Chapter 129- small changes, big impact
(Y/N) POV:
It's as if the world had spun on its axis completely, changing everything I once knew to be true and unveiled itself to reveal itself in its entire splendid glory. And yet it stayed the same for the others. It was as if my entire life I'd been seeing the world through a standard lens and now suddenly everything was technicolour and in high definition- each colour even more vivid and bright, every sense heightened further and everything was simply just...more.
And somewhere in the coven scent there was the slight hint of something sweet and soft- something that the others proudly identified as my scent merging with theirs, that would permanently intertwine with theirs once I too gave my mates their mating marks.
And the thought of going through the same exertion, the same burning consuming need that had taken over me, had descended heavily for the three days of being mated had my legs flaring with a throbbing ache, had my already sore body protesting at the thought that it was too soon. Too much, too intense and I didn't know if I'd survive another experience like that.
To which the others had only bright proud smiles and satisfaction seeping through the bond. But it didn't require the four walls of the nesting room. Didn't require for the same passionate, rigorous acts of debauched pleasure. It only required the intimacy of trust, of being shared and connected within that moment.
It ends up being Kookie first, when we'd towelled ourselves off after our bath, Kookie's arms bands of support as he held my wobbly frame to him, cradled it close and asked if I needed anything, if I was in any discomfort.
And when he'd lifted me up to place me on the counter, worried at the lack of strength I'd had to hold myself up, I'd been at eye level to him, to the burning soft orbs that flickered with love and tenderness and worry. And as his hands gentle and careful had towelled my hair dry, carding through each strand with his fingers I'd leaned forward to brush a kiss to his throat, a kiss that had trailed to the side of his shoulder and I'd held him close as my fangs sunk into the strong broad line of his right shoulder, his hands cradling my head close and his body shuddering under my touch, sighing with relief and contentment as I'd fed, urging me to take more, to stay intimately connected as I'd marked him as mine. The mate who'd always understood me, who'd been so understanding, there for me when I'd been so lost, there every time I stumbled as a newly turned vampire. Kookie was the one who made the transition the easiest because he reminded me I was normal for faltering, for being uncertain. And when I'd been in darkness, unable to see, he'd reached out to take my hand- to brave the darkness with me.
And yet in all our grand finesse to escape we hadn't considered taking clothes with us, so the two of us emerged clad in towels with me hidden behind his broad frame, fingers pressing into the warmth of his back as I hid from their yells and indignant expressions but unable to muffle my giggles at poor Kookie who got the brunt of the stares.
And yet I'd danced out of Tae's reach when he and Hobi oppa reached out for me, shaking my head at him as I'd allowed Hobi oppa to hold me, folding me into his arms.
"Why not jagi? What's Hobi hyung got that I don't? I give lovely massages too!" He exclaimed huffing and looking put-out.
But he'd been a major contributor to the reason my thighs throbbed and trembled, why I felt an ache between my legs and why I leaned into the others for physical support to stand up. Why I'd been overwhelmed and drowned in the endless sea of pleasure- overstimulated to a point where it felt every nerve cell pooled with a fire that spread like an
"Sorry Tae baby but you're exiled. I'm not letting you near me." I say happily from my refuge in another mate's arms, struggling not to melt at the sheer sadness he exudes in a look alone until Yoongi oppa nudges him with an elbow.
"Stop trying tricks on our baby. It won't work." He says with a laugh, eyes briefly flickering to me- a silent message, information given away in the purposeful words.
Warning me against the strong set of puppy eyes Tae was armed with and letting me know he was trying to make me melt. Intentionally.
I laugh at the thought- especially when he whines for being called out before it could work, tugging Yoongi oppa into his arms to snuggle against- peering at me with a pout, hoping to sway me even then.
Trying his luck until the very last moment.
But he huffs when Hobi oppa turns with me in his arms.
"Three days with minimal rest and food is most certainly not what the doctor ordered. Now come on sweetheart, let me help get those cute cheeks back to their fullness." He says leading me away without an ounce of remorse from our huffing whining mate.
"You'll need stronger defences to keep him in exile darling. And I'm glad to help." He whispers conspiratorially even though he knows every word is heard, laughing brightly as he helps me down the stairs.
And it seems that for the three days we'd spent largely in the nesting room, enthralled by the heady coven scent and desire that had only bubbled higher and higher, Hobi oppa and Jinnie oppa are more than eager to make up for the lack of food any of us had eaten.
