Chapter 126- waves of desire, drowning in you
⚠️ EXTREME MATURE CONTENT- you have been warned ⚠️
I watch as Hobi hyung's fangs sink into the skin below her collarbone, his sharp deep thrusts of his hips into hers continuing, pushing and heightening that blinding pleasure, the ecstasy that floods through their bodies and a ghost of it sears through the bond, dizzying and heady. His hands clench tightly at the sheets on either side of her head, lowered head over her skin as he takes steady gulps, thin distracting rivulets of bloods dripping from his mating mark as he messily and thoroughly claims her, drawing out harshly punctuated gasps and pleas as she grips at his hair, eyes fluttering, from under lowered lashes I see the red consume her eyes, pushing away everything except instinctual need in that moment.
She's lost in that sensation of being fed from, Hobi hyung's mouth parting from her skin, to lap at her skin, tongue darting out and trailing down to clean her body of every drop of the blood that had trickled down, pressing tender soft kisses to the curve of her body, fingers rubbing soothing circles into the same place where he'd tightly gripped her hips, had her pinned down under him as he moved in her with strong powerful thrusts, murmuring soft praise and healing charms, to push away any potential discomfort and hurt.
And I watch as he slowly moves out of her, soothing her with a kiss to her mating mark he's left behind when a pained cry slips out of her, at being separated from her mate- fluttering eyes shooting wide open, the black of her pupils dilated until they almost consume the red, the small thin ring of crimson left behind.
"Seokie..." she murmurs, pleads in a heart-breaking call for him, hands gripping at his forearms as he hovers over her, unwilling to part from him.
"I've got you darling. I'm not going anywhere." He murmurs, kissing her forehead, eyes peering into hers, a moment of the extreme height of intimacy post-mating as he looks on adoringly at our mate, unable to tear his eyes away.
I fight the whine as Tae hyung nips at my skin, having previously been mouthing at my shoulder and suddenly biting down at the juncture of my shoulder and neck.
"Let me hear your pretty sounds baby." He murmurs, before he tugs the skin between his teeth, hands gripping my waist and the hands that had been gripping my thighs, tug them wider, Yoongi hyung's consuming gaze engulfing me as he peers at me.
"My pretty baby boy." He says, voice low and thick, hands running up and down..
I shiver and melt under their combined touches, hips bucking.
" mean." I grit out, eyes fluttering shut.
But the sound of a restless whimper tugs at me, winds itself around the bond- recognising it immediately as our youngest mate.
I force my eyes open, eyes falling to the sight of (Y/N)'s dazed, pliant figure tugged into Hobi hyung's seated embrace, legs trembling and shifting uneasily even as she grips tightly at him, trying to reassure herself that though he's out of sight, he hasn't left her.
My lips twist with sympathetic understanding. Mating was an extremely emotional and mental shift, and I could see that the tiniest bit of her was still holding on, trying to force rationality in the situation even as her body and mind betrayed her.
I melt under the feeling of Yoongi hyung gently massaging my legs, with the intent to calm down and settle rather than rile up as his intention had been mere moments ago, the atmosphere shifting slightly.
"It's okay Kookie. We're all here for her. She's not in pain." Tae hyung soothes and promises, voice low and gentle- reading my sudden restlessness to get to her immediately.
His hands squeeze my waist reassuringly, long fingers brushing tenderly against my skin.
"She's just unsettled a bit. We're all here though. She'll be fine." He says, but I can see the worry simmering, feel it bubbling through the bond.
Jin hyung who'd been cuddling and kissing Jimin hyung are now both separated, fresh marks on each other but eyes bright and shiny and attentive, lips mussed but parting to speak in tones drenched in love as they gravitate closer.
Jimin hyung shoots me a gentle tender look, a softness in his eyes.
"Are you still with us sweetheart?" Jin hyung murmurs, leaning over to gently cup her cheeks, her eyes slowly blinking, the crimson seeped into her eyes and remaining. She leans immediately into his touch, eyes slightly distant but trying to focus on him.
She shudders when he brushes a kiss across her forehead, when he leans in close, hovering over the two, and in all effectiveness becoming a barrier, protecting her.
He gently trails kisses over her face, hands brushing gently across to brush soothing circles into her skin, pushing that heightened frantic need to mate and allowing her to sink into that more relaxed yet vulnerable mindset- of needing us, of needing to be grounded.
The pheromones that are naturally released become far more potent and influencing during mating, and I had no doubt that her mind felt like a puddle, dazed and hazy and floaty. I knew because I wasn't even the mate in that position and yet my head was swimming with the pleasant heady scent of all of us, causing my body to throb and ache with need.
