Chapter 131- restless energy and errant mates
(Y/N) POV:
"Tae baby, where's Seokie, I haven't seen him around all day." I ask, fingers pausing their ministrations of brushing carefully through his hair, his sleepy languid sprawl over me, a comforting grounding weight wriggles with a muffled whine, the feeling of it reverberating against my neck where he'd curled his head into.
He presses a kiss to my neck, lips lingering before he raises himself off me, having clambered on in the first place because of my constant fidgeting as I'd moved around the nest, unable to sit still long enough to relax.
He peers at me, the small distance between us seeming like an aching void, a large stretch I want to close the gap of.
My hands wrap around his waist, tightening to keep him there, because I don't want the comforting solid weight of him to leave, because I didn't want my mate moving away.
"I'm not going anywhere jagi." Tae soothes, pressing a soft kiss to my lips, finger gently rubbing at the furrow in my brow, easing it away.
"Hobi hyung got called away for a shift at the hospital. You know having a healer can turn tides when there's been a pile-up situation." He says softly, clearly trying to ease my mind, to set me at peace that he's away at a recognisable safe place.
But my blood runs cold, a shiver wracking my body.
A pile-up. Deaths and horrific injuries. Blood. Lots and lots of it.
And my mate was there. Surrounded by blood and pain and death clinging and hovering over each patient, each door, each bed.
"Jagi he's fine, he called to say he'll be back in a couple of hours, and this was some time ago." He soothes, pressing soft kisses to my skin to reassure me, each press of his lips against me calming me, soothing me. No intent except for one; to comfort, to help settle the frazzled instincts I feel well up, pushing against my skin.
I shift uneasily under him, looking at him imploringly.
"Do you promise?" I ask.
He nods.
"Promise. And besides, not only will he be home soon, but you'd feel it, we all would if he wasn't." he says finger gently brushing over Joonie oppa's mating mark, a small gentle swipe that has tension draining out of me, body sinking into the couch.
And then the small distance there had been between us vanishes when he drops himself back over me, mindful for all that he suddenly does it, that he does so carefully- draping himself over me and nestling back into the crook of my neck.
"Are you feeling better baby mate?" he asks, soft brush of his breath against my throat.
I curl my head towards him, turning to face him- where he peers at me with dark soft eyes that flicker crimson with concern.
I don't bother hiding it, I know they can feel an echo of it at least through the bond.
And Tae has this awfully perceptive way of seeing right through me, able to detect a lie. And he always prodded to get it out of me, an array of methods at his disposal to fit what he assessed the situation to be.
"A bit more than yesterday." I confess, watching as his face scrunches with empathy, shifting close so our noses brush against each other.
His body is a grounding weight, something that keeps me cocooned and comfortable, warmth because he'd recently fed; coming in search for cuddles and saw me fitfully hovering behind Jinnie oppa and Yoongi oppa, fingers brushing over creases in blankets, straightening covers and constantly returning to them to brush a hand over them, to lean in for a cuddle. And promptly dragged me away. That had been hours ago.
"If Hobi hyung wasn't called in urgently, I know he'd be happy to give you a massage." He says sympathetically, shifting slightly to tug me into him. So I'm sprawled over him and it's him holding me protectively towards him.
And that's how we remain, curled up and content- as much as I can be, mind buzzing with anxiousness for Hobi oppa to return, to see him in the flesh.
And when he does appear I jerk up, flailing against his hands when the sound of the front door- usually silent and noiseless is now with a soft creak, the sound of shoes being shucked off.
Hobi oppa's frame fills the doorway, hand propping him up on the doorway smiling at us. But there's fatigue in the crinkle of his eyes, there's a tiredness to his smile and there's a weary exhaustion that seems to pull him down.
"I'm home my love—oof" he says, cut off because I've disentangled myself from Tae and rushed forward, throwing my arms around him and burrowing into him.
We'd have gone careening into the opposite wall had it not been for his arms automatically wrapping around me and feet firming their stance on the ground.
"Seokie..." I mumble into his chest, tightening my hold, feeling instinctually relieved that he's home, unsafe and my line of sight.
Some of the tension that had caused me to remain stiff all day, seeps out, spine no longer ramrod as I curl into him.
And then my nose wrinkles, I reel back at the strong scent of death that seems to cling to him- blood, old and new mingling into a thick overwhelming scent and more than that the bond pulses with this tiredness, this deep-rooted exhaustion that clings to him.
And I don't like it.
