure and comfort of a sweet melodic voice washes over me- filters through the darkness like a slither of light.
"Wake up soon sweet mate." The voice asks, and I can sense some pain in it, some yearning and I ache to pull myself out of the darkness to comfort and reply to that voice. To soothe just as I was soothed now.
But the weights holding me down are unmoveable and unrelenting, boring down heavily on my chest with such force that it aches but my hands can't bring it relief, I can't rub at it in hopes that it'll disappear, I can't move and the knowledge of that realisation makes my heart sink.
Despite the remedy having given me respite, some safety from the brunt of the pain, there's a discomfort, an unease that can't be shifted no matter how much I will it. My soul aches and pleads and begs for something to fill it, to complete that gaping void in it- that's dark and cold and empty.
But some time later, who knows whether it's mere moments, or if it's minutes or a dragged-on period of time- there's an inexpressible relief that comes. It's like being suddenly submerged in a warmth so intense that it soaks and seeps into my bones and worms its way into that gap in my soul- filling that emptiness with its presence. The presence, which is shy, soft, and sweet. Which is like everything I needed but never knew. The ache abates, that source of relief being a miracle, a blessing- one that makes the darkness no longer a frightening, intrusive and foreboding entity but one that comes with a sweet night, the comfort of a bed, and the knowledge that you're safe.
I relax, as if some part of me loosens because of that new presence, as if someone is beside me and the darkness can no longer frighten and intimidate.
Now that this layer of safety, security and comfort is here, I find the darkness soothing, lulling me into rest, urging me to slide my eyes shut and let go. To let it become my reprieve and sanctuary- even as voices murmur from somewhere far and unknown. I yearn to go to the sources of those voices- those voices that somehow filter through and give me that gentle push to rest.
There's a heaviness on my eyes, a deep ache in my body that pulls me down into the soft, cushiony surface I'm on. There's the sound of hushed whispers, the ground under me shaking and shifting as someone leaves. There's the feeling of being conscious and not yet awake, and that no matter how hard I try, my body doesn't cooperate with the screaming plea to open those shut lids and my limbs can't move into the position I want them to. It's as if my body is submerged into a state of immobility, as if no matter what- it won't move according to my will.
But there's also a solid, heavy weight behind me, the feeling of an arm banding across my stomach and another that sits and rests at the base of my back- the touch of it sending jolts up my spine and tingles to dance across my skin, warmth fanning out from where it rests. The arm holds me and presses me back into someone, holding me to them, but there's no sense of captivity or restriction but rather safety and refuge in their hold.
Slowly and surely, I feel myself becoming more and more aware. The presence that is so comforting that I melt into the touch- sure that Gyeomie has returned from showering and has snuggled up behind me. I know just how much he likes cuddles and joint napping. Especially post-feed.
I sigh, body shifting slightly and finally my eyelids open a crack, the light that filters through partially closed curtains making me wince and shut them again. I try after a few moments, allowing my eyes to slowly adjust but when I open my eyes, I freeze at the sight in front of me.
Gyeomie is curled up in the corner, hand reached out towards me and asleep. And his other hand is tucked under him. That means it's not his hand around me. I stiffen under the now foreign and stranger's touch, the touch no longer the warmth I had associated it with, but something restrictive and confining. And when I look down to see a bare muscular arm encircling my stomach, draped over my side, I twist fearfully, heart lurching with a nauseous twist when I see a familiar face with tousled hair, full cheeks and plump lips that have parted slightly in sleep. There's a softness and vulnerability in his sleeping state that I've never been able to associate with him nor been entitled to accustoming myself too.
So why is he here?
And why now?
Slowly, the memories of what happened filter through- as if trudging through a thick fog, coming in bits and pieces, fragments and then the phantom of the excruciating pain that had crippled me. The sheer agony that had ripped through my body mercilessly when I'd seen him and I stiffen, recoiling from the sweet softness I can see now- the memory of pain lingering in my mind.
And my heart thuds sickeningly quick when I realise that his hand is touching me, it's his sand sending the electrifying, delicious feeling up my spine and through my body. My body that he'd always recoiled from, always glared at with distaste at.
I can't figure out why he's here, why he's lying so close to me when all his words ever suggested was that there'd be no future, no hope, no connection between us.