It would be far more intense for her.
And yet seeing her look struggling, still trying to hold on made me worry. Made me concerned, because it meant she was still torn between the two.
I slowly free myself from the two pair of hands, shifting closer even as Tae hyung lets out a small sound of protest as I shift closer.
"(Y/N) baby..." I murmur, feeling Jin hyung relax and curve slightly to the side, shifting to give me space even as his hands continue to rub soft circles on her stomach, avoiding her mating mark so she doesn't get pushed in deeper.
I gently lean forward, noses brushing as I kiss her, lips softly and slowly meeting her, feel the heat of them scorch and brand across mine. A side-effect of the hungry consuming kisses but also her body heating up in response to mating, a constant buzzing heat that would envelop her until the mating marks settled and she was fully claimed. My eyes close and all my senses focus on the point of contact, at the way we're connected, feeling the soft hot plushness of them as a silent lure, a silent plea.
My thumb brushes against her throat, against where her pulse point would be as I lean in, coaxing her mouth open, tongue brushing against the small gap she provides when she parts her lips easily.
She whimpers into my mouth, and my eyes open to see the way tears trickle down her cheeks as her hands go to clutch at my wrists, anchoring herself.
"Koo..." she mumbles, my heart breaking at the soft fragility in it.
"Sweetheart don't force yourself to hold on. You're perfectly safe." I whisper to her, lips hovering close.
Her lips wobble.
"Promise? Don't want to be alone...need you all here. Want you beside me." she confesses, voice shaky.
I nod quickly.
"We're all here. And I'll be right beside you." I promise, shifting to sit beside hyung, body curving towards her and lacing our hands together. The unsettled protest when I'd moved stops when she feels my hand holding hers, head turning and resting against hyung's chest, his hand gently carding through her hair.
Her eyes flutter, body visibly relaxing more.
"Good boy Kookie." Yoongi hyung murmurs as he presses a kiss to the back of my head, shifting into place next to me, eyes flitting to look at (Y/N), at the way she seems to have relaxed completely into Hobi hyung's embrace now that the last bit of her conscious fight to hold on has drained out, giving in completely to instincts.
I know that for her it would've even more daunting than it had for me, because she hadn't been a vampire for long, because she was still learning. And because she still remembered her mortality, her life and her experiences before. She still thought with the same mentality and mindset as if she was still human, because it didn't make comprehensible sense to a human mind to give in to the consuming blind feeling of instincts, or understand fully why instincts urged and guided her to let go.
And Joon hyung returns with the same plants Jin hyung had asked for but in a small bowl, green leaves floating on the surface and he carefully holds it- none of his endearing clumsiness as he moves close and dips a small towel in it, wringing it out and dabbing at her skin, cleaning her up. He kneels in front of her and Hobi hyung, gentle as he takes her legs one by one and draws larger dampened towel to lightly douse her skin into that plant-infused water, brows furrowed with focus. He cleans her up carefully, hands drifting like the touch of a gentle breeze, bringing a refreshing cool touch to her heated body, wiping away the tears and the slight sweat that was beading as her body continued to heat up- temperature slowly rising as her body adapted to the three mating marks.
"Hyung should we bathe her too? I think she'd feel better." he murmurs, eyes flickering to all three in question.
And when he gets the assent, he carefully shifts to cradle her, bringing her close to his chest, leaning into Jin hyung's helpful embrace as the two enter the connecting bathroom.
I jolt when she vanishes from sight, the door open but she still disappears from view.
"Easy baby. She'll be back soon. Now I think Hobi hyung looks really lonely, why don't you cuddle?" he says, hand reaching out for me as he plasters himself on one side of hyung.
I nestle close, trying to get distracted and lost in the feeling of Yoongi hyung behind me and Hobi hyung's arm sliding around me to tuck me in close, the feeling of Jimin hyung's fingers skimming across my cheek, gently tilting my chin up.
"She's fine. They'll be back soon. Poor sweet mate is just overwhelmed." He soothes, lips pressing kisses along hyung's chest slowly trailing across the exposed skin.
I hear Tae hyung shifting on the bed, tugging Yoongi hyung close and draping over him, here the huff of fond laughter, and then the feeling of his hand brushing across my hip.
"It's a bit different to your mating. But you were lost in that deep vulnerable mindset too. Though you looked utterly beautiful all pliant and trusting. (Y/N) will get there too." He says, voice rough and laced with desire and tenderness- a fierce clashing of fiery sparks, the heat of them cooled slightly by the tender waves of the love that fills his voice.
