Chapter 146- breaking the news
(Y/N) POV:
I settle against Eunwoo's chest, patting his thigh comfortingly even as my head rests against him, find myself needing to lean onto him, not trusting myself to be able to remain completely upright independently, not with the way the dizziness wasn't easing up, the way my head continued to throb and MJ oppa's serious face wasn't helping.
"'m okay Eunwoo, just slightly dizzy." I say softly, smiling when his arms tighten around me, when he presses a kiss to the back of my head.
"Getting dizzy setting down a basket of fruit isn't good. And neither is having such a bad headache it's making MJ hyung wince. So shush and let him check you over." He admonishes but his voice is filled with a mixture of guilt and worry.
I relent and fall silent as MJ oppa approaches, something about seeing that smiley face serious and brows furrowed making me feel automatically apprehensive and nervous.
And stay silent as he kneels in front of the two of us, touch light and careful as he brushes his fingers across my temples, eyes fluttering shut as he hones in on exactly what it is that's wronged.
"Sweetheart this isn't heat induced. The heat aggravated it but didn't cause it." He murmurs quietly, as if fearful of him speaking at a normal tone will make it worse.
And as he gently rubs his fingers in small circles, small jolts of energy rush out, light sweet pulses of energy that has my head tilting into his touch, leaning forward in towards him, a small yelp of laughter and incredulity as Eunwoo's hands tighten to hold me before he too leans in with me, chest pressing against my back.
"You're impossible (Y/N). Don't go chasing his magic hands." Eunwoo laughs in my ear with fondness, lightly tugging me to lean against him.
"He does have magic hands...almost as good as Seokie's." I mumble, words slipping out before I can register them.
MJ oppa laughs, pressing a kiss to my forehead.
"I'd be offended if you weren't so cute." He says easily, hands falling away to his side, eyes scanning over me to sense any other pain, any other hurt.
And his gaze seems to freeze, expression shuttering and his eyes when they look at me, rising from my body, they're flickering red, coming to settle on a deep maroon shade.
"'ve you been feeling recently? Anything off, anything that's unusual?" he asks, gaze questioning and contemplative, silently awaiting my answer.
I bite my lip as I try to wonder back, try to remember if I had been feeling out of sorts, if there had been anything uncharacteristic.
My cheeks warm at the thought of how enthusiastically active my mates had been, at how it had seemed that since my wish had been uttered in the nesting room I'd barely remembered nights that had passed by without at least one of them turning playful, light touches into something more. How these past few weeks had been a constant blur.
But I was sure that didn't count.
"I've been feeling a bit tired and exhausted. So I've been sleeping slightly later, napping too at times." I confess, voice a bit soft and feeling my cheeks warm, not as noticeably as they would've as when I had been human but enough that I duck my head out of sight, feeling as if they'll be immediately noticeable.
But on contrary, MJ oppa moves to take my hands, gently squeezing as he holds them up, brings them to settle on my stomach.
I peer down in confusion, a thought slowly dawning on my mind, ever so slowly slipping to the front, mind whispering that maybe. Just maybe.
His hands hold mine there, I feel Eunwoo's head hook over my shoulder, can feel the weight of his curious stare.
"Darling that's the sweet precious baby growing inside you that's making you sleepy. Oh're expecting." He says gently.
And despite a baby being something I wanted, something we'd been trying for, it seems impossible to believe as he says it, gazing at where our hands hold my stomach with disbelief, as if expecting to suddenly see through me, to see the tiny living being slowly forming inside.
And when I don't reply, when I don't respond, Eunwoo's arms encircling me loosen, he presses his head to tuck against mine, silently telling me he's here.
And MJ oppa's hands tighten, squeeze lightly.
"Were you...were you not wanting to have a child yet?" he asks lightly, hedging very tentatively.
I shake my head quickly, trying to diffuse that thought before it takes root but by the way his hands tighten as they hold mine, give away that he's gotten the wrong understanding.
"No we...we want our own child, I just can't quite believe it's happening, that we'll be having our own baby." I murmur, surprised by the thickness to my voice and the way it wobbles and just as surprised at the way hot tears splash against my cheeks.