Nausea makes my stomach churn and bile to rise up in my throat, nausea at whatever had traversed and whatever Jimin wants. My eyes sting with the beginnings of tears and I try to edge back, to shift away and out of his touch. But then there's a shifting, the sound of the door opening and I fearfully snap my eyes shut, not wanting to deal with whatever is happening, wanting to escape, wanting to hope fervently that this is a dream- because there's no way Jimin would put himself in such close proximity, and if it is a dream- I want to selfishly hold on a bit longer, knowing that the reality can never be like that.
"She's shifted, I think the tonic is wearing off." A voice comes, a voice I recognise as MJ oppa.
"Does that mean she'll be in pain again or that she's rested?" a fearful voice comes through. A voice I've always associated with pure light and joy. Hoseokie.
"She should be fine when she awakens. But I don't know how her body will react..." he murmurs.
I feel a cool, soft touch on my forehead, that stiffen and come to wipe the two tears that have trickled out and betrayed me. I try to keep my breathing even, to not curve into the touch even if the touch is sweet and chaste and warm.
"Wake up (Y/N)-ah, wake up with your soul healing...." He murmurs, voice coming closer which makes me envision him as leaning over me.
"Wake up to us." He pleads before it retreats.
"I've already told my coven, they're on their way soon." He says to MJ oppa and the two talk quietly as they leave, talking about needing to get a tonic from Jinyoung oppa.
And when they leave, when that door closes again, my eyes open and I stare disbelievingly at the arm that encircles me, that is holding me captive and move down to pry it away.
It takes effort to pry that strong arm, one that insistently tries to remain latched onto me but I wriggle and shift out of it. The hand against my back flattens, and I stiffen thinking he's awoken- but he sighs and shifts, trying to lean in closer, head dangerously close to nestling into the crook of my neck.
The moment I shift away, the last of his fingertips leaving contact with my skin just as I triumphantly think to myself I've succeeded, body pushing itself upright, albeit shakily and weakened, everything happens instantaneously.
Yugyeomie's eyes flash open- red and alert, body shooting upright and gaze landing on me, sleep vanishing from his posture. And my vision goes blindingly white as hot-red, fiery, agonising flames dart across my entire body, an inferno of pain engulfing my soul and heart- blistering torment in my centre and I hunch over, crippled with the sheer intensity of it. I can distantly hear raspy, shuddering gasps and exhales of breath and realise it's me trying to force air into my lungs, even as it feels that my body will seal up on itself and give out. The world tilts and shakes, unsteady and there's hot splashes against my cheeks, pain blossoming across my head- wiping out any thought except the pain I'm suffering through.
I shake and twist and writhe desperately to get away from the pain, pleas slipping out of my lips as jumbled sounds and garbled words as I beseech anyone, anything to help me.
My eyes flash open when in a few moments I seem to realise that the warmth under my touch has somehow slipped away, body too keyed up to rest properly. I quickly scan the way I can see (Y/N) upright but then everything goes wrong from there.
There's a pained cry that escapes her, head thrown back as she shakes and trembles and writhes in pain, I shoot up to encapsulate her between my arms, try to hold her close and soothe her even as a constant stream of pained whimpers and groans leave her lips, eyes unresponsive and blank, body shaking and heart beating viciously trying to keep up with what she's going through.
"Hyung! Hyung!" I cry out desperately, my voice high, keening, and distressed- no doubt transmitting through the bond and the sound of the door crashing against the wall and hurried feet and worried words spilling out from lips mingle with her heart wrenching sobs.
My soul is screaming in rage at me, furiously shouting that it's not enough, I'm not helping her- I'm not abating or lessening the pain even as she whimpers and curves desperately into the touch, unaware that she's doing it.
Hobi hyung looks panicked and when there's a flurry at the door, and the rest of my mates swoop in- I don't know for once in my entire existence, if they'll be enough, if they can stop this.
My hands delve under her shirt, sliding around her torso, even as I feel it spasm and jolt violently, holding her close, shirt riding up as I press the front of my torso to her back. It's only our mates and Yugyeom in the room- mind protesting at his presence in her moment of extreme vulnerability but right now she matters. Nothing else does. The shirt is in the way. It has to go. And one of my hands tug at it violently, carding the ripped fabric aside as I press the full of her back and plaster my chest to it, cocooning her with my body, cradling her close. My tears splash against the exposed skin of her shoulders, blurring my vision as the horror and shock of what's happening tears through me.
It works slowly because the shaking abates and the violent trembles lessen, body sagging almost lifelessly into my arms- the sudden drain of movement having the others crying out in alarm.