And I stare bemusedly at the way the dining table looks close to collapse- given the sheer amount of dishes that fill the surface, crowd and jostle each other. And Yoongi oppa who'd been roped in looks proudly at the set of dishes, eyes a soft glow of red as they fall on me, lips curving up in a sweet smile- the flash of his gums making him look so endearing as he reaches out for me, draws me in for a brief squeeze of his arms before he's nudging me to sit at the centre seat.
"You know I don't think anyone was this seemed like it." I say tentatively, worried it'll set off their protective instincts, flaring because this is one of the many ways they like to look after the coven.
But there's smiles and fond huffs of laughter, and it's Minnie who sits opposite me, hooking a leg around my crossed ankles to draw himself close, a small point of us being physically connected, whose eyes seem to burn a hole into me- simmering pools of heat and when his plump lips curve up it's a feeling of danger that bolts through me, dangerous and predatory and hungry.
"We were all starved for you. You really think food would be a concern?" he says, eyes sparking as he drawls the question out, eyes flitting to my lips.
I feel a pool of warmth fill me, slowly burning embers and his eyes are consuming, the feeling of desire and longing beginning to wrap around me and his eyes are hypnotic and captivating, making it hard for me to tear my eyes away and as he leans forward, a sensual curve to his lips, our eye contact is snapped by a big pot being placed in the centre.
"Stop trying to sway her with your ability Jimin-ah. She needs to eat! You and Tae are as bad as each other." Hobi oppa huffs, looking incredulous and stance ready to intervene, arms forming a physical barrier between us- snapping the hypnotic allure of Minnie's eyes.
And he grins unabashedly when Hobi oppa moves back, shooting him a warning glare- silently telling him to behave.
And it manages to keep him at bay, as well as Tae who is dragged into Kookie's side, shooting me a sweet bunny smile- flickering with reassurance and promise that he'll keep them at bay.
The air lightens when the others fill the empty seats, my sides flanked by Yoongi oppa and Jinnie oppa- who I learn are fulfilling custom and tradition as our eldest mates and spend the entire meal feeding me, content in the way that their eyes burn crimson with satisfaction when I eat every morsel they bring to my mouth, until I have to give up and push their hands away, turning my mouth away.
And though I'd eaten a normal amount, I found that my hunger had been satiated easily because I'd fed from Kookie earlier, found that eating food afterwards only pushed me to a sleepy cuddly state and once the table was cleared and everything put away, the living room was all warm and cosy- the soft plush throws inviting and coaxing me to take one and snuggle with one of the others.
And I trudge towards the sofa, picking up the soft throw, fingers rubbing in the soft material, I don't hear the silent tread of feet but find a comforting pair of arms around me, a face coming to nuzzle at my skin, pressing a soft kiss to my cheek and I turn to see Joonie oppa smiling at me, eyes sparking with warmth.
"Cuddle with me?" he asks.
And when I nod, he draws me up onto his lap, our splayed legs intertwining as they stretch out on the couch, the large fluffy throw drawn over the two of us.
And that's how I fall asleep, drifting away with my head pressed to Joonie oppa's chest, one hand curled into the fabric of his t-shirt and the other having snuck under the fabric to lie at the base of his back- unconsciously seeking out the feel of him, to feel the safeness and closeness of my mate.
But the sleepiness and need to cuddle becomes worrying to me when it seems that all I'm doing is drifting in and out of sleep, a heavy fatigue that has come to rest in my bones and tugs me down into the thick heavy waves of sleep and dreams. The days passing in blurs- in states of fuzziness and sleep tugging at me.
And I wake up in the pair of one mate or another, sometimes sandwiched between two, their arms protectively drawn around my waist, my head tucked into the crook of one of their necks. Or sometimes being protectively cocooned, with their frames sprawled over mine, forming an immediate barrier from anyone who enters. And sometimes it's waking to me being sprawled on top of a mate, their hands wrapped around me and keeping me close.
And it's after waking up in Jinnie oppa's embrace, head tucked against his broad shoulder that I sleepily peer at him, trying to fight the lingering remnants of sleep that try to urge me back, to lull me into sleep because he feels so safe and comfortable and perfect.
"Is there something wrong with me?" I ask, fiddling with his shirt buttons before splaying my hand across his chest, eyes slowly trailing up to meet his.