I hate seeing them sad.
And seeing him like this sparks a protective warmth in me.
One that demands that I cheer him up, brighten his face so his usual sunny demeanour shines through. It doesn't surge up on its own but nudges at my own rationality and feelings- at the part of me that had twisted to see him look so down.
"Thanks for the cuddles Tae but I'm taking oppa now." I say turning to smile at him, where he doesn't complain and huff like he usually would in his adorable manner, but stretches out further, relaxing into the couch and peering at us with intense eyes.
"I think that's perfectly ideal. Hyung and you could do with some cuddle downtime." He says, giving a loose easy smile.
And with that being the final nudge I need, I reach over to grab Hobi oppa's hand tugging him with me as I lead him upstairs, grip firm and squeezing- wanting to reassure him just as much as myself that I wasn't going anywhere.
"Sweetheart what..." Hobi oppa asks, falling silent when I tug him to a stop in front of his room, pushing the door open and silently watching as I grab clothes and then tug him back out.
"I want to have a bath with you." I say bluntly, lips twitching slightly from their determined pout when he splutters, bond flaring with surprise and shock.
"Won't you let me?" I ask, turning to shoot him a downcast look, lips dragging down, eyes looking imploringly at him.
I pause, not taking another step forward. He stumbles to a stop so he doesn't abruptly crash into me.
"Of course I will, I'd love to but...out of the blue?" he seems to reach a conclusion, looking bewildered.
I smile.
"Got to keep you on your toes oppa." I say, before leading him in, only letting go of his hand once I've nudged him to sit on the edge of the bath and put the clothes down on the large space under the shelves, hands busily plugging the bath and turning the water on.
I smile when I don't have to fiddle with the temperature, a nice, heated spray of water that tickles my hand as it rushes past to fill the tub, steadily and quickly- far more efficient than any bathroom system I've seen.
"What brought this on darling? Not that I don't want to." He says looking at me.
I kneel down in front of him, hands reaching out to settle on his legs, rubbing a path up and down his calves, squeezing reassuringly.
"I want to take care of you. Will you let me?" I say softly.
His shoulders seem to slump at that, caving in slightly and he looks at me with soft red eyes.
"Please baby mate. I'd like that very very much." He confesses.
And allows me to slowly draw his clothes off him, put into the laundry hamper, before I tug him to sink into the bath in front of me, arms encasing him from around his shoulders as he leans back.
The water sloshing around us as we settle down comfortably, the soft scent filling the air and the bubbles encompassing us.
"I know you're hurting. I know you're drained. So just let me look after you." I say softly, pressing a kiss to the nape of his neck before simply holding him, basking in the feeling of holding my mate close.
And when he tilts his head back obligingly, eagerly into my fingers as I massage at his scalp and work his hair into a lather- it sends a jolt of satisfaction through me, to be able to take care of him, to be able to make him unwound- my own stiffness melting away with each gentle lap of water at our skin.
There's an immense gratification to see him relax as we lie in the bath, bodies slick with water and pressed to each other, a deep comfort in being intertwined in this way, with his body reclined into me, with his hands that grip mine where they curl around his torso and hold him there, pressing kisses to his shoulders.
And when we're towelled off, he only pulls on the shorts, handing the matching shirt to me so we're both sporting half of the same outfit and like that leads me out of the bathroom, padding into his bedroom.
"Lie down oppa." I say, nudging him towards the mattress, tugging the blankets aside.
He does so without complaint, sprawled onto his stomach and nestling his head into the pillows, turning slightly to peer at me, reaching out a hand for me.
What he doesn't expect is for me to take his invitation and clamber onto him from behind, straddling him by sitting on his hips to effectively pin him there.
Though I don't have any doubt he could easily spin us around, he seems to relax into the mattress, laughing incredulously.
"What are you doing? I can't cuddle if you're on top of me." he says, trying to reach for me.
But I stay firm.
"No I'm not done yet." I refute.
And then slowly proceed to massage his back, fingers applying pressure as they move from the base of his back upwards, easing out the stiffness in his muscles, imitating the way I'd seen Jinyoung oppa tenderly look after his mates, at how he'd done for me when the pain got bad.
I remember his sweeping movements, the circles he'd make with his hands as he carefully applied pressure, kneading at skin.
Hobi oppa groans into the pillow, a low slightly muffled sound but even so I hear it loud and clear. Find myself pleased by it. Because I did that. I'm helping alleviate his discomfort and pain.