We lie together, bodies pressing close, seeking out every shred of comfort and safety from each other when the constant hum of Jin hyung and Joon hyung's soft voices cease and they appear in the doorway, a towel-clad mate clutched protectively in Jin hyung's arms.
He settles (Y/N) on the edge of the bed, smiling at the way she leans into him, curved into his touch, head resting on his shoulder.
"Can one of you pass me a loose soft top? Her marks will still feel extremely sensitive for some time yet, I don't want her receiving constant friction otherwise she'll be pushed to that burning need over and over." He murmurs, hand outstretched- taking the large button up satin pyjama shirt Tae hyung passes, one of his own I notice, a blush pink, that when Jin hyung leans back to draw over her, drowns her frame, swallowing her up in the pink hue- her own cheeks flushed and matching.
Tae hyung looks delighted at the sight, eyes burning red with satisfaction at the sight of her in his clothes, smooth expanse of her legs trailing out from under the hem.
And when Joon hyung brings her close, she easily settles over Hobi hyung's body, sprawled over him as she hugs herself closer to him.
But she doesn't drift into sleep even as the hours tick into the early morning, content to turn her head and peer at me, a loose relaxed smile on her face, hand reaching out to brush through my hair, to trail over my face and outline my features.
Her touches are featherlight and yet the weight of them linger even as her fingers drift down, past the curve of my jaw almost in lazy slow curious exploration.
Her fingers brush over where Tae hyung had left a mark, rubbing over it lightly.
"Do you like it?" Yoongi hyung asks, voice deep and gentle and soft. Loving and yet almost teasingly instigative.
Testing the waters.
She nods.
"Pretty. Koo is pretty. All so pretty. My pretty mates." She mumbles against the skin of hyung's shoulder, inciting a groan from him, his hand tightening around her.
But her words rouse up deep pride and love in me, heart swelling with affection.
And I can feel the bond brighten, lighten with the sweet elation at receiving praise from her.
"Your mates." I agree.
She smiles.
And then turns her head slightly to peer at Hobi hyung, silently questioning as she brings her face close, mind too fuzzy too ask, to verbalise that craving for tactile comfort.
It's a good sign, it means her instincts have guided her into that relaxed trusting shift that she doesn't need words to communicate, that the feeling of floating has grown higher and higher.
That her lack of coherency indicated at having slipped into her instincts fully, having trusted us wholly and completely.
And when Hobi hyung complies, tugging her bottom lip between his teeth- he elicits a needy sound of her as well as a breathy sigh of relief as he draws her in for a kiss.
Because with the sight of her dazed and happy in his arms, I see as the third mating mark is done.
And silently the room thickens with slow burning anticipation for what is to come next.
(Y/N) POV:
It feels like coming off the floating haze, present and conscious and alert as I feel the touch of cool slightly warm skin against mine, refreshing in the way that my own body simmers and heats in a way I had begun to forget, had begun to lose memory of once I'd turned.
I push myself off Hobi oppa, peering at his sleeping figure and curling into the vacant spot by his side, feeling slightly confused and worried as to why there is a gap in the first place.
And as my head begins to turn to try seek out a missing mate, I find a pair of arms encircle me.
"You're alert!" Minnie's voice chirps in my ear and he draws me up with him to tug onto his lap.
I turn to face him, smiling at the bright expression he greets me with.
I nod.
But even so my eyes rove to scan the nesting room, feeling the bubble of anxiety grow when I can't spot Jinnie oppa and Joonie oppa, the missing presences of Kookie and Yoongi oppa are easily explained by the sounds coming from the bathroom, distinctively them somehow. Likely that whatever teasing fiery game they'd begun earlier is reaching its completion.
"Don't worry darling. They're just downstairs. Just gone to get some food. We don't want an exhausted baby mate on our hands." he says, leaning forward to gently press our foreheads together.
"Don't hog our baby mate. I want cuddles too." Tae's voice calls, the sound of him shuffling closer and the sight of his face lightly relaxed from sleep, hairs a mass of riotous curls.
My hand goes to cup his cheek, smiling with fondness when he turns his head to press a kiss to my palm before nuzzling into my touch.
And the sound of voices reaching the doorway has us breaking out of our content pile of bodies manoeuvred to be close and cuddle, limbs intertwined into one entangled mess.
"Look at you three. My perfect babies." Jinnie oppa coos, and the three of us disentangle to straighten up, finding myself tugged onto both of their laps, both of them tugging me into the solid warmth of their chests.
Joonie oppa comes close, smiling as he draws the tray onto his lap and begins to feed me, eyes flickering with memories of what seems like eons ago, of the date he'd taken me once when they'd first begun to court me. The two of them find themselves lured away by Jinnie oppa with the promise of kisses after they've eaten and let me be in peace for a while, dampening their grinning smiles and almost instantaneously brightening at the bribe.