His soft brown eyes turning to look at me with confusion and worry, hand smoothing my rucked-up top and fingers gently brushing and rubbing at my skin from where his hand had delved under the fabric.
"Nothing why?" he asks.
I peer at him, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes until he stills my fist and shakes his head, hand not sliding away from mine but holding it still, large fingers wrapped around me.
"Is it normal to be so tired...I feel like all I'm doing is sleeping. This is the...fifth nap already in two days." I say.
But then his face relaxes, the hints of worries vanish and he looks at me, smiling softly.
"It's just your body adjusting to the seven marks, the bond firming." He explains.
"Does it have anything to do with Kookie's mark too? Would that make him sleepy?" I ask out of curiosity, but my words cause a chain reaction.
His eyes blink at me rapidly and there's the sound of a commotion from the kitchen, the crashing of pans and Tae's dramatic whine of 'no' and then the sound of giggles and bright laughter from the opposite couch where Minnie and Kookie had been lying together but now Kookie is pinned under Minnie, who's hands rove feverishly to find the mark.
And when he tugs down Kookie's shirt, eyes falling on the red fresh marks, his lips part in surprise- stilling and a low groan slipping out of Minnie's mouth at it.
"You marked him? When?" Jinnie oppa asks, the fingers that had been rubbing over my skin stilling, and burning the imprints of them into my flesh with how much the touch sends heats of waves bolting through me.
"In the bathroom..." I trail off uncertainly, suddenly unsure whether there was a procedure to mark the others in return, whether it was meant to be a witnessed thing.
But when Tae bolts in the room eyes wide as he looks at me with betrayal before his eyes fall to the mark Kookie sports proudly and lets out a sinful low groan, the deep timbre of it sending sparks to fly and a shiver to rush through my body.
"And I missed it?" he all but screeches.
I can't help but laugh at his wounded look, at the way he glares half-heartedly but becomes far too immersed in drawing out sweet whines of 'hyung' from Kookie as his fingers experimentally rub at the mark.
Poor Kook, Tae knows exactly how much pressure to put behind his touches.
And from the way Kookie is shifting and whining under Minnie's body that continues to pin him- it looks like the two have no intention of letting him escape.
But when Jinnie oppa's arms tighten, it's with the restraint of holding back I realise.
Lips brushing across the shell of my ear as he leans close, as he draws me to him once we're upright.
"They make the prettiest sight don't they? My loves all happy and together." He says, voice soft and enamoured rather than laced with desire and hunger.
Love. Because even seeing them tease and rile up one of his youngest mates is enough for Jinnie oppa. Because despite the way it has the bond beginning to burn with the heat that gathers from their touches and hungry intent- it's a strong throb through the bond.
It's a reminder that our bond is whole and strong and healthy.
And if I find myself snuggling with a thoroughly marked Kookie who clutches at me with glassy hazy eyes, then who am I to do anything but indulge?
Especially when it's him, when it's them.
As someone who prided on the fact that I could often help my mates find a middle ground when disputes arose, that I could be a calming force when tensions ran high- it surprised me to say the least when (Y/N) casually mentioned meeting up with Eunwoo and Yugyeom and MJ, it had pulled a growling rumble from the deep of my chest. And my hands had tightened around the cutlery, eyes burning red as I looked up and found that I wasn't the only one in the current predicament- varying expressions of disgruntled, put-off expressions. Though some were softer and gentler and accepting than my own.
At the idea of having her leave so soon after being mated, at her being outside with her sweet mated bound scent for the world to catch tantalising trails of.
But despite the seven opposing faces, she doesn't bend, doesn't melt and relent.
She raises her eyebrows, looking amused- lips twitching at the sight of us suddenly so still.
"It's been nearly a week. My friends and family will begin to wonder if I'm alive." She quips teasingly but the red that flickers in her own eyes is challenge, silently prodding and testing the waters, to see if we'd have any issue.
And I hate it. Hate that my instinctual response had welled out immediately before I'd really gotten to take in her words.
That the thought of our mate leaving the nest had sent a bolt of sheer blinding panic through me.
But once that initial feeling had passed, I felt shame warm my cheeks and duck my head down for a moment, fiddling with my fork.
"Sorry's hard to let go of instincts at time." Yoongi hyung says, voice apologetic and when I raise my head to look at him, I see the shining apologetic countenance in his eyes.
And though the fear passes by in that moment, an instance of where the instinctual need to hide her away and keep her swaddled up dissipates, I still find myself worrying as she gets ready to leave the next morning, her light dress floating to rest above her knees, a vision in it.