"Happy tears then (Y/N)?" Eunwoo asks.
I nod, smiling and laughing as I make to swipe at my tears, ducking my head down when MJ oppa doesn't let go of my hands, sniffling when Eunwoo's hand unwraps from around me to wipe at my tears instead.
"The babiest baby of the Ims and hyung, the marshmallow to Gyeomie and I is going to have a tiny baby of her own. I can already tell that not only will I be the best uncle ever and the most favourite but that little baby is going to be so loved." He says with such assurance, such confidence that it has those tears spilling over even heavier, nodding to his words.
"A baby, our family is going to have a baby." I say, whisper to the two of them like a shared secret, an intimate confession.
A baby to not only the family I had with my mates, not only a new addition to that coven but also to the Im coven to which I still belonged, to the family that all of them, MJ oppa and Eunwoo were a part of. That Ryan oppa and Deok-mi unnie were a part of.
Our baby because every single one of them were family to the unborn child inside me right now,
And I knew that the child would have all the love that I had. Would have much, much more.
"So...does this also mean we're the lucky ones to know first? Before anyone else, before your mates?" MJ oppa says, voice excited and slightly teasing.
I nod, no longer crying as the realisation slowly begins to sink in, begins to settle that inside me is the proof of all our love.
"So how many weeks along is she hyung?" Eunwoo asks, fingers brushing against my stomach, eyes full of wonder when I glance at him from the side.
"Four weeks in give or take. And it makes sense you didn't know sweetheart. Not when vampires have less cycles. By then you'd be about...a few months pregnant and showing?" he muses aloud.
I squirm when Eunwoo's fingers teasingly tickle along my stomach, heart dropping with fondness and love when he murmurs gently.
"Hi baby, it's your favourite uncle. Get used to me because I'm gonna be the best after your mama.", and he's speaking so earnestly, so sweetly and softly to my stomach, even if there's nothing to show now, even if our baby is barely grown.
But it makes emotions spill over and burst out in another wave of tears, head ducking to hide from the two of them.
MJ oppa and Eunwoo's laughs are fond and amused.
"Ahh not even at the hormonal stage yet marshmallow and already tears? Ouch hyung...aww don't worry (Y/N). I'm sure your mates will take one look at those tear-stained cheeks and do everything to make it better. Except you know...they'll be surprised instead!" Eunwoo rambles, diverting tactics from teasing to laughing at the thought of the others being surprised, after that swat that MJ oppa gives to his leg.
I smile.
A surprise it will be.
Once I've managed to stop crying, once I've managed to stop peering at my stomach as if expecting to see our baby already.
I can't wait to tell them.
Can't wait to see the excitement on their faces too.
When I step through the door, it's to quiet. Uncharacteristic in itself given how loud and energetic the entire coven is.
But I appreciate the small moments it gives me, small moments to myself as I step in back home and find that despite being in the same place, despite being exactly how I left it, it was as if everything had changed.
And as I bend to take my shoes off, something new happens. Something the house hadn't done before. This time instead of the little shelf sliding forward as a support for me to lean on as I took off my shoes, this time it appears lower, the large wooden unit nudging at the side of my leg insistently, very gently butting against the side of my leg until I'm peering at it quizzically, pausing and then staring at it.
"Do you want me to sit on it?" I ask, not sure where I'm directing the question but the nudges of wood turn more purposeful almost, lingering against my leg until I get the message, until I'm turning to sit down and lean over to take my shoes off.
I pat the wooden bench, smiling down at it.
"Thank you." I say softly before getting up, watch as the bench slides back in, panel vanishing.
And it's only when I enter through to the living room do I realise that the others were already there, somehow not having heard them despite the heightened hearing. As I'm stepping through I get confused because I'm suddenly greeted with a flux of sound; laughter and voices and the sound of the television, as if it had been muffled, muted somehow.
"I'm home." I say softly as I enter, watching as their heads turn, smiles on their faces as they greet me, eyes flashing red with surprise.
"(Y/N)! We didn't hear you enter baby." Kookie says from near the front of the living room, pausing in his wrestling for the remote with Hobi oppa, pausing in pinning him down to shoot me a toothy grin.