I laugh as they shower a peck of kisses over my face as if they're parting for a long journey rather than just scooting a bit far up on the bed.
Joonie oppa murmurs soft words as he feeds me, seeming perfectly content as he watches me eat, though those dimples deepen when I in turn feed him too, sharing food.
I wipe his lips clean, thumb brushing over softness and I watch as his eyes flicker and darken, deepening into a maroon haze that overtakes the crimson.
"Must you always torment me like this?" he groans, nipping playfully at my thumb, words brushing against my finger in sensual torment.
"I don't know what you mean." I say, feeling my breath catch at the way he looks at me, as if his gaze swallows me whole, consuming and hungry- eyes flickering to my lips, to the way my throat bobs and I feel myself fluster under his look.
As if his look trawls over bare skin, as if I can feel the weight of his caress, leaving burning trails behind.
"Joonie're distracting Jimin and Tae...and Jin hyung too." Yoongi oppa's voice comes, amused and teasing and deep.
"And you've woken me up too. The pheromone smell and the way the bond keeps burning. Aish...Joon-ah!" Hobi oppa says voice gruff with sleep, eyes lazily blinking at us and voice sounding petulant, falling short by the intense gaze.
I wrinkle my nose, trying to breathe in deep.
But it smells the same.
Smells just like all their scents rolled into one heavily mix, find myself craving not for the first time to seep in their scents, to saturate every inch of my skin in it.
And then there's a few unmuffled groans.
"What on earth are you thinking about teasing minx? That has your scent going so thick and heavy and enticing?" Minnie grits out, pupils dilating as he looks at me, body turning, trying to get close as if instinctively tugged towards me.
I flush under their combined gazes, at the way my skin feels too heated, too flushed, the shirt suddenly not light but a layer that traps the heat there, the heat in my abdomen pooling and spreading like liquid desire through my body.
I clench my thighs together at the way Joonie oppa's eyes trail over the pink satin pyjama top, lingering as they brush across exposed skin, setting the near empty tray aside.
"If you keep doing that then I can't...oh god you smell so sweet it's hard to resist." He groans, voice sounding hoarse.
"Resist what?" I ask.
And then find my head sinking into the soft pillows when he suddenly looms over me, lips crashing heatedly into mine, silencing any other words, hands burning through the top as he grips my waist, a fierce clash of lips and tongue as he groans into my mouth, torturously tormenting and teasing with the way he runs his tongue over my lips, delving in when they part under him, under the sheer fiery control he exudes.
I melt under the firmness of his touch, shifting and arching into his touch when his hands impatiently push under the fabric, rucking it up as he skims his large hands over my hips, squeezing and his mouth drags away from mine, feverishly hot as he trails kisses down my throat.
His hands move upwards, taking their time to rove over my exposed torso, sliding up from my waist to move to my breasts, hands drawing out gasps as he teases, fingers moving under the fabric of the top. I twist trying to escape the slow burning torment and the heat that sears my body from his long fingers and large palm.
"Oh god..." I hear a rough voice beside me murmur, and the sound of a bitten back growl- laced with want and desire come from the side of the bed. I don't fight the groan that slips out as his fingers tease and tug, drawing out sparks of electric desire and longing, head sinking in further into the pillows as I unconsciously arch my back, pushing myself closer to the touch and yet shifting and shaking to get away from the way it makes the pressure build up inside me.
"Oppa please..." I plead, though I don't know what for.
For the teasing to stop.
For him to continue.
For him to finish off the game he's started.
For him.
For his mark.
His lips are grounding and soft as he kisses my cheeks, eyes wide and fixated on my face, never drifting.
His lips curve up.
"What? What does my darling sweet flower want?" he asks, hands never stopping.
I whimper, feeling the heat in my body build and frustration at the shirt that keeps me from feeling the honeyed warm skin of his chest against me.
"Want...the shirt off. And want you." I say, pushing my lips up to plead with them, pushing against his plushness and tugging his lip between my teeth- nipping.
He groans, hands slipping free and sliding down, composure gone as his hand tugs at the top, fisting the fabric between his hand and tugs, the sound of buttons tearing a distant sound, as is the exclaimed protesting yell that has a breathless bubble of laughter slipping out.
Joonie oppa grins, dimples appearing as he presses a kiss to my lips, drawing me up to draw the shirt off me, discarding it to the side. His head turns, corner of his lips curved up as he apologises to Tae.
And when his eyes return to me, to my heaving chest, trailing down to take me in.