She turns from where she'd been drawing her shoes on, her ever faithful support the house gives stable and firm as she rests a hand on it to shoot me a wry understanding look.
And before I can apologise, fumble that I'm trying to reel in my instincts but it's so hard, she smiles holding a hand out towards me.
"Want to come with?" a simple question but it means everything. She's inviting me with her, she's seeing right through me and seeing the fidgeting, the slight restlessness that I can't pick up on, something niggling at the back of my mind- something I know will make sense once I clue into it, but continues to slide away from reach.
But I hesitate.
Unwilling to push myself onto her space, her time with others.
It wasn't fair.
But at the same time her offer settles something inside me.
"Are you sure? I...I can give you space, I don't want to be overbearing." I say, feeling my heart clench tightly at the way her face softens and becomes something knowing and sad.
"I don't want space from you. I want you forever in my space, in my life. And I know something's bothering you. So, just be with me." she says lightly.
Telling me it's okay. To be bothered. To want her close.
Telling me she wants me close.
And when I slide my hand in hers, she wraps her fingers around mine, clutching lightly at me, the grip of hers is tight and promising and reassuring.
That she's not letting go.
And though my company was unexpected and unplanned for MJ, Eunwoo and Yugyeom show not even a flicker of surprise, smiling at the two of us and gesturing to the bench opposite in the café, MJ swapping places so (Y/N) is tugged between the two of them, smothered in hugs and pecks as if the three had been parted for centuries.
And it's only once the three of them are engrossed in deep conversation, that MJ nudges me from the side and leans in.
"I'm surprised you all let her out with just one of you. Considering her scent is much stronger and softer. She must be close." He says thoughtfully, looking slightly shocked, that only one of us had accompanied her.
But close to what...?
My puzzled look must give me away because he laughs, drawing curious stares from the three before he tugs me out- a last glance showing Eunwoo grinning smugly at the visible marks of her neck and her shoulder and Yugyeom rolling his eyes and smacking his hand away.
The air is cool after the heat of the café, of the bodies gathered up in a closed environment and when MJ turns to me- there's something akin to concern there when his eyes flit back to the café window- peering inside.
"Maybe you can't tell because she's been with you all constantly and you've all been in your nest. But her scent is...stronger- it still stands out distinctively from the coven scent. But she's close to her first bi-annual cycle Joon-ah." He explains, looking slightly surprised and worried at my blank gaze, at the way his words seem to deflect against a wall.
A wall of confusion and lack of knowledge.
And yet his words have me stiffening, body becoming tight and defensive and standing up straight- eyes scanning the surroundings for any sudden threat to our youngest mate.
Bi-annual cycle...why does that ring a bell?
And then my eyes widen, body spinning to face him.
He nods grimly at the realisation dawning on my face.
"Best be prepared Joonie. I don't have a female mate, but I have been around (Y/N) more than enough during those times to know that preparation goes a long way. And she likes borrowing clothes. Massages don't go amiss either." He says, giving a small piece of advice but one I cherish and store away. filing it away to examine in depth later
Mind brimming with whirring thoughts and the knowledge that what was about to hit our coven was something centuries of existence hadn't prepared me for, something we hadn't had to consider before we found our final mate.
And the idea of trying to swim in torrent uncharted waters is dangerous and daunting. Because we don't know when the waves will strike powerfully and tug us under.
And somehow worsened, because none of us knew how to prepare for when the time did come.
Maybe it was time I visited the grand library Yoongi hyung's Appa had made.
And maybe alert the coven too. I didn't know exactly how close it was, but we couldn't take chances. Not when it came to her.
Not when it would be equally as new and frightening for her too.
This was something we'd have to brave together, learn together and overcome as a coven.
And I didn't know how it would pan out.
The people around you make up your world, from the ones who watched you grow, the ones who raised you and the ones who gave you company- all of them leave behind a mark on you, a bit of themselves and you find that who you are is defined by the people you spend time with, that they see the depth of your soul. It is the eyes of others who give us our definition, our identity, tell us what the world sees. It is people who help shape you and be those building steps in your growth. We might not always meet good people, we might also come across the ones who leave their dents on us, who cause bruises and scratches and harms. But they too help us learn, help us change. We become mosaics of bits and pieces of the traits we learn and inherit. And at the end of it, the picture is beautiful. Because it all adds up to you.
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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