But then he freezes, eyes burning a bright crimson, eyes narrowing on me at the same time that the others straighten up with alarm, postures stiffening.
And then Yoongi oppa speaks, voice soft and gentle.
"Sweetheart did something happen? It looks like you've been crying." He murmurs, eyes drifting over my face.
My hands fly to my cheeks, wondering if Eunwoo had been right about tearstains.
Did they still show? Were my eyes red?
And then Hobi oppa is gently pushing Kookie up and off him, a frown twisting his lips which were usually heart-shaped with his joy.
Eyes flashing as he hurriedly straightens up, pushes himself off the floor.
"Sweet one why have you got healing energy clinging to you? Are you hurt?" his voice, pitched with alarm and distress.
It causes the others to snap into attention.
And it's a blur of movement from there.
And suddenly I find myself cocooned by both sides by protective mate, seven pair of red eyes focused on me.
It takes one mention by Hobi hyung, one mention that the tearstained cheeks and red-rimmed eyes have something to do with her requiring healing energy that has everyone pushing into motion. Has Hobi hyung already starting for her, has Kookie scrabbling off the floor, distress in his eyes. It has Yoongi hyung's eyes flashing with emotion, thick and heavy and worried and has me itching to get close, to have her close, someway physically touching, needing that distance sealed between us. it has Joon hyung, Jin hyung and Tae straightening from their cuddled intertwined positions, to move to get to her.
And when Hobi hyung is gently ushering her down to sit onto the couch, my hands reach out to tug her onto my lap instead, arms snaking around her to tug her close, hooking my head over her shoulder and press a kiss to her cheek.
I'm surprised by the way she huffs with laughter, squirming before settling properly against me, leaning contentedly into me, back resting against my chest.
"What's wrong little one?" Jin hyung asks, crouching in front of us, kneeling on the carpet, eyes crimson with concern, eyes scanning her.
The sight of him kneeling for her, for our baby mate spoke volumes about his love for his coven, for his mates, that as a full-blooded vampire, as someone as powerful as him was kneeling. And kneeling only to his mates, to his equals. And kneeling so he could peer up at her, could lightly squeeze her knees, just our eldest mate in this moment, only ever ours within the walls of our home, only ours in every way.
I peer at hyung, at the way his plump twists twist with worry, at the way the intensity of the red of his eyes glow, burn brighter and hotter almost.
"Little one..." he prompts.
"(Y/N), what happened? Why did you need healing?" I ask.
And oddly enough.
She smiles.
She smiles. Lips curved wide and eyes sparkling with warmth as she leans in to press a peck to Jin hyung's lips, quickly leaning in towards him.
Though he's surprised, his hand goes to cup her face, to press his lips more firmly to hers, lips languidly moving together before all too soon he moves back, gaze set.
Kisses or not. He wanted answers.
"I had a headache. I went to pick fruits with Eunwoo and the heat made it worse. So MJ oppa healed it for me!" she says lightly.
But it feels like something is left largely unspoken, something that hovers in the air, invisible but heavy, tangible, as if the words sit on the tip of her tongue.
"Jagi what is it you're not saying? Don't be a tease and just say it." Tae says, eyeing her knowingly, voice teasing and gentle even if I know the look in his eyes, the look that tells me he's silently fretting but trying to ease her into it, trying to make her feel comfortable.
But she leans forward, looking perfectly at ease despite everyone else being worried and leans over to take Hobi hyung's hand, gives him a little squeeze as she draws it close. He complies, wide-eyed and slightly confused until she's lightly leaning to pry away my hands with her free hand, is tugging her top up.
Joon hyung makes an alarmed, confused noise.
"Petal we don't...what..." he trails off uncertainly.
But then she brings Hobi hyung's hand to press against the low of her abdomen, looks at him with wide sparkling eyes.
"Why don't you find out yourself Seokie?" she says softly.
And when his gaze focuses and his fingers splay across her skin, his eyes flutter, body undoubtedly coursing with healing magic and then his eyes are burning, consuming pools that look at her, that widen and fill with tears.