I take time to massage his back, trying to keep him pinned by staying firm but he teasingly wriggles trying to dislodge me.
I smile at the way his lips curve into a smile and I can see an ease to his face, the tightness slipping away and how he seems content.
"Don't do that, I'll fall!" I warn laughing as he continues to shift under me playfully.
He purposely continues for a few moments before stopping.
And as I massage I press kisses to his skin, feeling so so fond of our mate who uses his ability to help, to take away others' pain, to keep smiling for us. Glad that he relaxes and unwinds in front of us, that he doesn't hide him feeling weak. At the way it indicates to the love and trust in our bond.
And when he's all relaxed, sprawled completely comfortably on the mattress, I stop.
"Come cuddle baby mate." He murmurs, voice deep and laced with sleep, with tiredness.
I lean forward to press my body to his, fangs scraping gently at the tip of his left shoulder and feel him shudder, a small, startled sound before he somehow loosens even more, going still under me.
"Are you going to mark me? Are you going to show the world I'm yours?" he asks, voice still laced with sleep but also with longing and need.
"Yes." I say, surprised at how my voice has turned breathless and shaky, slightly nervous.
"No darling don't be afraid. Mark me." he coos, hand reaching to grip mine that hands by the side, squeezing.
And I lean forward to press my fangs more firmly against the curve of his shoulder, lips parted around his skin.
And then sink my fangs in, feeling the soft skin give and the tang of his blood fill my mouth, a warm rush of it. My hands instinctively go to squeeze the side of his shoulders, both in comfort and to ground the two of us as I feed, his figure relaxing under me and a soft deep groan that sends jolts of electricity to course through my body- making it burn and crackle with the bond between us that deepens and becomes even stronger- an unbreakable tether of molten gold.
I retract my fangs and move back a bit, lapping at the small beads of crimson that remain, pressing soft kisses to the mark I've left behind, tongue flicking lightly at the puncture marks and unable to suppress the giddy smile when Hobi oppa makes a soft muffled groan.
"Oh gods that was...incredible." He gasps out.
And then grips my hand tighter.
"Now cuddles baby mate." He demands, I allow him to tug me off, drawing me to rest by his side, our bodies curled towards each other.
"I love you." he says, leaning forward for a kiss.
I sigh against his lips, melting into his touch and reaching over to draw my hand down the side of his face, to cup his cheek.
"I love you too." I reply once our lips part, swollen and mussed and glistening, breathing a bit heavy and nestling closer.
My arm curls around his waist after I've drawn the blankets over him.
"Now sleep Seokie." I whisper, content to lie beside him, to watch him drift off to sleep.
And when he's deeply asleep, I slowly slide out, pressing a kiss to his forehead before leaving.
He shifts, instinctively sensing a mate leaving, but settles as Kookie appears in the doorway, sleepily rubbing at his eyes and looking all cuddly and pliant as he sways forward. He's sporting two fresh marks on either side of his throat and grumbles about Joonie oppa and Minnie being so demanding, so needy and looks balefully at me- complaining that my scent is driving them into an even wilder state.
But he still leans in close for a squeezing droopy hug before I leave him tucked in beside Seokie, tugged immediately into his sleepy arms and nestled close.
The two of them settling down for a nap.
And with my heart bursting at the fondness of the sight, I close the door behind them before heading back down.
Content that my mates are safe and content, that the nest is finally full and complete.
And instincts thoroughly satiated.
A twinge of pain in my lower back has me wincing as I walk into the kitchen.
Maybe some painkillers wouldn't go amiss.
And after that, I'll get a start on dinner.
I frown at the empty seat at the dinner table, at the glaring blatant sight of an incomplete coven sitting down for dinner, the spot between Minnie and Hobi oppa mockingly empty. Teasing. Taunting almost.
I set down the dish with a bit more force than I'd intended, the table reverberating with the impact and huffing.
"Where's Yoongi oppa?" I ask, trying not to let my lip wobble or jut out because he's meant to be eating with us, he's always been so giddy as he points out that the table is finally full.
And he's not here himself.
Joonie oppa shoots me an almost nervous look, dimpled grin sliding away and tentatively looking over, reaching to draw my hand away, relaxing when I let him.
"He's working. He got inspiration whilst we were in the garden and he rushed away." he explains gingerly.
The memory of a conversation with Yoongi oppa near the stove flashes through my mind.
And my face sets into a determined expression.