And the redness deepens, darkening further.
And when his hands grip me, it's to anchor me to him, to keep me there under him as he lowers his mouth to begin exploring me.
He takes his time, drawing out sound after sound, bed dipping as I feel another hand join the teasing journey, soft kisses pressed to my head as Yoongi oppa settles next to me. I twist, hips bucking and trying to escape the combined torture of slender fingers and an unrelenting mouth, and I cry out their names as the waves of pleasure crash into me, pushed higher and higher, to a dizzying state of soaring, air too thin and at the same time tumbling and falling- into an endless abyss where the pleasure doesn't seem to end.
And when his hands finally retreat from my waist, where he'd effectively kept me pinned, it's to grip at my thighs, fingers strong and bruising as he parts them, settles in between them.
And at the first thrust as he enters me I find my fingers fisting into the sheets, finding myself pushed to that precipice so quickly, intoxicated on the scent of them that burns me, claims me as it seeps into me.
And as he continues to move inside me, I find tears slipping down my cheeks, his lips doing what his hands can't. Nuzzling my jaw with his mouth, pressing hot-mouthed kisses to my skin and murmuring how much he loves me.
"Drown me...drown me in your scents." I say, crying out when he slams inside and a guttural groan slips out. Not just from him but from the others, their presences imprinting on my soul, on my body- sounds rough and grating and so much.
Joonie oppa's head drops to rest in the juncture of my shoulder, holding me close to him, body draped over me, pinning me into the mattress and before I can come down from that feeling of desire shooting through every inch of my body, I feel his fangs scrape against my throat and then the feeling of them piercing through, a slight burn as he mates me, the venom that would leave it permanently on my skin, melting into my bloodstream and sending with it a rush of endorphins, body relaxing further under him.
I arch my neck, inviting him in closer and he hums against my skin, lips closing around the puncture marks, there's the slight pressure as he sucks, feeding from me, tongue flicking against the puncture marks, against where his fangs are still in me. And the sensation of him tied to me, joined in ways more than one has my head spinning with the thick fog of pleasure, of ecstasy, feeling connected in every way, feeling our souls merge and burn, feeling drunk on the feeling, lost in it.
His fangs slide out, tongue gently lapping at the wound and sealing it, his lips ruby red when he leans back, eyes swallowing the sight of me whole, searching my face for anything wrong, for any discomfort.
"Are you okay? I didn't hurt you." he asks, voice gentle and low and sweet, considerate and full of warmth.
I shake my head, even as he frowns wiping the tears away.
My fingers unclench from around the sheets, reaching up to hold his wrist.
"Happy tears. Because you all mean so much. Because this feels perfect." I say, feeling my voice thicken with emotions.
His frown vanishes and the bright heart wrenching smile he gives has me becoming soft and feeling almost shy- overcome by the intimate emotion, at the intimate wounding of our hearts and minds and souls.
"Don't go all shy, sweet mate. Or I won't be able to hold the others back from eating you up." Jinnie oppa says, cutting through the thickness with a bit of light hearted amusement but his tone wavers, as if holding back and when my head turns to look at the others, at my mates, I find myself shivering and ducking under the refuge Namjoon oppa's body provides, tugging him onto me- hiding my face into his chest.
"No fair. You can't give me whiplash like that." Tae complains just as Kookie laughs, a delighted giggle- sweet and gentle and keeping those crashing waves at bay.
"You're just needy hyung. Looks like you can't hold back anymore." Kookie teases, rushing to take the space by my side.
And then he leans in to whisper.
"Though I can see why. I can't wait to get my hands on you baby. And when I do, I have no intention of letting go." He promises.
And it's one promise I can't wait to see him fulfil.
Once I can bring myself to ever emerge from the safe protection of Joonie oppa's arms.
And the bright laugh he gives when I hide myself further has me ducking out of sight.
Not happening.
The others will just have to wait a while longer I think as Joonie oppa gladly scoops me close, caging me in and drawing a blanket to hide my body from sight, protectively encircling me with his broad frame. I turn to hide into his chest. Ignoring the whining that comes from three specific mates, lips curving into a smile against his chest.
A little bit of teasing and toying never went amiss.
Especially given how the three relished in the game of waiting and pouncing.
Life is like a rollercoaster ride. You'll have ups and downs, sudden curves and dips that make your stomach plummet and moments where everything turns upside down and we're left struggling to keep a grip, to keep going- hands tightly clutching onto it, and yet when the ride is over often we find that as crazy as it was- let's go again. Another wild ride. And life is full of them!
Borahae! 💜💜💜
PurpleQueenie <3
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