And without a further word, without an explanation to any of he kisses her hard and fast, kisses her furiously and tenderly, cupping both her cheeks between his hands, tugging her forward, mating bond suddenly soaring, bubbling with elation and giddiness. Their kiss is messy, uncoordinated and giggly, their lips sliding away to laugh against each other's mouths, to tug each other closer as if unable to bear the distance.
"Oh sweet one thank you. thank you. We'll do our best for you and for our child." Hobi hyung murmurs against her lips, kisses slower, firmer, lingering presses of his mouth to hers, heads pressed together, my hands that had been around her coming to grip her hips to keep her from toppling onto him.
And then his words sink in. Child. Child.
My eyes drop to her stomach, shirt still ridden up but the same as it had always been. Nothing to tell that there was a child growing inside.
Our child.
A child was something I didn't know I could ever have, didn't know that I'd ever deserved or could one day dream of.
A child meant responsibility, meant love and protection and warmth for that baby from the moment it was conceived. A child was everything I yearned for, everything I longed for because I wanted to be a better parent than my own mother had ever been towards me, I wanted to protect and nurture and cherish that celebration of life, of our love in a way that my mother had never ever been for me, not even in the few years I'd lived with her.
A child meant in some way that I was completely separated from the past I'd once known, the horrors I'd once associated with childhood, with being young and vulnerable. Because this child, our child would be far from it. Our child wouldn't ever be missing or lacking in receiving love and affection and care.
And I'll be a father? I'll have a child of my own? A child to dote and fuss over? A child to give that security and safety a family brought.
A child with my mates.
It felt too good to be true. It felt as if the words weren't sinking in, but distantly the loud burst of noise and movement alerts me that it must be, because my eyes trail over faces radiant with overwhelming joy and hope. Faces split wide with smiles and eyes burning with pride and love.
"We're really having a child...?" I ask, voice breathless and raspy, as if punched out of my lungs, as if suddenly after centuries of being fine without air, now I suddenly needed it. Now I needed oxygen to breathe, hands holding her hips tightly to me, as if should the feeling of her slip away, the beautiful mirage of a future family, of a baby in our home would slip through my fingers too.
"Yes...Jiminie we're really having a baby." Joon hyung says, leaning up towards me, eyes bright and lit up, leaning to brush a thumb over my cheek, to meet my face in a soft, grounding kiss. Somehow knowing or sensing that I'd needed it. Had needed the light touch.
And then (Y/N)'s turning, face radiant and glowing as she tucks herself close, as she lightly grips my hand to bring to her stomach, shirt lowering over where her hand cradles mine, keeps it close.
Physical touch.
It always seemed to come down to this. To physical touch between the two of us. To ground each other. And it's as if she can sense it without asking, can sense it with the way her hand doesn't slip away and she turns to press a kiss to my jaw.
"A baby, our baby Minnie. We're all going to be parents." She says softly.
My fingers splay across her stomach, brushing against her warm skin and lightly poke, lips quirking when she giggles, when that sweet happy sound makes my tears spill over, sudden and warm as they course down my cheeks.
I sniffle, ducking down to hide my head behind hers, shaking my head when Kookie softly asks if I'm crying, the tears thickening and falling down in quicker succession as I bend my head towards her, tears dampening her neck.
"Oh's sudden huh?" Joon hyung speaks from beside me, hand rubbing up and down my spine comfortingly.
I nod.
"Thank you (Y/N)...thank you for this chance...for giving us this gift." I hiccup against her skin, eyes fluttering shut against her shoulder when her hand grips mine and holds it there, squeezing reassuringly.
"You'll be the best fathers. I know it." She murmurs gently.
My heart aches at her words, at the easy confidence in it, at the way she's so assured and how her eyes drift over all of us, slowly lingering and lips curved up.
"So were they happy tears then?" Jin hyung asks with pride, hand curving around Kookie to draw him close as he looks at her.
As we see her nod, shyly, ducking her head down.
"Very happy tears." She confirms.
And then her eyes drift to focus on Yoongi hyung, Yoongi hyung who's sitting with his head bowed, body curved in towards himself and being held by Hobi hyung and Tae, both of who murmur softly to him, who hold him. Tae draped over his back as he hugs himself to Yoongi hyung and Hobi hyung who rubs circles into his ankle, brows furrowed.