"Did no-one call him? Does he not want to eat with us?" I say, feeling sad, I wanted them all to relax and enjoy dinner together, wanted to be surrounded by them all.
And one mate is missing.
Leaving a glaring void behind.
"We did, but hyung said he'll eat later." Minnie says, looking both apologetically towards me but also sharing the same look of normalcy in the others.
Because it's a common behaviour of a certain mate when struck with inspiration.
To shut himself away and work.
"How long?" I ask.
The hand gripping mine gives a small squeeze. Finger brushing over my knuckles tenderly, almost placatingly.
"Hours...?" Joonie oppa answers.
I sigh, shoulders slumping.
"Well then I guess there's only one thing for it." I say as I make up a plate for him, not to set aside but to take up to him instead.
"Don't wait for me, start eating." I call over my shoulder as I move out the kitchen and head upstairs.
It takes long minutes for him to drag himself to his door, in the separate personal room set aside for his reclusion.
And when he does, there's a look of frustrated petulance as he swings the door open.
"I said I'll eat late—oh baby, what are you doing here?" he says surprised, slight annoyance melting away to soft confusion.
He eyes the plate in my hand and smiles tenderly, eyes crinkling and a flash of gums as he looks at me. Hands reaching out to take it and peering at me when I move the plate out of reach.
"So you can leave it on the side and forget? I don't think so." I huff.
He tries reaching out once more.
"Oppa I didn't say I was hear to hand over food. I'm here to make sure you eat. Now won't you let your youngest mate in?" I say, peering at him with hurt wide eyes.
Any argument that had been on the tip of his tongue dies and he sighs, looking at me forlornly before letting go of the door, allowing for the space for me to walk into the room, nudging his hip as I enter.
And as I see him drift back to his work, I clear my throat.
"Oppa you're eating first." I call.
"But darling the work, I need to..." he begins protesting until he meets my eyes and I level him a look, eyebrows slightly raised and gesturing to the soft cushiony sofas with a jerk of my chin towards it.
"Eat first. Please." I add.
And though he looks torn, he listens, shuffling to the nearest couch and sinking into the comfy cushioning of it.
And rather than sitting beside him, to set the plate in his hands I carefully straddle his lap, smiling when his hands go to grip my waist as I lock my legs around him.
"Oppa you need to take care of yourself. And if you insist in being holed up, let me take care of you. Let one of us fuss." I say.
And as I feed him, he parts his mouth for each mouthful, eyes trained on me as I wipe the corner of his lips, as I watch him chew and swallow- perfectly satisfied at seeing him eat, feeling that need to find all my mates settling because I know the others are together, and that our mate isn't alone, holed up and trapped by his thoughts.
"You're too good to me." he mumbles once he's finished eating, looking slightly more relaxed- a clear difference to the frazzled frantic energy that seemed to be buzzing around him when he'd opened the door.
I press a kiss to his cheeks, setting the plate down to wind my arms around him, fingers running through his hair.
"You are so, so good to us. It makes me happy to be able to help. Even in the tiniest of ways." I say, fingers trailing down to gently squeeze and massage his shoulders, at the slight stiffness.
"Don't overwork yourself. Take breaks, and every now and then show your pretty face to us oppa." I say smiling when he looks at me with fond eyes that flicker red.
His hands tighten around my waist.
Tugging me forward.
"Stay?" he asks.
"Always." I promise, leaning in further when his face tilts up for a kiss.
And his lips are soft and gentle and unhurried as they meet mine, as they express gratitude and love and tenderness, as he finally lets his tight posture loosen and melt as he tugs me close.
And when he presses his forehead to my shoulder it's to nuzzle close, to wrap his arms around me to hug me back just as I tightly hug him.
And when he leans into me, allows himself to use me as a support, as a comfort I find completion in it. A sense of fulfilment.
Because for all that he'd been my support, my crutch, one of those I could unfailingly rely on for comfort, he was seeing me as the same. As someone he could lean on. As someone to give comfort when he needed it. And as someone who would hold him and help him.
And there was nothing more satisfying than that feeling of warmth that wrapped around the two of us, souls nudging close and tilting towards each other, slowly margining into a tightly intertwined knot.
A knot that cannot be unbound or undone. Because it's the meeting of two souls, because it ties us closer to each other.
And neither of us have any intention of stepping back.
Stay. One word and yet holds an infinity in it. Stay because you don't want them to leave. Stay because you can't imagine your life without them. Stay because they make it all better. Stay because you want them there, need them there.
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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