Hobi hyung gently ushers Yugyeom away, even if his posture is screaming agony and he eyes me untrustingly and with nothing but anger.
His hands flutter over (Y/N), sigh with relief and I'm sure by the shaking exhale of his lips that she's still awake, that she hasn't lost consciousness again.
He mutters a few healing spells, drifting his hands carefully over her exposed arms, the side of her neck, her face and pressing gently above the band that my arms form and pressing against her stomach.
"Does that feel better?" he asks shakingly, the tremor the only indication of how panicked and scared he is, but pushing it aside to tend to her.
Her mouth parts but only a sharp gasp leaves her and she nods her head slowly.
The others, save for Yoongi hyung, are quick to hurry around- run their own red protective gazes over her face, asserting she's fine and trying to settle their riled instincts.
But then she mutters a word. One word.
"Gyeomie...." She pleads and the others hasten to part for him, to give their mate, our mate whatever it is she needs.
And the Yugyeom who's stared at me with anger and coursing rage, with nothing but promises of pain and revenge, takes one look at her and bursts into tears.
(Y/N) POV:
I startle when he collapses to his knees and bursts into tears, noisy loud sobs that wrack his body and curve his shoulders inwards, head bent as he tries to muffle the sound by hiding his face.
My heart aches for him and I reach out slowly, straining my shaking arm to touch him, to brush against the familiar head of hair that I've spent years petting and playing and using to soothe.
I card through gently, leaning forward as far as the band of Jimin's arms allow, trying not to revolt and fight against it, not wanting to go through that pain again.
"Gyeom-ah, come here..." I say and then tail off when pain flares slightly. Behind me Jimin curses and pulls me back into him.
But the sound gets his attention and he rises his head, and he bolts to my side, bed dipping with the suddenness.
He glares at the offending arms before he grabs a blanket to cover me, eyes scanning furiously at the others but when they realise their stares never lowered, he ignores them and shuffles closer, scared and tentative.
"I'm fine...." I try to appease, to dredge a smile through the watery eyes and tear-stained mess, through the hiccupping breaths.
He glares at me, eyes red-rimmed and still tinged with the flare of his instincts.
"I will be fine." I amend.
I open my arms for him and he all but falls into, but I note it's with a gentleness and caution he's never shown. As if he's holding back.
He sobs against my neck, hot tears splashing against the heated skin. He breathes in shakily, filling his nose with my scent and trying to let it calm down.
"You're scent is weak..." he sniffles sadly, shaking.
"If you die on me, I'll never forgive you." he warns but there's a desperation, a franticness that needs to be soothed.
"I promise Gyeom-ah. I'm not dying. I swear." I say, even if it feels like my body has been shredded apart and the occasional jolt of pain still manages to rip through my skin, embedding itself deeply like nails hammered in.
I try and will myself to forget and ignore the hard chest pressed against me, the way his arms are unrelenting and the way his presence feels too intense, too close, and too intimate for someone who despises me. My soul is torn between revelling and cherishing the feeling, knowing it's by compulsion that he's here and the utter crushing feeling that in the cruellest form of irony, the mate bond that exists between us weak and starved and trying to be fulfilled through his touch, whereas in reality the want was only ever one-sided.
I try not to loosen into his hold, to ignore the way it makes me feel like a puddle, try to hold onto the shred of logic, that corner of my mind which is bringing me reminders of every interaction, of the tears and aches it brought and remain stiff, no matter how appealing it would be to just let go and rest.
My soul fidgets restlessly, I know that I need to make things right. And I know all it'll take is one request and my mates will leave to give us privacy. I can't stop thinking about how stiff and uncomfortable (Y/N) is in my arms, clearly broadcasting that she would want to be anywhere but here, she hasn't even turned to look at me; ignoring my presence entirely. Next to me Yoongi hyung looks close to shattering, his usually stoic demeanour he tries to hold up when he's not around us, is slipping, quickly and easily- showing peeks at the vulnerability in them as he eyes her from the back.
But the issue doesn't lie within them, it's Yugyeom. I don't know if he'll let me stay, what ruckus he'll cause but whatever anger and rage he harbours; I'll deal and endure.
"Can I talk to (Y/N)...alone?" I voice.
Everyone is flawed. Not one person is perfect. But don't let those flaws hold you back from knowing them, from getting to see the person and personality that lies at the centre. Take time to know people and to open up- you may like what you find underneath.
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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