Yoongi hyung who's head rises at her soft call for him, face blanched, eyes wide and stunned and hands gripped into fists. Yoongi hyung who looks so disbelieving and uncertain and lost and yet so, so enamoured at the same time. His eyes brim with emotion, heavy and thick and when I silently reach out, silently sense that wave of emotions and allow it to wrap around me, I feel my soul yearn and weep. Feel it resonate with an echo of that mixture of hope, excitement and exuberance and those darker, heavier feelings of incredulity, disbelief, flickering remnants of agony seeping away.
Seeping away and leaving him as he realises that he can have this, he can have a family with his mates when once upon a cursed time he'd known nothing but pain and misery. It's as if in this moment he truly comes to realise just how far he's come in healing, in growth, in self-discovery. How far he's come as a person, how far he's come from his past.
"Sweetheart can I...?" he asks, gesturing to her stomach wordlessly as his eyes drop to it.
And my hand's sliding away, giving her hip a light squeeze before it falls away.
And that's all she needs to rush forwards towards him, her hurried franticness triggering hands to dart out and a few startled warnings to 'be careful', but she laughs as she weaves around them all, moving to straddle hyung's lap and wrap her arms around him to hug him close, to brush her fingers through his hair as he burrows his face into her neck and trembles, mumbles that this child means everything, means that he proved he was a survivor and that he was beyond and completely removed to everything that had once happened.
And all the while (Y/N) never stopped hugging him, never stopped her light exploration through his hair as she cradled him close, as she pressed kisses to his temple.
She was our beautiful, strong baby mate.
And she was going to be an even better mother.
I felt it through the mating bond, felt it in the emotions that pulsed out through all of us, resonating through that connection, that tether that bound us all.
Our blood called to each other, always had as mates.
And now it called to us with the sweet beckoning call of tomorrow, of what the future held.
And all of it as a family that was going to grow.
A family that was filled with giggles and soft murmurs that when I woke up the next day, all of curled close in the large bed in the nesting room, it was to focus on the sight of both Kookie and Tae kneeling on the mattress, sheets bunched around their waist as they bent over (Y/N)'s stomach, pressing soft kisses to her skin. Tae's exaggerated smacks of his lips and sounds making her giggle whilst Kookie took his time, lips lingering on her stomach, nosing at her skin, her hand brushing through his wavy hair.
As I blink blearily at the sight, lips curved into a loose smile, I sense the weight of other gazes on the three of them, eyes drifting to see Joon hyung tucked up in Yoongi hyung's arms, the two of them equally as fond and endeared as they watch. I see Yoongi hyung's almost absentminded kisses pressed to hyung's shoulders, eyes glowing a soft tender red as he looks at our baby mate softly giggling under the ministrations of my other younger mates.
And know that there's more to come, many more sleepy, lazy mornings like this. Know that eventually her stomach will become rounded, will grow as our baby grows.
And I can't wait.
Can't wait for everything this next step will bring in our lives.
Can't wait to press kisses to her stomach as it rounds and curves with growth and tell her over and over just how much I love her, just how excited I am for our baby.
And no time better than the present to get started I think as I wriggle out of Hobi hyung's hold, his arm falling away easily. And when I peer back at him, both he and Jin hyung are smiling at me, message clear in their eyes.
Go for it.
So I do.
Smiling at her surprised yelp at another pair of lips teasingly trailing over her stomach.
"Morning baby mate." I whisper as I slot myself into the space between her parted thighs.
They come round me, legs locking around my waist and drawing me in with silent invitation.
"Morning Minnie." She says softly, eyes flickering red as she peers up at me.
I smile back at her.
Mornings like this I cherished. Mornings with our mates surrounding us.
And it feels like this morning dawns with new hope and even stronger love coursing through the mating bond.
Because this morning marked a change in all our lives.
Marked the beginning of a new step forward.
Me...I am officially GONE. Just gone. The end. Still trying to process the sudden hair colour changes. Blonde. Then silver. Then blue. It's just too much for my brain. I'm still whirling.
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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